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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #811
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    People who can't seem to own up to their mistakes, however small. If someone's training you and they point out something you could have done differently, it's not the end of the world! If you're constantly saying it was 'just this one time' that you did something the wrong way because you 'always' do it the right way, you don't look like someone who knows their stuff—you look like someone we're not going to be able to count on to step up when you've genuinely fucked up.

  2. #812
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    The schizophrenic weather in the UK. One minute I'm shivering and sneezing, the next I'm sweltering.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 06-20-2012 at 11:19 AM.

  3. #813
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    My girlfriend's friends always ruining her nights at parties/drinking and the previous owners of my car not writing down the pin code for my audio system. Fuuuuuckinghell.

  4. #814
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    My dumbass cousin. Jesus Christ. First, she's constantly talking about being drunk on FB. Which is probably ok, except what gives me reservations is that she has two little kids. But, ok. Maybe she's drinking responsibly (maybe).

    Then, she's repeatedly gone on FB and told her friends where the drunk driving checkpoints are, so they don't get caught. Now she's officially a douchebag.

    Then tonight I saw that she posted a status about how she was in the car with her kids and her dog jumped out of the car and she had to take her "drunk ass" (her words) out of the car and get the dog and put him back in the car. Doesn't mean she was driving, but considering what an idiot she is otherwise, and the fact that she's perfectly ok with people drinking and driving, it kind of makes me wonder.

  5. #815
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    My dumbass cousin. Jesus Christ. First, she's constantly talking about being drunk on FB. Which is probably ok, except what gives me reservations is that she has two little kids. But, ok. Maybe she's drinking responsibly (maybe).

    Then tonight I saw that she posted a status about how she was in the car with her kids and her dog jumped out of the car and she had to take her "drunk ass" (her words) out of the car and get the dog and put him back in the car. Doesn't mean she was driving, but considering what an idiot she is otherwise, and the fact that she's perfectly ok with people drinking and driving, it kind of makes me wonder.
    My friend's mom is kinda the same way. In the 5 or 6 years I've known her, she's aaaalways been about getting out and getting drunk on a near nightly basis, often leaving her two youngest girls (Now I think 8 and 9) at home, alone, in a not-so-secure part of town. Even when my friend was 16 and 17, she would leave her there to babysit while she went out and got plastered and hung out with friends as IHOP. She's SO irresponsible, in fact, the my friend just found out that her mom had been taking out loans and buying digital cable subscriptions in my friend's name when she was younger, leaving all the bills unpaid for years. So now that my friend is an adult, married, and has a kid of her own, she's having trouble because her mom used her name for loans and bills, leaving her with a near-crippling amount of debt from unpaid bills.

    This lady even had my ex girlfriend come over to her house about 6 months ago so she could give her a monroe piercing. Then chickened out because she was too nervous, and needed her to come back the next day after she "prepared herself" for it. She's in her late 30s.

    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Then, she's repeatedly gone on FB and told her friends where the drunk driving checkpoints are, so they don't get caught. Now she's officially a douchebag.
    I HATE this - and when people post about speed traps in town. If you're so worried about being pulled over, don't drive, or don't speed. It's worse when the same people say things like "Fuck tha po-lice, they're all corrupt and they'll always find reasons to pull you over or arrest you!" It's not the cop's fault if YOU break the law. Besides, speeding in town really doesn't help you get anywhere more than maaaybe a minute earlier, so why even bother?

  6. #816
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    I hate that too. Every morning it's 'There's speed control at point X on road Y, so moderate your speed' on the news. Fuck it; just always moderate your speed. And if you can't drive like a responsible adult and stuck to the rules, don't drive.

  7. #817
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    You know how bride's maid dresses are always ugly...? Yeah...

    I just really don't want to stand up in front of a gazillion people in this thing.

  8. #818
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    Don't worry, weddings have booze. It'll be on the floor of the coat-check room soon enough.

  9. #819
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    My friend deleted her Facebook a few days ago. While we were texting earlier, I said I'd post pictures of my new apartment on Facebook so she could see it, and she said "I don't have Facebook."

    She JUST re-activated her Facebook 10 minutes ago, and as a joke, I commented " 'I don't have Facebook' - You, an hour and a half ago.' " Just as a joke. She deleted the comment, and texted me, "Don't make comments like that on my pictures, please. It makes me look like an idiot."

    Wait...What? I can't even BEGIN to understand how that makes any sense.

  10. #820
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    Because she feels incredibly embarassed at having deleted and then quickly re-made her account, and felt your comment made her look like an idiot because she feels like an idiot?

  11. #821
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    I get that. But I don't get why she was so rude about it. She knows she deleted her Facebook. Everyone she talks to knows she deleted her Facebook. People change their minds on things all the time. It's human. Changing your mind about whether to keep Facebook or not is....a REALLY insignificant life choice. I was only pointing out the irony of the situation, thinking she would say something like "Yeah, well! Things have changed in an hour!" She could have handled the joke better, instead of just jumping to the conclusion that I (one of her best friends, according to her) was actively trying to embarrass her. She could have communicated how she felt better than just deleting the thing, texting me, and saying "Okay. Good." when I apologized, then just ceasing communication.

