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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    OK so here's a dark question that will probably never get answered...were unborn babies part of the snap? Did Thanos agree with pro-lifers they were living people as soon as they were conceived? Like did some pregnant women just have their babies turn to dust in their wombs...cos that's pretty fucked up, but not as fucked up as that baby than suddenly reappearing in a womb 5 years past being in a fit state to hold the baby...

    Actually no, i don't want an answer, thank you for listening.

    If we go by The Leftovers rules of a rapture event then Yes, an unborn child could be 'dusted' out of a womb.
    This makes me think about some other dark scenarios that I will refrain from discussing... for now.

  2. #2552
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    They released a snippet of the scene where Peter and Mysterio meets:

  3. #2553
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    What if Nick Fury and what's her name - or at least one version of them - is a projection from Mysterio as well?

  4. #2554
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    What if Nick Fury and what's her name - or at least one version of them - is a projection from Mysterio as well?
    It's Robin Scherbatsky

  5. #2555
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    What if Nick Fury and what's her name - or at least one version of them - is a projection from Mysterio as well?
    ding ding ding

    only issue with that is how did Mysterio figure out Spiderman's secret identity?

  6. #2556
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    ...cos that's pretty fucked up, but not as fucked up as that baby than suddenly reappearing in a womb 5 years past being in a fit state to hold the baby...
    “What is...why does my stomach...UGH...Whoa...whoa, WHOAAAAA HELLO WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK IS THIS???”

    Sorry, I think my brain needed to play that scenario out comedically to cope with how conceptually fucked up that is. Very interesting though, I hadn’t considered those implications of the snap.

    Also, I’m officially going into Far From Home without watching anything more and just assuming that everything is lies.

  7. #2557
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    ding ding ding

    only issue with that is how did Mysterio figure out Spiderman's secret identity?
    well from the trailer it almost appears that everyone knows who he is. Which goes against the basic tenant from Spider-Verse: "You've gotta hide your face, no one can know who you are."

  8. #2558
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    Been an...eventful few weeks so not been active on here. Really digging the new Spider-man trailer! What does it all mean?...well i could go off on one about where it might go, but i think i'm just going to wait for the film and let it surprise me. But i am really excited to see where this leads!

  9. #2559
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    Yay! Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is back!

  10. #2560
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    So, I love the MCU. LOVE. IT. Even many of the movies most people have hated on like Iron Man 2 and Age of Ultron. I haven't been enthralled with EVERY movie (Incredible Hulk and Thor: The Dark World were kinda forgettable despite some fun scenes), but for the most part, I've enjoyed nearly every installment. BUT I tried to watch Agents of SHIELD and I thought it was just plain awful. I made it through like 3, maybe 3.5 episodes and thought it was painfully low-budget with poor acting and generic human characters that I don't give a shit about. Maybe it gets better later on, I don't know, but I couldn't do it. I know Netflix's decision was almost certainly for business reasons *cough Disney+ cough*, but I still cannot believe that Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and The Punisher (I wasn't as fond of Luke Cage or Iron Fist, but even they had their moments) got cancelled while Agents of SHIELD is still going. I also think Phil Coulson should have stayed dead because it robs his death scene in Avengers of it's emotional impact. So, I don't consider it part of the MCU myself (let's be real, the movies don't either!). The only thing that's made me want to give it another shot it is Ghost Rider, but learning that they went with some other version of the character that drives a car instead of the motorcycle killed my enthusiasm for that, too. Maybe I've been missing something, but I'm astounded every time they renew that show for another season. Just my 2¢...
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 05-13-2019 at 12:35 AM.

  11. #2561
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    SHIELD isn't fantastic, but its good/above average. It definitely got waaaaayyy better after those few episodes you watched. Totally agree the show started off really bad. They improved it greatly from season to season. Give it another shot if you're a big MCU fan. Can't see if being appealing to anyone who isn't an MCU diehard though.

