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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1681
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    Pretty good, the weather made me happy!

  2. #1682
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    Volcano erupting on my mum's island in the Caribbean. Thankfully she lives on the safe south side of the the island. Our family are from the red zone around the volcano. Majority of people have been evacuated to safe area. Just have to see what the following days and weeks bring . This year has been shite.

  3. #1683
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    ^ Nature, you scary.

  4. #1684
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    Woke up and got word my cool aunt died overnight. She was supposed to have a few more weeks but cancer's a fucking cunt. She went in a few weeks ago due to weird appetite issues and major pain when eating rich foods. Doctors thought it was something with her gall bladder and scheduled another appointment. This one took X-rays and revealed that she had stage 4 cancer of the liver and gall bladder, lymph nodes had been infected, and her lungs had a ton of spots on them. She started chemo and it was devastating to her.

    Fast forward to last week and her lungs started filling up with fluid. They took her in on Wednesday. The doctors thought that it was a side effect of one of her cancer meds but it turned out the cancer was even more advanced than they thought and everything she was experiencing was due to that. They released her yesterday for home hospice and she apparently died a few hours after getting home. Thankfully, my uncle, my mom, and her other sister were all able to be there she was able to see her black lab Lily one more time.

    I didn't get to say goodbye and I'm not vaccinated so the funeral is out of the question.

    I haven't spoken to my parents in over 3 years because...well, it doesn't matter. That's a rant for another time. Basically, they're shitty, self-centered people who are extremely petty and jealous and are incapable of being supportive or treating me like I'm in my late 30s, not an idiot 11 year old. They don't care about me or anything in my life and would only ask me how things were going so they'd have new opportunities to correct me, tell me how they'd do things differently, and all-around make me feel like I'm not extremely successful despite their best efforts at further fucking up my mental capacities. My mom hasn't had a job in 8 years. She sits around eating garbage and watching reruns of 60s and 70s TV shows and movies all day, every day. She is morbidly obese and refuses to work out or improve her diet in any way. She meddles in the lives of anyone stupid enough to keep her in theirs and is a manipulative drama queen narcissist.

    It makes me so angry this happened to my awesome, sweet, caring aunt and not my piece of shit mom. I'm so fucking sick of this timeline.

  5. #1685
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    I'm so sorry for your loss @klyrish :-(

  6. #1686
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    I'm sorry @klyrish

    I'm just going to say that today has been unreal. It's like if Cronenberg and Linklater teamed up to try to make something hilarious, and I'm Bojack Horseman.

  7. #1687
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    I'm really, really trying to be a positive person. Like where I see the good part to the bad stuff, because it's gotten to be just waaaaaaaaaaay too much for me lately. And that's just not the kind of person I am, I'm a miserable fuck, but I am trying Ringo.

    At this point, my daily routine is waking up and checking to see if there's vaccine appointments available near me, and at this point I finally said ok I'll drive an hour and get it, but nope. Now that they've lowered the restrictions to basically nothing, everything is booked. And.... I guess I seeeeeeeeeeeee the silver lining there, in that it means that a lot of people are getting it... buuuuuuuuuut...

    I waited, I told the truth. They had the age restriction hanging at 65, then 50, and so then I was thinking "ok cool, and now it'll be forty and I'll just run down to the CVS..." but no, they changed it to 16+ now. So now EVERYTHING is booked. Unless I wanna drive three hours to Bakersfield, where they've apparently been having a hard time getting people to actually take it... because Bakersfield. And maybe this belongs in the "Little Things that Piss You Off" thread, but....


  8. #1688
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    I held great hopes for 2021. It just had to be better than 2020, right? Well, in the past 2 months (chronological order):

    Arrested and charged with felony due to fraudulent police report by Amazon driver.
    Mother in law passed away.
    Discovered that I will likely need another surgical procedure on my heart.
    Began extended oral surgery process to replace missing teeth (with bone loss).
    Father passed away.
    Diagnosed with an intestinal disease which will likely require surgery very soon.
    Wife had a stroke.

    Simply too much to process. I feel defeated.

  9. #1689
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    @zero That's really messed up. Hope things somehow get better.

