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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #901
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    The last 16 hours have been horrible. I'm very upset. I applied to adopt a husky (already have one, and I trained him well), and got him. I was so excited. They brought him over last night and he had lots of energy, of course. The site said he was 1 year old plus...the paperwork I got said 10 months. Red flag but not major so I thought I'll give this time. The lady who brought him left and he became very difficult to say the least. Had his own food so when he went to eat my Jack's food I told him no and he shows his teeth! I gently grab his collar to pull him away because I don't want him to get sick eating new food and he snarls and takes a bite at me, which I dodged. I've NEVER EVER had a dog do this. I consider myself a dog person. I've trained two and helped train a third. So I let him eat and then put him in the kennel I had so everyone can chill out. As soon as I let him out he started harassing Jack, who while he wasn't having it did not respond with the same aggression.

    Eventually, I decide this dog doesn't fit. I'm devastated. Still am. I put him in the kennel later so we can go to bed and I got like zero sleep. Not because of him but because I am so disappointed that apparently I am not as good with dogs as I thought, I also don't have the time and energy I did a decade ago when I got Jack. This morning I called the place and took him back. They said I was his first home and they didn't know about his aggressiveness, but that they'd train it out. They were understanding mostly.

    But I still feel like shit. I haven't slept. I'm at a tire place now because I was in Chicago Monday night and ran over a glass bottle parking and on Thursday, my check air light started going off. After this, I should probably just grocery shop since it's snowing like crazy here and it's only going to get worse.

    I haven't been doing well mentally lately and these last hours have compounded my bad feelings greatly. I'm depressed, embarrassed, disappointed and beat. Just fucking defeated. Needed to vent. Sorry for the novel.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-21-2015 at 09:31 AM.

  2. #902
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    The last 16 hours have been horrible. I'm very upset. I applied to adopt a husky (already have one, and I trained him well), and got him. I was so excited. They brought him over last night and he had lots of energy, of course. The site said he was 1 year old plus...the paperwork I got said 10 months. Red flag but not major so I thought I'll give this time. The lady who brought him left and he became very difficult to say the least. Had his own food so when he went to eat my Jack's food I told him no and he shows his teeth! I gently grab his collar to pull him away because I don't want him to get sick eating new food and he snarls and takes a bite at me, which I dodged. I've NEVER EVER had a dog do this. I consider myself a dog person. I've trained two and helped train a third. So I let him eat and then put him in the kennel I had so everyone can chill out. As soon as I let him out he started harassing Jack, who while he wasn't having it did not respond with the same aggression.

    Eventually, I decide this dog doesn't fit. I'm devastated. Still am. I put him in the kennel later so we can go to bed and I got like zero sleep. Not because of him but because I am so disappointed that apparently I am not as good with dogs as I thought, I also don't have the time and energy I did a decade ago when I got Jack. This morning I called the place and took him back. They said I was his first home and they didn't know about his aggressiveness, but that they'd train it out. They were understanding mostly.

    But I still feel like shit. I haven't slept. I'm at a tire place now because I was in Chicago Monday night and ran over a glass bottle parking and on Thursday, my check air light started going off. After this, I should probably just grocery shop since it's snowing like crazy here and it's only going to get worse.

    I haven't been doing well mentally lately and these last hours have compounded my bad feelings greatly. I'm depressed, embarrassed, disappointed and beat. Just fucking defeated. Needed to vent. Sorry for the novel.
    It's really hard dealing with a dog, let alone a puppy (10 mos is still a puppy), who I assume has been at a shelter. They're already stressed out, it's a new environment, he's with a new person, a new dog, it's very stressful, and a lot of times these animals have not received much (or any) training, integration or interaction with other animals, socialization, etc. So they show what seems to be aggression but it's just fear. And it takes a LOT of patience and time, something a lot of people just don't have. It's not your fault, hopefully he'll find a forever home, as you probably know, Huskies can be a difficult breed at that age and sometimes require a lot of patience, time and socialization training. He has probably also been around a lot of females at the shelter and very few males; I don't think it's aggression, it's just fear and somebody has to train that dog properly for his breed but nobody at the facility has taken the time, not to mention that he probably needs a lot more physical activity than he has been getting. Ugh. Anyway, I hope it works out for that dog but you absolutely did the best thing for you and your dog at this point. Don't take it too personally, it's not you or your dog skills; it's just the wrong dog for you, your environment and your dog.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-21-2015 at 11:46 AM.

  3. #903
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    One of my closest friends died yesterday. Can't think about it... can't think about it... can't think about it.

