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Thread: The Metal Thread

  1. #61
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    Darkest Hour, part. old Darkest Hour, is an American take on the Swedish melodic death metal sound. Criminally underrated band, with insane drumwork on the faster stuff. They barely ever headline, so I'm lucky to catch them doing 5 or 6 songs opening for someone bigger. bummer.

  2. #62
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    Yeah I remember "An Epitaph" being on a terroriser compilation about 11 years ago (christ), it's a top quality song

  3. #63
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    Just discovered Hearts & Hands last night. It's got Alex from Chelsea Grin on unclean vocals and is a bit on the poppier side of metalcore, but WOW this EP is great.

    Also, the latest While She Sleeps album is pretty fantastic.

  4. #64
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    An Epitaph absolutely destroys. download anything from these guys, you cant go wrong.

  5. #65
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    Listening to "An Epitaph" right now...this song is awesome.

    EDIT: 5 songs in and this whole album is fantastic. I can't believe I've never heard of these guys before.
    Last edited by klyrish; 12-14-2012 at 02:58 PM.

  6. #66
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    sweet! here's how I'd rate their albums:

    - So Sedated, So Secure
    - Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation
    - Undoing Ruin
    - The Human Romance
    - Deliver Us
    - The Eternal Return
    - The Mark of the Judas
    - Prophecy Fulfilled EP

  7. #67
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    Good to know...thanks! Definitely going to making them a mainstay. And thank God for Spotify.

    Any fans of Suicide Silence or Chelsea Grin? (side note: Hearts & Hands has Alex from CG doing screams/growls...that EP is seriously fantastic).

    EDIT: The more I listen to Darkest Hour the more they make me think of a more accessible Lamb of God. Don't get me wrong, I love LoG, but I get a little...weary? listening to them for extended periods of time. I'm finding it harder and harder to sit through an entire album of theirs at once but with Darkest Days, it's the same death metal-influenced riffing but with catchier riffs/hooks and similar vocals.

    All that said, I can listen to "Redneck" on repeat for hours.

    EDIT 2: Just finished "The Human Romance" and really liked it a lot. Man, Darkest Hour is quickly becoming a favorite band. They're so heavy yet have such fantastic hooks. It's awesome. Gonna listen to "Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation" next!
    Last edited by klyrish; 12-15-2012 at 12:25 PM.

  8. #68
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    SS musically is solid. Their singer never did it for me. Then i saw them live last year opening for Machinehead and his on-stage demeanor was so over the top obnoxious that I was put off entirely from them after that. Terrible that he just passed though. Chelsea Grin is pure bandwagon-jumping style over substance silliness to me.

    here's another of DH's bigger songs. They usually play this live.

    to me, newer LoG has some similartities to DH, but so much of LoG's stuff is meat & potatoes American metal, not really melodic or having much texture. DH almost unabashedly rip off the Gothenburg style, whereas LoG kinda combine Pantera's aesthetic with Slayer. I like LoG alot, but they can def. get very repetitive. I need a break after a bit as well.

  9. #69
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    I can totally see where you're coming from with SS and CG. I like both in small doses. I only recently got into both and I was really liking SS until I got to the song on "The Black Crown" with Jonathan Davis doing guest vocals. That's when I decided they had jumped shark and I was over them. That said, I love the song "O.C.D." from that album. The riff that starts around 2:15 is just amazing.

    Speaking of shows, though, I just saw The Ghost Inside open for Miss May I back in November. I'd previously seen TGI in 2010 opening for Parkway Drive back when they were touring for Deep Blue and both bands killed it. It was also one of the best and most out-of-control shows I've ever attended. TGI had to stop their set 5 times due to fights and finally Jonathan called the assholes/idiots out on their behavior. Then, as soon as PWD ripped into their set, someone jumped from the second floor balcony into the pit. It happened again during Romance is Dead and Winston stopped the song to remark about how "fucking crazy" we were.

