Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
Depression has suddenly hit me out of the blue, and I'm having really bad, constant suicidal thoughts. I have no one to talk to, my friends are busy or just think I'm being a crybaby. I hope I can fall to sleep.
I have felt the same the past few days, mainly yesterday I had this voice in my head telling me to go do somethin but was able to tell myself to stop being silly and just get on with my work then when I was at the gym later on the voice came back tellin me just to go home and do it, I had to walk out the gym because i knew i was gonna start cryin and as soon as i got to my car i did, i txt my girlfriend to see if she was at home, not because i was gonna do anythin just so that someone was there to talk to and it did help so i do hope you find someone to talk to as it really helped me and I'm anyone else can tell you it's helped them