  10. #1690
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    I held great hopes for 2021. It just had to be better than 2020, right? Well, in the past 2 months (chronological order):

    Arrested and charged with felony due to fraudulent police report by Amazon driver.
    Mother in law passed away.
    Discovered that I will likely need another surgical procedure on my heart.
    Began extended oral surgery process to replace missing teeth (with bone loss).
    Father passed away.
    Diagnosed with an intestinal disease which will likely require surgery very soon.
    Wife had a stroke.

    Simply too much to process. I feel defeated.
    Hang in there!

  11. #1691
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    After effects of second COVID vaccine shot are kicking my ass. I had some trouble with the first one but is worse this time. Not a surprise as I don't do well with vaccines. It's rather like chemo after effects. Seems to be amplifying RA issues. I'm not geeting around too well. Going to try food today again. Tried yesterday but it didn't go well. Don't let me put you off from getting vaccine. I"m pretty sure my issues are from mixing vaccine with the exotic drugs I have to take daily. I'll live just feeling like hell since Sunday.

  12. #1692
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    This could be a wee long, but advice would be greatly appreciated.

    My cousin (who has bi-polar) is getting more and more negative by the day. The anger towards things he cannot control is at another level, and his mom and siblings keep their distance now. There can be a lot of fun had, and then one thing does not work perfectly which leads to a huge rant and everyone leaves, like they should.

    His sister will contact him about once a month, but even those talks are shorter and shorter. I've been trying to assist and not give up on him, and I can keep him chill in conversations one on one. He pretty much wakes up, and immediately it's into video games. I've gotten him less reliant on those throughout the day, so it's a start. A friend online had some tech work to do and asked if I wanted to help for a good wage, and he told me to tell my cousin there's another spot to do it. He hesitated and went silent, only coming back into contact to accept the job two weeks later, when we were done days before. Naturally it was my friend's fault.

    Now this past week has seen an even larger change. The conclusions being jumped to are more extreme, even when it does not involve him at all. A website being bought by a larger company immediately meant doom for the site because he knew what was going to happen 100%. The deal still hasn't fully gone through, but the resentment and vitriol was hard to control, but I finally got him down a few levels.

    The other part that is far more concerning is the extreme pathological lying increase. I counted 42 on Saturday night alone, and another 13 the next day. The story would change in the next sentence, or even the same line. When I say something about a movie, for example, he immediately adjusts his opinion to mirror mine. There's obviously a level of sympathy or acceptance, when everyone else closer to him has been pushed away in maximum fashion.

    His fiancée ordered a Blu-ray set off Amazon and one of the discs was blank, which happens in mass production. He sent me the copy of the tantrum he left on the page of the show... and was proud of it. Also pesters the Rock Band game devs about wanting "his music in the games. No one listens to pop."

    I have bi-polar myself, so I do understand where some of this is coming from, but even the psychiatrist is having more roadblocks by him the last few visits. The broken video game controllers was something that the doc tried to get him into a version of anger management, but that was refused immediately because there are video games to play and hide out with. I've gotten him cut back on pot, too, he only heads out at 9 pm now.

    But he's 35 and obviously refuses the professional help, so am I doing too much to assist? I can keep him relaxed the longest out of his "support circle", but the immediate copying of my opinion, etc. is a huge warning sign in my eyes. Indifference grows by the day.

    Whew, that's long enough... sorry to take up all this space.
    Last edited by poinoup; 04-20-2021 at 12:41 PM. Reason: Proper punctuaton.

  13. #1693
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    @poinoup - It's great that you haven't given up on him and you continue trying to help him.

    I think what he might need is a second (or third) opinion. Because, obviously, whatever he has, now, isn't working.

    Something like "anger management" isn't going to work with someone who doesn't even believe he's unjustifiably angry, you know? It's a symptom of something else.

    I don't think you're doing "too much to assist," no. You're probably the only true assistance at this point. Which is sad, because I imagine that's pretty hard on you. He has a disconnection from reality, obviously. The job situation, the pop music, the lying; if it's getting worse and worse, that's concerning. The anger is just a symptom of that; the world isn't conforming to his version of reality. I'm worried that he's going to stray SO far from reality that he's going to have a pretty severe breakdown. Just staying neutral and listening and doing whatever you're doing is the "safe" zone for him, and you. He obviously seems to trust you.

    So sorry this is happening. Very sad.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2021 at 03:24 PM.

  14. #1694
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    Thank you, allegro! I kind of knew I'd get a good piece of advice from you, haha.

