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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #931
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    Fucked up my shoulder Friday morning. Was at the gym and my arm crapped out on me when benching. Could've been a lot worse. But I'm dealing with that, atm. Can't raise it without it hurting.

  2. #932
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    I spent the night in the hospital. It was about as enjoyable as . . . well, a night in the hospital.

  3. #933
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    I spent the night in the hospital. It was about as enjoyable as . . . well, a night in the hospital.
    dude, are you ok? what happened???

  4. #934
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    @Bachy Was it your shoulder?

  5. #935
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    All is good. False alarm.

  6. #936
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    just found out that a co-worker at the bar I used to work at died in his sleep. Really nice guy...

  7. #937
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    I've been at the doctor all afternoon getting tests after a really awful last few days. I hope they find something and it's not terrible news.

  8. #938
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    I've been working damn near every waking hour since Monday, and now I got a cold for a big presentation on Friday. Great.

  9. #939
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    goddamn it... so I gave my 30 day notice to my landlord, as I (believed) I'd been paying month-to-month for a while now. He had raised my rent in the past. I wasn't sure if I was going to move back there, or look for another place... but I decided I'd just stay with my family until I figure it out, and I don't want to live in Hollywood anymore, so fuck it, cancel it, and i hadn't lived there for a couple months anyway (long story)... it was driving me crazy to be paying for an apartment that was essentially vacant. I'd only been by there three or four times in the past month or so.

    So I drive out there to sign the notice, and once again, the landlord is using my parking spot. This has become a thing... his wife will be parked in my spot, or the maintenance guy will be parked in my spot. It's like, oh, he's not really staying here right now, so we can use his parking spot, even though he's still paying for it. I didn't get mad, because it's true, I'm not really living there right now, but I did take photos a couple times that this happened. And so, spent a good chunk of my day driving out there to sign these papers, and I get a call the next day, telling me that my notice has been rejected, because I signed a year-long renewal of my lease.

    I would NEVER do that, but he's claiming I signed it in December. I had practically moved all my stuff out of there in December!!!!! Why would I sign a year-long renewal?! He claims he has my signature on a piece of paper, and that if I want to "break the lease" I need to pay him two-months worth of rent, in addition to May, since I didn't get my 30-day notice in time before the first of the month, and in addition lose my deposit. The only reason I held onto the place at all was because I wasn't paying THAT much in rent, and for a bit there it was looking like I would be getting a new job in the immediate neighborhood.

    Now I get to drive out there again and deal with this guy... hopefully he's not parked in my fucking parking spot again.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-01-2016 at 01:46 PM.

  10. #940
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    So, okay, i finally got my Sheap into the neurologist on the 17th. He changed her meds and we got a rough diagnosis, but left feeling better about the whole thing.
    But ever since a couple of days after the med change, she's been having partial seizures all goddamn night, every night.
    So i called and called their office leaving message after message with this person and that, never getting a call back. I finally lost my texas calm and started saying things like "urgent" and "emergency" this morning. I called those fuckers every thirty minutes, which FINALLY earned me a call back from the nurse, who said "oh, wow, that's awful! you should have let us know sooner! the dr's not in today, so take her to the hospital." a few hours, it's off to the fucking hospital again, where she will most certainly be admitted, leading to days of living in a goddamn hospital room again.

    I need to be more fucking assertive and stop trying to be so "chill" when it comes to serious medical situations.

  11. #941
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    Damn. Nothing like suddenly losing a friend to shake your life up. Not a lot of details yet, but by the way people are talking, I know where my mind is going. All I have is he was found in a car in front of warehouse in Jersey.

    38 years old.

  12. #942
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    I'm very sorry for your loss, Sarah. Honestly, not knowing/waiting is the worst.

    As for me, I ended up getting a CT scan (on March 24th) and a bunch of blood work done, including food sensitivity labs that haven't come back yet. Got diagnosed with colitis (curable kind not ulcerative). Finished both antibiotics Saturday but I still don't feel 100% yet.

    Trying hard to stay positive but this bland diet sucks. Gives me no energy at all. Haven't worked out in like 3 weeks. Just turned 37 yesterday and judging by my medical/mental health history, I'm really have a lot of doubts about living a full life. It's hard to get excited for things but I am trying.

  13. #943
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    after reading this page, my day actually wasn't that fucked and i'm not going into it.
    all of you above posters, take care please. a little for you, and a little for everyone else.

  14. #944
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    My brother is now married.

