Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
Yeah that was pretty lame that they didn't just come out and say it, why reveal one and not the other? Doesn't really matter though, Rhaegar all the way..
Unless it's not Rhaegar, and this is a total curveball. George RR loves this shit. He made that fan theory seem pretty obvious right? It was guessed a long time ago.

Martin is all about the red herring... I mean, look at this Black Fish character? Black Fish? Red Herring? A character that seems to be really important and powerful and is going to be a big deal in the larger story, but whoops, he'd dead and never mind.

And Rickon... who names his dire wolf "shaggy dog." That's a reference to a type of story that seems to go on and on and ultimately goes nowhere

That's two... I'm sure there's dozens of hidden jokes he's planted in this thing for himself.