  4. #904
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    One of my closest friends died yesterday. Can't think about it... can't think about it... can't think about it.
    So sorry, Miss B

  5. #905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Last night I discovered a bad ingrown hair around my pubes. Today, the pain is excruciating. I feel like a crab is holding on for dear life to the skin above my dick.
    Update on your dick Ryan?

  6. #906
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    Miss Baphomette friends dying sucks. Its terrible. If you need to talk, hit up my inbox. I know all about losing friends.

    on a much lighter note, i am very curious as to the pube issue.

  7. #907
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Update on your dick Ryan?
    Dick is back to its proper working order.

  8. #908
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    I lost control of my car and spun out through two lanes before ending up in the ditch. Thankfully I didn't hit anybody and was not harmed. Fuck snow.

  9. #909
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    Get good snow tires (even with a fwd car) and slooooooow doooooown, dude.

  10. #910
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    One of my closest friends died yesterday. Can't think about it... can't think about it... can't think about it.
    So sorry.......

  11. #911
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    So sorry.......
    Thank you. It was the friend I'd mentioned awhile back who was fighting cancer.

    Funeral was today. Fucking brutal. One thing that did make me smile - the service was standing room only, with a huge overflow in the lobby and outside. Oh, and a herd of deer made an appearance right before it started, too.

    That's him with his beautiful, awesome family last Xmas. He was awesome.

  12. #912
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    It's so cruel when life gets taken from people who are so good and beautiful inside and so many wicked are still breathing. Same experience for this 21 year old kid who died from an asthma attack. The Gofundme site set up to help him when he was in the hospital with a goal of a couple thousand turned into $50K but the time he died a two days later.

  13. #913
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    Got into a pretty nasty wreck this morning. I was in the wrong and my car is trashed. Not sure yet if I totaled it. Extremely bummed out.

  14. #914
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Got into a pretty nasty wreck this morning. I was in the wrong and my car is trashed. Not sure yet if I totaled it. Extremely bummed out.
    Sorry to hear that. Hope you weren't hurt. *hugs*

  15. #915
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Sorry to hear that. Hope you weren't hurt. *hugs*
    Just my spirit.

  16. #916
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    I feel like I'm about to lose a big 6 figure to the company contract. Stress.

  17. #917
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    I lost my job yesterday. I honestly didn't see it coming. I was on a probation period that was coming to a close, and after that I would have been eligible for health insurance and benefits. During my brief time there no one addressed me with any criticisms or remarks about my work ethic. I legitimately thought I was doing my best, and upper management was nothing but smiles until the end. Yesterday I was told it was my last day. The company had decided to move forward without me. I wasn't given a reason. I was only told that our business relationship was over, I had a moment to collect my things, and that I could leave. Up until that point, I'd heard nothing about our company other than my co-workers loved it, my boss beamed at how their business was growing, and there were plenty of opportunities within the work place and they always promoted from within. The worst part is I enjoyed my job, I really liked my co-workers, and I looked forward to coming to work everyday. That alone was an immensely positive change in my life from my past places of employment, which were tolerable at best. Which makes this situation all the more difficult.

    I'm in shock right now. I can feel anger and depression brimming, but right now I'm still processing the fact I was let go. I honestly never saw it coming, and if it did have something to do with my overall performance I wish someone had bothered to tell me. I go to work and I give my all, I can take criticism, I can change when necessary and recognize my flaws, and I would have happily worked to better myself if my boss (or his boss) had said something. But they didn't. They were professional and a genuine pleasure to be around and work with, and then they showed me the door.

    For the first time in my adult life I'm unemployed. It feels strange, and I'm concerned about finding another job during this time of year or even over the next month or two since a lot of businesses don't start hiring right at the beginning of the year. My rent's paid, my bill's are paid, and I can afford groceries and have some money saved up. Some, but not enough to provide much in the way of comfort except knowing next month's bills won't be an issue. Unfortunately, some things came up this year (car accident, medical expenses) and my savings took a big hit. I know that I could be worse off, but it just sucks. I've already started applying places and I've called my boss from my old job to see if I can come back. Thankfully, I didn't burn any bridges. But he has to get back to me and right now I'm still processing all of this. Coupled with the fact I hate the fucking holidays, this bullshit couldn't have happened at a worse time.

    In short, my day was very fucked.
    Last edited by mrselfdestruct94; 12-24-2015 at 11:20 AM.

  18. #918
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    i was let go from my job without cause. no explanation, no severance, nothing.

  19. #919
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    i was let go from my job without cause. no explanation, no severance, nothing.
    Aw, man, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you find a way better job, fuck those people!

