So just to recap... as far as official soundboard audio sources from Tension and beyond, here is what we have
Live EP
- Copy of A
- Sanctified
- Came Back Haunted
- Find My Way
The LA concert released in part online for free
Copy of a
March of the pigs
All time low
Came back haunted
In two
The big come down
The hand that feeds
Head like a hole
Even deeper
While i'm still here
The ACL web exclusives
And I guess the Jimmy Kimmel version of Various Methods
And we have the ripped audio from the 7 streamed summer festival last summer... is there anything else I'm missing off hand?
There were a few live streams from the Latin America festivals, too.
You forgot the rest of the ACL show that was broadcast.
Also, "All Time Low" from Jimmy Kimmel.
Grammy Awards and Grammy Rehearsal.
Viva Latino (unreleased).
I have taped the Manchester show. I'll get it sorted tomorrow when I get home.
I've sent a sample. Going to work on it shortly!
Just a thanks to @RITCNIN for getting the 2005 and 2007 Manchester UK show tapes up. Fantastic! There's drop-outs in "The Big Come Down" for '05 as well as the songs already noted. I just browsed through the old tour threads for those shows on old ETS. Brings back memories... in fact the original taper posted in those threads asking for trades and I completely forgot. It's quite hard to find photos for some of the memorable moments at those shows. All things eventually decay... I think the ratings (>4/5) are a little generous but I'm not sure, perhaps if you normalise across the entire history of stuff on RITC it might be more accurate than I perceive. One day it would be cool to have user-submitted ratings. (please don't take this as a demand, I know your busy! In fact I wonder if it might be something a 3rd party could do for you.)
Just a question - this is not a complaint, just a curiosity.
Whenever I'm viewing a particular show and then hit my browser's "back" button, I'm taken back to the main page for that year and need to re-expand whatever particular tour I'd been browsing. Is that the way the page is built, or is my browser misbehaving? It's not a big deal at all, I'm just curious. My browser does mess up a lot of other pages regularly, so if the site isn't supposed to act like this, maybe it'll help me figure out where my problem lies.
Either way, keep up the amazing work! Downloading the May 25 show now; very curious to hear the TDS/TNF intro.
Well...IEM is "official" in the sense that it is technically a soundboard mix made by a staff member of the tour working for the band. But it's not supposed to be heard by anyone except the artist and the engineer mixing it, as it's just a reference mix meant to help the artist figure out how they sound and stay in time with the rest of the band. Each member has a different mix coming into their earpieces via the magic of RF.
Ratings are there to give a baseline... It's all how the listener likes their mixes with highs/lows. That is why I give a 2 minute sample. I do all of this myself and it's all subjective. I like most recordings anyways. Maybe one day I will go through and listen to each recording (snippet) to give a better overall rating system. I won't go to a user rating system just because I have seen this done before and it has been abused in the past.
Yes, that is how the pages were setup. May be a bit annoying, but I am very happy with the website layout. I know nothing about setting up the website code (and am still grateful for dailycuntpunch setting up the website, wherever you are) so I can't make adjustments. I know I can self teach, but I really don't have the time to do it.
Hello, im a video producer/music producer from Manchester and long time NIN FAN. I'm putting together a NIN dvd live in Manchester may 25 2014.
Using everones footage from the gig and my remasterd full audio of the gig.
If anyone has any good video (dont need the audio to be good as I wont be using it) msg me at
Thanks. The finished full concert video will be freely available once complete.
Well, at the rate this is going I'll have it finished today !!! I have every second of video and all the Audio remasterd. and I have edited and sync'd up to March of the pigs so I'm a quarter the way there. once finished I'll remaster the video to film quality and add my Intro and credits outro.
It will be released as a torrent. but the first place it will hit will most likely be youtube.
Neat! Thanks a lot for all your efforts, man. How many submissions have you received?
Ok I spent a full 11 hours editing the manchester concert dvd and finnished it. My brain is totally usless now. That was too much!
Its turned out fantastic! Just exporting a raw pre rendering of it which is about 50gb that will take a few hours whilst I sleep. Then tomorrow I will do my filters and colour correction. And add credit titles. And then its done!!!!!!!! Its 1hour 40 long in hidef ultra realism!
so happy!!!!! Zzzzzzz
Holy crap, 50 gigs? I'm not sure if I'll be able to get that version right now (only got my laptop to work with until mid-July). Any chance of putting the show up to YT or vimeo?
Oh don't worry :-) the 50gig version is just for me for the second edit. to put intro and credits on its just easier to work with one video instead of all the clips and edits as the project has slowed down adobe premiere to a crawl. then I'll export it again once finished. for youtube in 1080p thats the first place it will go online maybe tomorrow. the 50gig export failed last night whilst I was asleep. its just makes a corrupt video file :/ so I'm currently exporting to a HQ format I know works. thats got 25 mins left then I can add my intro and credits, colour correction and restorative filters. maybe song titles, then Export again to a youtube friendly version and thats it. so it should be available tomorrow. its really good! I was surprised I managed to source the whole gig with multiple camera angles for each song. thats crazy when you think about it.
Last edited by TrevArtlover; 06-02-2014 at 02:28 PM.
So you are planning to do a dvd to download in 480p, and a streaming version in 1080p ... ok !
its done! Professional Intro and Outro Credits and all the bells n whistles. I'm currently Exporting to drive. I'll set my alarm for 3 hours time and then Upload it to YouTube in 1080p Format. That's 6GB. soooo thats quite a bit of Upload Time I guess. maybe another 3 hours for that.
then Later in time I'll release it as Maybe Torrents in / 480P / 720P / 1080P
Maybe even a physical release.
Neat, man! Thanks.
Added a bunch of recordings from the past few weeks. Polewka's Nottingham and Manchester recordings, Ian Macdonald's & Stefler's Amsterdam recordings, a handful of good Zurich sources and Bologna.
Have a few more coming from the UK dates. At this time, I don't have anything from Paris... People have been asking me... Nor do I know of anyone who taped.
Ah shit... yes, thank you we're stuck on the multicam