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Thread: Trent Reznor and Belief in God

  1. #181
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    haha "ophelia likes this"

  2. #182
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    what is that

  3. #183
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    ... Should I not like that?

  4. #184
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    I have no idea, but it's about as chaotic and pointless as this entire thread

  5. #185
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    Chaotic? Thats awful dramatic.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Chaotic? Thats awful dramatic.
    about as dramatic and awful as this entire thread

  7. #187
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    Dare I say, I've always found this topic to be very interesting, but I could also see how the way it started wasn't so good.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 05-19-2014 at 04:40 PM.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by laz001 View Post
    oh for fuck sakes Trent. Maybe he's hanging around Dave grohl too much.

    If he starts wearing a cross around his neck I'm out.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    If he starts wearing a cross around his neck I'm out.
    Considering his disdain for organized religion, I don't think you have to worry about that.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 05-20-2014 at 08:11 PM.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Considering his disdain for organized religion, I don't think you have to worry about that.
    Who knows, people change after kids.

  11. #191
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    I still don't see Trent jumping on the Jesus Train though. I don't think his beliefs have really changed over the years. The only real difference now is that he's more open about them.

  12. #192
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    You heard it here first folks! Trent reznor believes in himself!

    Trent reznor is GOD!!!! OMTR

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paperthin567 View Post
    I realize that this is going to be a taboo subject, but let's face it--signs are pointing in the direction that Trent may have found religion in some capacity. His recent tweet about "God was competing with our light show" and one of the lyrics in "Find my way" is "pray the Lord, my soul to take," which has Christian roots. Nevertheless, I'm curious as to if NIN fans like this, or don't. Many will be in denial about this, but I think that it's a good thing that he has found God, again, in some form or fashion.
    As others have posted, there is a difference between finding God and finding religion. I have read interviews with TR where he admits to a personal belief in God, but does not subscribe to a particular religion or denomination/creed regarding that God.

    Since songs like Heresy and Vessel are part of the NIN catalogue, it is safe to assume that many fans are athiest, and therefore the very existance of a Christian (or Muslim, or Hindu etc) NIN fan is a source of controversy.

    It seems like Reznor has struggled with the God debate for a long time and somewhat recently found peace, but the bottom line is that it's up to him regarding how much of his spiritual philosophy is made public and we should all respect that.

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by too_long_DR View Post
    it is safe to assume that many fans are athiest, and therefore the very existance of a Christian (or Muslim, or Hindu etc) NIN fan is a source of controversy.
    Only controversy started by dicks imo.

    Why am I in this thread.

  15. #195
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    I agree sheepdan. Spirituality is more a matter of personal business than internet identity (or should be, at least).

  16. #196
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    Sorry, but there isn't any discernable difference between "god" and "religion". It's like saying "I hate ketchup, but I love tomatoes". It is all superstition, and utter nonsense. It's too bad if Trent has finally become too lazy to realize the difference. I guess the pressures of celebrity eventually caused him to turn to delusion. I'm still a huge fan tho, so whatever.

  17. #197
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    Lyrics from La Mer:

    And when the day arrives
    I will become the sky
    And I will become the sea

    And the sea will come to kiss me

    For the mods will finally lock this dumbass thread

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volk View Post
    Sorry, but there isn't any discernable difference between "god" and "religion". It's like saying "I hate ketchup, but I love tomatoes". It is all superstition, and utter nonsense. It's too bad if Trent has finally become too lazy to realize the difference. I guess the pressures of celebrity eventually caused him to turn to delusion. I'm still a huge fan tho, so whatever.
    ..I hate tomatoes to the extent that I can't eat them, but I love ketchup. Your analogy is bad, not just for that reason but because religion is a system of beliefs and a way of life. It's not just knowing/believing in god, it's a framework around that.

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    I still don't see Trent jumping on the Jesus Train though.
    I'm picturing a Great Depression era Trent jumping onto a train conducted by Jesus.

  20. #200
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    I've always thought this topic was always a thing because for quite some time it seemed that lots of people have assumed that Trent Reznor was an atheist or an agnostic from the 1990s to the early 2000s. Perhaps somebody should also get this changed.

    At least we now know that he certainly believes in God, and that he didn't seem to have any problems admitting it. I'm also amazed that this thread has lasted so long. I still don't mind it, but I can also see why there are lots of other members that are tired of this topic.

  21. #201
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    I'd say he probably has beliefs. I don't think Trent's ever had a problem with beliefs, but a problem with religion. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably hasn't become a born again Christian but he's a lot happier these days so, chances are he probably believes in a higher power. His lyrics throughout his career seem to suggest these thoughts to me anyway.

    Anyway I don't think peoples beliefs should be anyone else's business, which is why I find religion of any kind to be offensive. People should believe in what they want to believe in and that's that.
    Last edited by voidnz; 06-24-2014 at 11:05 PM.

  22. #202
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    I think anyone who consults a list of celebrity atheists probably isn't going to take something as simple as the artist's word to accept they're not actually atheists :P

  23. #203
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    i identify as a christian and yet i can't fucking stand people who call themselves christians in general.
    ultimately, i don't think we can FULLY even begin to conceive of "god" in this life and dimension.
    as far as trent goes, well hell, his "belief in god" is nothing new, right?
    -HEY GOD! why are you doing this to me?
    -god himself will reach his fucking arm through...

    disdain for a creative force and belief in it aren't mutually exclusive

    and jesus, @Ryan , did you actually WRITE all that shit in the post a page or two back? i swear to god i'm gonna finish reading it tomorrow.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-26-2014 at 02:42 AM.

