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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2041
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Well, holy actual shit. After old tweets surfaced about him joking about pedophilia and rape...

    James Gunn has officially been fired as director of Guardians of The Galaxy 3.
    I don't think this is what he meant when he said "dark secret on Friday"

  2. #2042
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    Worth noting Cernovich himself has claimed date rape “isn’t real,” has had serious claims of sexual violence leveled against him and has talked about the “right ways” to assault women, so him attacking Gunn for what were non-serious (albeit gross as hell and tasteless and unfunny) posts is wild. It says a lot that these tweets have been publicly available for this long and Disney didn’t care until it threatened their PR. I think it’s gross and pathetic that a guy in his 40s would think retweeting support for NAMBLA (among other shit) would be funny and I’m fine with him losing his job as a creator of what are really children’s films because of it, but also hope the whole situation gets looked at for what it is which is a calculated PR move rather than a moral/convictions-based one and that Cernovich himself gets some hear in the media because that guy is a truly toxic and dangerous person with frightening political influence but knowing the world we’re in I doubt it’ll happen.

  3. #2043
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    As I saw on twitter: Gunn has someone paying him whereas this is how Cernovich and his ilk get paid.

  4. #2044
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    This is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. I don't give a fuck about GOTG, never actually seen either of the films, but how is any of this shocking or surprising? James Gunn made films for Troma, which is a company notorious for making films with edgy and offensive content. It's not surprising at all he's an edgy and offensive guy. Perhaps Disney should have actually done some research before getting into business with him.

    also, can't help but find it funny that Jimmy Urine and Steve Righ? are in GOTG 1 & 2. How the hell did that get approved?

  5. #2045
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    Fuck Disney. I'm done.
    No Gunn for GOTG3? I'm gone. Sorry, don't want anyone else touching this trilogy. Just Disney PR bullshit, has nothing to do with their morality.

  6. #2046
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    How much money did the two GOTG movies make for Disney?

    If it hadn't been for James Gunn, GOTG would have been that weird movie with a talking raccoon and it would have probably failed. He turned it into a movie about family and friendship. He made a movie about how being different is okay. He made us care for these characters.

    This is such bullshit. He was an insensitive idiot years ago and he is the first one to owe it and to apologize (more than once, I think) for it.

    Well FUCK YOU, Disney!

  7. #2047
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    I especially hate that they’re giving people in the alt right like Cernovich a victory here and if anything emboldening them, because they now know how easily they can take down someone critical of them. The same people that defended Roy Moore are the ones that caused this and Disney went along with it in the name of PR, this had nothing to do with their ”values” (which for any corporation of their size is exclusively money). This situation doesn’t feel like it’s being done for the right reasons at all.

  8. #2048
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    Wow, I’m shaking my head at these comments.

    Disney fires a guy for making really awful comments or bad jokes or whatever the fuck you want to call it about child abuse.

    Child abuse, people. Doesn’t matter if he was joking or not. That shit is not called for in any context.

    Imagine how you guys would react of someone that wasn’t on your political side made those tweets, you would want them lynched.

    This is beyond comic book movies.

    Disney did the right thing by letting him go. Just like they did the right thing for letting someone else who thought they were being funny by calling a black woman an ape.

    Anyways, back to marvel movies.

    Avengers 1 and 2 coming to 4k baby!!

  9. #2049
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    Bad taste is how Gunn got his start. People forget that, long before he worked for Marvel and Disney, he worked for Troma, the king of low budget, bad taste films. Those tweets aren't shocking to me at all when you consider that. He set out to provoke and shock people, and he did just that. Nobody bat an eye when those tweets were originally posted, but now we're all supposed to be offended by them just because he's making superhero films? Fuck off with that noise. Also, the Roseanne comparison doesn't work here. She was trying to cover up her racism by claiming that what she said was a joke. Gunn was honest about trying to shock people. Tasteless though they may be, I don't honestly believe that Gunn believes in the things he joked about, whereas I totally believe that Roseanne meant what she said, and then backtracked when it (rightfully) blew up in her face.

    Also, Disney has worked with both Harvey Weinstein and Victor Salva in the past. They're the last motherfuckers to be judging him.

  10. #2050
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Bad taste is how Gunn got his start. People forget that, long before he worked for Marvel and Disney, he worked for Troma, the king of low budget, bad taste films. Those tweets aren't shocking to me at all when you consider that. He set out to provoke and shock people, and he did just that. Nobody bat an eye when those tweets were originally posted, but now we're all supposed to be offended by them just because he's making superhero films? Fuck off with that noise. Also, the Roseanne comparison doesn't work here. She was trying to cover up her racism by claiming that what she said was a joke. Gunn was honest about trying to shock people. Tasteless though they may be, I don't honestly believe that Gunn believes in the things he joked about, whereas I totally believe that Roseanne meant what she said, and then backtracked when it (rightfully) blew up in her face.

