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Thread: NIN Live Archive, Audio/Video Recording Thread - Download Links

  1. #541
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    Houston is up for download on the archive.

    This is the last show of 2017. Next year NIN will be on tour and I hope that it will bring more tapes to the archive. Again, if you have any tapes that are not on the archive. You can always contact me and you can either upload them to the server, or send the tapes to me and I will properly transfer them!

    More coming… Soon.
    Thanks, NIN Live. your good work is much appreciated! i'm not in a position to donate right now but if i can get right i will. so much great stuff on your site!

  2. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Thanks, NIN Live. your good work is much appreciated! i'm not in a position to donate right now but if i can get right i will. so much great stuff on your site!
    I appreciate it. I haven't accepted donations in a long time. Almost 6 years.

    This brings me to something I've wanted to get feelers out on for a while now.. So, I have a bunch of NIN concerts on VHS tapes (low gen) and probably 25-30 shows on minidisc. I am looking to upgrade these sources and it would be nice to get proper equipment in order to transfer all of this stuff for proper archival purposes. I'm also not tooting my own horn here, but I have been supporting/paying this site all on my own for the duration of running the site. I tried donations for awhile, but that just didn't work out and it's a grey area for concert recordings. Thousands of people have been enjoying the archive by downloading thousands of GB's per year and I am super glad it's still being used daily. I really want to get the NIN Audio Drive updated as well as start the initial seed of the NIN video drive.

    My question I want to pose here is this... Would it be wrong of me to start a gofundme or something to reach a goal in order to layout the equipment necessary for the archive in order to properly transfer these recordings? As well as this money going towards hosting of the archive for the next 2.5 years or so? Would people be interested in supporting a cause such as this? The reason being is that I start anesthesia school in June and I will not be running the site for the foreseeable future. I will not be able to work while I'm in school, and my funds will be low during that time. I want to make a big push to get everything I have up on the archive and create a final version of the site until I start updating the archive in the future.

    Again, there would be some ethical issues with this. People (really, other concert tapers and traders) see things like this, a site that has concert recordings on it being sent funds, to be a "for-profit, or selling" the recordings. When in all reality, they are on there for free and that you should be doing it for the love of it. I do it for that reason. But it would be nice to get support while I'm away and also be able to bring better transfers of the recordings I have on media that I don't have access to equipment to before that time comes. Yes, I could send them off to someone else in order to transfer them. But I like to work on these tapes myself and I'm kind of OCD when it comes to how things are done because I am meticulous in my methods ensuring the best archival quality of NIN concerts, as well as other bands.

    So, would fans be interested in supporting this? I will also post this as a poll to the twitter account to see what a broader audience might think of it. Hope this doesn't offend anyone. This is solely to get an idea what you all might think about this.

    I've had fun running this site for almost 10 years now. I'm excited to start school, as I've been busting my ass to get to this point for quite some time now and sometimes hobbies have to be put on hold for awhile. Sadly, this will happen to the site. I am just hoping people will want to help sustain it while I am not able to support it for some time.

    Thanks for reading all.

  3. #543
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    I appreciate it. I haven't accepted donations in a long time. Almost 6 years.

    This brings me to something I've wanted to get feelers out on for a while now.. So, I have a bunch of NIN concerts on VHS tapes (low gen) and probably 25-30 shows on minidisc. I am looking to upgrade these sources and it would be nice to get proper equipment in order to transfer all of this stuff for proper archival purposes. I'm also not tooting my own horn here, but I have been supporting/paying this site all on my own for the duration of running the site. I tried donations for awhile, but that just didn't work out and it's a grey area for concert recordings. Thousands of people have been enjoying the archive by downloading thousands of GB's per year and I am super glad it's still being used daily. I really want to get the NIN Audio Drive updated as well as start the initial seed of the NIN video drive.

    My question I want to pose here is this... Would it be wrong of me to start a gofundme or something to reach a goal in order to layout the equipment necessary for the archive in order to properly transfer these recordings? As well as this money going towards hosting of the archive for the next 2.5 years or so? Would people be interested in supporting a cause such as this? The reason being is that I start anesthesia school in June and I will not be running the site for the foreseeable future. I will not be able to work while I'm in school, and my funds will be low during that time. I want to make a big push to get everything I have up on the archive and create a final version of the site until I start updating the archive in the future.