  12. #2562
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Give it another shot if you're a big MCU fan. Can't see if being appealing to anyone who isn't an MCU diehard though.
    Not only give it another shot but I don't think you need to be a diehard at all to enjoy it. Sure, it starts off the way it starts, but I see it as starting a new comic (and one of the things I really like about the show is how they seem to strive to shoot scenes as if viewing as a comic panel). For me, I'd say about the first half of S1 isn't smooth sailing... but from there until S5, there's a hell of a ride (pun intended). S5 changes the pace a lot but still solid and now we're a year later into S6 and it drives a truck through E1 (in a good way). If you want a series to tie more into the movies, no... no you won't get that... but you will get explore the legacy set up by Captain America: The First Avenger (maybe watch Agent Carter first, but the One Shot last and series first, at least, that's how it makes sense in my head), then Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will do that very nicely.

    Caveat, aside from NIN, the MCU is pretty much the only fandom I follow (so that Captain Marvel t-shirt was a no-brainer). I've watched all the shows (and the Marvel Knights animated comic stuff I can get my hands on, but weirdly not the Sony or Fox animated series) and while they aren't always what I totally enjoy (I'm looking at you The "We're the GOOD Von Struckers" Gifted), I do like the majority of them (an AoS/Inhumans crossover would have been great but I suspect if you aren't the type of fan who likes Thor and Thor 2, Inhumans won't appeal that much).

    But yeah, get through the first half of S1 and then buckle up...

  13. #2563
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    OK so i was with a friend to watch Detective Pikachu Saturday and we came up with a theory for the new Spider-man...and i'm going to put it in spoilers because there is a 'chance' it could happen, and it would be AWESOME!

    Spoiler: So the trailer revealed the multiverse, which i still kinds think might be a red herring from our sneeky friend Mystrio, but if it is true what if...what if at the end Spidey get's some help from another verse, and what if that help was Tobey Fucking Maguire! Imagine how fucking awesome that would be, even if just for a scene, a few pass the spidey mental (kinda like in Spider-verse) also WE NEED SPIDER-GWEN IN LIVE ACTION MARVEL, DO IT MARVEL!

    Anyway it probably won't happen, but it would be amazing if it did!

  14. #2564
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    saw avengers today. quite good but too f'n long. will watch again when the 4K comes out.

  15. #2565
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    Wait... whatthefuck... we're getting Jessica Jones S3?

  16. #2566
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    @MrLobster Yeah, this is the very last season of Marvel/Netflix shows. It's been known for a while that The Punisher and Jessica Jones would be the last two things to come of their collaboration. It's just that this is coming out so far after the announcement that all of the shows were cancelled that it almost seems like they've renegotiated a new deal or something, which is unfortunately not the case.

  17. #2567
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Yeah, this is the very last season of Marvel/Netflix shows. It's been known for a while that The Punisher and Jessica Jones would be the last two things to come of their collaboration. It's just that this is coming out so far after the announcement that all of the shows were cancelled that it almost seems like they've renegotiated a new deal or something, which is unfortunately not the case.
    I think, in this context, it would be a matter of getting their last show out before Disney+ says "Give us your money"

  18. #2568
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    Funny episode of AoS last night.

  19. #2569
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Funny episode of AoS last night.
    Yeah. Nice to see everybody settling in to this storyline.

    And, my 2 cents on AOS is that it's been tough for them to connect with their audience because they aren't using any of the major characters from the movies OR comics. Yeah, there's Daisy, but she was introduced as a normal person in the beginning of the show, so that Daisy is locked into the show's universe.

    Not that it's been bad, I just didn't have the affinity for the new characters as I have for the heroes from the comics.

    I'd say it took until last season for the show to really come close to the caliber of product Marvel has been delivering elsewhere.

    But, I've been watching it the whole time, patiently waiting for some reason to care, knowing the potential they really have there. It's now growing into a really good show.

    But the inability to use mutants up to now has held back both AoS and the MCU, if you ask me.

    Seriously looking forward to whatever Marvel does with the X-Men, seeing as they made the deal with Fox.

