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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1201
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    ^ugh, we had had that a few years ago in our newly-remodeled kitchen. Lots of our neighbors did, too. One neighbor had thousands of dollars in ceiling plaster damage. Ice dams. We now use a roof rake to remove excess snow when we get a lot of snow buildup on the roof.

  2. #1202
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    ^ugh, we had had that a few years ago in our newly-remodeled kitchen. Lots of our neighbors did, too. One neighbor had thousands of dollars in ceiling plaster damage. Ice dams. We now use a roof rake to remove excess snow when we get a lot of snow buildup on the roof.
    if i could get onto the roof, i would go up there and break up the gigantic ice wall that has formed just above the windows. with the sun out, it just keeps getting worse. my property management company told me they would get someone out here but nothing has happened yet. i can't go anywhere or the water is going to end up everywhere and probably fuck up our downstairs neighbor's guest room.

  3. #1203
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    if i could get onto the roof, i would go up there and break up the gigantic ice wall that has formed just above the windows. with the sun out, it just keeps getting worse. my property management company told me they would get someone out here but nothing has happened yet. i can't go anywhere or the water is going to end up everywhere and probably fuck up our downstairs neighbor's guest room.
    Yeah, I hear ya, this much snow buildup on a roof really sucks. People report that taking pantyhose and putting salt in them, like the kind you put on a sidewalk, and placing them sideways across the ice on the roof helps to create paths for the ice to melt. It all comes down to inadequate attic ventilation, too much snow, etc. We had water running in around the ceiling and windows like a faucet for, like, DAYS. The guy who fixed our plaster said he did another repair job where an entire FLOOR collapsed so then we didn’t whine too much.

    My husband has been out there twice with a roof rake so far, and we are getting a new roof with new gutters, downspouts, and new insulation and attic ventilation this spring; the whole system is over 20 years old, so it’s time. Ugh.

    Edit: this guy says forget the pantyhose, just put the salt right on the damned roof:

    Edit: do you guys have renter’s insurance? This type of thing is usually covered under insurance. In our case, the “damage” was more of a pain in the ass, and less than our deductible.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2018 at 12:19 PM.

  4. #1204
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yeah, I hear ya, this much snow buildup on a roof really sucks. People report that taking pantyhose and putting salt in them, like the kind you put on a sidewalk, and placing them sideways across the ice on the roof helps to create paths for the ice to melt. It all comes down to inadequate attic ventilation, too much snow, etc. We had water running in around the ceiling and windows like a faucet for, like, DAYS. The guy who fixed our plaster said he did another repair job where an entire FLOOR collapsed so then we didn’t whine too much.

    My husband has been out there twice with a roof rake so far, and we are getting a new roof with new gutters, downspouts, and new insulation and attic ventilation this spring; the whole system is over 20 years old, so it’s time. Ugh.

    Edit: this guy says forget the pantyhose, just put the salt right on the damned roof:

    Edit: do you guys have renter’s insurance? This type of thing is usually covered under insurance. In our case, the “damage” was more of a pain in the ass, and less than our deductible.
    we do have renters insurance. my main concern is that i actually have to work on wednesday so that if they don't come tomorrow, it's going to cause damage to more than just the windowframes. it keeps getting worse and i keep having to empty the containers more often. i feel completely stuck here and i don't do well on days when i'm stuck at home by myself, so on top of feeling low, the leaking is making me super panicky.

  5. #1205
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    we do have renters insurance. my main concern is that i actually have to work on wednesday so that if they don't come tomorrow, it's going to cause damage to more than just the windowframes. it keeps getting worse and i keep having to empty the containers more often. i feel completely stuck here and i don't do well on days when i'm stuck at home by myself, so on top of feeling low, the leaking is making me super panicky.
    I hear ya; for what it's worth, as awful as the whole thing is, panic and anxiety aside, there's not a whole hell of a lot you can do at this point other than collect the water; once the ice is there, breaking it up just damages the roof. What you CAN do is just put something like a tarp on the floor to protect the hardwood (although that's probably more your LANDLORD's problem than YOURS) and then put every crappy towel you own (and maybe even every good towel) on that tarp to collect water. Forget worrying about your neighbors below, they probably already have water and if they don't, they will, it's inevitable. You can't fight water. The only thing you can do it try to manage it. With towels. Lots and lots of towels.