    There's no way to describe how that day was, the profound dichotomy of emotions, all the joy and the grief. How wonderful and grotesque a wedding where the groom is gone can be. We welcome his wife with open arms, she's an amazing woman, so fucking kind and incredibly strong, we're so proud to have her in our family... And so, so heartbroken over the fact that we'll never celebrate this with my little brother, that he'll never see this day of joy. That was indescribable.

    I don't even know if it's fitting to post it in here. but there's no thread for ecstatic heartbreak and grieving comfort.

  15. #945
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    My brother is now married.

    There's no way to describe how that day was, the profound dichotomy of emotions, all the joy and the grief. How wonderful and grotesque a wedding where the groom is gone can be. We welcome his wife with open arms, she's an amazing woman, so fucking kind and incredibly strong, we're so proud to have her in our family... And so, so heartbroken over the fact that we'll never celebrate this with my little brother, that he'll never see this day of joy. That was indescribable.

    I don't even know if it's fitting to post it in here. but there's no thread for ecstatic heartbreak and grieving comfort.
    Are you hanging in there ok since it happened? Are you coping? I can't imagine what you've gone through.

  16. #946
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    Thanks, I'm doing kinda okay. I have my own form of pseudo-ptsd (although no, I should be ashamed to call it that, seeing how my SiL is starting to have actual flashbacks), there's a lot of shit with which I just can't cope anymore that needs to be addressed. On the other hand I'm doing just that, seeing a psychologist twice a month (she wants to see me every week but I can't afford that right now, I neither have the resources nor the time).
    Hardest thing right now is making sure everyone is holding on. So far everyone does, although mom is in really bad shape. At times she just looks dead inside, the only reason she seems to be holding on is the prospect of having a grandkid soon. Otherwise she just doesn't care anymore. It's hard to accept for us at times, I mean, we, her two other kids, are still very much alive, but I know she would have been just as devastated had it happened to any of us. It would be my pictures all over the walls if I was the dead one. We're just hoping that caring for her grandson will help her snap back in life.

    And that's the next big step : the birth of my brother's kid. That's another event we're expecting as much as we're dreading it.

    The good thing being, we're supported by amazing people, my brother's friends are fantastic, attentive and caring, my family has closed ranks, and everyone is checking on each other. We're incredibly lucky on that front, but that's another one of my brother's gifts : he only had one family, blood or not he just didn't care. After his death, his family took shape and became more than just an abstract concept.

    And you guys have been great. I suck at PMs, I'm not always in the mood or just don't know what to say, but you should know that you've been an amazing relief too.

  17. #947
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    I feel for you Khrz. Glad you are moving through that terrible grief with some amount of grace and decent professional help, at least.

    Another friend, colleague and mentor of mine passed away today. It was unexpected this time, and though I guess I knew he'd been sick from cancer before, I had no idea he was ill again this year. I got the call ten minutes before I arrived at work for a ten-hour shift. On a bright warm sunny spring day surrounded by happy young people enjoying the first good weather in months. Fuck.

    I looked up to him enormously. A strong, vivacious, spirited artist with sensitivity and kindness to spare for his fellow creative people. He suffered no fools gladly or quietly, but at the same time, he was incredibly patient and generous as an educator and collaborator. And a fighter, an advocate, a husband and father. An inspiration. I'm going to be missing him badly.

  18. #948
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    My Mac is dying and I haven't backed it up. I am an idiot.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  19. #949
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    Dear Diary. Manager and Director fired on the same day. Future looks uncertain.

  20. #950
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    I bought a Sony Smartwatch 3 on Ebay for $80. Turns out, it's just the wristband. The listing had 6 images, ALL of which contained the original, sealed box with the watch in it. Not a single picture contained the wrist band only. The title of the listing was "Sony Smartwatch 3 SWR50 Band OEM (White) - Japanese Packaging NEW" which, combined with the images could easily be interpreted as the wristband for the watch being white. I called Ebay customer support and the representative agreed with me that the listing was very purposely misleading and misrepresented the product. She said she'd start a review process or something. I just hope eventually I get my money back. She transferred me over to Paypal, and I've been on hold for three and a half hours.

    I'm a dummy for skimming over the details, but you guys look at this listing and tell me if you agree that it's very misleading.

