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Thread: Game of Thrones - Spoilers

  1. #1411
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I really liked his lone eulogy for Myranda
    That's true. I did like that scene. It was weird seeing Ramsey express a different kind of emotion for once. If they had more stuff like that on a regular basis, that would be cool. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they're gonna stray far from the path that they've been on for him, and the Ramsey we see in that eulogy scene is gonna be more of a one off thing.

    I'll tell you another reason Ramsey bummed me out...Two seasons ago we got to see Sansa developing into a more intelligent and complex person, especially in that one scene where she lies in order to protect little finger in the vale. I was excited to see her become more of a "player" in the next season. But the thing is, Sansa's strengths are not physical. She's not becoming some badass fighter girl like Arya. Her strengths were more mental, conversational, interpersonal, etc. She's a thinker who's learning how to navigate social dynamics. Which is why it was the stupidest choice for the writers to dump her character in winterfell with Ramsey. Sansa's newfound abilities are mostly worthless against Ramsey, because his character doesn't operate on those terms. He's mostly just pure violence, which means that Sansa's character was left with little to interact with. I'm not saying it was all bad. She had some okay scenes last season, but she could have had so much more to work with if she hadn't been paired with a character who was just over the top evil. I want the writers to put her in a situation where she can really do something.
    Last edited by Mantra; 05-30-2016 at 10:47 AM.

  2. #1412
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    It's not like I'm the first person to draw that parallel. For fuck's sake I hate this place
    I know, I was just joking around.

    Anyway, someone recently compared Stannis to Mitt Romney which I thought was hilarious. Totally uncharismatic, boring dude who for some delusional reason thinks he's gonna win.

    Who's Ted Cruz?

  3. #1413
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Who's Ted Cruz?
    What with all the awkward daughter-kissing I'd say we could totally make a case for Craster

  4. #1414
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    All I can say is that... Benjen Fucking Starkkkkkkk. A shame we only got a glimpse of Cold Hands, but I'll take it. What a great reveal.

  5. #1415
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    All I can say is that... Benjen Fucking Starkkkkkkk. A shame we only got a glimpse of Cold Hands, but I'll take it. What a great reveal.
    Bizarre too that Martin himself debunked this "fan theory" a while back about Benjen being Coldhands. Unless the books are taking a totally different direction there, it sort of falls in line with the whole "Well, the fans figured it out, I'll just lie and say that the theory is wrong... and spend another ten years writing the next book."

  6. #1416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    That's true. I did like that scene. It was weird seeing Ramsey express a different kind of emotion for once. If they had more stuff like that on a regular basis, that would be cool. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they're gonna stray far from the path that they've been on for him, and the Ramsey we see in that eulogy scene is gonna be more of a one off thing.
    Possibly, but I have hope... just look at how 20 seconds or so of screen time enhanced Hodor, the most one-dimensional character. In my opinion, that's the saddest, most tragic thing that's happened in this story. It really brought me close to choking up. Suddenly, Hodor is not just a goofy guy who runs around saying one word, he's a lot more. He's a human cursed to die horribly to save another person.

    At this point, I'm open to be surprised. I definitely think Ramsay is a better character in general than you do, and we disagree, but it's a fluid story. Until Ramsay's plot and involvement is completely removed, he's potentially interesting.

  7. #1417
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    We do not know much about Ramsay's past which I believe makes him that much more intriguing. His ways may grow tiresome... But he is probably the most sadistic character we have seen on screen. Taking armored guards down by himself gives him even more of a mystic intrigue because for me, that came out of the blue and we really never saw that side of his skills as a fighter besides torturing people that were hounded down for him. He isn't the deepest character, but he is definitely not one dimensional.

  8. #1418
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    I's wholly possible that D&D just combined Benjen and Coldhands for the show and that Martin doesn't plan on the same. They condense and combine a lot of characters often enough and seem intent on not introducing too many new players into the game this late so who knows, it wouldn't be out of form for them.

  9. #1419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    Not sure if I'm old, or not old enough. WTF is this? Given the number of likes it's clearly a reference I don't get.

  10. #1420
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    Yeah I don't get it either @theimage13 , but I was too afraid to ask because of all the likes lol. I know its John Cusack from that movie, but I still don't get it.

  11. #1421
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    It's a joke taking the famous boom box scene from Say Anything starring John Cusack in which he desperately attempts to seduce a woman back into his arms by holding up a song outside of her bedroom window because these were the eighties and the kids were doing some downright strange and questionable things. There's a running thing in the show now that Tormund saw Brienne of Tarth and thought "Har they don't make women like that back at home, I fucked a bear once, now how bout that maiden fair, ay" and has been doing the usual wildling seduction routines such as but not limited to: fuck eyes while gnawing on mutton, erotic eyebrow movements and exuding a regular and constant sense of highly sexual energy in her general direction. Brienne is nonplussed at best with it, hence her cold and awkward reactions to these moments, and the joke, I can only presume, is in comparing Tormund -- a highly alpha-male, aggressive and masculine figure -- to John Cusack from Say Anything, a highly feminine (in the traditional gender-role sense), emotional and vulnerable character and leading man, typically.

