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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #3781
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    I like this one more than Ragnarok actually, but yeah, Marvel missed an opportunity to tell a more compelling story by being brave enough to tell it seriously. Hell, we see Gorr kill like one god, and that God deserved it. It doesn't do a good job of making the case against gorr, to the point that he has to kidnap some kids, which doesn't fit his character, not the plot, in order to make that happen. They're afraid to let anyone stay dead, they're afraid to have anything of consequence.

    I think now, many of the former strengths and successes of the MCU are becoming great weaknesses. Everything is interconnected, so when things exist in isolation it feels unproductive. They had 4 movies/shows about the multiverse, but all of the multiversal shenanigans were for completely different, totally unrelated reasons. Marvel was bright and avoided many of the grimdark trends of the late 2000s, but now can't hold it's face to a serious plot.

    I think it needs a real shake up.

    Bale was great, Portman seemed like she was having fun, a contrast from the first two where she seemed visibly above the procedings. The cinematography was really great

  2. #3782
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Marvel missed an opportunity to tell a more compelling story by being brave enough to tell it seriously.
    Yeah, I was surprised by how light they kept the whole "Jane has cancer now" thing. I expected more serious, somber, tear-jerking scenes of her dealing with the horrible realities of her sickness more (losing her hair, throwing up, being too tired/weak to get out of her hospital bed, etc.). I think giving the movie a more emotional anchor could have helped make the ending feel more earned and impacful. It was a nice surprise to see Spoiler: her greeted by Heimdall in Valhalla, though!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I think now, many of the former strengths and successes of the MCU are becoming great weaknesses. Everything is interconnected, so when things exist in isolation it feels unproductive. They had 4 movies/shows about the multiverse, but all of the multiversal shenanigans were for completely different, totally unrelated reasons. Marvel was bright and avoided many of the grimdark trends of the late 2000s, but now can't hold it's face to a serious plot.

    I think it needs a real shake up.

    Bale was great, Portman seemed like she was having fun, a contrast from the first two where she seemed visibly above the proceedings. The cinematography was really great
    Yeah, I kind of agree. It's fine for people like me who have seen everything in the MCU (with the exception of a few episodes of Ms. Marvel), but much of the general public going to see these movies hasn't seen every TV show on Disney+, in addition to all of the movies. This was more of a problem for Doctor Strange 2, where if people didn't see WandaVision, they might have been really confused. We are reaching a point where new films coming out have a list of prerequisites that you should have seen beforehand and they aren't just limited to the original film in the franchise and other sequels.

    As for Christian Bale, he was as great as I hoped he'd be and I loved every second he was onscreen! He's a great actor and this was no exception. Natalie Portman seemed to care a lot more in this than she did in The Dark World, but I still think the movie would have benefitted from a strong emotional scene or two portraying just how difficult of a struggle her declining health had become. It would have afforded her the opportunity to show off her dramatic acting skills like Bale was able to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    FFS just read about the GNR songs in Love and Thunder. Why do film directors insist on inflicting their teenage music taste on film goers, it’s just sad. What next a film directed by Beavis and Butthead, uh uh I love Axl. ?
    It was by no means a perfect movie, but the songs that appeared throughout were never one of the things I took issue with. No one complained when Guardians of the Galaxy did it (although the soundtracks of those movies were diegetic most of the time) or when Iron Man used all of those AC/DC songs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Very mixed on Thor. They took Ragnorak and ran with it a tad too much imo, and Spoiler: They underutilized Gorr and apparently cut A LOT of footage that had Gorr in them. I loved what Bale brought to the role... 6/10 for me atm.
    I mostly agree. I think I'd put it at a 7/10. Overall, it was a decent and fun movie, but where I think they balanced it better in Ragnarok (which I thought they almost made too jokey in some spots), I do think they've gone a little too far in the silly/goofy direction, especially for a movie where one of the main characters is dying of cancer. I'm sure they felt they had to keep it from getting too depressing when dealing with such a depressing real world disease, but I think that subject should have been treated with the weight it deserves. I watched Age of Ultron yesterday and it's a bit jarring to see Thor acting so serious after seeing a movie where he spends like 5 minutes of the whole movie being serious. As soon as Guardians of the Galaxy became successful back in 2014, I knew they were going to take Thor in that direction, too, but I think they need to dial it back on the next one. Pacing-wise, the beginning of the movie felt a little rushed to me, too. I think a longer runtime would have actually helped in this case, especially in the first act where they could have shown more of Thor's time with the Guardians (loved every second they were onscreen as well!) and this is also where they could have shown the audience more of Jane's struggle with cancer. I keep thinking of the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy with Peter's mother, which is a good example of a fun and silly movie that also manages to have a very serious scene that makes an emotional impact. I liked Love and Thunder more than The Dark World (and possibly even the original Thor), but it's not as good as Ragnarok. Chris Hemsworth is still fun in the role and it's nice to have one of the OG Avengers still hanging around.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 07-10-2022 at 08:57 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3783
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    ^^^ Well said on all fronts. When you watch Thor 1 & 2, his character is completely different and I am all for character development, but I'm not that big a fan of making him a complete idiot pretty much. I enjoy all the Thor films for what they are, but this one may be on the bottom for me. I like Thor 2 probably more than anyone I know lol.

