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Thread: Work

  1. #151
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    That's fucking awesome! Hope you guys get it.
    I just got a part time gig doing regular minimal wage stuff at a movie theater. But hey, free tickets?.... Honestly just need something right now to stay on my feet before hunting for something a bit better. Here's to hoping it's not terrible!

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionmilesaway View Post
    work has been super stressful and busy lately, here's a list off things that are pissing me off:

    one tech fired, one on a "mental health break" for the foreseeable future, another really good tech moved away; all three were full time leaving us very understaffed.

    A new doctor was hired, now we have 3 doctors on during evenings instead of two. We don't have enough rooms to load appts in a timely manner which pisses off clients that have to wait, especially when we get over booked with walk-ins.

    getting in trouble for overtime when I am stuck at work over an hour past close every night (there is no way I am getting out at 8 when there are 5 appointments at 7:45 and only 3 doctors)

    hours extended on Sunday from 8-2PM with two doctors seeing appointments, used to be only one. Of course we have to be the only vet open on Sunday (so we can steal clients from all the ones that are closed)

    new computer server that forces us to go through a very slow log in process every time a computer is needed

    its time for yearly staff surveys!

    clients yelling at me for stupid things (what part of "you will not get back anything you drop off with your pet because it will be radioactive" do you not understand??) sorry I had to throw away your expensive Harrods bag because it got radiation on it. I warned you, there was a release form signed, not my fault. next time use a zip lock bag like everybody else

    un-neutered cats on rabies quarantine stinking up the hospital, here's to six months of extra foul cat piss!

    clients refusing to euthanize obviously suffering pets

    high maintenance bunnies and their crazy owners

    high maintenance bunnies dying and crazy owners sending death threats to the doctors. not cool.
    You do God's work. I don't think I could manage to be consistently polite to clients. One being completely obsessed with their 'child' and the next barely feeding it.

    My company announced massive layoffs which they have done many times in the last ten years. It's the first time I actually think I could be on the list. Business is just slow enough, I don't have a sponsor anymore, I work virtual, away from the corporate centers. I can see someone could say "she's dispensable". I'm quite zen like about it all. A couple of years ago, I'd be ball of silent anxiety.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred
    Maybe we're encountering some kind of karmic payback for having to suffer under fools.
    I like that. Let's hope!
    I was offered a raise of three dollars an hour to stay. I said no. It was incredibly satisfying. They are scrambling.

  4. #154
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    Giant ball of nerves right now, opening night at the new place, I double all weekend as well. Fuuuuuck...

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Giant ball of nerves right now, opening night at the new place, I double all weekend as well. Fuuuuuck...
    Yooooou caaaaannnnn doooooo thiisssssssssssss

  6. #156
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    Went really well actually, I personally only dorked two things. Should be pretty cake. Now I just need to prepare for 5am...

  7. #157
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    So both jobs are kicking my nuts. I don't know what to do . Was gonna quite my bar job cause I'm moving and can't swing the early start time so I put in a notice, and chef dude really wants me to stay. New taco job I pretty much own as we'll and I think chef there wants me to be a supervisor or something cause he keeps asking if I'm gonna quit the other one.

    Thing is I kinda like the grind I'm on as it keeps me busy and burnt enough without being at either one too much to get nit picky about anything. It's nice yo be recognized at both places but I think I'm too jaded to put all my apples I one basket anymore. Bar job is super laid back and chill loud music tv in back could do whatevr specials I want if I bothered too. Taco place is super strict etc. I appreciate both takes for their respective traits.

    Thing is I'm generally horribly irresponsible and dont really think I want the responsibility at the new place as I can see myself getting shit canned without a second thought, which I also get . Tuesday bar job is gonna talk to me to keep me around etc. I was gonna swing into taco tomorrow Ifbthey are open and talk to dude to see what he has in mind. Thing is ill loose out on money if I quit either. The biggest thing is the stupid hours I work, I like it keeps men occupied. Also I want to get back in school in the fall as well.

    After all these years in the sidelines I'm getting shit thrown at me all over, I guess its the hard work thing. Kinda like the attention from ladies lately I'm not sure what to do. I think I'm just gonna keep them both and kick ass at each when I there and grind it out till next fall. Unless taco offers me a bunch of money I guess.