  12. #1422
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    @theimage13 @imail724

    Everything @kleiner352 said; the song that was playing in the movie is Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes, a song that to this day I can't hear without immediately thinking of this scene.

    "I gave her my heart, and she gave me a pen."

    She didn't deserve him. Poor Lloyd!
    Last edited by marodi; 06-03-2016 at 01:38 PM.

  13. #1423
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    It all makes sense now. Never saw the movie. Not sure I've ever heard of it, to be honest. I should probably just crawl back under the rock I'm apparently living under.

  14. #1424
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    It all makes sense now. Never saw the movie. Not sure I've ever heard of it, to be honest. I should probably just crawl back under the rock I'm apparently living under.
    Its a pretty good rom-com imo. I'd say its worth looking into.

    I have recently moved (more later) but to keep on point my new spot atm has HBO Go so it looks like ill be catching up on the series directly. I am excite.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 06-03-2016 at 05:27 PM.

  15. #1425
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    Spoiler: WHO LET THE HOUND OUT? Wanna bet Arya's going to team up with her old pal Sandor again?


    Yara for the win!

  16. #1426
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    Well it must be winter in Florida because during that episode, something in my house sure came

    The hype is high and full of Cleagane's

  17. #1427
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    Did Bronn look... like something had happened? I almost didn't recognize him at first. Maybe it's heavy make-up to conceal an accident?

    so, I'm going to go completely down a rabbit-hole here and propose a theory on how this is going to go down... For safety's sake I'll use spoiler tags, but this is my conjecture: Spoiler: Jaqen H'Gar's assistant is going to return to the temple and he's going to ask her how it went. She'll say that she quickly and neatly killed her, and that she didn't suffer. Jaqen will know she is lying, and... kill her? In turn, he will disguise himself as a doctor or something, and stitch Arya up. Then after revealing himself, he's going to teach her the last secrets of face swapping, and tell her to get the fuck out of Braavos... but then he'll say that she owes a debt for the life of the assistant or the life she didn't take or whatever. So he'll send her off to kill someone in Westeros. For dramatic purposes, this needs to be someone that she's going to have moral issues with killing.
    It seems too convenient that they have just now recently reintroduced The Hound as being alive and well, not to mention that he previously asked her about him and why he had been removed from her kill list.

    Queen of Thornes is going to go back and mobilize the Tyrell army to support the church in a coup to finally overthrow Lannister rule of King's Landing. Jamie's army will be busy dealing with Riverrun, so Cercei will be smashed. Meanwhile, Sansa gets word to the Blackfish through Brienne to abandon Riverrun and assist Jon Snow + Wildlings + 62 Mormonts in taking back Winterfell... Jamie will realize what's about to go down, and will be diverting his troops to an attempt to overtake Winterfell before Jon Snow can oust Ramsay, or maybe even to join his forces with Ramsay's, but he'll get word that if he doesn't rush back to King's Landing, his sister girlfriend is going to be obliterated by the combined forces of the Tyrell's and the Sparrows.

    So of course he'll go back to King's Landing, and a huge struggle will break out. Tommen will be conflicted on how or who to support, obviously, because he's kind of a dumbass and he'll be torn in support between the Sparrow brainwashing, his wife, and his mom. I think Tommen's gonna die, but who is going to kill him? I'm betting it's Margery, because he'll finally realize how he's been played and make a move to back Cercei. At that point, with the Lannister family completely destroyed and everything super-fucked, Jamie is going to lose his mind and murder Cercei for fucking everything up so much. She'll probably set him off by saying some cruel evil shit to him, and he'll snap.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-06-2016 at 03:07 AM.

  18. #1428
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    Not bad @Jinsai not bad at all!

    I love making up theories (I used to do it all the time for Lost and I was always wrong but it was FUN!) so here are mine.

    Spoiler tags in case I'm right, for once.

    Spoiler: Arya is faking her injuries. She knew that The Waif was going to come after her and she's trying to convince her and Jaqen that The Waif was successful. It would explained her walking all over town bleeding and looking half dead already. Arya will make it back to Westeros but The Waif is going to follow her and there will be an epic fight.

    I agree that The Queen of Thorns is most likely going back to Highgarden to raise an army. The High Sparrow, that disgusting, mysoginist SOB still has her precious grandson after all. I agree that Tommen will die but I think he's going to kill himself when he realizes how everyone around him has been playing him. Cercei only has FrankenMountain with her and she'll have him do as much damage as possible.