    Again, there would be some ethical issues with this. People (really, other concert tapers and traders) see things like this, a site that has concert recordings on it being sent funds, to be a "for-profit, or selling" the recordings. When in all reality, they are on there for free and that you should be doing it for the love of it. I do it for that reason. But it would be nice to get support while I'm away and also be able to bring better transfers of the recordings I have on media that I don't have access to equipment to before that time comes. Yes, I could send them off to someone else in order to transfer them. But I like to work on these tapes myself and I'm kind of OCD when it comes to how things are done because I am meticulous in my methods ensuring the best archival quality of NIN concerts, as well as other bands.

    So, would fans be interested in supporting this? I will also post this as a poll to the twitter account to see what a broader audience might think of it. Hope this doesn't offend anyone. This is solely to get an idea what you all might think about this.

    I've had fun running this site for almost 10 years now. I'm excited to start school, as I've been busting my ass to get to this point for quite some time now and sometimes hobbies have to be put on hold for awhile. Sadly, this will happen to the site. I am just hoping people will want to help sustain it while I am not able to support it for some time.

    Thanks for reading all.
    I don't do twitter, etc. so I'll reply here. I think your idea is a good one. You obviously are doing this for the love of it & I personally don't have any issues at all with your go fund me concept. & since you have operated unimpeded by Trent, he obviously doesn't have a problem with the site. I just mentioned donations because I saw a button on the site. Personally, I would be happy to help in a non-monetary way if I can. I've had a long battle with RA that I'm losing & it looks like I am going to have to retire early on disability in 2018 after some major spine surgery. So, while I'm not going to be flush with cash I am going to have time on my hands. I am hoping to perhaps try my hand at writing a novel. I have some ideas & it just wasn't possible to explore them while working a highly intense, stressful job. Due to the disease, I am just drained from work with no energy at all. I've had the option to opt out for over 5 years but I'm stubborn (& stupid). I've worked hard my whole life & it will be quite an adjustment. My plan had been to work 3 more years (age 60) but my doctors recently told me that's not going to happen. I think I hope to be done with the hoops of fire by summer. The recovery time for surgery is going to be minimum 2 months. I will see where I'm at then. I start testing for it in early January. I will send you a PM with my contact information. Best of luck with school!

  4. #544
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    Dear @ninlive , I would be happy to help - with money and/or work and/or time - for this great project. As you said I don't know the legality of this but I'm 100% supporting it.

    I may have misunderstood: do you plan to buy the equipment to transfer properly the concerts, or only rent the equipment ?
    Last edited by chuenthez; 12-20-2017 at 06:01 AM.

  5. #545
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    I dunno many places that rent archival-quality MD or VHS decks, so this is probably a purchase category. I'd definitely contribute any way I can!

  6. #546
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    @ninlive personally I think patreon (or similar) is the way to go but I'm down for supporting, happy to promo whatever you choose on the myriad of NIN things I do

  7. #547
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    All, thanks for the responses here, twitter and a few via email. I will definitely be setting something up in the next week or so. Transparency is the most important thing here for me. But like I said, it would be amazing to self-sustain the site by the fans while I am not able to fund this myself for the next 2.5 years.

    Yes, the audio/video equipment for MD and VHS tapes will be included in this. So that I can properly transfer all of this stuff digitally and then I can scrap the media. For most archiving entities, they will keep the media. But I don't have a lot of space in order to keep all of these things. Especially if I can get the quality top notch in digital form.

  8. #548
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    Just to tease us a little, is there anything uncirculated in your collection that you hold until the video drive goes live?

  9. #549
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Just to tease us a little, is there anything uncirculated in your collection that you hold until the video drive goes live?
    Not that I am trying to dangle stuff over your heads, but I do have a bunch of HD video from 2009 that is pretty overwhelming to tackle. It's hard to get through all of it and edit it when I don't have all the necessary equipment. I've also tried to reach out to people who might be interested in making digital files of them, or sync the video to some good audience audio recordings. But the motivation soon dies out.

    Anything pre-2009, I think most of it widely circulates.

  10. #550
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    Derp, I'm late to the game here. If it's of any help, I have a standalone unit that I can dub VHS to DVD on, and then I can pop the DVDs in the ol' computer and rock on. And when I'm not on tour I have a pretty good chunk of free time with which to do this sort of stuff. If this is at all useful, feel free to hit me up with a PM. If not...sorry

  11. #551
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    @ninlive Will there be any good quality footage of the Houston show?

