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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #1531
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Did anyone else get a Dune-ish "And how can this be? He IS the Kwisatz Haderach!" vibe during the Snow reveal?
    Oh hell YEAH! And now that I think of it: the actress playing Lady Mormont looks a little like Alicia Witt did as Alia.

    And Tommen falling reminded me of the scene in Bran Stoker's Dracula where Vlad's wife, Elisabeta, also leaps to her death.

    I think we (as viewers) are absolutely justified in believing that Rhaegar Targaryen is indeed Jon Snow's father. We clearly hear Lyanna say "if Robert finds out he'll kill him" (at least I clearly heard it). Why would Robert Baratheon want to kill her child if his father was someone else than Rhaegar? It's Rhaegar's children that are also killed by the Mountain.

    That being said: it's really hard to think of Jon as a Targaryen. He's so much Stark to begin with. And in hindsight we get to appreciate just how noble Ned was and how much honor meant to him. He kept his promise despite knowing how much it would hurt his beloved wife but then again, had he told her the truth, she might not have treated Jon so poorly which may have seem a bit weird to some. Ned meant to tell the truth only to Jon.

    I'm wondering if Sam isn't meant to find something in the Oldtown library hinting at Jon's true parentage.

    I think Arya is going to kill Mad Cercei. She is on her list after all. I don't remember who else remains on that list beside Cercei and FrankenMountain.

    @kleiner352 I agree 100%: we must have the CleganeBowl!

  2. #1532
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I'm sorry I want Cleganebowl too much to let that happen

    It's still possible; it has to be!

    I'd love to see Cleganebowl, too, but they've been hinting at Arya since the end of last season. Maybe she and the Hound will reunite, or she'll be there watching with a different face, and end up playing a role, but she'll definitely have a hand in his death. He and Cersei are the only one's left on her list, and Cersei belongs to Jamie.

    Edit: As for the ToJ, the only thing I can think of is that Jon Snow isn't his true name and we'll find out his true, royal Targaryen name, when Bran returns to Winterfell next season.
    Last edited by skip niklas; 06-27-2016 at 07:55 PM.

  3. #1533
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    I'm fully expecting an Arya/Hound/Melisandre reunion next season.

    Also, obsessed right now with the score for the whole Sept sequence. Also, Margaery is gone - see Oleanna stating that the Tyrells in the sept were all dead. Speaking of which, aren't there other Tyrells from earlier seasons? Didn't Oleanna have a bunch of granddaughters hanging around her King's Landing betrayal garden?

  4. #1534
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    Yes, she did.

  5. #1535
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    His name is Azon" whispers Lyanna to her brother. Ned renames him Jon to simplify. Sam learns about the legend of Azor Ahai in the Citadel and journeys to tell Jon about it in the North. He's captured by the Brotherhood of Banners. Cersei, trapped and faced against impossible odds, teams up with Euron Greyjoy with the promise of marriage. Euron has the dragon's horn, picked up during his travels, and can control dragons. Daenerys and her army actually start losing when the dragons turn on them. Tyrion, Varys and Greyworm sneak into King's Landing to steal the horn. They destroy the horn but Tyrion is captured in the process, Varys dies, Greyworm escapes. Cersei is about to kill Tyrion as Daenerys' armies turn the tide. Jamie intervenes on Tyrion's behalf. Holding her sister down with his wooden hand, he strangles her with his remaining good hand and kills his sister. Meanwhile, Littlefinger plots against Jon Snow, Sansa plays along. Arya surreptitiously finds out that Littlefinger betrayed her father and adds him to the list. In the end, Arya kills him with Sansa's help. The disciple becomes the master. The Mountain is on the run with the Lannister army faces off against the Brotherhood of Banners. The Hound finally kills his brother, one on one. Daenarys' victory is short-lived as the Wall falls. (end of season 7). Bran wargs and tells Daenarys that her nephew is Jon Snow, King in the North and that she must die for the 7 Kingdoms to live. Jon learns of the legend of Azor Ahai and is confirmed by Sam and Milisandre (who has joined up with the Brotherhood). With the Night King's undead army winning, Jon reforges a Valyrian sword and with her consent, plunges it into Daenarys' heart, killing her and creating the Lightbringer sword of legend. The Night King falls eventually, Jon takes the Iron Throne.Tyrion becomes the Hand of the King. Sansa becomes Queen in the North with Arya by her side. Bran starts rebuilding the wall and a new Night Watch is created. (end of Game of Thrones).