    During that last REALLY bad rainy season we had up here in the north shore, we had SO MUCH hydrostatic pressure against our foundation, there was water leaking in through tiny little cracks; every basement foundation has cracks, because the earth moves. When you put literally THOUSANDS of pounds of hydrostatic pressure up against a house foundation from 3 feet of rainfall in two days, well, we can't fight Mother Nature. The GRAND CANYON was created by water. I went and bought, like TWO DOZEN shitty towels on Amazon and just carefully stacked them up and let them do their job. Like, honest, THIRTY freaking towels up against water coming in through my foundation walls, and I kept putting them into the washer and spinning them out and drying them, then again and again. And I prayed to whatever Gods would listen that it wouldn't get worse. We have a friggin' PIANO downstairs ugh.

    Once it all passes, just put all the wet towels into a washing machine and you're done. But all you can do is stop the water from going farther than the window; you can't stop the water from coming in, it's just going to do what it does until all that ice melts, it just sucks. It WILL stop, eventually, so just use as many towels as you can and let towels do the job. Or blankets, or even get some of these at Home Depot if you have to. Don't worry, it'll all work out, this shit just happens when we get like SIXTEEN INCHES of snow in a short period of time.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2018 at 02:15 PM.

  6. #1206
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    This was on Saturday but I lost my job, I should be okay as long as I don't stay out of work for too long. I look at it as an opportunity to maybe do something different, or to expand my horizons.

    I just posted this 20 minutes ago and I got a job already its not a great job but it will cover the bills until I find something better, and will still allow me to buy the rest of those Definitive editions when they are available because I put myself on a buying freeze after Saturday.
    Last edited by Sister Midnight; 02-12-2018 at 05:57 PM.

  7. #1207
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    someone from the property management company finally came by (a guy from the sales department, because he was the first guy i talked to on sunday night, and he felt bad that this still hadn't been handled) and basically said this should have been dealt with immediately by someone just going up on the roof and clearing the ice & snow away from the area. he also said that when they have to fix this, he doesn't see how we'd be able to be living i guess we're fucking moving.

  8. #1208
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    He’s right, it is much better to take preventive measures by clearing the snow before it turns to solid ice. Ice dams are very serious and should be taken very seriously. I think he’s being a tad dramatic about the unit being uninhabitable while fixing it, but whatever.

  9. #1209
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    so...the water has mostly stopped? i almost don't know what to do with myself. they're still having someone come out tomorrow at noon to go up on the roof and check it out, but at least i won't have to stay here all day again.

  10. #1210
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    my best friend of 30 years is coming home this weekend. we've been going back and forth on high school memories. i sent him a text about how crazy we were, partying, cross-dressing, getting wasted, having orgies ....

    but i sent it to MY MOM.

    ... and i called her immediately. she just laughed.

    jeez, i really love my mom.

  11. #1211
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    1. wake up (with a terrible headache in my left eye) and go to the bathroom; the toilet won't flush. takes three attempts with a plunger.

    2. line at the post office is 8 people long, with one person working the counter. wait 20 minutes to mail a record.

    3. almost get in a car accident on the way to trader joe's because the other person is staring down at their phone.

    4. treat myself to a chai after a rough start to the day, which i manage to spill all over my coat when i slip on some ice at my parents' house while also carrying my computer backpack and my heavy bag of groceries; i fell on my hip (which got bruised) & my hand (which got cut)

    5. protools won't open on my computer and i'm there to work on music. attempt troubleshooting methods described online to no avail. two system restarts and it finally works.

    6. try to "take care of myself" to relax, and fail. headache gets way worse.

    7. get home and all the way up the stairs, and my key to the apartment door breaks off in the lock (i was not even remotely forcing it). thankfully i have a set of keys for the back entrance, since i have those groceries that need to get into the fridge.

    what the fuck is happening today? i'm really fucking glad i have therapy in 20 minutes.

  12. #1212
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    really shitty day, trying to tighten the budget so went through my iPad and iPod, which is a bitch to find in the first place, ton of quote UN-quote "games" are actually subscriptions, second some you can't cancel! bullshit! then to i get get the message " cannot enable i cloud library. god these fuckers have me pissed. first world problems i know.

  13. #1213
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    The trolls sometimes return in new forms....GET OUT OF HERE EMPIRE!

