So we went some 13 years with a logo that looked like "fool" and now we get to deal with Poop for probably the rest of this band's activity. Lovely.
(it's atually not that bad)
I'd absolutely call the new logo a fake if I didn't know any better. It's at least very different from before (always appreciated), and I guess I like it enough. The dimension of the text/font itself looks quite cheesy, like early computer graphics.
I'm just gonna ignore any of these "Poop" mentions... I don't see it, and I choose not to look further. I'm not that bored.
Last edited by Amaro; 07-22-2019 at 11:27 AM.
Opiate artwork/original release date inexplicably posted on twitter and instagram. No sign of it on streaming services yet though.
Double post, but this is a quick mock-up of what I’d like more but it would need tweaks to work but I think you get the idea.
Edited with larger res
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PooT, PooT.
Yes, I’ll be going into 7th grade after the summer vacation.
Apparently 1/4 of the album title has been hiding in plain sight:
btw, something about this weekend being 10,000 days since Opiate was released. The band’s official Instagram account (confirmed to be official via twitter) posted an image of the album art moving, looking kind of 3D. People are speculating an announcement about the reworked Opiate song and video this weekend.
Undertow now up...
Hmmm... a vinyl box set or something coming maybe?
No they're just posting pics of their discography because it will be available on streaming services soon as well as hyping up anticipation for the new album.
But, from what I hear, we might get more than just an announcement over the weekend. There is some rumblings that we may also get a track from the new album as well. Let’s cross our fingers on that one!
Spotify also uses animations for different things, so these could be used as that too.
Also hellboy on Fourth Eye (I think he works with the band somehow?) said "So my understanding is that we should get a track this week (I assume at the end of the 'countdown')."
Last edited by Kodiak33; 07-24-2019 at 08:44 AM.
Considering a number of possibilites. Perhaps the new studio version of Opiate and its video to coincide with an announcement of the back catalogue's release on digital streaming services. Then perhaps finally an official announcement of the new album with artwork and possibly a new single shortly thereafter? This all feels like going 0 to warp speed; however, I do accept some plausibility in that Sony's quarterly report is coming next week, which will include expected upcoming media releases and titles. Tool may be wanting to stay ahead of that and have some control in the release of all this information.
Edit: Should also mention we should be hearing soon about a new tour and dates to support the album as well.
Last edited by pulse; 07-24-2019 at 09:47 AM.
I suppose most of you have already seen this on Reddit. More BS/speculation to chuck in the fire.
They’re either counting down or just being twats
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Hellboi knows some people within the “band”- managers or something, I’m not quite sure who they all are but I do beleive one is Blair, and possibly Junior. He always said he won’t give up who his sources are and I don’t blame him.
If he predicts something, he’s got my attention. He doesn’t always know everything but if he posts something it usually has merit to it.
Well I can't unsee the poop thing now thanks guys
I don’t think it looks like it says “poop” AT ALL. I think people just want it to so they can make that joke. They’re reaching. Reaching for low-hanging fruit, at that.
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seems to be a thing with prog. the better the musicianship, the less ability they have to determine if something looks tacky and stupid.
hey guys. my 8th grade nephew pirated photoshop. lets let him design our stuff.
Man and Laterauls had such cool packaging too.