    Anyway, Miss May I...I've seen them the last two years at Warped Tour and honestly was not impressed. I was at that show mostly to see Glass Cloud (who ended up missing the set because their van flipped the night before on their way from Salt Lake City) and TGI. TGI was absolutely incredible and we decided to stay for MMI. I'm so glad we did. They put on one of the most incredible shows I've ever been to. So much energy and just unbelievable ability to get the crowd into it. I guess I need to stop seeing bands at Warped Tour.

    And that video/song is awesome, bobbie. The vocalist is not at all what I expected him to look like. He's like the Rivers Cuomo of metal.

  10. #70
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    I've tried to get into DH here and there, but they don't do it for me: too Gothenburg. I've always liked Carcass a lot more than At The Gates, and I wish it were Carcass that had spawned a genre not ATG.

    As for the metalcore bands that Klyrish is discussing, I dislike the majority of the ones I have heard. At this point I can pretty much tell by a band's name that I won't like it. A lot of these bands (TDWP, BMTH) over-use keyboards.

    In principle I dig deathcore, but have yet to find that great deathcore band: I find Job For A Cowboy pretty disappointing. I enjoyed All Shall Perish's first two records, then they diversified too much and they lost me. Though I have been digging the new Whitechapel record: it's like the missing link between Meshuggah and Korn.

    As for contemporary metal I dig a some of the djent stuff: Sumerian Records seems to hit that nail on the head. Born of Osiris and Veil of Maya are probably my two favourite bands to come out of that scene. Periphery and Tesseract being my least favourites. Basically the more emo any djent band contains, the worse it will be.

    I also like some of the neo-thrash stuff: Municipal Waste and Toxic Holocaust are probably the two best bands playing that style at the moment, and both bands put on killer live shows.

    I also think the raw end of metal+hardcore is making a great comeback: I enjoyed Trap Them's Darker Handcraft and that latest Black Breath record is fucking phenomenal: the kind of album that gives you faith in the power of metal to be actually heavy again.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    IAs for the metalcore bands that Klyrish is discussing, I dislike the majority of the ones I have heard. At this point I can pretty much tell by a band's name that I won't like it. A lot of these bands (TDWP, BMTH) over-use keyboards.
    I can see where you're coming from with the keyboards. All I can say about TWDP is give Zombie EP and Dead Throne a listen...both have far less keyboards than previous albums and Zombie EP marks their shift to primarily being dropped-B (rather than dropped-D for their first 3 albums) and an overall more brutal/aggressive sound and song structure. Specifically: Escape, Dead Throne, Mammoth, Born to Lose and Constance.

    And BMTH started as straight deathcore on Count Your Blessings (it's an awful album, both in terms of songwriting and production but I'm sure there are MANY who would disagree with me on that), started incorporating more melody on Suicide Season and finally shifting to just straight metalcore on There is a Hell... Not sure how much of them you've listened to, but I say give Suicide Season a shot if you haven't heard that album yet. It's got some amazing riffs and vocals (Oli still shrieked and growled on that album rather than just straight-up yelling/screaming on There is a Hell...). The Comedown, Chelsea Smile, Football Season is Over, Diamonds Aren't Forever and No Need for Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You on the Back of Toilet Doors (probably my favorite song of theirs...it's 1:00 long, 100% grindcore with amazing lyrics and it's also the best ending to a show I've ever seen) are the standout tracks on that album.

    EDIT: I take it back...Crucify Me is still, without a doubt, my favorite BMTH song.

    In principle I dig deathcore, but have yet to find that great deathcore band: I find Job For A Cowboy pretty disappointing. I enjoyed All Shall Perish's first two records, then they diversified too much and they lost me. Though I have been digging the new Whitechapel record: it's like the missing link between Meshuggah and Korn.
    I want to like Job for a Cowboy, but yeah...they're just too...I dunno. They don't do it for me. I've been liking Texas in July a lot lately, though I guess they're not really deathcore. I need to give All Shall Perish another chance. How do you feel about Whitechapel? They put on a hell of a live show.

