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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #7591
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    Yeah, I was just browsing the interwebs for most of that time. Still annoying to have to listen to them though. And luckily it ended after only an hour.
    praise telecommute jesus

  2. #7592
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    praise telecommute jesus
    My work is in person in a school (although thankfully today was the last day of school). This training was done by a different agency that runs the software they were "training" us on.

  3. #7593
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    Thanks @ickyvicky and @elevenism I appreciate it. I don’t like to moan but it’s just been kinda crazy. Daughter is now out of hospital and doing much better.

  4. #7594
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    UPS and their endless supply of shitty delivery agents.

  5. #7595
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    This fucking year is a little thing that pisses me off. So far, my gran died (not unexpected), a childhood friend commited suicide, my cousin suddenly died, there's a plethora of undetonated family drama-bombs associated with that. Some professional shit went wrong. I had been hanging a lot of self-care hopes on the upcoming NIN shows, but that's now looking very unlikely (and I'm ~£600 down) as my eldest child has just had a bad bone break. Which is obviously terrible for more reasons than me missing NIN. She's in surgery right now and I'm on hold to a holiday company to figure out if we can salvage our family summer holiday or not. Sorry to vent.
    Hope your daughter has a smooth recovery

  6. #7596
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Hope your daughter has a smooth recovery
    Thanks dude! She's doing remarkably well, mostly sleeping through now, we've dropped from having to dose her with pain killers 24/7 to only on demand, her first full school day back is Today.

  7. #7597
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    Thanks dude! She's doing remarkably well, mostly sleeping through now, we've dropped from having to dose her with pain killers 24/7 to only on demand, her first full school day back is Today.
    Glad things are looking up, man!
    You guys take it easy.

  8. #7598
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    So I have been dealing with these bad stomach issues for, like, YEARS. And I tried dealing with it by eliminating foods, drinks, etc. But it really started affecting my daily life, like I couldn’t eat ANYTHING without getting an upset stomach.

    So it took me 3 months to get in to a gastroenterologist, and I’m scheduled for an endoscopy in July (these specialists are way overbooked).

    Meanwhile, he put me on 30mg of Lansoprazole 2x / day. And that took a few weeks to kick in, but it’s really working great.

    But now it’s time to refill it. 60 pills cost me $10 in co-pay.

    My CVS pharmacist called me this morning and said my BC/BS rejected it because they’ll only pay for 90 pills of this Rx PER YEAR. She advised me to contact my Dr. and have him contact my insurance company.

    MEANWHILE, I went online to Mark Cuban’s new drug company, Cost Plus Drugs.

    THEY sell it, too:

    Lansoprazole Delayed Release (DR)
    Capsule • 30mg • 60 count

    I paid $10 co-pay for that.

    Now, granted, I will have to pay SHIPPING.

    But WTF?!? My insurance REJECTED paying ANYTHING.

    I can get *90* from Cost Plus for $11.10.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-20-2022 at 02:20 PM.

  9. #7599
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I went online to Mark Cuban’s new drug company, Cost Plus Drugs.
    Wow, I just looked up what I take on that site and even with shipping it's about half of what it costs me through my insurance. Might be time to switch, next time I need a refill.

  10. #7600
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    How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?

  11. #7601
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?
    Small markups on large quantities still results in profit. They mark the drugs up 15% above cost plus a $3 prep fee on each medication.

  12. #7602
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?
    lol, just Googled his name and this article popped up from 17 hours ago:

    Medicare could save billions buying generic drugs at Mark Cuban's prices

    Researchers compared what the U.S. government pays for prescription drugs to the prices of generic drugs sold at the entrepreneur's new online pharmacy.

  13. #7603
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?

  14. #7604
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    iPhone screen stopped working to touch

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  15. #7605
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    Recruiters who pretend it is a direct hire role and don't reveal they are recruiters until the interview stage.

  16. #7606
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    @allegro @ickyvicky @Erneuert

    Lest we forget...Mark Cuban ALSO bought the Dallas Mavericks, and his vision and unorthodox style converted them from the worst team in the NBA to fucking champions, which, no shit, gave me a reason to live at the time.

    Mark Cuban is clearly Batman. He's able to do this shit because he DOES have all this money, and he actually DOES care about people.
    The pharmacy thing started as a fuck you to Martin Shkreli, aka pharma bro.

    What pisses me off?
    Oh shit. I've got a LONG one involving a hotel in Denver where we were profiled for our collective races/clothes/piercings/tattoos.

    But I'm saving that for a day when my fucking hands don't feel like.they're broken.

    Oh yeah. RA. That's CURRENTLY pissing me off. I can barely type.

