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Thread: Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

  1. #931
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    I dug it.

    It's funny, I called the whole Spoiler: getting gut shot while taking out the nazis thing.

    What do you guys think Jesse is going to do now?

  2. #932
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post

    What do you guys think Jesse is going to do now?
    After speeding away in that car I think he now has a....Need For Speed.

  3. #933
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    Assuming he still has money, I imagine he drives far, far away and starts over. He may watch over Brock, or leave him some money.

  4. #934
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    The last 20 minutes from when Walt entered the Nazi's compound was amazing That scene was one long terrifying adrenaline rush, felt so great when the bullets started flying.
    Todd's ringtone was great, Lydia oh Lydia say have you met Lydia, so fucking dark!
    My favorite scene was Jesse driving away crying.
    I really liked the atmosphere of the episode, the lighting I found really beautiful.

  5. #935
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    Considering how crazy the last 7 episodes have been, I'm preeetty sure I'm 100% okay with the finale taking it easy on the action and entirely following Walt on his slow walk toward "redeeming" himself while he still can.

    The way Walt died was pretty far from how I expected...And even with all the "good" he did trying to make things right before he did, he was still found dead, with a bullet wound to the gut, in a meth lab, with a bunch of dead scumbags. His death will probably be reported as some kind of crazy massacre brought on by one of Heisenberg's enemies, and he was killed in the attack or something. Nobody in the world except for Jesse will know exactly what happened that night. Everybody (including Jesse) was left with pieces of what happened pertaining to their involvement, but no one is left that will know the entire story. Heisenberg's true legacy will die with Walt, alone, in a meth lab in the desert, replaced by his family's speculations and pieced-together accounts from the police reports.

    This show basically WAS the story of Ozymandias, and I loved it.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-30-2013 at 10:32 AM.

  6. #936
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I saw their credits and thought they'd have a scene with Jesse. It didn't occur to me it was a gag until I saw Walt get in his car.
    I think when they came out of the bushes for Walt to pick them up was where I first had an inkling it might not be "real" hitmen, & then I was like "it HAS to be Badger & Skinny Pete".

    (I didn't pay attention to the opening credits to see them listed)

    Today I was kinda feeling "Baby Blue" was a bit too on the nose ("Guess I got what I deserve...") but it still works for me.

  7. #937
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    Credits listed Odenkirk and he wasn't in it. So, that doesn't mean too much.

  8. #938
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Credits listed Odenkirk and he wasn't in it. So, that doesn't mean too much.
    Dean Norris too

  9. #939
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    Re: Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    Dean Norris too
    Technically he was in a flashback, asking Walt if he wants to go on a ride along.

  10. #940
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJK View Post
    Technically he was in a flashback, asking Walt if he wants to go on a ride along.
    You are correct.

  11. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I thought the last episode was okay... that it all... just okay.
    I think what bothered me the most was how predictable it all was... there was no surprises.
    And for the most part, nothing really even happened up until the last ten minutes or so.
    I dunno, I expected something a little more poetic and meaningful.
    There was just no emotion to it... here we are after this long journey and it all felt a bit empty to me.
    Like I said, not a terrible episode... just okay. An amazing show... alright last episode.
    I totally agree. I expected something a little more poetic, but instead the episode was most concerned with wrapping up every plot, which is fine. Im just the type of person where I don't need everything to be tied up neatly, why is why I think a show like Mad Men is always preferable.

    Also I lost sympathy for Walt a long time ago, and I think it sucks for Walter Jr to be using blood money later even though he really doesn't want to . Walt is such a scumbag. Glad he's dead.

  12. #942
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    I felt like good-guy Walt was redeemed quite a bit at the end during the final scene with Jack, and of course when he was actually being honest with Skylar. Damn great and appropriate ending, made me forget all about Dexter.

  13. #943
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    I'm glad how this series wrapped up. Really satisfying for me. It is truly one of the all time greats since it was so consistently good. It's one of the reasons it's my favorite show besides Game of Thrones. I'm going to go back and watch Walt's transformation into Heisenberg now.

  14. #944
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    I felt that the show it self was so full of surprises that the finale was good the way it was. I think if they tried to throw a curve ball at the end it would have felt a little too "wink wink look how clever we are".
    Well put. Although, Machine Gun Robot was kinda "wink wink" cleverish, in a fun way. I'm almost certain it was a nod to, or a play with the classic "no no" dramaturgical device known as Deus Ex Machina:

    A plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object. Depending on how it is done, it can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has "painted himself into a corner" and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience, to bring a happy ending into the tale, or as a comedic device.

    The Latin phrase deus ex machina, from deus (“a god”) + ex (“from”) + machina (“a device, a scaffolding, an artifice”), is a calque from the Greek "god from the machine" (ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός, apò mēkhanḗs theós). Such a device was referred to by Horace in his Ars Poetica, where he instructs poets that they must never resort to a "god from the machine" to resolve their plots.
    Last edited by hobochic; 10-01-2013 at 07:22 AM.

  15. #945
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    The gun was introduced so early and everyone knew it was gonna be used to get shit done so really it's the complete opposite of a deus ex machina.

    Someone posted in the last page about the "beautiful people" line. I fucking loved that moment so much I choked up a lil knowing it was the final episode.

  16. #946
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    Quote Originally Posted by sa_nick View Post
    The gun was introduced so early and everyone knew it was gonna be used to get shit done so really it's the complete opposite of a deus ex machina.
    Yes, and that's why I said it was a play on the deus ex machina.

  17. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Yes, and that's why I said it was a play on the deus ex machina.

