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Thread: Work

  1. #451
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    Not enough, but I had a decent bump, with another one promised in November. The company lost 3 people in one day, and essentially I took over the role of operations. Oh, and we're in our busiest season with half the staff they had from last year.

  2. #452
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    After being short staffed since March (and that's still not changed), working all sorts of fucked up hours with extremely minimal overtime, and getting a pretty much glowing review from my boss last month, I just logged onto my workday program on my week off to see I got a huge, outstanding, unbelievable 16 cent raise. The desire to stay on vacation permanently has never been greater.

  3. #453
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    I work cleaning schools and doing maintenance, and I absolutely hate it now. My co-workers and I have been busting our asses since March due to the shutdown, and our work has gone underappreciated by our managers. We've had to deal with shifting schedules, massive cleanups, contractors coming in without any warning. They pretend that they care by giving us a piece of candy with our paycheck. "We can't give you a raise, but we hope you enjoy that Jolly Rancher!" It's like a slap in the face at this point. I am not holding my breath for any sort of significant pay raise, and I'm actively looking for other employment, but so far my searches have turned up nothing, and with school starting back up, I'm legitimately concerned about going to work now.

  4. #454
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    A piece of candy? Are you fucking kidding me???!!! What pyschopath thought that up?

  5. #455
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    My job has started preparing a timeline for the staff to start returning to the building, it'll be just staff - no customers. Luckily all my coworkers are on board with all the safety protocols (no Trump asshats) - so everything will be fine. But just having the discussion gave me such anxiety!

  6. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Not enough, but I had a decent bump, with another one promised in November. The company lost 3 people in one day, and essentially I took over the role of operations. Oh, and we're in our busiest season with half the staff they had from last year.
    Thankfully my employers know how hard I'm working and decided to skip the small bump and give me the full November-level bump now.

    But we're losing field members to COVID. Thankfully they have no complications, but they're out two weeks in quarantine. We don't have the manpower to keep up with our current demand. Every day is damage control from 7am-7pm. I'm incredibly lucky I'm working from home, as I wouldn't be able to sustain this with a commute on top.

    The hardest part is dealing with the other PMs screaming at us for more manpower. The state of Florida has even WORSE numbers than what we had back in March when the shutdown was ordered. Our ICUs are overwhelmed, Disney World is open, and everyone thinks things are going to get done on time. HELLO! We are in the middle of a PANDEMIC people! Have some goddamn patience.

    The kicker is that most of these projects are schools. They're demanding these are finished so they can open for the students. *shaking my damn head*
    Last edited by Magnetic; 07-18-2020 at 09:32 AM.

  7. #457
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    So my stint as a Utilities locator came to an end a few weeks back. Money was good but the constant 13 hour days not so much. Not a bad gig just not what I wanted. I've given enough of my life to work regardless of money. After some time off I found a deli job at probably the most progressive spot in the state. It's a high end market of sorts. My title is Cheese Monger. I sell fancy cheese and deli meats as well as cooking sandwiches and salads. Most things are made in house, breads, some meats etc. Even given my delusional thinking I may have stumbled upon the unicorn. I get a solid base wage, everyone shares tips, up to 80 hours pto first year, 100% paid health insurance and a solid 40 hours. Never thought I'd find something like this here.

  8. #458
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    every single time I cancel a meeting I get at least a couple people asking me if the meeting was cancelled. I don't understand, Outlook sent you a cancellation notice and if you click on it it will remove it from your calendar and you get an hour of your day to work on something instead of listen to the bosses. But every damn time "Is the meeting cancelled".

  9. #459
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    Competence. It's such a rare animal that when I see it, I admire its beauty.

    See also: misanthropy

  10. #460
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    Even better: "hey, create a SharePoint site so that this group of people can put contracts and contact information on it"

    *site is created and all members of group are contacted*

    "You know what, these are internal contracts, I'm not sure I want to share them with everyone"

    what. do. you. want. me. to. do.

  11. #461
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    Imagine all the work that could get done if it weren't for these ridiculous tasks and non-issues.

