Probably more for a "getting older" thread but search says nada.

I work on bicycles in my garage. Usually when I'm cleaning gears or whatever I sit on the ground, kind of hunched over. I have a seat and a little table but for some reason I just gravitate towards sitting on the concrete. Anyway, last week I was sitting and I felt a twinge in my leg, kind of like when a tendon gets caught and goes *twang*, but I wasn't moving anything so I just thought that was weird. I stand up a little while later and my left cheek and the backside of my leg are numb. Whatevs, it's what happens when your leg goes to sleep so I didn't think anything of it.

Well, it's been numb ever since and it's a little freaky to have half my leg numb all the time. I've been using the seat ever since and when I play Lego with my son I sit on my knees instead because whatever nerve I pinched, I don't want to make it worse.