supervisor 01 is in travel status and I'm unsure when he will be back.
supervisor 02 is in FMLA status and is trying to medically retire. his OOO says he's returning Monday so we'll see.

She said she wouldn't go to HR until talking to sup 02 so there's at least that.

But also! She and sup 02 go back at least a decade if not longer and they are tight. like you'd think they were having an affair tight. They aren't - for reasons I won't go into - but that's what their relationship is like.

I spoke to one of the guys I work with earlier and I feel a bit better. took a walk, listened to some aggressive but positive music, had a cry.

I texted her this morning because I thought I'd be late, turns out I was only 15 instead of 30 so I made the request in the system. She called me and said she values my time and how she knows I work extra here and there so I should just delete it.
Later in the day I used my institutional knowledge to fix a fiscal access issue that everyone else was "well it should work" and she said good job.

Like, sure?