    As for contemporary metal I dig a some of the djent stuff: Sumerian Records seems to hit that nail on the head. Born of Osiris and Veil of Maya are probably my two favourite bands to come out of that scene. Periphery and Tesseract being my least favourites. Basically the more emo any djent band contains, the worse it will be.
    I hate that word/term but I guess it is what it is...have you heard of Glass Cloud and/or Structures? Both are prog-metal/djent and I think you may like them. Structures is definitely out there with their song-structures (lolololololol) but after a couple listens you start to know what you're in for so it's easier to go with the flow (or lack thereof). The song "Paralyzed___" is a perfect example: all these crazy riffs and mid-verse breakdowns and suddenly it turns into a pop-punk chorus (don't let that turn you off, though. It's actually a really great song).

    I also think the raw end of metal+hardcore is making a great comeback: I enjoyed Trap Them's Darker Handcraft and that latest Black Breath record is fucking phenomenal: the kind of album that gives you faith in the power of metal to be actually heavy again.
    I need to check both of those out...never heard of either. Thanks!
    Last edited by klyrish; 12-16-2012 at 10:03 AM.

  12. #72
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    saw KSE do Alive or Just Breathing in full tonight in Brooklyn at Music Hall of Williamsburg. Acaro opened, generic metalcore but solid. it was REALLY nice to see Shadows Fall again...it's been at least 6 or 7 years. Played for 45 minutes. Good mix of old & new. Brian's dreads are completely insane now. I didnt realize that he has never cut them. I kept expecting them to get caught on random things on the stage. they ended with a thrash version of Bob Marley's War, which was silly and not good.

    KSE was absolutely perfect. One of the best shows i've been to in the last few years. Jesse's voice is really, really strong. band was tight, as always. And the energy...wow. The crowd was SO loud all night screaming every lyric. Jesse didnt even need to sing half the time if he didnt want to. The Howard songs were pulled off really, really well too. Everyone in the club had a big grin on the whole night. Such a positive feeling seeing them do that record and everyone feeling it so much. Never thought I'd hear songs like Rise Inside or To The Sons of Man again. Psyched to hear this new record in April.

  13. #73
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    Whitechapel is pretty much the only deathcore band i actively pay attention too. maybe im too old. "get off my lawn" i guess. I did check out The Ghost Inside a few weeks back and i assuemd they were a shitty scene band bc of their terrible name, turns out theyre a decent hardcore (i use the term loosely...no one's confusing these dues for Madball) chugga chug band.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Whitechapel is pretty much the only deathcore band i actively pay attention too. maybe im too old. "get off my lawn" i guess. I did check out The Ghost Inside a few weeks back and i assuemd they were a shitty scene band bc of their terrible name, turns out theyre a decent hardcore (i use the term loosely...no one's confusing these dues for Madball) chugga chug band.
    Whitechapel is great and they put on a HELL of a show. I saw them on the side stage at Mayhem this year and they were great. Sadly, the sound was awful out there.

    TGI is so, SO good. They have amazing lyrics, too.

    Anyone a fan of Dr. Acula? They're cockrock/party metal/deathcore, are not to be taken seriously at all and I absolutely love them. I've seen them live twice in small clubs here in Denver. The first time, Tyler (screams/shrieks) pulled my buddy Joe and I on stage during the last song, "Who You Gonna Call?" and handed us the mic. It was so cool. My favorite original song of theirs is Party 2.0:

    And they do a cover of Wiz Khalifa - No Sleep that is, without a doubt, the best cover of a song I've ever heard.

    They've broken up in the last couple of months which really sucks because their live shows are such high-energy affairs that are a complete blast. They always hang out in the crowd before the show and the second time I saw them, I was standing by Tyler and Casey (growls) and they were just ripping on The Bunny The Bear for their entire set.

  15. #75
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    Also, for a really solid deathcore experience, I recommend Death of an Era's "Reviler EP"

  16. #76
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    new Carcass album: seems like they've gone back to the old style of song-titles; probably means they are rivisiting that sound too.

  17. #77
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    carcass are playing 3 nights at the camden underworld @ 5.99 a ticket, tickets were only available over the bar at the world's end

    such a good deal!

