Disjointed? I don't get that. I think the album is incredibly cohesive. It's more Mariqueen's boring vocals, the shitty lyrics and uninspired melodies - and the music I feel like I've already heard ten times before from Trent and Atticus. Remember, TR and AR have produced, to date:

Year Zero
parts of Niggy Tardust
The Slip
The Social Network
An Omen

in just under 5 years. That's what, six, seven hours of music?

I really, really hope whatever he's doing with this new NIN stuff has nothing to do with Atticus, nothing to do with his home studio and sounds a little different than a drum machine and the Swarmatron, because after all this, I can barely tell it apart.

Not to say I haven't enjoyed 90% of it, not to say I haven't already purchased all of it. And yes, Mariqueen can fucking rock it sometimes, see: The Space In Between and Is Your Love Strong Enough?

But it's just CHRIST, Trent, try something new.