  12. #462
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    Let's see
    Hire date: 3/22 - start learning everything remotely.
    5/29 - fully competent in what other people in the starting positions are given 6 months to gain proficiency
    6/5 - senior-most, non-management colleague sees how quickly I learned, and did estimating better than than the other PMs added on in the previous year
    6/29 - boss 1 & 2 ask if I would move to a position to assist the operations manager for the next three months, then move on to project manager (which is what I wanted)
    6/30 - boss 1 & 2 fire the operations manager. Senior-most colleague hands two-week notice in protest for how the ops manager was treated. More people left in protest or were fired by boss 1 & 2.
    7/1 - Instead of assisting the ops manager, I am thrown into the jump seat and have to learn everything on the fly - during the busiest time of year, and several people down
    7/1 - 7/31 - I have to manage operations and train the PMs (who have been with the company longer than me) how to do various tasks. The entire month was triage - all of us working to keep the company afloat.
    8/4 - After my car accident on 7/31, I return back to work and things seem like they're getting better
    8/4 - The investment firm that backed boss 1 & 2 acquiring the company has a person (Representative 1) to reach out and help streamline our processes, begins talking with team members about how we do our jobs
    8/10 - boss 1 & 2 become impossible to get in touch with for various vital things the have to sign off on
    8/10 - 9/1 - boss 1 & 2 continue to be unavailable for help - the PMs and I work to manage the workload without their help. Occasionally boss 1 tells us to reach out to Rep 1 for help.
    9/4 - I finally reach out to Rep 1 and convey how things were looking ok at the beginning of August, but now boss 1 & 2 are impossible to get a hold of
    9/11 - A meeting is held, and boss 1 & 2 announce they are leaving, and Rep 1 will become the temporary CEO.
    Boss 1 & 2 release a text announcement of their departure to the field team sparking panic. I immediately logged into the system, changed the pw, and made sure boss 1 & 2 were locked out of other means of communication. I sent out reassurances, and immediately published the next week's schedule to convey we are still functioning.

    At this point, it has become apparent to Rep 1 that I've been the hub of keeping things going. It's a shell of the PMs, myself, one field supervisor, and our accounting guy. Rep 1 has also reached out to the people who were fired or quit at the end of June.

    So.....yah. Roughly 3 months at a job before being put at the center of things, and now I'm clearly the person keeping it together. Rep 1 has said they're getting people in THIS week to assist with the transition.

    Obviously the company was probably rotten from the inside when I was hired. This was supposed to be one of those small companies that were growing in their region. Boss 1 & 2 have Harvard MBAs, and talked a heck of a game. Only boss 1 always struck me as smarmy. I'm glad I never have to deal with them again. Today as I thought about things, I realize I harbor a lot of anger at them.

    I have no idea how things will continue. I hope, for the field team's sake, that we can keep it together. It's been a rough 10 weeks for me.

  13. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Competence. It's such a rare animal that when I see it, I admire its beauty.

    See also: misanthropy
    That deserves its own bumper sticker.

  14. #464
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    It's been a rough 10 weeks for me.
    Holy shit.

    I wonder if Bosses 1 & 2 had a non-compete agreement.

  15. #465
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    Bosses 1 & 2 are married.

    Their background isn't in the company's industry. They partnered with the investment group to buy a company and expand it. They seriously messed it up/ ran it into the ground.

  16. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Bosses 1 & 2 are married.

    Their background isn't in the company's industry. They partnered with the investment group to buy a company and expand it. They seriously messed it up/ ran it into the ground.

  17. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Bosses 1 & 2 are married.

    Their background isn't in the company's industry. They partnered with the investment group to buy a company and expand it. They seriously messed it up/ ran it into the ground.
    Ah so they’re not in competition in their new venture? They wouldn’t steal any clients.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2020 at 11:31 PM.

  18. #468
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    Oh, I think everyone in this industry is glad to see the back of them. I look forward to googling them in 3 years time to figure out what new company they've found to destroy.

    I got the most heart-warming call from some of the laborers today. They told me how glad they are that I've been running the operations and communicating with them. It kills me how absentee boss 1 & 2 were. They were so flakey and shady the whole time, I just didn't realize it.

  19. #469
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    We've been in a work-at-home status here in my office since ~March. They eventually said that the bosses/chiefs need to be in the office Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Then our Director retired and we now have a new director. The new director said why the hell are the bosses/chiefs not in the office every day, there are employees here (waves hand) and no one to supervise them? So starting next week-ish we're going to see more bodies in the building. They aren't moving back to the 1+ offices yet thankfully (every office has at least two people in it except for the bosses/chiefs, you see) so that's at least going to stay in place.

    Today was the first day of several people showing up for the first time in months and it's appreciably louder.

  20. #470
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    So, after some 28 years working in IT, I officially give up. Everything is getting more complicated, things breaking down all the time, more incompetence everywhere, stress, zero satisfaction, not seeing I actually contributed to anything important... And while I waste my earth time doing work that someone else could do (but not as good and not as fast, haha), who will make the things only I can make? I'm also selling my house because it's impossible to meet someone (thread: relationships) and just fuck off somewhere for some time because I don't know what to do next except finally record some music, but keeping in this routine is not an option anymore, I'm dying here. Good times! :-)

  21. #471
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    @Substance242 My brother worked for years in IT and got sick of it. He started his own business creating software for flight simulations, linking various bits of popular but incompatible software and hardware. I'm astounded every week when he tells me his sales figures. I never knew there were that many flight sim geeks in the world. Is there interest or talent you could root a business in using your IT skills? Whatever you do, I hope you find some happiness.