  20. #2570
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  21. #2571
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    OOF. Yeah, I mentioned it earlier in this thread (back when the trailer dropped), but when they show the side-by-side comparison of Mystique's face, it is PAINFULLY obvious how fucking bad she looks this time around. So both her acting AND her makeup is half-assed in this movie. I can understand feeling like you're over being a character, but why wouldn't you still put in the effort and try to play the part as well as you can? Phoning in a performance is basically just sabotaging the movie and the performances of her co-stars, who are clearly still trying to give it their all despite the overall decline in quality. Sigh... I'm still gonna go see it and hope for the best.

  22. #2572
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    You guys are tripping on Mystique. Even in that thumbnail, the new one looks way better. I thought she looked really great in this movie, and the make up and effects are at an all time high. Action scenes we're good too and the writing was ok.

    I like that nightcrawler had more screen time, but his characterization is a shadow of the charming, playful, empathetic person he is in the comics. Storm, not my favorite character, but theseovoes have also done her dirty, too. The whole "phone line to the president" thing was really dumb in an old school kind of way, but things worked out in the end.

    If you like X-Men movies, you will probably like this one.

  23. #2573
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    She might look more "real" this time, but it's "real" in a "cos-play" kind of way (i.e., not professional film quality). It's like it went from seven (Jennifer Lawrence in earlier films) to nine (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) hours in the make-up chair to just... one. Good enough for a halloween costume, but certainly not Hollywood blockbuster-level material. An all time low, I'd argue. It's as though J-Law's complete indifference to the film and her role in it, accompanied with her "early departure" made the studio less than eager to spend the money on her character's special effects. (For the record, I have not seen it yet)

  24. #2574
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    I never like the original make up at all, maybe at least because it wasn't even comic accurate. Just painting her blue is the most comic accurate.

    This series has so many worse sins, anyway. I thought her elevated role in Days of Future past was actually cool, of a little forced, and in this hers is quite a minor part. There is a case to be made that some of these characters, like nightcrawler, should just be CGI. It worked for Colossus and juggernaut

  25. #2575
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I never like the original make up at all, maybe at least because it wasn't even comic accurate. Just painting her blue is the most comic accurate.
    You make a good point here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    This series has so many worse sins, anyway. I thought her elevated role in Days of Future past was actually cool, of a little forced, and in this hers is quite a minor part. There is a case to be made that some of these characters, like nightcrawler, should just be CGI. It worked for Colossus and juggernaut
    I don't disagree with any of this, either. The CGI would have to be GOOD though, not distractingly low-budget like it was in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

  26. #2576
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    I have major gripes with the new X-Men movies and most of them stem from Mystique's portrayal and my general dislike for Jennifer Lawrence as well as the casting in general (whoever thought that Sophie Turner is a good actress to portray Jean Grey should seek help imho). I still think that Fassbender's casting is even better than McKellen and I like McAvoy as well, so I will still watch this. I have a soft spot though for both franchise routes in some way.

    In general I have the feeling that these newer movies run on a considerably lower budget. Is that true?

  27. #2577
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    I have major gripes with the new X-Men movies and most of them stem from Mystique's portrayal and my general dislike for Jennifer Lawrence as well as the casting in general (whoever thought that Sophie Turner is a good actress to portray Jean Grey should seek help imho). I still think that Fassbender's casting is even better than McKellen and I like McAvoy as well, so I will still watch this. I have a soft spot though for both franchise routes in some way.
    I really love the First Class onwards X Men, apart from Sophie Turner - just not a big fan of her in general. McAvoy is a fantastic Xavier, but Fassbender is the top one for me, he's gonna be hard to beat whoever comes next as Magneto.

  28. #2578
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    I want a Fantastic 4 movie done in the retro style of First Class. I want Mole-man in NYC coming up from the underground.

  29. #2579
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    Honestly have no idea who could play Magneto other than Fassbender. Would love for there to be a way they could keep him on board.

  30. #2580
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    I could picture Charles Dance for an older incarnation of the charakter. Then again, he might do a good Xavier aswell, but I feel he fits a villainous role better.

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