    Of course this is just ridiculous speculation, but this is what this show does to my brain and I fucking love it. These last two episodes showcased how unbelievably superior shows like this can be next to the crap that gets shelved out in Hollywood. The score for this episode was fantastic and had me watered up. Time to go ice my brain and lower the swelling .

  6. #1536
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    Miguel Sapochnik just needs to go ahead and direct the rest of Game of Thrones. He brings a cinematic quality to the show and all three of his episodes are easily within the top ten of the series.

  7. #1537
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    They showed her looking at the High Sparrow when he blows up, and the next shot is of the entire crowd around him being engulfed, followed by an exterior shot of the whole place blowing up.

    I don't recall actually seeing her body go up, but....I mean, even in the "you didn't actually witness them die" world of GoT twists, there's just no fucking way anyone standing in that hall survived.
    Yeah, it was probably just wishful thinking on my part. I like me some Margaery *sniff*.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 06-28-2016 at 07:44 AM.

  8. #1538
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  9. #1539
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    Game of Thrones - Spoilers

    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    That outfit was amazing. Love her armored shoulders when she takes the throne.

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    Last edited by sweeterthan; 06-28-2016 at 10:46 AM.

  10. #1540
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    this bitch has to die next episode, right? RIGHT?

    According to Lena Headey, the screenplay was originally much more disturbing and awful/graphic... " The scene was meant to be worse, but they couldn’t do it. This is like the tame version. It’s pretty bad still though. I’d take being exploded in the Sept over that any day."

    I personally thought it was really disturbing with the power of suggestion, but it seems like some people are letting their imaginations run wild to the point where they're offended. Some people seem to be convinced that the scene implied sexual violence and rape... Maybe it's people who have been looking for another instance to justify their outrage. Even if it had clearly implied that the Mountain was going to rape her to death, it's not gratuitously depicted nor glorified, and at a certain level I don't think I'd want to imagine the many ways Cersei had instructed the Mountain to handle her. I'm sure it's whatever she felt was the worst thing she could imagine that could be dragged out for the longest period of time.

    Still, some people seem to think the way Cersei was touching her and the fact that mountain took off his helmet was spelling it out. Sometimes I can't tell if trolls have truly taken control of the ship, or if a significant number of people are really upset about the things they claim to be upset about.

    All the same, I do really want to know what was in the original screenplay. Now I'm assuming we'll never know.

  11. #1541
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    I'm just gonna say it: I'm not convinced that R+L=J has been confirmed.

    I mean, it's 99.9% likely that it has been. They went reaaaaaaaaal heavy on the insinuation in the finale. But they've also shown people who should be dead suddenly come back to life, and people who literally ARE dead come back to life.

    So I'm just going to put it out there: it might not be what everyone thinks it is. And no, I don't have an alternative theory that makes more sense. I'm just always skeptical of things in this series, and they never outright SAID anything at all about Jon's lineage in this episode.

  12. #1542
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    I'm confused: isn't season 7 supposed to be the last?

  13. #1543
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    No, season 8.

  14. #1544
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I personally thought it was really disturbing with the power of suggestion, but it seems like some people are letting their imaginations run wild to the point where they're offended. Some people seem to be convinced that the scene implied sexual violence and rape... Maybe it's people who have been looking for another instance to justify their outrage. Even if it had clearly implied that the Mountain was going to rape her to death, it's not gratuitously depicted nor glorified, and at a certain level I don't think I'd want to imagine the many ways Cersei had instructed the Mountain to handle her. I'm sure it's whatever she felt was the worst thing she could imagine that could be dragged out for the longest period of time.