  24. #204
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    lol no, it was a copy/paste.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    I think anyone who consults a list of celebrity atheists probably isn't going to take something as simple as the artist's word to accept they're not actually atheists :P
    Ha yeah it's called "unreliable narrator."

  26. #206
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    Holy shit, so billy corgan is throwing jesus at people now? can't he cut jesus a break?
    and then i could have SWORN that around the time bullet with butterfly wings came out, billy was saying
    "wait, i MEANT to be like Marilyn Manson...seriously, check it out, i'm scary and evil!"
    and THEN while looking for that interview, i found this!

    Marilyn Manson says Trent Reznor says he's jealous of Kurt Cobain.
    If we could just get Evan Dando in there, it would be like a bunch of guys in high school fighting over a girl named Courtney Love. Lolz.

    And i read earlier in the thread that Dave from Megadeth is espousing right wing ideology, or at least supporting right wing candidates?
    Hell has frozen over.

    I can't STAND it that christianity and the right go hand in hand.
    I know i'm stepping on someone's toes here, and i'm not out to hurt anyone's feelers, but for me, the right=ayn rand=non-theistic satanism.

    at least i learned a lot reading this thread.

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Holy shit, so billy corgan is throwing jesus at people now?
    He's more of a Christian / Buddhist / spirituality hybrid.

  28. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    He's more of a Christian / Buddhist / spirituality hybrid.
    you've brought that up before, the "east- meets-west" buffet style "spirituality" popping up here and there. Care to enlighten me?
    i may have a BIT of that going copy of The Science of Self Realization by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the man who brought Krisna to the west, is FAR more well thumbed than any of my bibles. I've often looked to it in times of stress or crisis.

    Have you ever heard of Acharya S, @allegro ?
    I really think that her ideas would stimulate the HELL out of your mind. Check her out at

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    you've brought that up before, the "east- meets-west" buffet style "spirituality" popping up here and there. Care to enlighten me?
    You can be a Christian and read Zen Buddhism books at the same time. It's that simple. There's no special formula for educated people who like to read lots of stuff. It isn't like you lose your Jesus card the minute you read anything by Buddha. And even "Christian" is a loose term these days. Some people loosely believe that Jesus was a prophet sent here by some higher force for the good of man, but they don't sit and read the Bible as the "word of 'God'" the way other "Christians" do and that's okay, too. Because "Christian" is far too "organized religion" for lots of people, and "Christian" is tied to hundreds of years of bloodshed and politics and negative things for others. This is highly personal thing that many people prefer not to discuss (including, it appears, Billy Corgan, although he is currently writing a book)
    Last edited by allegro; 06-26-2014 at 03:19 PM.

  30. #210
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    I guess i use the term christian kind of loosely, because i try to follow the teachings of christ, but i'll admit, i'm not 100% sure about John 3:16. I think it's odd that people boiled the whole thing down to that one verse. But for me, even if it happened in an alternate dimension, that's good enough.
    i can't see every bit of the bible as the inspired word of God when we know about the Council of Nicea in 325 and shit like that.
    But see, luckily, i was raised Disciples of Christ. I TOTALLY fucked it off and found it again in the past couple of years with the mrs, who also was raised in the same relatively small sect. Our church believes that each one's interpretation of the whole thing is VERY personal. We agree on the Jesus thing and that's IT. It's just about as laid back as it gets.
    But yes, bloodshed and politics and millions of fucking hypocritical morons.
    Like i keep saying, i'm an altruist who believes in forgiveness and acceptance, and i'm REALLY into metaphysics/gnosis/studying belief systems etc.

    My ex was half Japanese, and she combined Jesus and Buddha into one VERY hard to please deity. Jesus was Buddha and that was confusion for her. But at the same time, in her family's sect of Buddhism, the spirit of the Buddha lived in this box that we kept in our one room apartment. So we worshiped Buddha from time to time...i think it kept her connected to her roots. She was also into studying the bible. People are strange, myself included.
    But this is the trent reznor and god thread...i digress.
    I will say this...the first time i tried monotheism on for size was when i took what i thought was just going to be a "break" from witchcraft to work the AA steps so i wouldn't die. And i never went back to practicing ritual magic or worshiping a little god/goddess pantheon.
    I wonder if this is what happened to Trent. AA calls for you to do all this DEEP psychological shit involving GOD. They tell you at first that it's just a "higher power" and it can be the coke machine or whatever, but it kinda turns out that that is utter horse shit. I swear to god it's a religion and it's based on christianity. i used to bring that up in meetings, that it was a religion, and it would piss people off. But the supreme court sure agreed...they can't legally sentence you to it anymore, because it's a religion.

    Maybe trent started singing more kindly about "god" because his "god" helped him get sober, or maybe he heard an insane amount of "god" talk in aa. While i'm rambling and discussing this, one thing that is utterly fucking baffling to me is people's inability to differentiate the word "god" from the name "YHVH. But again, i digress.

    What i REALLY wanna know, @allegro , is if THIS:
    Some people loosely believe that Jesus was a profit
    was a, how you say, Freudian slip, or a spelling error?

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