    Someone will tell Jon Snow to lay off the Valium and to act alive, for once. The brooding is getting stale. Sansa fears they don't have enough men in their army. I believe the letter she wrote was to Littlefinger, to ask him to join them with the men of the Vale (and Sweetrobin, who will soon get really bored when he realizes there's no Moon Door anywhere).

    The Riverrun situation is very very interesting. The show is coming really close to the books at this point.

    What I think we should see before the end of the season:

    -Ser Davos will make Jon Snow drink gallons of coffee before the Battle of the Bastards, Jon Snow will win.
    -Yara will make her alliance with Dany and they will happily sail for Westeros
    -Arya will be reunited with Sandor (he got a little soft but she got a lot tougher than she was when she left him) and they'll happily go on a revenge killing spree.
    -Cercei will burn King's Landing down over Tommen's death (didn't she burn the Red Keep in the books?)
    -Of course, the Wall will come down (poor Edd!)
    -The last scene of the season will reveal...Lady Stoneheart! Muahahahaha!

    And of course Brienne and Tormund will get married and will live happily ever after.

    Lyanna Mormont is an absolute badass. I love her. I'd watch a show about the adventures of Bronn. Also: Wun Wun.

  19. #1429
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    I loved this episode because of the Hound and Bronn. It's gonna suck when they die. (Assumption, so not a spoiler.)

  20. #1430
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    I'm not reading anything in this thread right now. I'm watching last night's episode, about a minute and a half in, and just wanted to say FUCK OMG WHAT YES.

  21. #1431
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    these last few episodes have been like the NYC Wave Goodbye shows with all the special guest appearances from the past. Talk about fan favorites.

  22. #1432
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    So, Arya's just stupid, we get an actress who magically has mastered surgery and curing infections, Cleaganebowl's been shot dead, LSH was cockteased for episodes only to get cancelled, Blackfish gets an utterly useless and off-screen ending, Jaime's entire character development is non-existant, Varys gets sent away and Tyrion continues to have utterly worthless scenes.

    What a garbage episode filled to the brim with disappointment. I hate "the books are better" crowd but, my god, after what felt like one of the better seasons that episode took all wind out of my sails. D&D are not half as clever as they seem to think they are. Arya's managed to go from my favorite character and arc to just the most unecessary and disappointing all around.

  23. #1433
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    any speculation on what the rumor Cersei had investigated is?

  24. #1434
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    The last couple episodes haven't been real great. Super lame that we saw Dany come back but nothing else, she didn't even have a freaking line. Also annoys me that all of the time spent with Arya in Bravos was basically a waste of time. Can't wait to read that bullshit in the book if it ever comes out!

  25. #1435
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    120 Post(s) helped build character! she's hardened and tough now (as opposed to before?). And she learned ninja skills!

  26. #1436
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    any speculation on what the rumor Cersei had investigated is?
    Has to be Wildfire under the Sept so she can go Mad Queen on everybody, giving Jaime reason to then kill her, fulfilling the prophecy.

  27. #1437
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    The last 2 episodes were a mix of great moments and utter silliness. But overall, the show felt like watching a headless chicken run around.

    What was awesome: everything about The Hound, the return of Bronn, Lyanna Mormont, Olenna Tyrell owning Cercei, Ser Davos, Yara.

    What was not awesome: everything else.

    Special facepalm award to the arrival of Dany via Air Drogon (presumably).

    Only two episodes left and there's still so much ground to cover. We still haven't seen Bran racked with guilt over the deaths of Hodor and Summer and what he's been up to with Uncle Benjen. And what the heck happened to the Sand Snakes?

    Well, at least we get a Big Giant Fight next week. They'd better not kill Tormund and Ser Onion!


  28. #1438
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    And what the heck happened to the Sand Snakes?
    Please don't remind D&D; if there's one plot line I don't mind never seeing again it is this one

  29. #1439
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    One theory I had. Mind you, I haven't read the books, so I don't know if this has been covered:

    Spoiler: Does anyone else feel like this is all leading towards the eventual conclusion of Cersei killing Tommen? Given the prophecy about losing all her children, how truly awful would it be for her to have to eventually murder her last living child out of her own selfish pride and lust for power?

  30. #1440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    One theory I had. Mind you, I haven't read the books, so I don't know if this has been covered:

    Spoiler: Does anyone else feel like this is all leading towards the eventual conclusion of Cersei killing Tommen? Given the prophecy about losing all her children, how truly awful would it be for her to have to eventually murder her last living child out of her own selfish pride and lust for power?
    I'm pretty sure if they go with the wildfire that he'll be a casualty of it. If that hasn't happened and Jaime hasn't stabbed her by the end of episode 10 then they're just dragging it out quite honestly.

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