  14. #1214
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    I’m gonna try to keep this one direct, which is the opposite of my current brain activity coming from the events of the day. I don’t have the energy, or the composure. Mostly I’m feeling disbelief today, complete outrage in close 2nd (and probably something very ugly in 3rd), and somehow I rode close to 30 miles on my bike today (disappearing was necessary, as you’ll learn). Barely any satisfaction there. Purely therapy.

    I’m currently living with my mom, her husband (in his house), and two of his sons. My grandma had a massive stroke a few days ago. Her brain is being pressed to one side of her skull by the other side of her brain bleeding out. She’s still *here*, but she’s basically in a coma, and she’s not going to make it (her terms are not to keep her alive under her current health conditions, so it’s morphine and Ativan only). She could slip away at any moment. My mom and my aunt stayed the night with my grandma in her Memory Care room (she’d been staying there before the stroke), and they’re still there right now with her. At least one of them will stay the night again. I didn’t go to my grandma today, but I did on the day she was taken to the hospital, staying the whole day with her, and I did most of yesterday as well.

    I am processing and coping...trying to, as best as I know how, from experience. But it’s not why I’m here.

    I’ll leave out all the filler albeit relevant stuff that happened from the moment both my mom’s husband and I found out about my grandma (again, a few days ago) Some kind of shit I’d hear in a messed up dream.

    Should I preface with anything though? How about how my mom’s husband is a Christian? No...that isn’t necessarily right of me bring up in connection to any of this. It’s nothing.

    Here, you tell me.

    I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning over some breakfast with my mom’s husband and his youngest son, who asked “How’s [my grandma’s name]?”. I’d already taken a bite of my cheese bagel sandwich when he asked, still looking down at the plate, then there was a small pause, before my mom’s husband said from behind me:


    [some other BS I completely forget]

    “I’m just waiting to hear she is gone.”


    (In the same tough guy, matter-of-fact tone of voice he always, always has, like as if he’s wanting to provoke a strong reaction from you, or just shut you up. How he says things plays a gigantic part in this.)


    Where in your fucking mind is it OK to forgo that my grandma inevitably means infinitely more to me than she does to you, and not filter what your mind is thinking when I’M SITTING RIGHT THERE?!? YOU FUCKING FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just froze in my seat while finishing eating what little was left to, then I swiftly left the room.


    I cannot believe he sets that example for his 20 year-old son (who just kinda sat there silent in hearing any of it). I am sickened.

    There is SOOOO much more I could say about this schmuck (and his conduct over my grandma’s situation), in the 4 years it’s been since my mom re-married (since my dad passed)... I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do with this information. It’ll come out if or when appropriate though, you can believe that. I shouldn’t have to be the only one in my family exposed to this fuckwit’s flagrant behavior. Quite honestly, he is truly hardly anything like the man my dad was, and my mom has elaborated on some stuff about her current marriage with the guy, on top of witnessing what I have (or pick up on), and I’m extremely disheartened over it all lately. It’s like I could’ve guessed some things about their relationship from what I’d seen before, but I didn’t wanna “go there” in my mind.

    This just bolted the already-sealed deal in that I’m gonna move back to Ohio. I can’t be around family and pieces of shit for “family” at this time in my life. Nope. I was all wrong. Now everything is coming into clear focus about him, to me. I’m like, in my mind, “Who the fuck are you anyway?” Because if this is it, I’d be completely fine and overjoyed to never see this guy again. He can kiss my fuzzy ass goodbye.

    Side story pieces...

    Should anyone with a driving record be interested in moving from state to state, be in the know ahead of time about any ways the new state may look about your traffic dings differently. It may be the same, or go better in your favor, or, unfortunately like in my case, Arizona looks at my one traffic charge as carrying 2 points, even though in Ohio it carries 0. It’s as if I didn’t pay my lawyer to fight the original charge, or as if we lost the case... I don’t wanna go into more legal battles to fix this. Just no. Paying a lawyer once was a big deal for me.

    I support a state being completely No Tolerance, like Arizona (?), but I find it pretty unethical to essentially round up a convicted traffic charge from a different state.

    I’ve faxed my proof of car insurance to the Ohio BMV. I’m gonna follow up tomorrow and then they’re gonna send me an Ohio Drivers License to replace my Ohio State ID. Then I’m gonna drive across the country with my two cats.
    Last edited by Amaro; 03-13-2018 at 03:59 AM.

