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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1021
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    Very sorry to hear that, @BRoswell

  2. #1022
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    This is a minor one but my deluxe edition of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness? Every disc is fucking scratched.

    I've only ever taken the discs out once to rip them when I got the thing and at the time I thought 320kbps AAC was good enough. I decided I wanted to slowly re-rip all of my iTunes library into Apple Lossless and got to disc 4 and iTunes started struggling to rip the last few songs. When it succeeded I played them back and they were full of skips. Managed to get a got rip via EAC. Went onto the next disc, same problem. I took all the discs out of the boxset and all of them have scratches, mostly minor but a few deep ones right at the edges.

    Thanks for using putting the CDs in a shitty cardboard case for a deluxe edition that cost like AUD$200. The DVD has scratches too i've not got time to watch it but i'll bet that's gonna have skips or glitches in it to if I get around to it.

  3. #1023
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disassociative View Post
    This is a minor one but my deluxe edition of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness? Every disc is fucking scratched.

    I've only ever taken the discs out once to rip them when I got the thing and at the time I thought 320kbps AAC was good enough. I decided I wanted to slowly re-rip all of my iTunes library into Apple Lossless and got to disc 4 and iTunes started struggling to rip the last few songs. When it succeeded I played them back and they were full of skips. Managed to get a got rip via EAC. Went onto the next disc, same problem. I took all the discs out of the boxset and all of them have scratches, mostly minor but a few deep ones right at the edges.

    Thanks for using putting the CDs in a shitty cardboard case for a deluxe edition that cost like AUD$200. The DVD has scratches too i've not got time to watch it but i'll bet that's gonna have skips or glitches in it to if I get around to it.

    Holy shit. ):

    As that's one of my favorite albums of all-time, my heart bleeds for you right now.

    And now I'm filled with paranoia and an urge to run back home to check on the state of my box set.

    On my side of the fence:

    My SO fosters cats who go up for adoption because she's a wonderful human being. A few months back she took in a pregnant one who needed a place to give birth; the result was eight kittens who we fell in love with and didn't want to let go of. They all got good homes.

    As difficult and trying an experience as that was (eight kittens + the mom + the two she already had in a one-bedroom apartment), she made the decision to not foster another pregnant cat, and a month back took in another one, named Iris, who we were told had been fixed.


    We figured she just had something of a droopy gut, but there you go. Didn't even look pregnant. She was woken up this morning by the sound of kittens mewling (two this time) and the sight of Iris starting to throw them around...attempting to kill them.

    So, yeah, I made a detour from going to work to pick up a hot water bottle and bring it back to her place to keep them warm because this cat's an infanticidal deadbeat mother.

  4. #1024
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disassociative View Post
    This is a minor one but my deluxe edition of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness? Every disc is fucking scratched.

    I've only ever taken the discs out once to rip them when I got the thing and at the time I thought 320kbps AAC was good enough. I decided I wanted to slowly re-rip all of my iTunes library into Apple Lossless and got to disc 4 and iTunes started struggling to rip the last few songs. When it succeeded I played them back and they were full of skips. Managed to get a got rip via EAC. Went onto the next disc, same problem. I took all the discs out of the boxset and all of them have scratches, mostly minor but a few deep ones right at the edges.

    Thanks for using putting the CDs in a shitty cardboard case for a deluxe edition that cost like AUD$200. The DVD has scratches too i've not got time to watch it but i'll bet that's gonna have skips or glitches in it to if I get around to it.
    I feel you. I bought a box set a few months ago and took the discs out to rip and just that one action put several minor scratches on them. Is there a standard for materials that they've gone lax on?

  5. #1025
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    Girl at work is drop dead gorgeous and flirts hardcore every time I'm there. Totally seemed dtf.

    today I find out she has a boyfriend. And she lives with him.


  6. #1026
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Every single one of the four kittens died one by one over the last week up to this morning.

    Fucking hell.

  7. #1027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Every single one of the four kittens died one by one over the last week up to this morning.

    Fucking hell.
    that's fucking ruff in the jungle business man. I'm sorry.

    Today, i woke up and realized that Donald Trump, who was elected with the help of RUSSIA, will be sworn in as PRESIDENT in like 36 hours.

    Brace for the G's, everybody.

  8. #1028
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Every single one of the four kittens died one by one over the last week up to this morning.