    Also, Disney has worked with both Harvey Weinstein and Victor Salva in the past. They're the last motherfuckers to be judging him.
    Exactly. Let's not forget about Disney's dark history through these images:

  11. #2051
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    Indeed, such a squeaky clean studio you are, Disney!

    Bloody hypocrites.

  12. #2052
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  13. #2053
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Wow, I’m shaking my head at these comments.

    Disney fires a guy for making really awful comments or bad jokes or whatever the fuck you want to call it about child abuse.

    Child abuse, people. Doesn’t matter if he was joking or not. That shit is not called for in any context.

    Imagine how you guys would react of someone that wasn’t on your political side made those tweets, you would want them lynched.
    I'm rolling my eyes at this comment. Sorry, I heard comedians say some heinous stuff from both sides of the aisle and I can still recognize a joke and have a laugh. "Oh my god, he made a joke about child abuse! Lynch him!" People have lost their minds. I may be a left leaning progressive, but I ain't a frigging snowflake waiting to be outraged about something every goddamn second of the day. There's folks out there that aren't part of these divisive political mouth-breathers who have to jump on everything the opposite political side says and blow it out proportion for a day or two until they find the next thing to be angry about. Fuck Disney who have actually done plenty of heinous shit, but let's cry about some obvious joke comments James Gunn made. I guess the right has their own snowflakes. It is amazing what conservatives can ignore when it comes from one of their own (see: Trump). But have fun playing their game. James Gunn is anti-Trump. That is all this is. This is just some conservative mouth-breather looking to sabotage someone's career because that person didn't like Trump. There is no morality at play here, just more bullshit political assassination games.
    Last edited by neorev; 07-21-2018 at 03:37 AM.

  14. #2054
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    If everything that we ever did or utter on social media would become public, we all would loose our jobs in no time. The most dramatic thing about this is that the internet truly never forgets and if somebody wants to do you harm, whether it's justified or not, can do so with a blink of the eye as long as he gets some attention somewhere, sometime.

    I'm feeling very sorry for Gunn and all involved. A franchise might die because of this and I am very worried about these movies getting a new director. Next step will be Disney asking for another writer to tackle the script... the actors should boycott this in every possible way.

    Bad jokes aside, I give two flying fucks about what he said back then as he appologized imho in a sincere matter. Looking at his history and where he comes from this strikes me as rather normal. Do these kind of jokes belong on the internet? Probably not. But a witch hunt? Seriously, we all have blood on our hands in some capacity and just because it became en vogue to reach out over delicate topics like rape, absue and harrassement its not of any use to hunt minor candidates like Gunn down, while there are plenty of big fish in the sea responsible for far worse... get over yourselves Disney as the Marvel universe, your very own movies and Star Wars are full of stereotypes, sexism and more. It's Zeitgeist, it's society and it's black humor portraied to face these ridiculous things humans do, and while it's our responsibility to fight against these things it's not worth the power to fight over such small stuff.

    But yeah, it's way more easy to pull the plug instead of having an open conversation in the public about things.
    Last edited by dlb; 07-21-2018 at 05:51 AM.

  15. #2055
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Indeed, such a squeaky clean studio you are, Disney!

    Bloody hypocrites.
    Precision: I know the censored eleven cartoons are not from Disney but they are also illustrating the point @thevoid99 was making. Look out Song of the South, just saying.

    This story is far from over. James Gunn is by far the the most liked director in the MCU, a very down to earth and friendly man who takes a lot of time speaking to fans on social media. He is also well liked in the industry. There's also the political aspect to the whole story.

    I think Disney has no idea what a Pandora's box it just opened.

  16. #2056
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    I'm all for cutting out people who have inappropriate views or fucked up ideas, but I do think it's different when you hire them well after a public statement, and the fire them like 5 years later

  17. #2057
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    went and saw ant-man/wasp today was better than i thought never much of a fan in the comics. was curious how they were going to handle prym's alcohol spousal abuse. that's one thing that always impressed me about marvel as apposed to DC. addressed social issues much more openly like alcohol, race, women

  18. #2058
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    Everything we do, everything we say it has a consecuence good or bad, but we as a society can't accept that, free speech is a lie, because we can't accept that, all we say it has consecuences, we want to say everything we want to, to offend people, to threat, to insult , but if someone says something we don't like, is bad, he is a horrible person...
    I am not going to defend Gunn, he said Bullshit I don't care if this happened 2 months ago or 10 years ago, he has to be responsable about all the shit he said, Now Disney show us how all this companies works, They don't care anything, They use Gunn to make Money, they don't care what he said, they don't care even if he had done something like this, they just want fucking money, but we live in a fucking horrible era, the era of hipocresy, we don't live in an era of politically correct or incorrect, No, We live in a fucking era of hipocresy, if someone says this is bad, everyone says is bad, if someone defends something, everyone is going to defend, and this is bullshit
    We have a fucking voice....We should use it to fight for the right things, and the first step to be better society its being responsable
    We blame everyone for our misery, well its not everyone fault, it is your fuckin fault, you are guilty or no guilty for everything you say or do...
    Yeah it sounds hard, but it is the only way to change the things

    What kind of jokes should be accepted?
    This is hard question, because We really don't know what to do, we don't know how to act, and in an era where everything is connect and exposed to social media, we have to be careful in the way we express our ideas, opinions.