  15. #1215
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    @Amaro i'm so sorry, dude. for all of it. hope your situation improves and i'm glad you're being proactive about it. wish you could take your grandma with you.

  16. #1216
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    My beloved husky friend, my son, Jack Palance-Swickard has left this world. He was too good for it.

    2005-March 27, 2018

    I will miss him more than I could ever express. I am just shattered. Had a lot of other heinous shit going on too so the timing of this was horrific.

    He was so scared. With my other dog, almost 5 years ago now, his mind was gone so he had no idea. Jack’s body is what was broken so he knew. He knew. I couldn’t do anything but hold him, sobbing apologies and telling him I loved him.

  17. #1217
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    @Swykk , I am so sad to hear that, my sincerest condolences. He is at peace, now, and will always love you.

  18. #1218
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    My condolences. Just reading that made me tear up.

    My cat is trying to be spry and all but she's just too old so it's rough watching do something as simple as try to stand up or lay down. So she basically sits in front of the floor heater all the time unless it's particularly sunny out. We've had her since August 2001 so it's been a long time. It's also going to be rough on my son, and I'm not ready for that. The best I can hope for is that she makes it a couple more months to summer and he can have the summer to grieve.

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    I'm so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for Jack, including the hardest thing there is: accompanying him in his crossing over. He felt the love you have for him and he loves you too.

    Rest in peace, sweet Jack. Run free over the Bridge until you are reunited with your human family.

  20. #1220
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    @Swykk - My heart goes out to you.

  21. #1221
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    Cancer is back. I get the lowdown on the biopsy tomorrow. I'm prepared for bad or really bad news. Hoping for just bad.

  22. #1222
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient View Post
    Cancer is back. I get the lowdown on the biopsy tomorrow. I'm prepared for bad or really bad news. Hoping for just bad.
    I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope the news was better than you expected.

  23. #1223
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    I just found out that a friend of mine is on his death bed, and I'm dropping everything to visit him in the hospital. I've been living in a kind of whirlwind lately while my life has been shifting crazily, and I hadn't been keeping up... I didn't hear that he was put into a medically induced coma, and that he's just sitting in the hospital by himself now with a death sentence hanging over his head. Oh man... this is awful.

  24. #1224
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    Sorry to hear and it’s good you’re going to see him.

  25. #1225
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    I am so sorry, @Jinsai . I think he will sense that you are there, with him and that it will bring him comfort.

  26. #1226
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I just found out that a friend of mine is on his death bed, and I'm dropping everything to visit him in the hospital. I've been living in a kind of whirlwind lately while my life has been shifting crazily, and I hadn't been keeping up... I didn't hear that he was put into a medically induced coma, and that he's just sitting in the hospital by himself now with a death sentence hanging over his head. Oh man... this is awful.
    That is terrible, I am sorry to hear about your friend. I feel for you. I am going through the same thing today.
    My friend passed away from stomach and nerve cancer, he was only 27 years old. I literally broke down in tears and cried. Even though we live in different states we would talk every day. I seemed to relate to him more than anyone else, I could talk to him about anything. I am just sad he is no longer here. But he isn't in pain anymore. I will miss him every day.

  27. #1227
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    I just find it ironic that the same people who posted threads about kindness at Stephen King's forum were the same jerks who never replied to any of my threads. What a bunch of hypocrites!! I'm done with that website. I have better things to do with my time. I just joined Bloody Disgusting. I named myself after a female guitarist since my first name was already taken.

  28. #1228
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    Our IKEA shelving is finally dying at an accelerated rate and decided to try and crush some CDs...

    On the bright side, that media shelving will now match the one storing vinyl... cinder block and 1" thick planks...

  29. #1229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    I just find it ironic that the same people who posted threads about kindness at Stephen King's forum were the same jerks who never replied to any of my threads. What a bunch of hypocrites!! I'm done with that website. I have better things to do with my time. I just joined Bloody Disgusting. I named myself after a female guitarist since my first name was already taken.
    people on here try to interact with you all the time and you never respond to them, so maybe the problem is you?

  30. #1230
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    Myalgia on my shoulder blade. Most of my right arm is out. Gah.

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