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Thread: Seinfeld

  1. #1
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    I recall seeing a lot of Seinfeld fans here. Do you think that the show has aged well? I certainly have, but I actually preferred Seinfeld with Larry David on board. I still loved seasons 8 and 9 though.

    @marodi @Deepvoid @Pillfred - I made this a while back as you can see. I always thought that threads on cancelled shows would either die instantly or get some shit, but from the looks of it, Seinfeld was one of those cancelled shows that do well as threads in just about any forum including this one. I was amazed at how many times the old Seinfeld thread got bumped in the old ETS too. Anyway, I've noticed that you mentioned liking Seinfeld in The Sitcom Thread, so I thought of letting you all know that this thread exists. I hope it somehow gets bumped as much as it did on the old ETS. I'd also like to think that it still aged well. I also like to imagine what else they could've came up with in the laptop, smart-phone, and social networking age.

    @kleiner352 - The Seinfeld thread's this way. I almost forgot to let you know about it altogether.

    @elevenism - In case you were ever wondering where the Seinfeld was, here it is.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-10-2017 at 03:36 PM.

  2. #2
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    I never watched the show when it aired, but I downloaded a bunch of "must see episodes" and so far I enjoy!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Garrett View Post
    I never watched the show when it aired, but I downloaded a bunch of "must see episodes" and so far I enjoy!
    MUST watch 'The Bris'

  4. #4
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    Granted it was not laughing out loud all the time funny, but I freaking loved watching this before going to bed. It's so casual and funny in general.
    You're bound to find something that you will relate to.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 09-20-2013 at 01:11 PM.

  5. #5
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    Seinfeld will always be relevant one way or another because it was mostly about people interaction. This doesn't change much over time. There always will be something to relate to in the show.

    There will always be a Soup Nazi somewhere.

  6. #6
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    Or the mohel. It's hilarious in The Bris... but in real life... oh FUCK NO! I saw him as a second place character to the Soup Nazi as far as pissy and freaked out characters go.

    And yes, there are so many relatable things from that show. I also got a better understanding of that when I learned that Jerry Seinfeld was an introvert in real life too.

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  8. #8
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    I can honestly say I've tried watching this show over two dozen times with random episodes under my belt and I still fail to see what all the fuss is about. Not my kind of show I guess.

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    Who told you to put the Cheese on...?
    ...did i tell you to put the Cheese on...?

  10. #10
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    That just reminded me of the time that motherfucker Kramer dropped the balm. (Yeah... it's a corny attempt at a NIN pun, and I couldn't find a clip of just that moment on YouTube.) Just skip to the 1:58 mark.

  11. #11
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    ^That reminds me of this awkward moment...

    The Maestro is awesome!

  12. #12
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    I've literally seen every episode at least ten times. This show aged wonderfully and is still being aired on at least 3 different channels.

  13. #13
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    It's all too real. Just replace phone machine with Facebook, or any online community for that matter.

    The show is very spot-on for jokes based on introversion as he sometimes pokes fun at small talk in some of his bits.

    This bit from the pilot is one of the many bits/moments that sold me on this show. When you're out, you also want to get back, and it also makes fun of the scavenger hunt you'd have to go through for some people whenever you go out some place with them. I also liked the intro they had for it too.

    And he also points out how funny and awkward small talk can be in an office setting in The Revenge. Oh yeah, the concept of living well as a form of revenge doesn't work well in a Charles Bronson film. That was one of my most favorite bits from the early seasons.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 03-07-2017 at 06:22 AM.

  14. #14
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    I loved the show, but Jerry always seemed like such a massive tool when I watched interviews with him. The worst was that round table discussion "Talking Funny" where he was chatting with Louis CK and Chris Rock, and he just came across like an arrogant smug dick the whole time.

    Doesn't take away from the show though. He can be a jerk all he wants I guess, the show is still good... The Contest is maybe the funniest sitcom episode ever.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I loved the show, but Jerry always seemed like such a massive tool when I watched interviews with him. The worst was that round table discussion "Talking Funny" where he was chatting with Louis CK and Chris Rock, and he just came across like an arrogant smug dick the whole time.

    Doesn't take away from the show though. He can be a jerk all he wants I guess, the show is still good... The Contest is maybe the funniest sitcom episode ever.
    of course I love this show, but your right about Jerry being an enormous douche.

    I shot him for a documentary about a Porsche Car Convention. See, Jerry has an enormous collection of very rare and expensive porsches. he brought this collection to a Porsche Convention in Monterey, and since most of the companies I freelance for cover anything major like this I tagged along.

    I didn't actually get to talk to him though, as I'm just the technician. My producer asked "Jerry, can I ask you two questions." *half a minute later* "ok you've had your two questions I'm off now" "how about one more?" "no, no I'll take you on your word..."

    the extra question would have taken, what, another minute of his time? to help our petty little doc? Pretty lame. It's unusual behavior. most people as big as him will stop and give you the time you need, but this stood out to me because it wasn't even much we asked for.