    Fucking hell.
    Shit. I'm sorry, man.

  9. #1029
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    Thanks. It was to be expected, I guess. One of the four was very small and didn't last more than two days.

    I suppose that was the reason she tried to kill them; they might have smelled sick. She's much too young to be giving birth.

  10. #1030
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    I'm so sorry, @Shadaloo .

  11. #1031
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    i pulled something on the ride side of my neck down into my shoulder on sunday morning sitting up in bed, and i have been largely immobile since. thankfully my wife had the day off yesterday to help take care of me, but she had to go in today, and my dad needed me to help him with work. it was rough. i can barely turn my head, i have limited use of my right (dominant) arm, and i hurt myself more than i had been hurting before with how much moving around i had to do. i just got home and i feel fucking miserable. we're supposed to run P.O.S. wiring for a new restaurant this week, which i am completely incapable of doing at the moment.

    also, the remedies i have tried include - hot packs, ice packs, traumeel (ointment), advil, aleve, hydrocodone, and good old matzoh ball soup. nothing seems to dull the pain or improve my range of motion.

  12. #1032
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    All this talk about Alzeimer's....... My mom was recently diagnosed - she's been having symptoms for a few years now, finally admitting that she is having memory issues, taking some med patch which helps a little. However, she has falling down - blacked out a couple of times which freaks me out. My Dad is a bit warn out from dealing with her - her paranoia is mild compared to @Mantra 's grandmum. My mom's personality is still shining through, but she bullies my dad in that late afternoon too.

    It's going to be a long road trying to get her to a safe spot - my Dad can not do it alone. It'll kill him. Does not help that my brothers and I all live far from them.

    Thank god my Dad saved every dime he ever earned.

  13. #1033
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    i was running wires on a job site today and, unknown to me, one of the circuit breaker panels was a) active and b) not covered. well, my metal fishtape found its way right onto the hot side of the panel and shocked me pretty good while i was halfway up in the ceiling, which almost caused me to fall off my ladder. it made a spark and a bang and there was smoke and i barely made it down ok. when i got to the ground, i could feel myself buzzing and i almost passed out and i almost threw up, but managed to keep it together. but i could feel myself tingling for about twenty minutes afterwards. it was pretty fucking terrifying. makes me glad i work with low-voltage and am not an actual electrician.

  14. #1034
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    The last few days have been fine. But I've been a mess internally. A person I really care about might have cancer. Official results come in on Wednesday. I'm absolutely terrified.

  15. #1035
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    Took one of my dogs to the vet today after discovering a tumor on the side of his chest... I was assuming they'd just brush it off and tell me it's benign and I have nothing to worry about. Instead, Charlie's going in for anesthesia and surgery on Monday, and I feel so bad for him. He was terrified at the vet today... when the doctor came over and called his name he yelped and wrapped himself around my leg. The whole day today since he's been acting gloomy and sad. I bought him some new treats and a couple toys and he ignored them.

    My dogs are my best friends. This is...

    EDIT: also, to anyone who might be friends with me on social media, please don't bring this up there. I'm avoiding informing my younger brother until after the surgery, because I know how he is, and he'd start freaking out and fretting constantly.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-03-2017 at 11:20 PM.

  16. #1036
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    Today has been very rough... My poor dog.

    He comes home from the surgery whimpering, and then just collapses on the floor. He remains pretty much unresponsive for 4 hours, at which point we call up the doctor, and have her make an emergency trip... put him on a board and carry him to the car because he can't stand without wailing. Carry him out of the car, and then... suddenly he's freaking out and walking...

    The vet suggested it was the adrenaline of being back at the vet, especially if he doesn't like the place (and he doesn't). When we brought him back home, he whimpered and collapsed onto his bed pillow.

    I'm monitoring him, but I don't want to wake him up. He's really confused, depressed, and scared right now. I had to put a t-shirt on him to keep his brother from messing with the stitches from where they removed the tumor.

    I wish I could do something nice for him....

  17. #1037
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Today has been very rough... My poor dog.

    He comes home from the surgery whimpering, and then just collapses on the floor. He remains pretty much unresponsive for 4 hours, at which point we call up the doctor, and have her make an emergency trip... put him on a board and carry him to the car because he can't stand without wailing. Carry him out of the car, and then... suddenly he's freaking out and walking...