    Like I said, I apologized. I'm not so far up myself that I can't acknowledge when I've done wrong by someone else, and I am sorry that I made her feel embarrassed. But that doesn't mean I can't think it was a really shallow reason to get so short with me.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 06-23-2012 at 11:12 AM.

  12. #822
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    Tell her to harden the fuck up.

  13. #823
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    The price of gasoline. And the prices of re-issue vinyl, some can be a little expensive.

    EDIT: I would post again to this tread just to get my post count up but I better not... Anyway, touch screen phones are assholes sometimes... My old phone used to freeze up, I'd turn it off and after a long time of powering up it would freeze again. Or if would get stuck on a random letter during a text message and enter the letter in numerous times. ...Plus a co-worker is having trouble with her phone too.
    Last edited by REPLICA; 06-23-2012 at 08:49 PM. Reason: Touch screen phones are bull crap (sometimes).

  14. #824
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    Yeah, well, people who are embarrassed by their own stupidity tend to not act very rationally. Just tell her she's an idiot, and she should get over it.

  15. #825
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    Louis C.K. tickets just went on sale, and I have no money. $41 and they have sixth row tickets available (why did I even look?) Well...second year in a row that I'm missing him. Maybe Christmas 2013 (which is the next time he'll be in town, if the trend continues).

    In the meantime, any Louis fans might want to go to his website right now before all the tickets are gone (I'm guessing all the other dates are probably on sale, too).


    My doctor's office fucking SUCKS. Most incompetent bunch of wankers I've ever encountered.

    So, over the course of the last four years that I've been at this office (I only stayed out of habit and because it was easier, but I'm definitely finding a new doctor now), there have been about...oh, maybe four or five times that I needed the doctor (or someone from the office) to call me back on something. Usually an issue with a medication or needing a refill or whatever. I don't believe they've ever called me back, in spite of telling me they would. Ever. Not once.

    So last Thursday, my pharmacy faxes them a request for a refill since I'm out. I know they want me to go in for a visit, but it's kind of hard when I'm completely broke and have no insurance at the moment. So I'm hoping (and I told the pharmacy) maybe I can get just one month's worth, so I can then go in next month (when I'll hopefully have the money together for a visit). Two days go by, I'm almost out of my meds, and I call the pharmacy- oh, they said they won't refill over the phone, they need you to come in.

    So I call the office Saturday and go, hey, listen, I'm broke, I have no insurance, I cannot afford a visit right now. Can you just give me a one month refill and I'll come in in a month? Well, they said, they're not sure, but they'll have someone call me. That was Saturday. Once again, they never called back.

    Monday (today) rolls around. I call again. I'm being as nice as I can, even though I'm fuming. I am completely out of my medication, which I need (diabetics tends to need their meds, it turns out). The guy says, no problem, we'll have the doctor call you later today. I say, hey, you guys never called me back Saturday. This has happened four or five times in the last four years. You never ever call me back. I appreciate what you're saying, and I know it's not your fault, but you could understand why I'm a bit nervous, right? Because I'm completely out of meds here and I was told THREE DAYS AGO that someone would call me and then never did, so I'm up shit creek without a paddle if you guys don't call. He says don't worry, someone will call you back tonight, for sure, I will hand the note to the doctor personally.

    Ok. The office closed almost an hour ago, the pharmacy closes in a little over an hour phone call. It's almost eight at night. I get the feeling they're going to drop the ball again.

    Worst case scenario, I'm going to have to go back to the pharmacy and ask for one more pill to tide me through tonight (they were already kind enough to give me a few, which I went through very quickly) and then tomorrow I'm going to have to suck it up and go to the stupid office and just get a damn appointment (I hope they can bill me later) because their incompetent asses can't seem to get it together at all. And then, once I have my meds firmly in hand, I'm going to call back and talk to an office manager (for all the good it will do). And then I'm finding another doctor A.S.A.P. Worthless shitheads.
    Last edited by theruiner; 06-25-2012 at 09:51 PM.

  16. #826
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    Missed a package yesterday because I was working 10 'til 6. Given that the depot is about 30 minutes' walk from wherever the nearest bus drops you, I decided I'd order a redelivery—only their website is so antiquated that it timed out and I'm pretty sure I got charged twice for the redelivery fee. Fuckers.

  17. #827
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    I have big customer presentation on Thursday morning and needed to synch up with one of the other presenters so we are recommending the same hardware change for our two products. It'll be a good story if we can say, hey you have to swap out all your hardware because it's older then my first iphone. We can sell you the same set of servers for the two apps and you can put them in the same cabinet. Wooo - efficiency (or so I was told by the product manager of the application I'm responsible for). I instant message my co-worker and ask if he has any time today to synch up for a few minutes. He replies "sure my outlook calendar is up to date." "Great" I say, expecting that I'll find something later in the day. No - he's booked all day. all day. I IM him, " hey dude, you are blocked off all day." He replies "I'm available right now" WHAT THE FUCK. So I make an outlook appointment for that moment and send it to that fucker putting the conference bridge number as "CALL ME".

