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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2521
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    Joe Russo did a q&a in China

    Q: Can you get the soul your sacrificed for the Soul Stone back when you return it?

    A: No, the process is irreversible. Even if you have returned it to its original location, you wouldn't be able to get the person back. In fact, it's not really returning the stone, more like put it back properly. The tribute soul for the soul stone will forever be sealed in that place, therefore Black Widow is gone forever.

    Q: How did Thanos bring his army to the future?

    A: There is a guy called Maw in his army, he was a great wizard. Thanos himself was a brilliant genius as well. Those two easily reverse engineered and mass produced Pym Particles.

    Q: What about those people who got dusted? What did those five years mean to them? Why didn't they grow older when undusted?

    A: Yes, those people whom was lucky to survive the snap are 5 years older than the people who just got back. The reason Spider Man saw his friend again in high school at the end was simply because his friends was unfortunately also dusted like Spider Man was. Of course, there are people in his grade whom didn't die and they are probably already in colleges by now. To those dusted people, they had no conscious in these past 5 years. They didn't know what happened. It's as if they had just woke up from a long sleep. The only one who was aware about how many years has passed was Doctor Strange, because he has already seen that when he was time mediating on Titan. Parker's reunion with Ned was a touching moment. There are also people whom indeed moved on but suddenly was reunited with their lost ones. Yeah it's kind a complicated world now.

    Q: EG's plot, is it a parallel universe or a closed time loop?

    A: Nope, not a time loop. Both Ancient One and Hulk were right. You can't change the future by simply going back to past. But it's possible to create a different alternate future. It's not butterfly effect. Every decision you made in the past could potentially create a new timeline. For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam.
    forgive the translation, makes for stilted writing.

  2. #2522
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    It's the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider too. Do we see Gabriel Luna reprise his role from Agents of Shield? I thought he was great.

    edit: He will indeed reprise his role.
    In a bizarre turn of events however, this character will have no connection to the AoS character, and will be set in a completely different universe with a different backstory.

  3. #2523
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    OK so here's a dark question that will probably never get answered...were unborn babies part of the snap? Did Thanos agree with pro-lifers they were living people as soon as they were conceived? Like did some pregnant women just have their babies turn to dust in their wombs...cos that's pretty fucked up, but not as fucked up as that baby than suddenly reappearing in a womb 5 years past being in a fit state to hold the baby...

    Actually no, i don't want an answer, thank you for listening.

  4. #2524
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    Watched this and got exactly what I expected. To some degree all the Avengers have kind of a personality.... until they feel the urge to make a joke. Then they all sound and act the same. Despite being near death or losing a good friend, they are ready to move on next scene and make that joke the audience will lose it.... for the nth time. And then I realize I'm watching a product, not art.

    The sidequest section where they had to retrieve the stones was just too long. You know what scene was cool tho? Tony and his father. That was heart-warming and veeeery cool to watch. I couldn't care less about Ant Man or the crossbow guy who I can't believe has no superpowers or the rest. But Tony talking to his father was cool, I'd watch an entire movie of that, lol.

    The scene where they interrupted the story to show the female heroes all together.... Yeah...

    Battle scene was fun too.

    I wouldn't it was a bad movie but it's simply not my style.

  5. #2525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    OK so here's a dark question that will probably never get answered...were unborn babies part of the snap? Did Thanos agree with pro-lifers they were living people as soon as they were conceived? Like did some pregnant women just have their babies turn to dust in their wombs...cos that's pretty fucked up, but not as fucked up as that baby than suddenly reappearing in a womb 5 years past being in a fit state to hold the baby...

    Actually no, i don't want an answer, thank you for listening.
    I just got really depressed thinking about this so no, take it away. I assume pregnant moms were dusted with their unborn children and that both returned afterwards la la la la la la la

  6. #2526
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    Quote Originally Posted by AThousandDaysBefore View Post
    Infinity war feels a lot better, the 1st act in Endgame is amazing but the second one it has no sense at all and the final act it is good, but the second act killed the movie for me.
    I enjoy the movie but it has a lot of stupid things.
    While watching the first half, I was thinking this could be the best super hero movie yet. But yeah, the second half it kind of just became more of the same. I still liked the movie a lot, but as a whole it didn't feel as unique/special as I initially felt. The time travel stuff with the characters visiting the older films was great.

  7. #2527
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    Seeing it again tonight with my parents. Can't wait.

  8. #2528
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    I got dragged to this by a friend.