  22. #472
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    Thank God I was able to retire a year ago. Sadly it's because of serious health issues but I had a gut feeling that it was time to pull the plug. I was working for an aerospace giant & hated it every day I was there, over a decade. Turns out, said giant is seriously hurting from the pandemic & severe corporate malfeasance before that. There have been huge layoffs & now they are moving a production line out of the area despite screwing the state for huge tax breaks, etc to put the line in. That's another 1000 jobs that are going away this year. I would've been screwed because I had to take time off frequently for chemo, etc. I'm in no shape to get another job. My old manager said I was a trooper though because I would show up even if things were pretty dire & produce at a high level. 1 of the few times in my life I had good timing. Now, rather than dealing with unemployment & searching for a gig I have a livable income for at least the next 6 years from disability insurance. The health stuff is most likely going to kill me before that runs out, so at least I don't have to worry about making ends meet. Missing out on a bunch of unneeded stress. Word of advice: if your employer offers disability insurance take it. I signed on & ended up being diagnosed less than a year later. The company paid for some insurance but there was an option to pay for more. It was only a few dollars a paycheck & that is paying off hugely now. You never know when something is going to hit.

  23. #473
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    I was laid off today, 10~ years with the company. It was my first job in my profession after college. I'm thinking of starting my own small business, wish me luck!

  24. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by d1stinct View Post
    I was laid off today, 10~ years with the company. It was my first job in my profession after college. I'm thinking of starting my own small business, wish me luck!
    good luck!

  25. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by d1stinct View Post
    I was laid off today, 10~ years with the company. It was my first job in my profession after college. I'm thinking of starting my own small business, wish me luck!
    Good luck!

  26. #476
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  27. #477
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    I was "promoted" in January and it took this long for me to be over my new job title and responsibilities. Honestly longer than I thought it would take. Too many people asking for too many conflicting things and then failing to follow up with anyone else involved.

  28. #478
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    If anyone is reading from France, Canada, or Germany and (covid aside) would usually travel internationally, and fancies making $50 for answering a 40 minute online survey about travel, PM me.

    I work in market research at the moment and I know some of you are struggling with cash so I'll pop these in here when relevant - you're helping me out by not having to pay a recruiter.

  29. #479
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    In the "HR would like to have a talk with you" category, I have two stories. One is funny from a warped humor perspective, the other is a "dude, we have to take a training about that every year wtf is wrong with you".

    We are all working from home except for me, so weekly we have a "here's a quick recap of our projects, but also here's a quick check in of how we're doing so we don't all go insane". It usually starts dull because it's just one more meeting but by the quarter mark or so someone's got the chat going to where it's more fun for everyone with jokes or memes or just gifs. whatever, the bosses don't care and even encourage/join in.


    So last week someone was sharing a story of his cider brewing, and the boss said the cider was very good, but also very strong. Strong enough that the person who brewed the cider got drunk enough to get a tattoo of Tom Brady on his ass. Ha ha, very funny. Except my humor is such that I immediately went to an offensive line joke - commonly called an O-line for short - so I'm very glad I was already on mute so no one heard me start laughing at Tom Brady and his O-line.

    The other story is about this guy I work with who is practically stalking another coworker. He only comes to work when he knows she's going to be here, will walk with her to and from the cafeteria (hospital campus), and will drive with her to get lunch on those days she goes off campus. He's written her a love note and left it at her house. It's creepy. Plus she is in the middle of a divorce and he told her that when it's over he'll leave his fiancé/girlfriend. OK, it's really creepy. She doesn't think it's that bad, but she also does (I can't explain that one, but it was a conversation I had with her so it's from her lips) but she doesn't want to do anything about it. It's bad enough that I can probably make an anonymous complaint to the dudes boss but as I said above there's not a lot of people in the office so it won't be that anonymous.

    I'm like 80/20 on this so I'm going to do something Monday, just have to think about it over the weekend some more. I fully know it's partially bystander effect - I'm waiting for two other people who know about this to do something - but also it could be someone's job potentially.

    I could also, since I'm the training administrator, assign the training to the dude as a pointed ಠ_ಠ but I don't know how effective that would be. He literally has a learning disability and could miss the cue.

  30. #480
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    That's super creepy. How can the woman not see his behavior is an issue?

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