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Thread: Seinfeld

  1. #31
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    @henryeatscereal - I also thought that you might've liked to see this.

  2. #32
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    How weird is to see Lynch introducing Jerry

  3. #33
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    I have a place in the Hamptons
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    Check out my user name, of coarse I'm a Seinfeld fan, I was hooked after the first time I saw "The Contest" of coarse now I have seen every episode a billion times. Luckily for me I work with a bunch of other Seinfeld fans and there is a Seinfeldism for every situation in life, if only I had somebody in my life named Newman.
    The show has aged well, however it is weird watching them using old telephones and answering machines and not cell phones and texting.
    I love all the characters on the show especially the secondary ( Georges parents and Newman) and minor characters like Kenny Bania. I have often wondered if the characters on the show were real people in real life which ones I'd be friends with, the easiest answer to that question would be Jerry he seems like the easiest to get along with, I think I could be friends with George as well but Kramer NO WAY. Kramer is hilarious on television but he would drive me crazy in real life.

  4. #34
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    It was employee appreciation day today at work, one of our managers brought Krispy Kreme donuts to work for everybody believe it or not because everybody at work is on a health kick not too many people had them so later on in the day they took the donut box and placed it on top of the garbage can because it wouldn't fit inside. One of the girls we work with took a donut from the box after we put it on top of the garbage can. We now call her "Costanza" and I think the nickname is going to stick.

  5. #35
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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Vandelay View Post
    It was employee appreciation day today at work, one of our managers brought Krispy Kreme donuts to work for everybody believe it or not because everybody at work is on a health kick not too many people had them so later on in the day they took the donut box and placed it on top of the garbage can because it wouldn't fit inside. One of the girls we work with took a donut from the box after we put it on top of the garbage can. We now call her "Costanza" and I think the nickname is going to stick.
    I hope that she ate it with a fork and a knife

  7. #37
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    @marodi @Self.Destructive.Pattern @Deepvoid @Pillfred @henryeatscereal @kleiner352 @Art Vandelay @Wretchedest

    @elevenism - Again, I had no idea you liked Seinfeld. Thanks for telling me and well, good to know.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-10-2017 at 03:36 PM.

  8. #38
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    The office I work out of is filled with Seinfeld fans, except for our main office assistant she has never seen Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm, so she doesn't get all the jokes and references that get thrown around in the office.
    Last summer we had an intern and he got the internship because he made a joke in the interview that referenced Seinfeld with one of our managers who is also a Seinfeld fan. The entire summer we called him "Darren" in fact a lot of us didn't even know his real name. When his internship was over we were asking "what happened to Darren?" our manager said "Darren is going away for a long time" which we all replied "HELLO!!!!! LA LA LA" from the same episode. Our office assistant thinks we are all nuts and deranged. After every weekend she asks us if we watched any movies we always say I saw "Deathblow" or "Rochelle Rochelle" or "Sack Lunch" and she says "Is that a Seinfeld reference? You guys are sick" as we are all cracking up.

  9. #39
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    Major fan right here. I have the whole series on DVD and I own a Vandelay Industries t-shirt. I can quote anything from the show and can instantly recognize single-episode Seinfeld actors when they appear on other shows.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by piggy View Post
    can instantly recognize single-episode Seinfeld actors when they appear on other shows.
    Dunno if you watch Twin Peaks, but if you do there will be a lot of that. "Oh shit its the braless wonder!" "Oh shit its the cable guy!" "Oh shit its Mr and Mrs Ross!"

  11. #41
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    Oh, absolutely. I love how many Seinfeld alums are in Twin Peaks. There's lots of them on M*A*S*H and Murder, She Wrote as well.

  12. #42
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