  8. #158
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    So the new part time job I have, I'm expected to cash in, cash out, figure out the daily sales and deposit the money to the bank afterwards every night at 9:00 from the register. Needless to say my first night was a disaster because I wasn't properly trained and I did everything on the fly with a help of a semi-knowledgeable co-worker, who was also not trained but had cash register jobs in the past, whom was nice to stay all day with me for no pay. I'm going to have to do this again and again and eventually go solo on it and it honestly has me scared for mess ups because I'm math stupid and never had a register job before. God, I wish I could just get a job in my field already so I can put this degree to good use.

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    So the new part time job I have, I'm expected to cash in, cash out, figure out the daily sales and deposit the money to the bank afterwards every night at 9:00 from the register. Needless to say my first night was a disaster because I wasn't properly trained and I did everything on the fly with a help of a semi-knowledgeable co-worker, who was also not trained but had cash register jobs in the past, whom was nice to stay all day with me for no pay. I'm going to have to do this again and again and eventually go solo on it and it honestly has me scared for mess ups because I'm math stupid and never had a register job before. God, I wish I could just get a job in my field already so I can put this degree to good use.
    What is your field/degree?
    I have also never had a register job before and I think that eventually I should. I've been thrown into the deep end currently with this job as an after school arts club leader as I have no training with kids, only with art! People ask me if I want to be a teacher or continue working with kids but with only a couple months into the job I can honestly say I have no idea yet either way.

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    What is your field/degree?
    I have also never had a register job before and I think that eventually I should. I've been thrown into the deep end currently with this job as an after school arts club leader as I have no training with kids, only with art! People ask me if I want to be a teacher or continue working with kids but with only a couple months into the job I can honestly say I have no idea yet either way.
    Graphic Design, associate's degree. Graduated this May.

  11. #161
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    So, my high profile student returned to school after a two week hiatus. Let the biting, kicking, scratching, spitting, hair pulling, hitting return. Oh, and my back is killing me from being with this student.

  12. #162
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    So I better hold my tongue with big man. It's looking like by possibly as soon as February I may have the KM spot at taco. I'm not getting too excited about it but this could be a good thing.

  13. #163
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    I dig my job. I help make sure all those cat videos (and NIN videos!) get from our computers across the Intertubes to your computers.

  14. #164
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    Work has me real pissed/stressed at the moment. Incompetent people working together, combined with the fact that the company has decided to divide our office into 'teams' has resulted in me getting fucked around whilst being my usual self and offering to help the busier people in the office when I'm considerably quiet work wise. The fact that people will literally go out of their way to ensure I don't receive documents, completely fuck up the registration and data entry of all my jobs and a whole lot more make me want to just not turn up at all.

  15. #165
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    Oh boy....today I had an individual meeting with my boss. It was all great and stuff until he asked me to try to think of where I want to challenge myself in, what I see for myself in the future. He gave the example of one of my co-workers who wants a degree in business so he's going to assume some more responsibility in that area. I have NO FUCKING CLUE, well I guess that's not completely true....I just want to continue doing what I'm doing! I want to continue in this club leadership role and honestly, while I don't see myself getting certified as a grade teacher, I do want to continue this after school profession (at least with this program)... I mean, ultimately my life goal isn't exactly related to this area, I want to work as a freelance photographer (in the area of photographing musicians, performers, and their events or for publicity) I just don't have any equipment for that yet and I'm enjoying my current work as a challenge to my skills and knowledge and helping out my community, it's definitely rewarding and satisfying. I want to eventually get experiencing volunteer teaching at a photography place where I'm just a darkroom monitor, because I think that's ultimately where I'll get the answer to whether or not this is for me... Life after college has really panned out much more simply than I ever imagined it would, I'm so grateful!

  16. #166
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    Survived yet another round of layoffs. I've lost count.

  17. #167
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    I am *swamped* with real estate law. SWAMPED. I haven't been this busy in 4 years.

  18. #168
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    I keep having too much to drink at work. Or at work events. At least I can pass today off on the fact that a good friend decided to resign and move on to another firm. Gotta cut down.

  19. #169
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    I was just wondering how true this is sometimes. Is it normal for co-workers in certain workplaces to try to get you to discuss your personal life, while also trying to be friends with you outside of the workplace?