    His armor also threw me off... I didn't like any of them unfortunately :/.

  4. #3784
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    LOVED the goats and I haven't laughed in an MCU movie that much since the first Guardians outing. The whole battle sequence in the beginning was glorious with those bird creatures. But I couldn't agree more with what has been said about Portman and the whole cancer subject. Would have wished for a little less family centric stuff, but more in depth focus on her, her sickness and how Thor handles it.

    The movie was real fun though and it certainly would have been nice if it was a tad longer as there's been so many stuff in there that would have benefited from a longer runtime. Gorr was cool and all and Bale certainly did a lot with that character, but I would have preferred more screentime from him and at least a little more similarities with his comic book character. He was too Joker-y here and there for my taste, as if the only way to portray a madman is to give him a shaky voice and an eerie grin.

    Waititi's handwriting definitely shows again in this movie and while I could have done without so many kids being front and center in this movie, the flick had alot of heart and soul eventhough it's campy and silly as hell in parts.

    AND this movie might have had the most visually stunning parts of any MCU movie since Doctor Strange. I was hoping for Multiverse of Madness to be a little bit more bonkers, but the shadow realm looked really amazing.

    Mid- and post-credit scenes were extremely underwhelming though if you would have loved to know more about where Phase 4 is going...
    Last edited by dlb; 07-11-2022 at 09:21 AM.

  5. #3785
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    Ant Man 3 broad plot leak floating around, for those interested

  6. #3786
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    there are Black Panther 2 leaks all over twitter. the leaks look like a PS2 game however so I put little to not stock in them being real at this point.

    Plus the whole "they're still there and not getting DMCA'd"

  7. #3787
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    there are Black Panther 2 leaks all over twitter. the leaks look like a PS2 game however so I put little to not stock in them being real at this point.

    Plus the whole "they're still there and not getting DMCA'd"
    Those leaks looks exactly like the ones of professor x in ds2 which turned out to be very real

  8. #3788
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    Ms. Marvel finale was great.

    Spoiler: I'm sure some people will be upset by the twist in the end, but I'm cool with it.

  9. #3789
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    the twist was in the book though iirc. I mean it was eventually clarified to be something else but initially that was the thought.

    also the music that plays? cannot wait!

  10. #3790
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    Spoiler: I actually kind of saw it coming. I thought they were going to do the same thing, Agatha kept asking after the source of Wanda's power and they never actually address it, so I think they will at some point and that's what it will be.

    This was very similar. I don't know how many real inhuman fans are out there to be upset, but I kind of have it out for them so not too upset to see mutants claim some of their territory. All though s little put off if Ms. marvel turns out to be one of the early X-Men, at the expense of actual x-men
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 07-13-2022 at 04:32 PM.