    The vet suggested it was the adrenaline of being back at the vet, especially if he doesn't like the place (and he doesn't). When we brought him back home, he whimpered and collapsed onto his bed pillow.

    I'm monitoring him, but I don't want to wake him up. He's really confused, depressed, and scared right now. I had to put a t-shirt on him to keep his brother from messing with the stitches from where they removed the tumor.

    I wish I could do something nice for him....
    i think just being with him and petting him gently would help. my mom's a dog massage therapist but since she lives here in chicago, i can't offer her services.

  18. #1038
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    What @eversonpoe said. And, of course, talk to him. Hearing your voice will reassure him. Also: pets usually hate the smell of the vet office so being home on his own bed pillow, with his brother and you, surrounded by familiar sounds and smells will help him.

    The best of luck to all of you!

  19. #1039
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    and holy shit... my computer broke. Heading down to the apple store, and oh my god... if they cannot fix this...

    Edit: they fixed it. Crisis averted, hard drive now backed up twice locally and once on the cloud. F'n hell...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-28-2017 at 11:17 PM.

  20. #1040
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    Retina detached again. Eye too full of blood for doctor to determine how bad. FML.

  21. #1041
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    and holy shit... my computer broke. Heading down to the apple store, and oh my god... if they cannot fix this...

    Edit: they fixed it. Crisis averted, hard drive now backed up twice locally and once on the cloud. F'n hell...
    I really need to do this. My drive on my old Mac died last year with all these all photos. I kept the drive and eventually have to find someone to bring it back to life. I wan't those photos.

    And cramps. >:|

  22. #1042
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    Oh fuck... my poor dog is dying. Oh god...

    I'm crying and hugging him, and he looks at me like "fuck you, I thought you were god, I thought you'd fix this"
    and I can't...

    I can't do shit.... he'll just suffer more and more until one day he wakes upped. Oh fuck....

    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-27-2017 at 11:56 PM.

  23. #1043
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Oh fuck... my poor dog is dying. Oh god...

    I'm crying and hugging him, and he looks at me like "fuck you, I thought you were god, I thought you'd fix this"
    and I can't...

    I can't do shit.... he'll just suffer more and more until one day he wakes upped. Oh fuck....

    I'm so sorry, @Jinsai . Much love to you and your little one. Hold him close while you can. Mine is 13, and I know I'll have to go through this before long. We're here for you.

  24. #1044
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    I'm so sorry, @Jinsai. Much love to you and your little one. Hold him close while you can. Mine is 13, and I know I'll have to go through this before long. We're here for you.
    Thank you... it's just so unexpected. He's only 7...

  25. #1045
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    @Jinsai I believe your dog knows you tried everything to help him. And you're still helping him by being there for him right now.

    I am so sorry for the both of you. And yes, FUCK YOU, CANCER.

  26. #1046
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    @Jinsai I believe your dog knows you tried everything to help him. And you're still helping him by being there for him right now.

    I am so sorry for the both of you. And yes, FUCK YOU, CANCER.
    Thank you... This has been incredibly hard. I picked him up from the doctor, and he's in shock but cheering up.

    I asked the doctor if there was anything I could do. He gave me this sinister look and said "If he likes cheeseburgers, give him a cheeseburger. If he likes to walk on the beach, take him to the beach. If you think he loves you, love him back. That's really all you can do. Normally, no people food is the rule, but... that won't beat him to the finish line here. Make him happy and make him feel loved."

    I gotta stop crying...

  27. #1047
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    oh, @Jinsai ... i'm so sorry. a serious *hug* sent your way.

  28. #1048
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    I'm very sorry, @Jinsai . I treat my dogs like they're family. My buddy Jack is 12, and he's a husky, so I know time is a factor.

    Speaking of which, my grandfather died about three hours ago. I was there though he was all but gone when I saw him. I didn't say anything to him because of that. The last time I spoke to him was Father's Day. It was nice so at least I can reflect on that.

    I was not expecting this. I was expecting to hear my friend passed any minute now. He's at the end of his battle with cancer. So I'll likely be at two funerals this year...probably this month.

    This is the worst fucking timeline.

  29. #1049
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    We're mutually unhappy on many parallel levels. Let's hang in there.

  30. #1050
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    Very sorry man. Hope you're okay.

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