    In the last full-time job I've worked at, I was just trying to be 100% professional, and I was deemed to be too quiet and too formal. Some of them even told me that maturity is a sign of being boring, as some of them liked to mess with me. I didn't ignore anybody, and responded to others accordingly, but it seemed frustrating to them when it didn't seem like I was loosening up. My boss at the time even tried to tell me that it's sometimes important to combine some parts of your personal life with your professional life as it would help me expand my contacts for networking should I lose the job or want to seek another one. A lot of my co-workers even agreed, and said that it's too boring and stressful to remain silent and only speak of work-related subjects.

    Did any of you encounter this type of situation at work?

    I've found it surprising, because I was always taught to never combine my personal life with my professional life, and I tend to strongly agree with that stance a whole lot more. I'm sure it's because some of them wanted to become my friends, and they thought that I meant to be serious at all times without a sense of humor. They even wanted me to go out with them on some Friday nights, but I kept declining as respectably as possible, which still made it awkward for them. I've asked around elsewhere and from the looks of it, most people have told me that it wasn't normal anyway. And well, as I've asked, I was just curious if anybody else went through a similar situation. Perhaps it was also because I was in my early 20s at the time. Most of the staff that I worked with were also in their 20s too.

    To me, I don't think I could ever be too quiet at work as long as I'm not rudely ignoring my co-workers. It's just that I'm not the kind of type that would like to speak about my personal life at work, of all places. I also don't even do that at school, or at least try my best not to.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 03-07-2014 at 04:13 PM.

  20. #170
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    If in your early 20's you moved for a job to a city where you had no personal friends, sure, go out with the work crew. I suggest not talking about work outside of work, and limiting any details about your Significant Other (SO)/personal life. Talk about other interests: music, movies, books, sports, food, beer, travel, etc. (I find it next to impossible to be friends with pretty much anyone who sits in the same cube (if you have to share one in an office). It's like you're married - they see you more than they see their SO. It's only a matter of time before they get on your last nerves.)

    With that being said: People cannot be real friends unless they make themselves vulnerable. How vulnerable you want to get and with who is up to you. If you have anything in your life that could be even slightly controversial in the office, I suggest being very careful who you trust with your personal information and with what you say to people in your office/when speaking on the phone. People fear what they do not understand. I say this because I work in a very conservative profession with a bunch of crazy bible thumpers (some of which I suspect are really bible spankers behind closed doors) who eavesdrop on conversations only getting part of the context/story and blow everything out of proportion - making problems for others/being cutthroat to keep their job and get you sacked. Their inflicted harassment can be very covert/subtle and very difficult to prove. Keep in mind that Human Resources does not work for you, it works for the company. Therefore, if something happens, you are pretty much on your own unless someone will step up to say they witnessed it taking place. However, I have met a few cool people through work who I have become great friends with over time.

    Oh, and there are a few guys with long hair that work where I do. They keep it pulled back in a pony tail. Nothing like going out on the production floor, getting your hair/neck tie/lanyard sucked into a machine, and scalped/choked to death.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I was just wondering how true this is sometimes. Is it normal for co-workers in certain workplaces to try to get you to discuss your personal life, while also trying to be friends with you outside of the workplace?

    In the last full-time job I've worked at, I was just trying to be 100% professional, and I was deemed to be too quiet and too formal. Some of them even told me that maturity is a sign of being boring, as some of them liked to mess with me. I didn't ignore anybody, and responded to others accordingly, but it seemed frustrating to them when it didn't seem like I was loosening up. My boss at the time even tried to tell me that it's sometimes important to combine some parts of your personal life with your professional life as it would help me expand my contacts for networking should I lose the job or want to seek another one. A lot of my co-workers even agreed, and said that it's too boring and stressful to remain silent and only speak of work-related subjects.

    Did any of you encounter this type of situation at work?

    I've found it surprising, because I was always taught to never combine my personal life with my professional life, and I tend to strongly agree with that stance a whole lot more. I'm sure it's because some of them wanted to become my friends, and they thought that I meant to be serious at all times without a sense of humor. They even wanted me to go out with them on some Friday nights, but I kept declining as respectably as possible, which still made it awkward for them. I've asked around elsewhere and from the looks of it, most people have told me that it wasn't normal anyway. And well, as I've asked, I was just curious if anybody else went through a similar situation. Perhaps it was also because I was in my early 20s at the time. Most of the staff that I worked with were also in their 20s too.