  11. #3791
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I actually kind of saw it coming
    Wouldn't hurt to put some spoiler tags around your post.

  12. #3792
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    I enjoyed the end of Ms. Marvel. The end credits scene leads to some interesting possibilities.

  13. #3793
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    Ms. Marvel left a really bad taste in my mouth after finishing it. Kind of fell apart for me at the end to honest... If they do what I think they are going to do, not fully on board with that decision; we'll see where this goes.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 07-14-2022 at 09:25 PM.

  14. #3794
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Ms. Marvel left a really bad taste in my mouth after finishing it. Kind of fell apart for me at the end to honest... If they do what I think they are going to do, not fully on board with that decision; we'll see where this goes.
    What do you think they're going to do?

    I was Luke warm on the show as a whole. I thought they executed really well on the interpersonal aspects, and quite badly on the superhero stuff

  15. #3795
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  17. #3797
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    Quote Originally Posted by [parasite] View Post
    About as crazy as that Muskface in Iron-Man 2....

  18. #3798
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    I mean Star Wars exists in-universe and yet no one looks at Jane or Nick Fury funny.

  19. #3799
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    I wonder if this means there's going to be some Deadpool 3 info soon?

  20. #3800
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  21. #3801
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    @allegate : I am grateful that you posted that because I'm very tired today and I do feel my age and I saw Baby Groot and I went "awwwwww" because Baby Groot always warms my old, cynical heart. Then, I hit the "play" button.

    They have Baby Groot fart a leaf that the little thingies start eating.

    I'm way too tired for that shit.

  22. #3802
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    They have Baby Groot fart a leaf that the little thingies start eating.

    I'm way too tired for that shit.
    We tried watching that Rocket & Groot animate series and they cheapened that characters so badly we didn't make it 5min...

  23. #3803
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    We tried watching that Rocket & Groot animate series and they cheapened that characters so badly we didn't make it 5min...
    One big difference is that James Gunn was actually involved in making this new one. And also worth noting that these are shorts, not full length tv episodes.

  24. #3804
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    So I've seen Thor 4 twice now. I was overjoyed after my first viewing, but it was in IMAX screening on 7/6 with a very bias audience who was losing it for every bit (there was alot of cosplay too), so that might have upped my enjoyment significantly.

    After the second viewing, I see the criticisms more than I did initially, but I still really liked the movie. They could have improved the movie greatly with these:

    - less Korg, especially the longwinded narration. That made the film clunky, and Korg's humor comes from the quick lines. And no one cares about his backstory. Just have Korg along for the ride, cracking little one-liners and responses. But Taika voices Korg & people enjoyed the character in Ragnarok, so he decided to feed his ego & give the character an outsized role.

    - as many have said, give us at least another 10 minutes of Gorr doing some God-Butchering. Maybe we'll get a directors cut with alot of the Bale stuff they cut here. We kinda just dropped in on Jane out of nowhere too. More time setting her up would help too. On a side note, Natalie Portman has one of the nicest smiles a person can have.

    - drop the GnR stuff down to just the November Rain needle drop. The other three songs used are so on the nose & overdone. Plus when you add in that forced thing where Heimdall's son wants to call himself Axl? Jesus. Cringe City. My super normie friend who I watched it with the second time leaned over and asked me what was going on with all the GnR. He asked legitimately if they paid to be in the movie or something.

    - remove the clearly purposeful disrespect for the Warriors Three. Not sure why Taika thinks its funny to goof on them. It's not like it was a big internet thing that people hated the characters or something.

    - Bored, uninterested Valkyrie does nothing for me. Tessa Thompson is great in the role, I just wish she wasn't written "too cool for school/I can't be bothered" so much. I had hoped that part of her arc would have been done in Ragnarok.

