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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #3151
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    speaking of hexes...

    Holy shit, I'm sure that's exactly what it is! The amount of planning that goes into the MCU and all of its installments and how they interconnect with one another never ceases to amaze me! I love how much sense that makes and yet it never even occurred to me until now.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 02-24-2021 at 02:02 PM. Reason: grammatical error

  2. #3152
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    note the date.

  3. #3153
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    So I guess we know what Spoiler: cataract is now.

  4. #3154
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    great episode. I hope the naysayers who hated the first few episodes b/c they have the patience of a gnat will now shut up as everything was tied back in together re: the sitcom angle. As if it was some great leap to infer that she fell in love with American sitcoms at some point in her past & them being her coping mechanism would make sense.

    I feel like they powered up Agatha Harkness a bit for the show, but that's ok so she can to go toe to toe with the extremely OP Scarlet Witch. Catherine Hahn is great so far, despite the writing for her throughout all those flashbacks. Holy expo dump.

    I doubt we get much wrapped up this week. Gonna be alot of dangling things that will go off into multiple properties in the future, as has been discussed.

    cataract: a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

  5. #3155
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    Everything I’ve seen and heard indicates this’ll play out in the second Dr Strange movie.

  6. #3156
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    It's pretty obvious what they are doing with Agatha, the book, and her being connected to Dormammu. Can't say I'm thrilled how they are handling Agatha Harkness, but I digress. If she is instead helping her in some twisted way, I'd be down for that.

    The end credits scene has me crazy excited. They actually did it. Spoiler: I'm expecting a Vision vs Vision stand-off which can make things go bonkers and even Scarlett for that matter. This could end up merging realities and actually getting the body swap like in the comics for Vision.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 02-27-2021 at 02:51 PM.

  7. #3157
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    I'm fully expecting Spoiler: Monica to show up and somehow provide the power for the two Visions to merge like in her one story-line.
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post

    cataract: a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.
    I never understood the whole thing where "Cataract was the dead people because they had milky eyes" line of thinking. Too specific and random to make sense.

  8. #3158
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I'm fully expecting Spoiler: Monica to show up and somehow provide the power for the two Visions to merge like in her one story-line

    I like this.

  9. #3159
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    This was the best episode of the series so far, IMO. I loved the revisiting of all of the pivotal points in her life. Really looking forward to next Friday to see how they wrap it all up. It's supposed to be a 50-minute episode, too!

  10. #3160
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    Watching again, Spoiler: they really did the Dragonball Z power beam stand-off; I couldn't help but laugh during that Coven scene. Still really cool, and I love all the witch stuff. They also did a great job with Wanda's grief and them planning out their lives... Ugh, how gut wrenching

    ... and Hayward is such a generic bad guy. Ugh, he needs to disappear.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 02-27-2021 at 06:57 PM.

  11. #3161
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    I like how the different magics have different colors, even Dr. Strange.

  12. #3162
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I like how the different magics have different colors, even Dr. Strange.
    yeah, it's not just "good / evil"

  13. #3163
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    I was listening to a podcast last night and something they said made me go off on a thought:

    So we learned the Wanda was born with the Chaos Magic. We also learned that magics have specific colors and Chaos = Red. We see it every time she does anything, right? But we also see that the Mind Stone is yellow. Something happened with her and the Mind Stone and to this point we've assumed that's what gave her the powers she has but it turns out it wasn't that at all because maybe she's born with it.

    Anyway. What color is the Mind Stone? It's yellow. what color is the magic that created nüVision? It's yellow. What I'm thinking is that the Mind Stone did give her something, like maybe a Green Lantern battery charge, but that was used to create nüVision. I mean Agatha said Chaos Magic is for creation and so maybe she literally created a new mind stone for him.