    What the hell is it with people losing jobs with no just cause and no warning and no explanation!? It's happened several times in this thread! ugh. It just sucks!

  20. #920
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I feel like I'm about to lose a big 6 figure to the company contract. Stress.
    OH hey, yeah - that actually did happen. My gut was right.
    @c0f3d So sorry to hear. Not having answers makes it all the more frustrating. I do think it's pretty shitty to give no explanation, but there is so much legal crap these days, I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

    My BF is looking to eliminate one of the folks on his team and he has to jump through a lot of hoops to cover the companies ass. It's a woman and she may be over 50 so apparently, they fear legal issues.
    Last edited by Dra508; 02-19-2016 at 04:32 PM.

  21. #921
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    right to work laws are such bullshit. and i'm so angry. i'm trying my hardest to subdue urges to email the boss's boss's boss about shit i ignored so as to not make waves. mainly how she steals from petty cash regularly and lies to clients to extend contracts. ugh, i won't do that.

  22. #922
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    right to work laws are such bullshit. and i'm so angry. i'm trying my hardest to subdue urges to email the boss's boss's boss about shit i ignored so as to not make waves. mainly how she steals from petty cash regularly and lies to clients to extend contracts. ugh, i won't do that.
    Right-to-work laws relate to union labor and open shop vs. closed shop, and charging union dues to non-union members due to union benefits they may receive, etc. Illinois is not a right-to-work state, so unions can demand a closed (union-only) shop, where this isn't the case in non-right-to-work states. I used to supervise the installation and dismantle of my company's booth at computer trade shows. In Vegas, I could set up half the booth's contents on my own, since NV is a right-to-work state. In NYC' Jacob Javits Center, I couldn't screw in a lightbulb without a union steward running over and screaming at me (NY is a forced union state).

    Unfortunately, "at-will" employees can be fired at will and you will be provided with unemployment benefits unless you are part-time or unless your employer refutes benefits "for cause" and tries to trump up some bullshit against you like constant lateness, excess absenteeism, etc., which you won't find out until you apply for unemployment.

    I have seen this MANY times, it sucks.

    You can fight it, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    My BF is looking to eliminate one of the folks on his team and he has to jump through a lot of hoops to cover the companies ass. It's a woman and she may be over 50 so apparently, they fear legal issues.
    They should fear legal issues, absolutely.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-19-2016 at 11:58 PM.

  23. #923
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    allegro, you are a treasure trove of information. your insight is priceless.

    i've applied for unemployment and it hasn't been contested. i was there for three years and didn't call in once. or ever left early. and often worked late.
    Last edited by kel; 02-19-2016 at 09:30 PM.

  24. #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    allegro, you are a treasure trove of information. your insight is priceless.

    i've applied for unemployment and it hasn't been contested. i was there for three years and didn't call in once. or ever left early. and often worked late.
    I'm glad to help. I wonder if you knew too much, know what I mean? The person you talked about, above, wants you gone to cover their ass?

  25. #925
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    maybe. i don't know. i had a great relationship with most everyone there, but she still had three rent-a-cops standing outside the office as she whispered my termination. and cried. like wut?

  26. #926
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    edit .....
    Last edited by kel; 08-19-2016 at 11:35 AM.

  27. #927
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    my husband had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. they removed three polyps. the results of the biopsy came back and they're cancerous. we go into tomorrow afternoon to find out what all this means.

    honestly, everything is spiralling down and i can't take much more. everyday shit gets worse.
    Sending you and your husband good thoughts. *hugs*

  28. #928
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    my husband had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. they removed three polyps. the results of the biopsy came back and they're cancerous. we go into tomorrow afternoon to find out what all this means.

    honestly, everything is spiralling down and i can't take much more. everyday shit gets worse.
    sending you good thoughts. hope things start to get better from here.

  29. #929
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    my husband had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. they removed three polyps. the results of the biopsy came back and they're cancerous. we go into tomorrow afternoon to find out what all this means.

    honestly, everything is spiralling down and i can't take much more. everyday shit gets worse.
    Sending positive vibes.

  30. #930
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    my husband had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. they removed three polyps. the results of the biopsy came back and they're cancerous. we go into tomorrow afternoon to find out what all this means.

    honestly, everything is spiralling down and i can't take much more. everyday shit gets worse.
    when it rains it sure fucking pours. take things as they come, one at a time, otherwise you'll go on tilt and shut down (no bueno!) and do research, cancer is actually easier to deal with (for both spouses mainly) when you have knowledge about it. take care my friend.

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