As much as it helped the hype for this movie, part of me still wishes they'd kept Hulk's involvement a surprise. That would've been one HELL of a reason to get people to spread word of mouth about this movie (even more than they are now - I haven't shut up about it since seeing it). Casting as a whole was handled perfectly, and the dialog was spot on between nearly any given characters on screen. Even the villains were handled with a certain sense of "whimsical" evil that didn't take itself too seriously. Really lent itself into the comedic tone of the movie and kept things dramatic and fun without trying to inflate its place in the in the MCU in the lead-up to Infinity War (NEXT YEAR. After BLACK FUCKIN' PANTHER).

"'Whoever I am?' Have you listened to a SINGLE word I've been saying?"

Also, I didn't realize Waititi was Korg! I really thought that he sounded more like a very quaint-sounding Rhys Darby.

One question I do have, being relatively unfamiliar with Marvel outside of the cinematic universe. So then, is Hela, the goddess of death, different from the Lady Death character that I've heard about from the comics? The one that Thanos is obsessed with? Is that something that's being completely ignored in regards to the films, or being kept in the back pocket for Infinity War?

I need to read more of these comics. Especially after reading bobbie's post.