    Though the "zombie Vision" thing is a burr on this. I have to assume it's a situation of she sees what she expects to see in those moments vs. the illusion, maybe? hard to think about too hard because we know she created actual Vision but then she sees him as the zombie so both can't be right, can they?

    second thought, this one about mutants:

    I think that Evan Peters was a false-flag operation by Disney. "Oh hey, we've got this guy and is he a mutant? is he from Fox's X-Men? who can tell?" and then you have hundreds of articles talking about mutants and now everyone is primed for mutants / x-men to show up. It's not going to be this show but the heavy lifting of "what tf is a mutant?" for the masses is sort of done for them. they're probably going to still do something but a lot of what they needed to do was crowd-sourced by the fans and media with all of the articles and speculation.

  14. #3164
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  15. #3165
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    Well I'll be damned...

  16. #3166
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    That graphic is a mock up and I wouldn't call that source at all reliable. Especially if you read their article they have absolutely zero information

  17. #3167
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    Wow! That was a proper finale! I haven't been excited and teary eyed because of a Marvel production like this before, not even Endgame.

    I don't know what the last after-credits scene really means, but I guess Spoiler: this is her astral form studying the book and it will throw is into the multiverse of madness? And things are far from over? Is she an outcast now, neither good or bad? And is that the lake house where Tony's funeral was being held?.

    Spoiler: And who sent the Skrull for Monica? Fury? I guess so since even the German dubbing explicitly mentions "him". So we probably won't see Monica for a while or maybe in Captain Marvel 2, if that is still planned.

    I was expecting something else for both scenes, but I can't wait for Dr. Strange 2 now, which after a second viewing these days has become one of my favorite Marvel movies.

    Very happy for Lizzy Olsen too and such a fantastic kick-off to the Marvel TV-shows/movie tie-ins and her role being elevated this much. She' become my favorite Avenger now together with Strange and the Guardians.

    One thing that I can't wrap my mind around though: Spoiler: With the Hex gone, doesn't that mean Agnes is back to being Harkness again and roaming free? So far Kathryn Hahn isn't cast in Strange 2...
    Last edited by dlb; 03-05-2021 at 12:00 PM.

  18. #3168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    That graphic is a mock up and I wouldn't call that source at all reliable. Especially if you read their article they have absolutely zero information
    100% but I think I like that title. Granted it would be better as an introduction to Mutants in general and then you can have your X-Men and X-Man and Magneto Origins later. Best to introduce the concept.

    Which is opposite of what I said above but both would be great.

    also not reading those spoilers...kind of glad I'm in training all day so I can't get on twitter.

  19. #3169
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    We’re trying to catch up with the MCU in my family and just finished Black Panther and I bloody loved it! Who is going to fill Chadwick Boseman’s shoes? Also Dr Strange and Thor Ragnaorok were great - Thor was a surprise as I thought the previous one was a bit shit with the Dark Elves. Ant Man was surprisingly good though, the giant Thomas the Tank Engine was funny,

    anyway looking forward to watching Infinty War this weekend and being fully updated by 4 weeks and then we can actually watch Wanda Vision as we subscribed to Disney Plus this year

  20. #3170
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    We’re trying to catch up with the MCU in my family and just finished Black Panther and I bloody loved it! Who is going to fill Chadwick Boseman’s shoes? Also Dr Strange and Thor Ragnaorok were great - Thor was a surprise as I thought the previous one was a bit shit with the Dark Elves. Ant Man was surprisingly good though, the giant Thomas the Tank Engine was funny,

    anyway looking forward to watching Infinty War this weekend and being fully updated by 4 weeks and then we can actually watch Wanda Vision as we subscribed to Disney Plus this year
    i don't think they're planning to replace boseman, i believe that the women in wakanda will be picking up and continuing on. i'm guessing okoye will be the new black panther, which would be fucking awesome.

  21. #3171
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    So I was like 65% right, I'm down with that.
    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    Wow! That was a proper finale! I haven't been excited and teary eyed because of a Marvel production like this before, not even Endgame.