  19. #2059
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    Ant-Man & the Wasp was solid, just like the first one. Nice small story with great action (the tourist sites and hilly roads of SF are always a great backdrop), and juuust the right amount of comedy considering the stakes. Mid-credits scene delivered. Great cameo by Tim Heidecker as well. Really enjoy all the different things they can do in the full realm of powers available to Ant-Man & the Wasp. Michael Pena gets alot of the best lines, and I was glad to see that piece of human shit T.I.'s role was very limited in this one.

  20. #2060
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    Petition to rehire James Gunn approaching 200,000 signatures!

    Update: Now has over 210,000 signatures with new goal of 300,000. Time to light a fire under Disney's ass.
    Last edited by neorev; 07-23-2018 at 03:38 PM.

  21. #2061
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Petition to rehire James Gunn approaching 200,000 signatures!

    Update: Now has over 210,000 signatures with new goal of 300,000. Time to light a fire under Disney's ass.
    I signed that petition days ago and I still think what Disney is doing is ridiculous. The man apologized and took responsibility for his actions but no... everyone has to go PC on this and that.

  22. #2062
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    Surpassed 300,000! New goal 500,000

  23. #2063
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Surpassed 300,000! New goal 500,000
    I doubt it's going to change Disney's mind even if it gets a billion signatures but I added mine anyway.

  24. #2064
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullboy0 View Post
    I doubt it's going to change Disney's mind even if it gets a billion signatures but I added mine anyway.
    Maybe it won't change their mind but it will let them know that we are not happy about it. It also lets Gunn know that WE ARE GROOT.
    Last edited by marodi; 07-26-2018 at 12:33 PM. Reason: I don't speak English

  25. #2065
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    I've landed in a place that I feel now summarizes my thoughts.

    A case could and probably should have been made for Marvel to have fired James Gunn back in 2012 shortly after he was hired for the first GOTG film. The tweets were 1-3 years old at that time and should have been reviewed by Disney back then. They weren't by all accounts and if they were, Disney made the decision to keep him. After backlash from the superhero sex list, Gunn apologized and went on to helm two successful (money making) Marvel films and consulted and got an EP credit for both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 since the film has the GOTG in them. Gunn was also placed in charge of the Marvel Cosmic area for the movies. Then he criticized Trump and defended Mark Duplass while criticizing Ben Shapiro and the rest was history.

    By all accounts, James Gunn grew to realize that his awful, gross, and offensive humor wasn't a good thing for him to champion and endorse and came to grow as both a creator and a person. That's good. What needs to be taken stock of is why (predominantly) white men feel like they can and should make jokes about awful, AWFUL, things like pedophilia and why they feel like they should justify their behavior as "being edgy" and "pushing the envelope." It doesn't do either of those things - it's just gross and horrible and emboldens and almost justifies the same behavior from others.

    All of that being said - should Gunn have been fired because Pizza Gate troll Mike Cernovich dug up the old tweets? No. Marvel made their bed with Gunn and Disney has now emboldened these clowns to try and do the same to other people with checkered comedic history who have criticized their idol, Donald Trump, while continuing to ignore the very real behavior he has engaged in himself with sexual harassment, assault, and possibly worse.

    Should James Gunn be rehired? I don't think so. GOTG has one more film left, and honestly, Marvel has other existing directors that they could rely on (Taika Waititi, Ryan Coogler, The Russos, etc.) that could pick up the GOTG ball and get them to the finish line, or they could hire a new director and give them a chance to flourish (hiring a woman of color would make a powerful statement, for example) and be added to their growing creative roster.

    I'm mad that this happened because of the path that got us here, but I also think Disney can and should disavow the actions that got them here and use it to turn this all positive while taking the wind out of the sails of the right wing brigade that is celebrating this right now.

  26. #2066
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    Well, this is newsworthy enough that it justifies a double post!

    A post shared by on

  27. #2067
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    Wow this interesting

    What is more importante a movie or the stupid things he said? This is not an easy decision for disney or anyone involved
    Does Gunn really feel sorry about what he said in the past?
    What happened if they rehired him, and in 2 o 3 years more, they found another things about him, not just stupid tweets or "jokes"?
    They need to sit down, talk with Gunn, and the people around him, and maybe checked other things he could do in the past, befored thinking in rehire him. (And this last part is the hardest part, and not a beauty thing to do)

    Sorry if my english sucks, I hadnt talked in 4 o 5 years, and my ideas are a disaster.

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  29. #2069
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    Struggling to come up with a word for how bad this looks.

    Before eating the guy at the end, does he say the guy's body will be 'going down the street like a turd in the wind.'??? Please tell me I'm not hearing that right.

  30. #2070
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    It looks okay to me, but that 'turd' line was awful. Hope it's not in the actual flick.

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