    Still, some people seem to think the way Cersei was touching her and the fact that mountain took off his helmet was spelling it out. Sometimes I can't tell if trolls have truly taken control of the ship, or if a significant number of people are really upset about the things they claim to be upset about.
    who cares? anyone on the internet who expresses false outrage over actual, or potentially implied, fictional actions in a fictional show is a grade A loser and their opinion is zilch.

  15. #1545
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    who cares? anyone on the internet who expresses false outrage over actual, or potentially implied, fictional actions in a fictional show is a grade A loser and their opinion is zilch.
    ...except that fictional scenarios can often be a source of influence for very real means of thinking about the actual world we live in. There is a difference, and I'm generally not offended by fictitious worlds that are not written as a parallel to our own. But to dismiss any and every fictitious scenario as harmless and nothing to be offended about is careless thinking.

  16. #1546
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    Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?

  17. #1547
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    Saw this on another forum and I just had to share:

  18. #1548
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    so split extended 7th season with a 7ep then 6ep break up, then a movie to top it off?

  19. #1549
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?
    He'll have Bran mind-zap him into finding the scroll that identifies that Jon is the legitimate heir to the throne. Then he'll be relevant.

  20. #1550
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    so split extended 7th season with a 7ep then 6ep break up, then a movie to top it off?
    I believe it's just a 7 episode season 7 and 6 episode season 8. Haven't heard anything about a movie.

    Also, the infographic in this blog seems to confirm Rhaegar
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 06-29-2016 at 06:40 AM.

  21. #1551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?
    Like Dany?

    Samwell: "I'm working really goddamn hard to educate myself, raise a family, and be a good person. Plus I totally stuck it to my dickbag father."
    Dany: (stomping her feet) U GUYS U HAVE TO LIKE ME I HAVE DRAGONNNNNNNNS.

  22. #1552
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    ...except that fictional scenarios can often be a source of influence for very real means of thinking about the actual world we live in. There is a difference, and I'm generally not offended by fictitious worlds that are not written as a parallel to our own. But to dismiss any and every fictitious scenario as harmless and nothing to be offended about is careless thinking.
    nah. you're wrong.

  23. #1553
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Also, the infographic in this blog seems to confirm Rhaegar
    Good find! That's official, then. The episode itself did shitall to make that clear, though; it was just used to prop Ned up as a REAL NICE GUY (because we didn't already know that).

  24. #1554
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    Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.

  25. #1555
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.
    I don't really get it either. Was having a discussion with a couple of my friends, both of whom have read the books, and they both think he's Robert's son. That would make no god damn sense and I have no idea why they think that. It's never been hinted at once. Looking for things that aren't there I guess. But these are also two people who think The Walking Dead is practically the best show on TV and is written flawlessly.

  26. #1556
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.
    I think so to an extent. While I was onto that breadcrumb trail, I haven't read the books so the show runners choosing to not just let us hear everything Lyanna was telling Ned made me think maybe Rhaeger as the father is a swerve.

    At no point did I think Jon was Robert's son, though.
    Last edited by Swykk; 06-29-2016 at 10:37 AM.

  27. #1557
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    Robert Baratheon is Jon's father, wow. These Reddit theories are getting crazier!

  28. #1558
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.
    For what it's worth, I'm not confused - it all makes sense. I'm just not sold without the show explicitly saying it, because they have a rich history of going "you thought wrong" about implied things.

  29. #1559
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    For what it's worth, I'm not confused - it all makes sense. I'm just not sold without the show explicitly saying it, because they have a rich history of going "you thought wrong" about implied things.
    The show didn't say it but HBO did in that infographic from the official blog I linked, whether they realized they were doing it or not. I think they might not have come right out and said it in the show because most people already figured that was the case. What they did in the show was confirmation enough for me.

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