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Thread: What are you reading?

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Highland Park, IL
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    And actually, the 90s Sense and Sensibility is the only Austen adaptation I've ever seen, so no, I haven't seen that Pride and Prejudice adaptation yet, but I hear it's good. That said, is that scene in the book at all? I swear I don't remember anything like that. Not saying it doesn't look like a good movie, I'm just trying to figure out if it's completely added or if my memory is just totally shot. I re-read all of Austen's stuff almost two years ago, so I feel like it's pretty fresh in my memory. Have you seen the Kiera Knightly one? If so, do you have a preference between the two?
    No, the swimming in the pond scene isn’t in the book (an example of my saying that it occasionally strays from the book, although not too much); in the book, Darcy does suddenly appear at Pemberley while Elizabeth is touring it with her Aunt and Uncle, but not half-dressed and hunky like Colin Firth hubba-hubba lol. In Austen’s day, Darcy probably had a powdered wig bleh. Anyway, I’ve seen *several* film adaptations of P&P and the BBC Colin Firth one is my favorite, I HIGHLY recommend it.

    Scholars are fairly certain that Austen’s Pemberley is really Chatsworth:

    It was featured in film versions of P&P which is really cool:

    Note too that in the film adaptation of Helen Fielding’s “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” Mark Darcy is played by ... COLIN FIRTH!!

    Because, of course, Mark Darcy IS Mr. Darcy!!

    The Kiera Knightly one is TERRIBLE, GAH! But, if I see it’s on I’ll watch it anyway because even bad Austen is better than no Austen.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-15-2017 at 12:36 AM.

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