    Needless to say, when I get on the phone with him, I say right away that that was pretty passive aggressive. Trust me on this one, he was not playing a prank. So, we go on to talk about this hardware story and he says that is not what he is planning on presenting. There are all these other configurations that the customer could go for. Oh oh, the one that makes the most sense isn't the one you will agree to suggest? We're sales engineers ! that's what we do! Nope. So, I forced him to say outloud that the product manager I consulted was wrong. I said fine, during my presentation you sit in a corner with a sock in your mouth and I won't talk during your presentation. Then I turned around and IM'd that product manager and said "Randy says you are wrong". Fucker wastes my time and fucks with me. I've dealt with this guy before and he's got this southern charm that you know he is stabbing you in the back. Several years ago when we worked in the same group he was at this very customer at a meeting and felt it was a good idea to call me and tell me the customer doesn't like me. Wait, the customer doesn't even know me, never met me. Thanks for the support bro.

    Have any of ya'll dealt with that passive aggressive southern way? I'm tired of it and just go straight at him, which I'm sure he would turn to one of his kin folk and say "oh those Northerns, so uptight."


  18. #828
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    Nothing like putting the "teabagger" in Teamwork. I don't know about southerners but there sure are some good ole northern boys up here that work the same schtick here. I think you handled him well short of a good throttling and earning a restraining order.

  19. #829
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    A coworker reacted to my suggestion to let a girl who has bad grades and is a real pain in the ass pass to the next year because she does have the intellectual capacity to pass, she made some progress in the last trimester and she conquered a very heavy suicidal depression (which I informed them about in December, but they somehow all managed to forget) with 'She has to learn that life is tough'.
    I ran out of the meeting crying. I suck, but they suck more.

  20. #830
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    Especially the one that's my direct higher-up at work. I'm glad that you're busting your ass 10-11 hours per day like it's nothing, I ain't gonna do the same just to please you.

  21. #831
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    A coworker reacted to my suggestion to let a girl who has bad grades and is a real pain in the ass pass to the next year because she does have the intellectual capacity to pass, she made some progress in the last trimester and she conquered a very heavy suicidal depression (which I informed them about in December, but they somehow all managed to forget) with 'She has to learn that life is tough'.
    I ran out of the meeting crying. I suck, but they suck more.
    Yeah, I fucking hate shit like that. "She has to learn that life is tough" if she doesn't already know.

  22. #832
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    Exactly. I think at 15, life's probably been tougher for her than for some of her twentysomething and thirtysomething teachers.

  23. #833
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    ....the phone here at work. IT KEEPS RINGING... Each time I answer, I hope for a meaningful conversation with someone who know's what a motel is supposed to do... I have only had one person in the past 3 hours who was direct and understood what they wanted and what I could provide.

  24. #834
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    I really hate that I cannot write in an abstract manner. Everything comes out so linear, so straightforward. It's annoying because I prefer abstract thinking.

  25. #835
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    Quote Originally Posted by REPLICA View Post
    ....the phone here at work. IT KEEPS RINGING... Each time I answer, I hope for a meaningful conversation with someone who know's what a motel is supposed to do... I have only had one person in the past 3 hours who was direct and understood what they wanted and what I could provide.
    "Do you repair fuel-injectors?"

  26. #836
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    This doesn't so much piss me of as much as it confuses me, but why the HELL did I wake up at 3:30am with Neil Young's "Powderfinger" in my head, and why is it still there?! I haven't even listened to that song in probably 5 years! The radio wasn't on or anything!

  27. #837
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    Bought a brand new Tenacious D shirt at the show last night... got bleach on it today. Fuck.

  28. #838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Have any of ya'll dealt with that passive aggressive southern way? I'm tired of it and just go straight at him, which I'm sure he would turn to one of his kin folk and say "oh those Northerns, so uptight."

    I have a passive aggressive instructor (dance fitness classes) who teaches for me. Not Southern, and I AM Southern originally, but her passive aggressiveness is very irritating. I'll ask her if she can cover a class, and she'll either not respond for several days, or will say something terse like 'can't. jason (her husband) has golf' in all lower case. She has no sense of how to write proper sentences in a professional setting. Her lack of response is unprofessional IMO.

    My annoyance is that I just found out, that someone I really dislike has been invited by someone who didn't have the authority to do so, to a going-away dinner that I organized for one of my instructors who is moving. It is bad enough to have to go out to dinner, but to now have to have this person along makes it even worse.

  29. #839
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    Just keep reminding yourself what the night is about -- everybody showing appreciation and love for your instructor, and the more the merrier for her/him.

  30. #840
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    Jesus christ why do they make pianos so heavy?

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