    Saul coming out of nowhere with the gun from Rambo. Now that would have been one hell of a Deus Ex Machine.

  18. #948
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    Quote Originally Posted by sa_nick View Post

    Someone posted in the last page about the "beautiful people" line. I fucking loved that moment so much I choked up a lil knowing it was the final episode.
    I completely missed that line. Good enough reason to watch it again...

  19. #949
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    well it's common for deus ex machinas to be retroactively slipped into earlier parts of a story so that it seems less like one. This is one case. Harry Potter does this almost the whole way through.

    I think the real deus ex machina about the gun was that all the nazis just happened to be in the same room, at the perfect hight and placement to be hit. It was still cool though.

  20. #950
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullboy0 View Post
    Today I was kinda feeling "Baby Blue" was a bit too on the nose ("Guess I got what I deserve...") but it still works for me.
    It works mostly because it fits in with the other songs the show has used, mostly relying on 70's pop/rock.

    Like a lot of people though, I was hoping they'd use this song. For me, it's the unofficial closing theme to the show.

  21. #951
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    can someone explain what happens to Jesse though like okay...

    Marie knows about his involvement with Walt, there is absolutely no way she would not mention Jesse to the DEA.
    Jesse's finger prints are all over the crime scene at the end and the cops already have his prints because he's been detained before.

    No one is really talking about how he would have to be a fugitive the rest of his life but has no resources when the show ended. What the balls?

  22. #952
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    Chalk it down to being a parent of a young child, but the scene where Walt kissed Holly goodbye had me in tears. I found Walt pretty detestable throughout the series, but it was still one of the most emotionally impacting things I've ever seen in a TV show.

  23. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by perceptionnexus View Post
    I felt like good-guy Walt was redeemed quite a bit at the end during the final scene with Jack, and of course when he was actually being honest with Skylar. Damn great and appropriate ending, made me forget all about Dexter.
    my first thought when jessie had his daydream about woodworking was "oh god they're not going to put him in a cabin in the woods like dexter are they?" there really is no comparing the two though.

  24. #954
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemonkey613 View Post
    can someone explain what happens to Jesse though like okay...

    Marie knows about his involvement with Walt, there is absolutely no way she would not mention Jesse to the DEA.
    Jesse's finger prints are all over the crime scene at the end and the cops already have his prints because he's been detained before.

    No one is really talking about how he would have to be a fugitive the rest of his life but has no resources when the show ended. What the balls?
    Isn't Jesse's involvement with the DEA as a witness already established? And wouldn't Marie also help confirm Jesse's collaboration with Hank and Gomez to capture Walt? And if someone still has a copy of Jesse's DEA video wouldn't it confirm him as a protected witness? I see no reason for Jesse to become a fugitive unless I missed something.

    The thing that bothered me about Hank and Gomez was how the really didn't care to protect Jesse but just wanted to use him (read: sacrifice him) as bait to capture Walt. Made watching Hank die easier.

  25. #955
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    I don't think anything Hank did was really official with the DEA.

  26. #956
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I don't think anything Hank did was really official with the DEA.

    Hank was was operating by himself. He only brought Gomez in at the end. They were planning to go to the DEA with everything after they got walt's money.

  27. #957
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    'Breaking Bad' flash-forward: We imagine everyone's
    life 10 years from now

    After Jesse escaped the Nazis, he drove straight to the police station. He reported everything, gave the DEA his full cooperation and walked away without ever seeing the inside of a prison cell (blame his puppy eyes). And while he was at the police station, he got Badger and Skinny Pete to move his money to a safe location. After that was all tied up, he went to see Brock. Turns out, Andrea’s mom had recently died of a heart attack, so Jesse formally adopted Brock. The duo now lives in Phoenix, where Jesse has his own carpentry business. He spends his days making perfect boxes and so much more. He also sells his drawings on the side. Brock, meanwhile, is big into soccer and a straight-A student who only ever gets in trouble at school for his over-use of the word “bitch.” His favorite breakfast meal is a Grand Slam.

    The whole article is simplistic and cheesy...
    Last edited by hobochic; 10-02-2013 at 12:14 PM.

  28. #958
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    Well fuck Entertainment Weekly anyway. Someone there had the bright idea to do a play-by-play of the finale on Twitter as it happened.

  29. #959
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    I enjoyed the finale I thought it was well done and had some really nice moments. That said I think it would have been so much more effective without the flash forward at the beginning of the season. Looking back that was basically a useless set up where they tried to be too fancy. It took away all of the intrigue once you saw the route they were going down in that last episode. Think about how much more bad ass the ricin or the machine gun would have been if you weren't thinking about their possible uses for over a year. Small complaint. Otherwise I felt it was fitting.

    Part of me thought Walt was finally going to try his own product, and would start hallucinating during fade out when the cops arrived. That maybe could have been cool. Not sure. I can't decide.

  30. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    I enjoyed the finale I thought it was well done and had some really nice moments. That said I think it would have been so much more effective without the flash forward at the beginning of the season. Looking back that was basically a useless set up where they tried to be too fancy. It took away all of the intrigue once you saw the route they were going down in that last episode. Think about how much more bad ass the ricin or the machine gun would have been if you weren't thinking about their possible uses for over a year. Small complaint. Otherwise I felt it was fitting.

    Part of me thought Walt was finally going to try his own product, and would start hallucinating during fade out when the cops arrived. That maybe could have been cool. Not sure. I can't decide.
    The interesting thing about the machine gun is, when they shot that first scene from the first episode of season 5, where you first see the machine gun, the writers actually had no idea what they were going to do with it.

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