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Periphery and Tesseract being my least favourites.
    As far as I'm concerned, Tesseract is the pinnacle of the genre. If you don't like this song, I'm just not sure what else I'd have to say.

  19. #79
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    I'll be seeing Killswitch Engage next week, looking forward to seeing Jesse perform with the guys. Saw them with Howard a few years back and it was a pretty great show. Stoked.

  20. #80
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    Saw Ghost in Brixton last night, amazing show, best metal gig I've seen since Electric Wizard in 2008. New material sounds amazing. I must say they have a lot more impact live... great sound & stage setup, church incense burning in the venue too which was a nice touch

  21. #81
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    I love Chimaira. One of the best sounding and funnest concerts i have been to, also met the band. Also i love anything Max Cavalera has done, Sepultura, Soulfy, Nailbomb, and Cavalera Conspiracy. The Newest Soulfly album "Enslaved" is so gooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://youtu.be/xIox89u90YY DevilDriver... http://youtu.be/wpAgW1SEa8c ... Lamb of God... http://youtu.be/06xNfKwFBD4 ... Gotta love the double bass!

  22. #82
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  23. #83
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    Whoa just read that, wtf. RIP man.

  24. #84
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    really stunned, he will always be my fave member and really made me a fan of the band

    RIP Jeff.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by think i'm a fire engine View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, Tesseract is the pinnacle of the genre. If you don't like this song, I'm just not sure what else I'd have to say.

    Dang, dude. I usually avoid all this djent shit and I really don't like Periphery, but this is really good.

  26. #86
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    Re: The Metal Thread

    Holy shit. There goes that new Austrian death machine album.

  28. #88
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    Tesseract's album dropped early. It's pretty nice.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    new Carcass album: seems like they've gone back to the old style of song-titles; probably means they are rivisiting that sound too.
    wow! first track released, "captive bolt pistol", sounds pretty much like a heartwork b-side. so good.


  30. #90
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    It's been an incredible summer for new *core.

    The new We Came As Romans is...exactly what you'd expect, but the title track, "Tracing Back Roots" is incredible. One of my favorite songs of the year.

    Like Moths to Flames' sophomore album is fantastic. Heavy and EXTREMELY dark. I need to give it another listen now that a few weeks have passed.

    SECRETS second album is a bit more on the easycore/pussycore side with all the whiny lyrics trying to pull in the high school crowd, but the first two tracks on the album ("How We Survive" and "Ready for Repair") are great. Not a big fan of the new guy doing unclean vocals but I was never a fan of their uncleans so I guess it's not that big of a difference.

    And now, this week...NEW NORMA JEAN! I can't wait. The two songs released so far are exactly what I was hoping for from them--their signature style of harsh, abrasive and seemingly random/chaotic riffing over a really solid hook. Hopefully I get the MP3 link tomorrow morning and then FINALLY my preorder packages of all four of those albums (and lots of signed extra goodies) will ship out this week.

    New Chimera this week, too, I believe. And then TDWP 8:18 on 9/17. Cannot WAIT for that one. Preorders start worldwide on 7/30 and by doing so, you immediately get links to MP3s of two of the new songs!


    How could I forget ABR and BMTH?

    The new ABR honestly sounds like Leveler part 2. I've listened to it once and likely won't again. They're a great band but just so...meat-and-potatoes metal. They put on one of the best live shows I've ever seen, however. And their drummer is one of the most underrated of all-time.

    Sempiternal...holy shit. This album is incredibly. It's amazing how much BMTH has evolved from being yet another generic deathcore band with Count Your Blessings to this incredible post-hardcore band they are today. "Can You Feel My Heart" is absolutely fantastic. If you didn't know it was them, you'd never be able to tell. I love the evolution this band continues to go through. I just wish their live shows were as good as their albums but CYB destroyed Oli's vocal cords and he's...well, he's terrible live to be perfectly honest. Regardless, Sempiternal is one of my favorites of the year so far.
    Last edited by klyrish; 07-28-2013 at 10:42 PM.

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