  15. #1695
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    Thank you, allegro! I kind of knew I'd get a good piece of advice from you, haha.
    I don’t know if that’s “good advice,” but our family went through something very similar for a long long time, so I can only provide empathy based on that. You’re in my thoughts.

    Don’t do this all on your own; it’s too exhausting and will suck you under and drown you. Get help, yourself, for any stress that it causes you, okay?
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2021 at 03:26 PM.

  16. #1696
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    You bet! I'll make some calls/communications tonight with a few more family members, and try to talk with his good friend too.

  17. #1697
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    @poinoup he almost certainly needs to try some medication and some serious counseling. There's something really going wrong there, and it's well beyond depression or anything like that.

    In my world, I just got done trying to clean up my dog's face, and while I'm glad these treatments are apparently working and the tumor is fading, the whole left side of his face looks like something out of the most extreme horror movie you've ever seen, and it was almost "comically" leaking fluid earlier, like something out of Dead Alive or Re-Animator... and I'm just getting on with this, but I don't know what the right thing to do there is. His tail still wags, and he is still excited about treats.

    In good news, I finally got my vaccination reservation.

  18. #1698
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    Thanks, Jinsai! Here's hoping the best for your pup! Treats are always good!

  19. #1699
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    @poinoup I agree with what everyone has said.

    I'm kind of in the same boat with a co-worker (25) who has serious depression and just let it get worse and worse. She's currently in a day program to get some kind of help, but from what I'm hearing through the grapevine from her roommate is that she's not taking it at all seriously.

    While it's frustrating, you have to also remember there is only so much you can do. That is their life, and if they fuck it up - it's on them. We all need a good kick in the ass to realize where we're at.

  20. #1700
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    @ickyvicky I agree with most of what you're saying, but it's not just their life at a certain point. When people with severe bi-polar problems let it go unchecked and self-medicate, it becomes a huge problem for everyone around them. We really need to de-stigmatize mental illness so that people can get help, start having a reasonable discussion with people who need help, and the people around them can be supportive and try, above all else, to not judge them. They need help... but if they don't get it...

    It depends on the level of problem we're talking about, but this sort of mania can really result in bad things that destroy people.

    I don't think it helps that all these television ads have shiny piano music playing while they warn you about side-effects, like "try this shit, and maybe have trouble swallowing... or coma and death!" but it's where we're at, and people who are spinning out of control like this, especially now, need to know there's just a better option.

  21. #1701
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    @Jinsai Understood. You're right.

  22. #1702
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    In good news, I finally got my vaccination reservation.
    Holy crap, YAY!!!

  23. #1703
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    Not fucked so much as just...weird. I'm boxing up my office for our upcoming move and I keep all of my music in here. I was going through a box (not suitable for moving) of multiple DVD-R/CD-R spindles of bootlegs and came across a package from eatyourblud. He sent me DVD-Rs of Closure, NIN - The Work of Mark Romanek, and NIN in Brisbane 2009 not long before he killed himself. I forgot all about this but the memories of that day all came flooding back. I had a coworker at the time who was here on a work visa and originally from Sydney. I remember stupidly asking him if he knew of any remote places that someone could go to kill themselves without any interference and he of course had no ideas. That was a weird fucking day.

  24. #1704
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    Totally awful.

    Jesus, 10 years ago. R.I.P. Mick.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-22-2021 at 06:28 PM.

  25. #1705
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    It's crazy that was ten years ago... and yeah, that was a really awful thing... We actually originally told each other to fuck off on the board for a while, and then randomly became friends, chatted about stuff. He made me a "happy birthday Jinsai" thread. Then, well... yeah, that was awful. I don't really feel like I know how to put it properly.

  26. #1706
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    Yeah, awful. I remember a weekend when a young girl made a thread in which she said she was going to kill herself. Blud, theruiner and myself saw it and we sort of worked together to convinced her to get help.

    I often think about his kids; I hope they got through this and that they made a good life for themselves.

