Oh man, this thread yay! Playwithfire, thanks for that article- it's fanstastic. It really hit the nail on the head on several things that I had noticed about myself recently- both through the process of having to live constantly with 8 people for 5 months (part of why I quit FEMA Corps). The whole "introverts feel like they're acting" idea, I had actually mentioned this to some people when I said "I hate public speaking but I do it alright, I just pretend I'm acting like me instead of being me." Another quote that I related to was "The only thing a true introvert dislikes more than talking about himself is repeating himself." I made a comment to my boyfriend after spending hours at the bar at this meet-and-greet thing, "I don't mind introducing myself, it's just that I hate having to do it over and over again."

I really am realizing more and more lately how much energy it takes to "act extroverted". I don't know what my ratio is between socializing and being alone but it definitely feels like I need at least two days to recharge after doing something extensive with people. I had a roommate that just did NOT understand, she was going going going every day, just would make plans with people on the fly and went out almost all the time. It made ME feel exhausted just watching her sometimes, haha.