    That's really it. I think the tonal shifts weren't as jarring as people make them out to be. As the movie goes along, the jokey stuff happens less and less until they disappear completely in the third act basically. Alot of people apparently hated Toothgrinder & Toothgnasher? I dunno, I though the bit was hilarious even after the second time. I hope that Thor ends up with Sif after Thor 5, and they raise Love together or something. Intrigued by how OP they make her btw. The power of Eternity is no joke. I like how much deity/god stuff we've been seeing over the past few movies & shows. I imagine it's all leading somewhere bigger than this to keep showing us so many different gods, and then having some of them pop up in other properties later (mention of Ra here, showing Quetzalcoatl sitting in front of our heroes here, and then supposedly having him show up in Black Panther 2 as being responsible for Namor's powers, etc). Oh, and apparently the GotG Xmas special on Disney+ will follow from where we left the GotG in this one.

    I ended up really enjoying Ms. Marvel overall, as did my wife. Strong beginning, strong end, so-so middle. The casting here was excellent, and I hope we see everyone back. I think her dad was my favorite character in the show. The "twist" at the end wasn't that surprising, and I don't think she's gonna join that part. team or anything. They're clearly setting up a Young Avengers thing for a few years from now with her, Isiah Bradley's grandson, Ironheart, Spidey, Love, Kate Bishop, She-Hulk, Yelena & potentially Shuri if Letitia Wright doesn't self destruct first. That last scene also intrigued me for The Marvels.

    I have no specific reason for thinking this, but I feel like Black Panther 2 is gonna be awful. Just seems so rushed.

    You guys see all the future Marvel movie titles that leaked today? Think it's legit?

  25. #3805
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    I just saw L&T today (yesterday?... whatever) and I pretty much agree with everything @bobbie solo has said about the movie thus far. Not sure if i even have anything to expand on really, i do need to still see Doc Strange 2 and the Ms. Marvel show but otherwise I'm caught up.

    I also feel like Black Panther 2 is gonna suck, how do you top Chadwick Boseman with Anti-Vaxx lady and whatever else they're doing? i dunno.... we'll see. The trailer is imminent.

  26. #3806
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    Marvel just announced release dates for all the new movies and shows for Phase 5 & 6. Phase 4 is officially the weakest for me so far.

    Phase 4 will conclude with She-Hulk (August 17th) and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (November 11th)

    Ant-Man and the Wasp will begin Phase 5. (February 17 2023)

    "Scott Lang says "I am an Avenger" to Kang who chillingly responds" You're an Avenger... have I killed you before?"

    Secret Invasion: Spring 2023
    Guardians Vol. 3 - May 5th 2023 (Ends Guardians era confirmed)
    The Marvels - July 28th 2023
    Echo - Summer 2023
    Loki S2 - Summer 2023
    Blade - November 3rd 2023
    Ironheart - Fall 2023
    Agatha: Coven of Chaos - Winter 2023
    Captain America: New World Order - May 3rd 2024
    Daredevil: Born Again - Spring 2024
    Thunderbolts - July 26th 2024 (Will apparently end Phase 5)

    Fantastic 4 will kickstart Phase 6 - November 8th 2024

    Avengers: The Kang Dynasty - May 2nd 2025
    Avengers: Secret Wars - November 7th 2025 (Will end Phase 6)

    Phase 4-6 is being titled "The Multiverse Saga"

    New She-Hulk trailer.

    Wakanda Forever Trailer.

    Say what you want about Letitia Wright... She here. Wakanda Forever looks incredible. Bring the tissues...

    I'll leave the other characters that will be appearing in these upcoming shows and films for you to discover. There is so much to look forward to!
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 07-24-2022 at 01:58 PM.

  27. #3807
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    Secret Wars is going to be crazy.

  28. #3808
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    I wonder if we'll get an amalgamation of the Secret Wars stories? meaning black suit and incursions.

  29. #3809
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    The two Avengers titles leaked yesterday, alongside some stuff they still haven't announced, maybe at D23, and someone on theReddit thread for that was like "these are comic books, no way they announce two avengers movies tomorrow" any way that comment was wonderfully wrong

  30. #3810
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