  16. #16
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    What I also like is that you can literally relate to almost every everyday thing that happens in your life. "Shopping carts with one bad wheel".. Love it

  17. #17
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    @Jinsai @Wretchedest - I totally get what you're both saying. Even though I understand Jerry Seinfeld not really wanting to to really stop and chat and Jerry being an introvert on top of that, there always seemed to be better ways for him to handle it, considering he wasn't given any real trouble or danger at all. And of course, as a celebrity, you have to roll with the punches and expect people to naturally be curious, and inclined to ask you questions, and sometimes privacy is obviously never an option. I also see how he wasn't approached aggressively or disrespectfully, so I could actually admit how that could very-well be a dick move on his part, even though I'm a huge fan of him and his show. I could also see how he could come across as arrogant and smug too. For all I know, it could be part of the way he jokes around and exchanges banter in a conversation.

  18. #18
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    Well, im a huge fan of him and his show. Im a fan of Tool and Nine Inch Nails. I like the Beatles, Stanley Kubrick... Etc.

    But all of those things have something in common: in spite of their immense artistic talent they are all notorious assholes and sometimes hypocrates. Can they be blamed? Probably not always. Does it affect my opinion of their work, mostly no. But in the case of Maynard and Jerry and many others i think the reputation is well earned. Artists can be huge douche bags an we just have to accept it.

    Also i justvthink that collecting porsches, any car really but porches especially, inherently implies that you're an enormous asshole.

  19. #19
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    Oh the flip-side though, I'm sure they've also had many shitty encounters/experiences with some fans/paparazzi as well. (Like Trent did with fans, or so-called fans that heckled him during Hurt.) In those cases, I don't fault any of them for that. This is kind of why I'm sometimes in the camp that thinks it's sometimes better off to never meet your "idols" or "heroes". You never know sometimes. Plus... I wouldn't really have that much to say, or anything at all.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-26-2013 at 05:16 PM.

  20. #20
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    I thought I'd also get back into the swing of posting some actual clips of the show. Anyway, aside from The Switch being one of my favorite episodes, I just loved the jazz music in this particular scene.

    This episode was one of those episodes that easily reminded me of elementary school through high school. (As I know what it's like to suck at comebacks.)

    And the way Jerry hung up on telemarketers were one of the moments that got me into the show.

    And this is by far one of my most favorite moments of George screwing up his chances at gaining any intimacy with a woman.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-27-2013 at 11:20 AM.

  21. #21
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    Aside from liking the show, and agreeing that Jerry might come across as an asshole, I kinda like him for being an aloof cunt.
    His speech on awards and celebrity bullshit might be the best thing he's ever done:

  22. #22
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    Back when this was on the air, my Mom and Grandma (RIP, both of them,) watched this show religiously, but i never understood it up until about 3 or 4 years ago.

  23. #23
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    I was about 8 when this show came on the air, and I remember seeing it on the television all the time because my mom would put it on as she was cooking. All I can remember is that I could tell it was a grown up show, but even as I got older I never payed attention to it until my mom got me into it when I was in 12th grade. Ever since then like I said above.. I now have all the DVD sets including the limited pressed seasons 1,2 and 3 box set along with the rest.. I have seen every episode at least 20 times and that is literal lol.

  24. #24
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    Some of my favorite episodes were the ones that pointed out work-related things in plots pertaining to work. Seinfeld could've easily been an "office" sitcom of its own if that's what they wanted to go with. I actually like watching them on Sunday afternoons or Monday evenings.

    The Barber was another favorite of mine. It must've been one of the most awkward job-related plots for George ever.

    Oh, and I can't seem to find a video of the moment where George thought of just managing to work there without realizing whether he has the job or not, with Jerry asking him if he'd be embarrassed walking away with "his tail between his legs". George just shrugs it off, and Jerry said something like, "Oh, I forgot who I was dealing with here."

    But I don't think any of George's predicaments from not getting along with work has ever topped this moment.

    And I also liked his bit on revenge at the end of The Revenge. I also know it's all mixed up here, but it's obviously difficult/impossible to find full episodes on YouTube.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-06-2013 at 01:32 PM.

  25. #25
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    Lost in the parking garage, anyone?

  26. #26
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    Lucky seven, or not. It's even more funny knowing that George thought Mickey was a ridiculous name, yet stuck up for Soda and Seven.

    I always liked door humor too. Kramer got owned.

    And Newman going King Solomon up in his apartment.

    And yeah, if you see me on ETS for a bit too long... that's clearly Night Guy.

  27. #27
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    This show epitomises everything I hate about "American humor". Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.

    Now, 30 Rock - THAT was a funny show.

  28. #28
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    I was just watching Seinfeld and still love it to death; I've been meaning to get into Curb Your Enthusiasm for ages and just haven't gotten to it. Thanks @Kris for mentioning me here! It's one of the few shows that if someone has it on, I can't help but sit and watch it.

  29. #29
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    Damn I love this show. It literally is a guide to most of the dumb pointless shit that happens in life. I've watched every season at least 10 times from start to finish, and that's not including me growing up watching the show every now and then. I feel like Curb Your Enthusiasm is like a fresh set of Seinfeld episodes with a bunch of cameos, which is also pretty cool.

  30. #30
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    It goes a little deeper than that, as this brilliant Chuck Klosterman essay points out.

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