    To me, I don't think I could ever be too quiet at work as long as I'm not rudely ignoring my co-workers. It's just that I'm not the kind of type that would like to speak about my personal life at work, of all places. I also don't even do that at school, or at least try my best not to.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Survived yet another round of layoffs. I've lost count.
    For me, I'm guessing 15 rounds and I finally got caught.

  22. #172
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    bizarre times, career wise. i was hired at a new company under false pretenses, and even though the money is equal to what i was making, the work is a major downgrade and i'm both overqualified and not interested in doing this sort of grunt work. after my first day (monday), i contacted the company who contracted me and gave immediate notice. they were surprised but appreciated my honesty, and after meeting with the company head, he was going to make the effort to place me elsewhere asap. spoke with him today, and that is less likely of an option (understandable), and as of next friday, i will be out of a job.

    i have had steady work since i was 16, almost 15 years of constantly working without a lapse in employment. this is both scary and extremely liberating. i've put in a few calls to agencies and am looking to reboot my career, if not find something where 9 years of tech experience can propel me forward. i can't afford to be out of work for long, but i have a little grace period to regroup and refocus. i've done pluckier and crazier things in my lifetime (including moving to NYC with $300 in the bank and no job to fall right into), so i just need to tap into that sort of chaotic ambition again. here goes nothing...

  23. #173
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    Good luck, man. I did the same when I moved to Vancouver back in 2004. I hope it works out for ya.

  24. #174
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    You will surviiiiive! =]

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    Last edited by playwithfire; 11-13-2022 at 12:48 AM.

  26. #176
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    For the second time this year, it's been less than a week between "you're going on tour with x" and "whoops - no you're not".

    I love my job?

  27. #177
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    My latest job is in something called Customer Success. Essentially my job is to make sure that a subset of my company's customers are so thrilled with the software they've bought from us that they keep renewing their licenses for it.

    I am not the sales guy, I am not technical support, I am not training nor professional services. I instead act as the customer's single point to assist with all these functions.

    I ensure that the customer knows all the software features, is not seriously affected by bugs, keeps relatively current in their upgrades, and generally sees our products as so key to their business that they can't do without them. If license renewal is a no-brainer then I have done my job.

    I have to build long-term relationships with customers and have them trust me.

    This job is a mixture of technical and account management. It is just right for me.
    Last edited by Timinator; 03-20-2014 at 11:57 PM. Reason: spelling

  28. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    bizarre times, career wise. i was hired at a new company under false pretenses, and even though the money is equal to what i was making, the work is a major downgrade and i'm both overqualified and not interested in doing this sort of grunt work. after my first day (monday), i contacted the company who contracted me and gave immediate notice. they were surprised but appreciated my honesty, and after meeting with the company head, he was going to make the effort to place me elsewhere asap. spoke with him today, and that is less likely of an option (understandable), and as of next friday, i will be out of a job.

    i have had steady work since i was 16, almost 15 years of constantly working without a lapse in employment. this is both scary and extremely liberating. i've put in a few calls to agencies and am looking to reboot my career, if not find something where 9 years of tech experience can propel me forward. i can't afford to be out of work for long, but i have a little grace period to regroup and refocus. i've done pluckier and crazier things in my lifetime (including moving to NYC with $300 in the bank and no job to fall right into), so i just need to tap into that sort of chaotic ambition again. here goes nothing...

    ahh, the situation is more confusing than ever. my new new job just asked me to stay an ADDITIONAL two weeks after my official resignation so they can properly staff things here, but a week later and i'm still more certain than ever that i can't be here. so while i want to be nice and not rock the boat (and if i am out of work for good, the extra two weeks of income would be nice), it's not worth weathering all the chaos and disorganization here. i just can't...

    meanwhile, i went on an interview for my old company yesterday, and it seemed like a shoe in, fingers crossed. i won't be able to get my old job back (they already filled my position), but i may be able to work at a different location under similar circumstances. just waiting on the phone call if it's a go... if the pay is the same as when i left, and if the hours are as good, i'm going to take it. if not, i'm still driving off the cliff and hoping for the best.

  29. #179
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    I am still kinda in shock, but I just got a real job that actually fits my skills with a super fucking awesome company where I can wear jeans to work and eat free catered lunch every day and actually pays me enough to live comfortably. WHAT.

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I am still kinda in shock, but I just got a real job that actually fits my skills with a super fucking awesome company where I can wear jeans to work and eat free catered lunch every day and actually pays me enough to live comfortably. WHAT.

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