    I hope you are at peace, Mick,

  27. #1707
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's crazy that was ten years ago... and yeah, that was a really awful thing... We actually originally told each other to fuck off on the board for a while, and then randomly became friends, chatted about stuff. He made me a "happy birthday Jinsai" thread. Then, well... yeah, that was awful. I don't really feel like I know how to put it properly.
    Ha! My relationship with him started similarly. I never interacted with him much but he fucking LIT ME UP after I left positive feedback for someone in his bootleg trading feedback thread for a poster purchase. If I hadn't said it was for a poster purchase nothing would've ever come of it. After some heated DMs back and forth, he did a complete 180 and we became friendly. We chatted with increasingly frequency...almost daily at one point (when our schedules crossed) near the end. He could be brash and abrasive but if he liked you, you were golden. I know something went down on the boards but can't remember all the drama that happened at the time and that's probably for the best.

  28. #1708
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    How fucked was your day?

    i remember when the call for support went out on the board. i sent eatyourblud a card with this image. i think of him and his family from time to time when i look at it.

    i’m so happy ALL of you are here.

  29. #1709
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    Woke up today to an inebriated stranger standing in a corner outside of our house, between our front door & side kitchen window. Banging his head on the walls & mumbling incoherently. He was presumably too drunk to know where he was. It must have been cold overnight because (gross) Spoiler: he hocked up snot & mucus on our house!!?! WTF

    not a fan of cops but i didn’t hesitate to call it in.. they showed up shortly & got him to walk away.
    Creepy shit, definitely not going back to bed this morning.
    Last edited by Soma; 04-25-2021 at 11:31 AM.

  30. #1710
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    This happened on Sunday but it's constant.

    Our pup, a 9-10yo German Shepherd, was really struggling early last week when we had a cold snap and snow storm. I figured it was arthritis, possibly sudden-onset dysplasia, when Brock could barely get up on Monday morning and then struggled immensely to walk out of the bedroom for his morning constitutional. His entire right side was lame and seemed like it was totally asleep given how hard he was struggling.

    And then I noticed he was voluntarily tripoding, keeping his back right leg from touching the ground unless it was absolutely necessary.

    I did a cursory check and his right elbow was massively inflamed with what felt like this new, enormous bony growth. His right hip felt similar: huge bony cone in the joint. Any touches to either leg were met with immediate licks and pushes by his snout to get hands away.

    He's played this game in our backyard where he chases the semi-hourly buses along the entire property line as our 110' fence runs along an extremely busy thoroughfare, barking like crazy when he approaches the property line to scare the buses away. He runs full speed before throwing on the brakes at the last minute to skid to a stop before turning around immediately tearing off in the direction he came, barking and warning any other buses of his presence. And thank God we got him. We haven't had a single bus attack since his adoption.

    But 6 years of that has gotten the behavior completely ingrained. He can't not be on guard and on duty 100% of the time we let him out. I assumed this was going to lead to problems down the line as he can't not give it all every chase.

    Anyway, the week went on. I did some research on dysplasia and we got him some aspirin because he is highly allergic to Ibuprofen derivatives. We got him on Rovera last year and didn't realize until two months in that the allergic reaction he was having around his mouth and on his neck that he kept itching to the point of huge, oozing wounds was caused by the Rovera.

    We only gave him 5x 325mg pills over the course of 3 days and within that time, it caused gastric distress and stomach bleeding.

    We finally got an appointment at the closest VCA location on Sunday afternoon and they gave us the awesome news: his right ACL is partially torn.

    He's on post-surgery recovery orders: no walks, only outside to pee/poop, and then rest, rest, rest. He's on prednisone for inflammation and gabapentin for pain relief and both seem to be helping but once yesterday and twice today, we let him out to pee. I pay very close attention to the bus schedule because it's gotten to the point where he wouldn't pee or poop until he got a bus, even if he hadn't been outside in 8 hours. He's gotten better about it since being injured but still couldn't just let the buses go by. It was partially my fault for not checking down the street (we can see like 2 miles to the north looking that way from the fence) but it was well after the times the bus should've gone by but was late.

    I am terrified he's going to tear his ACL completely because he can't just relax and be calm and if he does, I have no faith he won't tear it again almost immediately after it heals and this isn't a surgery I can go through multiple times. The first dog I remember having (also a GSD), tore her ACL, had the surgery, and 2 days after she was "recovered," tore it again.

    And the best part is that we're trying to sell our house so tomorrow, we have to figure out what to do with a dog who can't really move for 3 hours while photos are being taken and we can't be in the house.

    I'm so fucking sick of every goddamned motherfucking piece of shit day having more bullshit to pile on.

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