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Thread: The DC Extended Universe Thread

  1. #751
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    I'm kinda lucky in the sense that in the UK we have a cineworld pass (£20 a month for all the movies you want to see at a specific chain...which one happens to be 10mins from where i live) so i can see all the films, be them good/bad or just meh. I also like to try and help people who maybe can't afford to go every week pick out the best films, so if a movies bad i'll tell them it's bad. This is, however, just my opinion and won't align with everyone (i disliked LEGO Batman but loved Godzilla)

    I'll see it tomorrow. Regardless of how it is, this years been a great year for films, comic-book movies especially.

  2. #752
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    The DC Extended Universe Thread

    It’s good guys. This is the one of those times where the rotten tomatoes( please stop using this site to determine your movie going experience) is wrong

    My theater was packed and it got a standing ovation. People were laughing, people walked out saying oh man that was good.

    The movie does suffer from fast pace editing no doubt. And sometimes the cgi does look spotty. But all the good outweighs the bad. It’s the first dc movie that feels like a comic book to me.

    If you do plan on staying, please stay for the two credits scenes. They put such a huge smile on my face
    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 11-17-2017 at 06:42 AM.

  3. #753
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    To be clear, it’s not that I use rotten tomatoes to determine whether I’ll see a movie or not. In this case, I was more rooting for the movie to be a critical success is all. Always planned on seeing it either way. I have my ticket for this afternoon and I’m pumped.

  4. #754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    It’s good guys. This is the one of those times where the rotten tomatoes( please stop using this site to determine your movie going experience) is wrong

    My theater was packed and it got a standing ovation. People were laughing, people walked out saying oh man that was good.

    The movie does suffer from fast pace editing no doubt. And sometimes the cgi does look spotty. But all the good outweighs the bad. It’s the first dc movie that feels like a comic book to me.

    If you do plan on staying, please stay for the two credits scenes. They put such a huge smile on my face
    I saw it and I have to disagree, I was sorely disappointed. It was rather generic overall, the issues it had to me were glaring.
    It's "flashy" in a Snyder way, but slo-mo and faux dramatic action does not a good film make. There were some nice team moments and I didn't really mind the basic superhero, macguffin plot. Also the actors portraying the heroes are not to blame for this. There were some lines that made me a wince a little. The CGI on SuperMan and especially the Villain were just very poor and off putting. It just seemed like a step back from WW (even though I have issues with that film too, a 90 something percent on RT) and at this point I think DC needs to kind of soft reboot this thing. I think Ben wants out, which is fine by me (personally I think him and his brother are creeps). He's a fine Batman but if you start a new Batman Franchise I wouldn't mind Jake Gyllenhaal (who is rumored right now in talks). Even tho I think he'd be a better joker, I feel he's a good enough actor to pull that role off. Then you keep Gadot, Cavill and the rest. Then kind of move forward from there.
    Don't do another JL for about 3 years, build up the characters in solo films then have them come back to take on Darkseid. I also think the idea of wasting Flash Point on Flash's first solo movie is a horrible and rushed idea. Just like the death of Superman was done way too early and had no emotional impact on me whatsoever. Plus we all knew Cavill was coming back, so it was just wasted. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 5/10, it was enjoyable at points but just on par for me with BvS (5/10) and SS (3.5/10).I tend to not criticize comic book movies more harshly then other genres too because I'm a big fan of certain characters from a young age.
    Last edited by OSLIN; 11-17-2017 at 10:37 AM.

  5. #755
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    They don’t need a reboot as Snyder won’t be handling anymore movies. Like I said before, the movies can only go up from here.

    But I agree with some spotty cgi, fast paced scene editing.

    But overall it is an enjoyable film, not perfect . But I don’t see movies like critics or everyone else. I immerse myself and see what I can come out with. And I got a great justice league comic book movie that’s actually been better than the actual comic book on this rebirth run.

    But hey it’s cool if you’d didn’t enjoy it.

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  6. #756
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    It’s not that it wasn’t completely enjoyable at all, it’s just something’s took me out of the movie. I don’t think it needs completely rebooted, just mix it up a little. I think a better way of putting it would be course correct.
    Last edited by OSLIN; 11-17-2017 at 09:58 AM.

  7. #757
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSLIN View Post
    It’s not that it wasn’t completely enjoyable at all, it’s just something’s took me out of the movie. I don’t think it needs completely rebooted, just mix it up a little. I think a better way of putting it would be course correct.
    Well this and wonder woman has been the course correct. We arent getting another DC movie till Aquaman around this time next year, and then the year after that we are getting shazaam. Again, Snyder not being involved, I think they movies will be starting to show that.

    I liked the snyderverse stuff, but I am not blind on why people did not like what he has come out with when it comes to these movies. I hope WB keeps away from them and let the directors make the movies they want to make. The fast paced editing of this movie was the clear result of WB playing it safe and an answer to fan criticism.

    Gonna see it again on sunday, then next weekend with the kids since they are busy this weekend.

  8. #758
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    See we can agree that WW was more of a course correct, I think the foresight of building a cohesive universe was just lacking at the beginning. It feels rushed. I think that's partly due to WB feeling like they fell behind Marvel in terms of Universe building. I just believe that getting a JL movie out asap was a jump of the gun and it shows throughout this film. That said I will be taking my son next weekend, he loves The Flash, but I hope that the shake up does get a little more drastic after this and they aren't just gonna ride out whatever they're doing with this universe. I think that's the problem, there doesn't see to be a consistent through line with these films. I also worry about AquaMan, Momoa seems more like a side character even in JL. I just don't see him carrying a movie. Plus how popular of a character is AquaMan, I could see that film bombing big time unless Wan pulls some magic.