  12. #552
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Derp, I'm late to the game here. If it's of any help, I have a standalone unit that I can dub VHS to DVD on, and then I can pop the DVDs in the ol' computer and rock on. And when I'm not on tour I have a pretty good chunk of free time with which to do this sort of stuff. If this is at all useful, feel free to hit me up with a PM. If not...sorry
    DVD ? it's long time dead, we need H264, and not mpeg2, however it's better than nothing.

  13. #553
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    DVD ? it's long time dead, we need H264, and not mpeg2, however it's better than nothing.
    Yes, I am trying to capture these in the best filesets possible for archival purposes. Where I can get rid of the VHS tapes altogether. Once they are digitized, I don't feel that these can be transferred any better than what is out there now. I've got to get rid of a lot of the clutter I have from old media!

  14. #554
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    I've been encoding my old videotapes with Quicktime X and have enjoyed emptying boxes & clearing shelf space.

    My only problem now is to find a reasonably priced & functional Hi-8 deck.

  15. #555
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    It’s been a long time coming for an update. But I have just added a few uncirculated recordings to the archive thanks to some tapers and traders.

    01-15-2000 Osaka - Just added a DAT master clone of this show. I haven’t had time to compare between the silver CD and this recording to see if they are the same. From a fast comparison, it looks like a new source. Great tape.

    10-13-2005 Madison - Huge find. This is from the miniDV master tape. First recording from this date. Video is not bad, recorded from the rear and there are a few songs omitted because of security. But these are wonderful additions to the archive.

    Coming later this week is the full Day For Night 2017 HD video. Just got to get it uploaded.


  16. #556
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    It’s been a long time coming for an update. But I have just added a few uncirculated recordings to the archive thanks to some tapers and traders.

    01-15-2000 Osaka - Just added a DAT master clone of this show. I haven’t had time to compare between the silver CD and this recording to see if they are the same. From a fast comparison, it looks like a new source. Great tape.

    10-13-2005 Madison - Huge find. This is from the miniDV master tape. First recording from this date. Video is not bad, recorded from the rear and there are a few songs omitted because of security. But these are wonderful additions to the archive.

    Coming later this week is the full Day For Night 2017 HD video. Just got to get it uploaded.

    Nice! Thank you, Ryan.

  17. #557
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    Added Tapeworm48's audience recording to night 1 of Vegas.

  18. #558
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    I know there's already a cover for this but I couldn't help myself and did this.
    Thought of sharing it here.

    Great recording by the way... Can't wait for the other two nights to be published.

    Thank you @ninlive and @Tapeworm 48!

  19. #559
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    Thanks to @abs1nthe42 we now have night 3 in Vegas up on the archive. Their first recording and it's really good for their first pull! Thanks for sharing it with the archive!

  20. #560
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    Thanks to @abs1nthe42 we now have night 3 in Vegas up on the archive. Their first recording and it's really good for their first pull! Thanks for sharing it with the archive!
    Thank you!!!!!!!!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  21. #561
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    Thank you for sharing @ninlive and @abs1nthe42

    Here is another cover for night 3

  22. #562
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    Because it's been so long since I've had to convert FLAC, what would people recommend for a MAC user? I need that delicious night one recording, can't stop listening to the sample.

  23. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Because it's been so long since I've had to convert FLAC, what would people recommend for a MAC user? I need that delicious night one recording, can't stop listening to the sample.
    I use “Switch.”

  24. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Because it's been so long since I've had to convert FLAC, what would people recommend for a MAC user? I need that delicious night one recording, can't stop listening to the sample.
    I would get an audio player that can play FLAC. But if you want iTunes to play it, ALAC is the best. I convert everything with foobar, which also plays everything.

  25. #565
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    Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure VLC player can play Flac as well as convert

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  26. #566
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    VLC plays FLAC. I use 'Max' to convert, if need be.

  27. #567
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    VOX is a nifty flac player, but XLD is what I use to convert.

  28. #568
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    Max or XLD for FLAC conversion. Cog for FLAC playback. All are free.

  29. #569
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    Man, that version of Parasite from the third night sounds NASTY. I bet it sounded even better in person.

  30. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Man, that version of Parasite from the third night sounds NASTY. I bet it sounded even better in person.
    It was killer, though would have been even better if Mariqueen came out which I was hoping for

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