    I thought it was an enjoyable event overall.. but i do not get the batshit insane fandom that this movie is receiving.

    it was WAY too long as well. I dozed off a couple times. and i went to a 4:30 showing...

  9. #2529
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    I have nothing else on this Bank holiday weekend so will probably see this a 3rd time, might have a crack at these 4DX screenings!

  10. #2530
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    I got dragged to this by a friend.

    I thought it was an enjoyable event overall.. but i do not get the batshit insane fandom that this movie is receiving.

    it was WAY too long as well. I dozed off a couple times. and i went to a 4:30 showing...

  11. #2531
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    I got dragged to this by a friend.

    I thought it was an enjoyable event overall.. but i do not get the batshit insane fandom that this movie is receiving.

    it was WAY too long as well. I dozed off a couple times. and i went to a 4:30 showing...
    It's not hard to believe that you weren't enamored with it since you weren't even interested in seeing it to begin with. This is a movie that rewards those of us who've been following along the whole time and have seen all of the other MCU movies. It pays off story threads set up over the course of an entire decade and spread across over twenty movies. I'm going to go out on a limb and (given your lack of interest in Endgame) assume you haven't seen all of the preceding movies either, so it's not too surprising that you found it underwhelming and overrated. As far as the length is concerned, I never felt that it outstayed its welcome, but I will concede that it did begin to feel a bit like the end of The Return of the King, where there were multiple scenes that felt like it could end, only to keep going. But that's also what happens when you try to wrap up multiple franchises in one massive event movie.

  12. #2532
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    Yea I’m sure you’re into something there. I just typically don’t get the hype with super hero movies in general.

    They all feel kinda the same to me. Honestly this one felt like every other one I’ve ever seen.

    Bad guy wants to end the world for some morally ambiguous reason. Super heroes have a big war to stop him. Feels like he’s gonna win. At the last minute someone throws a Hail Mary and they defeat him.

    I mean. I get it. It’s entertainment. I just don’t get why everyone is freaking out about it.

  13. #2533
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    I liked this article talking about how weird it is that the movie exists in the first place.

    There's the capability for them to do it again but it won't be the 1.2 billion opening weekend kind of movie. There's just no way to replicate this event.

    I take that back, there's one way to do it:

  14. #2534
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    So I've seen my first not Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel movie since the Toby Maguire Spiderman, and it was pretty decent. But since my overall conclusion is positive, I'd start with the negative:

    1. Hawkeye, who is a family man, wants to sacrifice himself instead of Scarlet Johansson, who has... no one????? That was the only major facepalm moment for me in the movie.
    2. The first 30 minutes are zzzzzzzzzzz.
    3. Some of the jokes are extremely out of place. They are discussing death and what not, then in comes a zinger from a character who was extremely focused before.

    And now to the good:

    1. They didn't overdo these forced jokes, and overall, the movie managed to be funny without ending up as a parody of itself. The jokes from Hulk and Rocket felt natural, and same goes for most of the funny banter between the others.
    2. After the trash of the first 30 minutes, the pacing was as good as it can be with a movie so fractured like this. They juggled the story arcs well, and all the places looked different enough to have their own little mood to them.
    3. They managed to do the emotional scenes without being too cliché. Thor and his mother was just great; more acting and less words. That's how it should be.
    4. And the acting was pretty good all around. From what I've heard, RDJ is a major asshole in life, but so is Tony Stark, mostly, so his character was the most fun to me. He was a believable dad, a believable "fuck this hsit, I'm done" guy, and a believable person to do a self-sacrifice for others.
    5. They did a decent job explaining time travel. Was it perfect? Of course not, mostly mumbo jumbo, but at least they managed to explain us their rules without breaking the pace. There are plenty of bad examples of explaining time travel by lazy moviemakers.
    6. Big fight, lots of pew-pew, yay.
    7. Main characers have died for good. Nice!
    8. Thanos is charismatic as fuck. I was kinda rooting for him
    9. Hairs. No, seriously. Everyone had amazing hair styles. I don't know why it warmed my heart, but it did.

    Easy 7/10 from me, but as I said, I haven't see any of the previous movies and I don't like superhero movies in general, so that is a great score. The whole thing reminded me of Dragon Ball, and that's always a plus for me.

    One thing that I disliked, but didn't list as a negative was Captain Marvel's strength. I am sure it is explained why she is the strongest person in the universe, but for me, who only saw her here, it is very hard to like someone who is just perfect, while also being cocky as fuck. A (demi?)god can't destroy a ship, but she can. Thanos easily 1v3s anyone, but she only lost because Thanos used a gem. I liked depressed Thor more, but then again, I was dragged in by a huge Marvel fan, who actually marked out when Cpt. Marvel fucked shit up, and was upset about what they did with Thor, so... I don't care.