  9. #759
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    I’m glad we can have civil debates over it. The rest of the internet, well that’s a shitstorm

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  10. #760
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  11. #761
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    Wow...Justice League was definitely...something.

  12. #762
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSLIN View Post
    Plus how popular of a character is AquaMan, I could see that film bombing big time unless Wan pulls some magic.
    Depends on how many people are willing to look past how he was presented in the old cartoons. It took the Nolan movies to convince the general public that there was more to Batman than the 60s TV show (the Schumacher exist because the Burton movies dared to challenge that, leading to the Nolan movies being darker in response to how poorly received the Schumacher movies were). Wan seems to have very little experience making movies that aren't horror (unless Aquaman is supposed to be a horror movie), and I'm a little worried about they guy they chose to write the script due to his IMDB not having a whole lot of entries. At least the story is being co-written with an actual comic book writer with his fair share of high-profile work in the superhero genre. Giving the live-action solo debut of a major superhero a writing team that consists of just one guy who is known to be familiar with the character feels like taking a big gamble.

  13. #763
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    Well i saw it and...i really didn't enjoy it.

    I go into detail in my cinema thread for anyone that gives a crap ( but i largely found this film boring, seriously i saw it an hour ago and i can baerly remember it I don't think it's as bad as critics are saying, but i don't think it's worthy of any prasie either, and it's defiantly a step back from Wondeer Women. I will say i'm looking forward to seeing the Flash movie now, as he was probably the best bit in this (and i now fully expect DC to soft reboot the universe in that film, getting a younger Batman so Affleck can respectfully bow out and fix the over issues like Lex Luthor)

    Given the issues the film had this was probably the best anyone could expect.

  14. #764
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    I enjoyed the film overall, but I did have plenty of issues with it. Like a lot of reviews have said, the plot and villain are paper thin. The studio over-corrected in their desire to cut down the run-time, as Steppenwolf/the entire story could have used another 30 minutes to set everything up properly. Ciarin Hinds is fantastic. They should have given him more to work with.

    For some reason, in this one Ben Affleck looks awkward as Bruce Wayne. Don't know how to word it exactly, but it just felt OFF whenever he was walking around as Bruce. Liked him just fine again as (world's bulkiest) Batman.

    The CGI was shoddy in some places, ESPECIALLY when it came to Henry Cavill's was obvious every single time it was on the screen.

    Overall, everything just felt rushed and cobbled together. The CGI, the plot, the re-shoots (which lead to tonal inconsistency)..I can't help but wonder how good this could have been if everything had been given a little more room to breathe.


    Gotham city. I love the feel/vibe of the city any time we get to see it.

    The Flash and Wonder Woman were both fantastic.

    Cyborg/Aquaman were solid, but I want to see more of them before I make a judgement. They didn't really get to do a whole lot in this one.

    Love JK Simmons as the commish, but again, he didn't get to do much in this one.
    Last edited by Mr. Blaileen; 11-19-2017 at 09:26 AM.

  15. #765
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    Just wanted to say that Adam Jones for tool though it was epic.

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  16. #766
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    it's anti-nazi
    Haven't seen the movie, but isn't it set in WWI?

  17. #767
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    Haven't seen the movie, but isn't it set in WWI?
    yes, but the ideals for which wonder woman fights are essentially the opposite of facism.

  18. #768
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  19. #769
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    That is absolutely amazing. Absolutely spot on.

  20. #770
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  21. #771
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    which is funny b/c didn't they restructure after BvS was ripped apart? Guess that didn't work out too well. What a debacle these idiots have caused for themselves by rushing half-baked movies out with zero build-up or attempts at solid serialized storytelling.

  22. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    which is funny b/c didn't they restructure after BvS was ripped apart? Guess that didn't work out too well. What a debacle these idiots have caused for themselves by rushing half-baked movies out with zero build-up or attempts at solid serialized storytelling.
    True story. Chris Nolan was quoted a few days back in an interview at the BAFTA event:

    “That’s a privilege and a luxury that filmmakers aren’t afforded anymore (re: time - Batman Begins was released in 2005, The Dark Knight in 2008, and The Dark Knight Rises in 2012). I think it was the last time that anyone was able to say to a studio, ‘I might do another one, but it will be four years’. There’s too much pressure on release schedules to let people do that now but creatively it’s a huge advantage. We had the privilege and advantage to develop as people and as storytellers and then bring the family back together,” he said.

  23. #773
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    More and more articles are popping up with sources saying Affleck will be be in the Flash movie, but that it'll be the end of the line for him with Reeves' solo movie being a fresh actor. Sigh...

  24. #774
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Wow...Justice League was definitely...something.
    horrid is the word I think you're looking for....

  25. #775
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  26. #776
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    Does this count as a DC movie?

  27. #777
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Does this count as a DC movie?

    My girls love that show. I dont take it serious and no one should. But this will be funnier than lego batman( that movie hasnt really aged well).

  28. #778
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    For those interested, Justice League hits digital Feb 13 and blu ray on Mar 13, the Wal-Mart version has one bonus scene (my money's on the Alfred talking to _____ scene in the trailer but not in the theatrical cut).

    They've gotta keep showing that dumb ass Aquaman "YEAYUH!" scene...
    Last edited by october_midnight; 01-18-2018 at 04:02 PM.

  29. #779
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    Im getting the target version. But if there is a bonus scene only available on the walmart version, i I would feel a bit pissed off

  30. #780
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    it will be on Youtube anyway so I wouldn't get nervous about it. Still haven't seen that movie and I'll probably end up cutting it down to all the Batman scenes...

    on another note this is happening:

    suicide squad getting back into shape. And while it would not have saved that movie I desperately wish Joel Kinnaman would have never entered the cast and Tom Hardy stuck around to play Rick.
    Last edited by dlb; 01-19-2018 at 03:58 AM.

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