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Thread: The DC Extended Universe Thread

  1. #241
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  2. #242
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    Also, the new Flash costume has fully gone metal it looks like...

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    holy cow, that looks AWESOME.

  4. #244
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    I'm pretty sure that flash picture is from the mmo DC universe.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    OK, I'm in. Margot Robbie is fucking winning me over as Harley Quinn.

  6. #246
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    New trailer is a ton of fun – Jai Courtney, Margot Robbie, and Jared Leto all look like they're having a blast with their characters. Joel Kinnman looks like the perfect, semi-sane glue for them all to boot.

    Loving the white tux Joker.

    Boomerang cracking the beer is hilarious.

    Wonder Woman footage looking good!

    If it's as good as the 2009 animated film, we'll be OK. But seriously, the animated movie is great.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 01-19-2016 at 10:40 PM.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I'm pretty sure that flash picture is from the mmo DC universe.
    Official concept art. The SuperHeroFeed Twitter acct has all the rest.

  8. #248
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    I want to be hyped up for this movie, but all this bullshit news that Jared Leto is SOOO in character makes me roll my eyes. It's cringe worthy.

  9. #249
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    I know this has been said over and over by now but, while I'm still on board for this movie, I think the only way this version of the Joker will be acceptable is if they go with the Jason Todd story.

  10. #250
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    The first SS trailer left me really uncertain, but damn, that new one should've just been the first. I'm definitely looking forward to it, and if done right could kick off a trend of supervillain-centric movies. Considering that even a lot of hardcore fans of the MCU tend to agree that's the weakest aspect of their films, I'd love it if this gave Marvel some incentive to work harder at crafting memorable and compelling villains that aren't just there to be a stepping stone in an origin story before getting bumped off for good.

  11. #251
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    I think this movie will be an amazing one for DC. Really digging the aesthetics now!

    Still not sold on the Joker look though. Looks purely, not the performance. Seems relatively good for the role after seeing tidbits and the new trailer.

    Shamelessly changed my avatar today too.

  12. #252
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    I still really hate this depiction of the Joker but let's see how Leto acts this one out. I like the laugh though. The rest looks really amazing by now and I am totally sold on Robbie as Quinn and damn, Boomerang looks like fun! But why wait until August?

  13. #253
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    i feel like you're all being fooled by an admittedly slick trailer. The trailer is edited really well and who doesn't love the creative use of Bohemian Rhapsody? BUT, this is still the messy hodpodge it was prior to that trailer. There really isn't any new footage that makes it any different than the overly dark, all over the place mess it looked like to me prior. And I find this depiction of Harley....with the New DC Universe origin no less (yuck) be annoying. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm still very, very wary of both DC movies this year.

  14. #254
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    I just have a feeling Suicide Squad will be the Fantastic Four of 2016 but i can be wrong.

  15. #255
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    That second trailer for Suicide Squad changed my opinion from "Meh, I guess I'll see it" to "OMFG MIDNIGHT PREMIERE FOR SURE!" almost instantaneously.

    Honestly, I'm not even a DC guy as much as I'm a Marvel kid...but I am THOROUGHLY roped into the DCCU now.

    (The fact that it actually has a proper fucking thread doesn't hurt, lolfailets.)

    Seriously, though. I am FULLY onboard with Affleck's Batman and Cavill's Superman, so it's already off to a great start, imho.

    That said, I was as skeptical as anyone when I first heard that the DCCU was pinning its hopes on a movie based on "Suicide Squad," of all comics. Pretty much NO ONE was begging for THAT to be adapted to film, let alone the linchpin of an entire, multibillion dollar film franchise.

    I actually think Man of Steel being such (comparatively) grounded sci-fi was a GREAT start -- and same goes for Wonder Woman possibly being Kryptonian, btw -- but leaping from THAT to fucking Killer Croc and witch-possession and shit is kinda fucking pushing it, lol. So, as I said, I was rather skeptical, to say the least.

    But they are selling that shit HARD. The tone and production values look TOP NOTCH and I am OFFICIALLY 100% ready-to-go now! Which I sincerely didn't even BEGIN to see coming. Goddamn, what a trailer!


    Quote Originally Posted by Liquid_Bastard View Post
    I know this has been said over and over by now but, while I'm still on board for this movie, I think the only way this version of the Joker will be acceptable is if they go with the Jason Todd story.
    I mean, potential SPOILER ALERT here, but...

    Spoiler: Are you familiar with the Joker/Robin bullethole thing?

    Because the promotional material (not to mention the HEAVY borrowing from Miller's Batman) very, VERY strongly suggests that the Joker is ABSOLUTELY Jason Todd. Which is OMFG AWESOME, of course!

    But, HEY. Don't take MY word for it!


    EDIT: Hahahaha! I fucking TRIED, damnit.

  16. #256
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    I love this.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I hope I'm wrong, but I'm still very, very wary of both DC movies this year.
    that is probably fair, other than the nolan & elfman batman movies, DC hasn't built a reputation as a solid movie franchise.

    that being said, suicide squad & batman vs superman both look pretty decent so far.