  21. #951
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    I bought a Sony Smartwatch 3 on Ebay for $80. Turns out, it's just the wristband. The listing had 6 images, ALL of which contained the original, sealed box with the watch in it. Not a single picture contained the wrist band only. The title of the listing was "Sony Smartwatch 3 SWR50 Band OEM (White) - Japanese Packaging NEW" which, combined with the images could easily be interpreted as the wristband for the watch being white. I called Ebay customer support and the representative agreed with me that the listing was very purposely misleading and misrepresented the product. She said she'd start a review process or something. I just hope eventually I get my money back. She transferred me over to Paypal, and I've been on hold for three and a half hours.

    I'm a dummy for skimming over the details, but you guys look at this listing and tell me if you agree that it's very misleading.

    But it says this in ITEM DESCRIPTION:

    Replacement band / wrist strap for Sony Smartwatch 3 SWR50, WHITE in color, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

  22. #952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    But it says this in ITEM DESCRIPTION:

    Replacement band / wrist strap for Sony Smartwatch 3 SWR50, WHITE in color, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
    Yeah I know, but the pictures combined with the title combined with the fact that the original price was high above the normal price for the wristbands are meant to mislead. Even the Ebay representative immediately agreed that I was right. I'm not saying it's technically a lie or scam, but it's very, very, very purposely misleading. I'm pretty confident I'll get my money back. Fuck people who do this.

  23. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Yeah I know, but the pictures combined with the title combined with the fact that the original price was high above the normal price for the wristbands are meant to mislead. Even the Ebay representative immediately agreed that I was right. I'm not saying it's technically a lie or scam, but it's very, very, very purposely misleading. I'm pretty confident I'll get my money back. Fuck people who do this.
    Also I sent a few messages to the seller before I bought the item, but he never got back to me. The questions were about the watch so if he wasn't a total scumbag, he would have got back to me and explained the situation. I've sold many things on ebay, I even had a job doing ebay sales before. It's super scummy to be anything but entirely open and upfront on ebay, and it's what gives the website a bad name.

  24. #954
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    She transferred me over to Paypal, and I've been on hold for three and a half hours.
    Good luck with this. Last eBay fuck-up I had to deal with, I clocked 10 hours before resolving the problem.

  25. #955
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    Was supposed to go to Vegas again this year for the UFC Fan Expo and UFC 200. One of my friends has been fighting cancer for like 4 1/2 years now and had his thyroid removed as well as an outpatient back surgery recently and it was just too much for him so we had to "postpone." I put that in quotes because I don't know if we are actually postponing or just being polite and he's at the nearing the end of his big battle.
    I thought I'd be mad about all of this and there is kind of a selfish level in there too where I was looking forward to a vacation and fun with my two friends but really, I'm just fucking depressed about the whole ordeal. I guess I just have to hold out hope that he will recover enough to be able to head back around his birthday in October, which is what we rescheduled our flights for.
    This whole thing sucks. All of it. Fuck cancer.

  26. #956
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    200% done buying ANY DVD on eBay EVER again. Plopped 63.01 down for Parks and Recreations series set and it is bootleg garbage. I've gotten so many season sets that are bootlegs I can literally tell within 2 seconds if something is bogus. Filing a claim now to get my money back. That's one of the reasons I moved to blu-rays besides the quality. It used to be every once in a while something was a bootleg but its like every fucking DVD listed on eBay now.

  27. #957
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    My wife will lose her job in some weeks. Her boss just told her that he'll fire her asap...we just bought a new car and got a new, more expensive apartment. Hell no!

  28. #958
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    Might have to become a long term Carer for my Dad as he might have Parkinson's. Hard to arrange his medical appointments and social care assessments as he is so stubborn and anti anything medical. Possible tough times ahead.

  29. #959
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss k bee View Post
    Might have to become a long term Carer for my Dad as he might have Parkinson's. Hard to arrange his medical appointments and social care assessments as he is so stubborn and anti anything medical. Possible tough times ahead.
    Ugh. I feel you. My dad has early symptoms of Parkinson's. I thought for sure his two heart bypasses would have gotten him first. I wish my bro who lives the closest would step up a bit more. :/

  30. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Ugh. I feel you. My dad has early symptoms of Parkinson's. I thought for sure his two heart bypasses would have gotten him first. I wish my bro who lives the closest would step up a bit more. :/
    You know man it is hard, he is still pretty mobile around the house and likes to do stuff like mow the lawn but he is so stubborn that he doesn't understand he won't be able to do everything he used to do. My Dad is also a smoker and his Doctor hasn't helped by saying well a few cigarettes won't hurt him now at his age ffs!

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