  15. #2535
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    forgot about, but LOVED that we got a cameo from friggin JARVIS from the Agent Carter series. Deep cut!

    oh...and when someone called Rocket "Ratchet"....def. lol'ed.

  16. #2536
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    forgive the translation, makes for stilted writing.

    After watching the Q&A

  17. #2537
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    This has fuck-all to do with the movies but my brother-in-law asked me yesterday if I'd watched the Luke Cage show. He then asked me if he was a new character they made up for the show. I could only think

  18. #2538
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    This looks great.

  19. #2539
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    Agreed! I love Tom Holland's Peter AND Spider-Man and I'm pumped that we're getting Mysterio (a favorite Spider-Man villain of mine) with a fantastic actor, no less! The implications made by the aftermath of Endgame Spoiler: like the Multiverse and all of the possibilities it suggests/presents are all very exciting. Even though the MCU is currently undergoing some massive changes, it looks like they have this all mapped out and there's potential for it to remain just as good as the pre-Endgame, Phase 1-3 MCU – just in different ways and with some new characters.

  20. #2540
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    I hear Multiverse and I see the letter "X" and the number "4."

  21. #2541
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    I think the multiverse thing is another Mysterio swerve.

  22. #2542
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I think the multiverse thing is another Mysterio swerve.
    This crossed my mind as well. BUT Marvel would be smart to at least introduce the idea as a means of opening up the possibilities for the MCU moving forward. It could potentially lead to X-Men or Fantastic Four, as @ltrandazzo alluded to. Or a live-action version of Miles Morales, given the insane success of Into the Spider-Verse. The possibilities are pretty endless, really.

  23. #2543
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    This crossed my mind as well. BUT Marvel would be smart to at least introduce the idea as a means of opening up the possibilities for the MCU moving forward. It could potentially lead to X-Men or Fantastic Four, as @ltrandazzo alluded to. Or a live-action version of Miles Morales, given the insane success of Into the Spider-Verse. The possibilities are pretty endless, really.
    But Miles is already in the Spider-Man movies, and this timeline.

    The nephew mentioned in the clip is Miles. Also...what if Miles wasn't snapped and he's now five years older?

  24. #2544
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    But Miles is already in the Spider-Man movies, and this timeline.

    The nephew mentioned in the clip is Miles. Also...what if Miles wasn't snapped and he's now five years older?
    Yes, that’s right, I forgot about that. But my point still stands that they could do a lot with that if they wanted to. Also, you bring up a great point that I hadn’t thought of regarding Miles being the appropriate age post snap.

  25. #2545
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    Hell, what if one of the "pre Thanos" movies they're talking about is Miles taking over after Peter died and what all happened in those five years?

  26. #2546
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    In the mood involving this releasing, I decided to buy a physical copy of The Infinity Gauntlet graphic novel from 1991. Shall be good.

    I have been buying the remaining films I need. I now am only missing Captain Marvel and Avengers: End Game. Of course that's because of the fact they were just released in theaters with no blu-ray releases yet.

    In time.....

  27. #2547
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    Could a multiverse actually be an excuse to icebox Spiderman now that the deal has resolved?

  28. #2548
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    lol, I was just thinking this morning that the rumor said they had Spider-Man for five Marvel movies: Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame, and now FFH. Sony are idiots and will screw up the renegotiation somehow.

  29. #2549
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    I'm really curious how much of his script for GoG3 James Gunn has to adjust after Engame or if he was still in the know about what happened. Has anyone read anything about it admist the Disney/DC/re-hire turmoil?

  30. #2550
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    lol, I was just thinking this morning that the rumor said they had Spider-Man for five Marvel movies: Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame, and now FFH. Sony are idiots and will screw up the renegotiation somehow.
    Tom Holland let it slip himself in an interview that he's at least doing a third Spider-Man, so it'll for sure be six films. Unless Sony is smart for once and they renegotiate for more movies like they should. The could say that the Sony Marvel Universe is another universe and that's why the characters don't exist in the MCU. Or that it's a different Spider-Man in that universe even though he still looks like Tom Holland? I don't know...

    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    I'm really curious how much of his script for GoG3 James Gunn has to adjust after Engame or if he was still in the know about what happened. Has anyone read anything about it admist the Disney/DC/re-hire turmoil?
    I would assume he knew about it because he's credited an executive producer on both Infinity War and Endgame, which were shot back-to-back.

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