    I don't know what the last after-credits scene really means, but I guess Spoiler: this is her astral form studying the book and it will throw is into the multiverse of madness? And things are far from over? Is she an outcast now, neither good or bad? And is that the lake house where Tony's funeral was being held?.

    Spoiler: And who sent the Skrull for Monica? Fury? I guess so since even the German dubbing explicitly mentions "him". So we probably won't see Monica for a while or maybe in Captain Marvel 2, if that is still planned.

    I was expecting something else for both scenes, but I can't wait for Dr. Strange 2 now, which after a second viewing these days has become one of my favorite Marvel movies.

    Very happy for Lizzy Olsen too and such a fantastic kick-off to the Marvel TV-shows/movie tie-ins and her role being elevated this much. She' become my favorite Avenger now together with Strange and the Guardians.

    One thing that I can't wrap my mind around though: Spoiler: With the Hex gone, doesn't that mean Agnes is back to being Harkness again and roaming free? So far Kathryn Hahn isn't cast in Strange 2...
    1a) yeah, that sounds about right.
    1b) definitely, since MOM
    1c) hmm, or both since 2x?
    1d) no idea, but that's an interesting thought.

    2a) sounds like that.
    2b) why not? He's with her, for the most part.

    3a) no, she was left there in real Westview.
    3b) still don't know who Jimmy was looking for, guess it's not that important.

  22. #3172
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i don't think they're planning to replace boseman, i believe that the women in wakanda will be picking up and continuing on. i'm guessing okoye will be the new black panther, which would be fucking awesome.
    That would be amazing as I loved the Wakanda female fighting force. Also it’s funny that we predicted that they would be helped by the Jabari at the end in an almost Gandalf appearing at the third sunrise kind of way, ha ha, it was a bit Phantom Menace at the end with the various battles but GOOD? I’m actually loving most of the MCU although I don’t enjoy the Guardians of the Galaxy films as much as other people seem to

  23. #3173
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    The ending felt off and like something was missing. Eh... Now we play, the waiting game. Some cool stuff in there, but man did this feel very Disney washed.
    Spoiler: The one thing I really liked was at the very end. She is doing the astral thingy Doctor Strange does when they show his body sleeping, but very much awake reading stuff like Scarlett is.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 03-05-2021 at 05:29 PM.

  24. #3174
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    probably not the right book to be studying though.

    speaking of that book, what does this mean for Agents of SHIELD? I thought that book was in there?

  25. #3175
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    probably not the right book to be studying though.

    speaking of that book, what does this mean for Agents of SHIELD? I thought that book was in there?
    Agreed lol. It makes me worried that Spoiler: This is the beginning of the last time we will see the Wanda we have all watched for years now. I haven't watched AOS unfortunately.

  26. #3176
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    Spoiler: Where did New Vision go when he yeeted off after getting Fake Vision’s memories

    I've seen a lot of articles saying this, but that's not what happened, right? Vision says something to the effect of "they're not deleted, they're just locked away" and he helps white Vision remember. It's even said at one point in a past episode that "I can't remember anything before here".

  27. #3177
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    Got this weird feeling the necromonicon will show up in the next Dr Strange Movie, what with Raimi giving Bruce Campbell a cameo and Wanda going full on Witch mode. Well i can dream anyway..

  28. #3178
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Spoiler: Where did New Vision go when he yeeted off after getting Fake Vision’s memories

    I've seen a lot of articles saying this, but that's not what happened, right? Vision says something to the effect of "they're not deleted, they're just locked away" and he helps white Vision remember. It's even said at one point in a past episode that "I can't remember anything before here".
    They handled this extremely poorly imo.

  29. #3179
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    the explanation in-episode, or just the transfer in general?

  30. #3180
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    the explanation in-episode, or just the transfer in general?
    Spoiler: There is no "transfer." The original Vision already had the memories. Hayward had restricted his access to them. New Vision just unlocked them.

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