  18. #258
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    The fuck is a lolfailet?


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    I love this.
    That's nuts. I read Kevin Smith saying somewhere that she wants to play Harley at some point...that'd be interesting to see.
    Last edited by october_midnight; 02-01-2016 at 10:00 AM.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liquid_Bastard View Post
    I know this has been said over and over by now but, while I'm still on board for this movie, I think the only way this version of the Joker will be acceptable is if they go with the Jason Todd story.
    honestly that sounds like way too much backstory to try and establish over the course of one ensemble cast movie, for that to have much impact, the audience needs to see:

    robin established on screen.
    jason todd as robin.
    then the "death" of robin. (and at the hands of who exactly...)

    just seems way too clunky and too much to get into, even if the movie was going to be very joker-centric. maybe they can & will do it as more of an easter egg for folks who know what to look for and not really delve into joker's backstory.


    regardless, I kinda like the look of this joker. joker is one of those villains where he can be amazing in the comics, but is really hard to literally translate him to live action.

  20. #260
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    It's WAY more simple and awesome than that.

    All the general audience needs to know is that the heretofore-retired/graying-at-the-temples Bruce Wayne hung up his cape-and-cowl after Robin died and that the Joker killed him. From there, it's just a matter of establishing that the REAL Joker (and/or that staple-faced b/s) fucked with Robin's head SO FUCKING MUCH that he somehow drove him CRAZY and turned him against Batman. All of that could, conceivably, take less than 5 minutes worth of flashbacks to establish/solve/reveal.

    And OMFG what a shock it would be for anyone who hasn't already noticed the bullet-holes/wounds!


    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    The fuck is a lolfailet?
    It was "lolfailetS," actually.

    And I'm sure you know.


  21. #261
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    It doesn't even have to be revealed right away or even all at once if they are establishing a "universe."

  22. #262
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    I actually think the way DC is catching up with the MCU is pretty cool.

    Comparisons will obviously be made anyway, so I think it's interesting that they've decided NOT to go the MCU route, with each member of the Justice League getting solo films leading up to the big team-up.

    Instead, they seem to basically just be going BALLS-DEEP on the DCCU's second outing...which is pretty damned ambitious, lol.

    Right off the bat (so to speak), the second movie is a team-up for Superman and Batman, but then there's Wonder Woman in the mix, too. And apparently we'll be seeing Aquaman and the guy who becomes Cyborg as well, not to mention whoever else they'll probably throw in there while they're at it.

    And then the THIRD movie has a Battfleck cameo plus it IMMEDIATELY throws an entire rogue's gallery at us all at once, so the DCCU is just REALLY fucking going for it.

    If nothing else, they're certainly committed!

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    not to mention whoever else they'll probably throw in there while they're at it.
    the obvious downside of that approach is that it evokes memories of all the really messy super hero movies I've seen where they do go totally overboard in throwing in too many moving pieces at once and as a result none of it individually has much impact. Spiderman 3 / and most of the post elfman pre nolan batmen pop to mind as prime examples of comic book movies that just threw way too much stuff in there.

  24. #264
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    Looks like the Zack Snyder directed 'Justice League' movie starts filming April 11th in England.

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I just have a feeling Suicide Squad will be the Fantastic Four of 2016 but i can be wrong.
    You'll be wrong. I have faith in it.

    I, however, could give two fucks for Batman v Superman.

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    You'll be wrong. I have faith in it.

    I, however, could give two fucks for Batman v Superman.
    Why? If you don't mind me asking?

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Why? If you don't mind me asking?
    For which sentence?

  28. #268
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    Why not giving a shit about BvS?

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Why not giving a shit about BvS?
    I'm not that big of a Superman fan and I love Batman but he needs to take a rest from film limelight. I won't protest more content of the character but Nolan stuff isn't even that old yet and we're rebooting the franchise with a new direction yet again. I also am not a fan of the immediate shoehorning angle to force Justice League out of the gate because "oops, it's only logical to finally establish a film universe to compete with Marvel even though they've been at it for nearly a decade."

    Plus I'm just not an immediate fan of the casting overall. Eisenberg looks like a weak Luthor from shit I've seen and I think they missed the mark entirely with Wonder Woman. Just MY opinion. No right or wrong. I'll see it like every comic fan does (which means they can and will do whatever the fuck they want anyways) but I'm not terribly invested or excited to see it.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I'll see it like every comic fan does (which means they can and will do whatever the fuck they want anyways) but I'm not terribly invested or excited to see it.
    honestly, thats the best thing they've got going for them, whether or not they realize it: not having expectations inflated means IF the movie is actually good, people are gonna be ecstatic.

    if the expectations were through the roof, I'd actually be a lot more worried. like you said, there's gonna be butts in seats regardless, and if those butts were super jazzed -- you'd have a real concern about letting them down. nobody expected much from iron man, and here we are 10 years later.

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