    Shout out to my big brother @chuckrh
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-30-2022 at 02:26 PM.

  17. #7607
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    Sorry for double post, but DENVER.

    I'm sorry. I know some of you live there. Hell, my brother, sis in law, and their three kids moved there.

    So here's the thing: in Texas, we might be divided politically, but we're fucking FRIENDLY.

    Where I live, I might hold the door for a literal, actual cowboy, with my ridiculously long hair, giant piercings, and Ice Cube shirt. (Here, I'm talking about a dude who is literally wearing a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots with spurs and shit, who just got off of his shift that involved riding a horse).
    Next time, he holds the door for me.
    And in line, at the store, we strike up a conversation.

    I've never lived anywhere but Texas. In Texas, you smile, and say "howyoudoin'," and TALK a little.

    Two weeks in Denver, going to the store everyday, taught me that shit is just TOTALLY different up there. People are NOT friendly.

    And it's like "oh, yeah, these people have MORE piercings and and tattoos and freeky hairstyles, and they smoke more drugs," so you'd THINK they'd be friendly... but they just AREN'T.

    I was just getting used to it when i left. It's utterly ingrained in me to smile and say hi to people: gang members, millionaires, whatever. I was learning to NOT do that. Then I came home.

    I don't think I could live in a place like that. I can't fucking IMAGINE NYC.

  18. #7608
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    To be fair, Mark Cuban isn't the only one in this discount pharmacy game.

    There's lots of online competition. He's the only one pumping lots of money into the advertising, and he has his own big name behind it.

    I'd already been ordering cash drugs online from HealthWarehouse for a few years.

    See also:

    * Ro Pharmacy:

    * Blueberry Pharmacy:

    * Genius Rx:

    Last edited by allegro; 06-30-2022 at 02:47 PM.

  19. #7609
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    ]So here's the thing: in Texas, we might be divided politically, but we're fucking FRIENDLY.
    It's not just "Texas."

    We used to live in Illinois and in Washington D.C. (we had an apartment in DuPont Circle because G had a job there for a year with the F.A.A. as a rep. for NATCA).

    We could tell a NOTICEABLE difference between people here and there.

    Like, go see a Washington Capitals game, and the people who work there are holding doors open for you, "Hi, welcome" and shit. But it wasn't just the workers, it was almost everyone. And, for us, we ... NOTICED IT. Like, holy crap, people are NICE. And HAVE MANNERS!

    I don't know where the fuck all that went up here.

    I was on the Blue Line on the way to O'Hare and this Hispanic dude was standing next to me. Must have been in his late-20s? And he says, "You know, NONE of these people now have any respect! They should get up and let ladies have the seats. I've been on here and there's PREGNANT women, like REALLY pregnant, and there's lazy kids sitting and making those women stand, or OLD PEOPLE hanging on to the posts who can barely stand and these lazy younger people just sitting there" and he went on for like 10 minutes bitching about how rude people are.

    And he was totally right.

    I try to walk out of an elevator, and can barely get out due to people shoving their way IN before they let you out. And that "bing" noise goes off meaning that door is gonna CLOSE and you ain't even off the TRAIN, yet!

    Same thing with doors into buildings, etc. It's all I, Me, My, get the FUCK out of my way.

    My oldest gf from 7th grade was in a car accident in the Detroit burbs with a guy many years ago, the guy hit her car late at night. And she jumped out of the car and started SCREAMING AT HIM, you motherfucking ASSHOLE, you HIT MY FUCKING CAR, etc. etc.

    Guy got back into his car ... and took off. LOL.

    I was standing up in a wedding in Dallas back in the 90s? A big SUV full of us bridesmaids were on our way from the luncheon to somebody's house, and there was this chain-reaction accident in front of us where we all ended up in this crash.

    And some of us in the car weren't wearing seatbelts and shit.

    So, our driver, our friend Julie (from Dallas) jumps out of the car, she's out there talking with this crowd of people who'd all been in the accident for what seems like an eternity. Cops show up.

    Us ILLINOIS people are in the car, talking about how the people without seatbelts are going to JAIL, lol, etc.

    FINALLY, Julie is all smiles, gets back into the SUV.

    So ... what happened??

    "We all exchanged numbers, and all of us are all getting together for lunch!"

    All of us Illinois people in back looked at each other like we were in an episode of the fucking Twilight Zone.

    Edit: Note: Downstate Illinois is nothing like the big city, it's almost like "the South." With a bunch of conservatives who are polite (but crazy pro-life). I went to my Godson's christening in Centralia IL and it wasn't anything like up here in the Chicago area. I lived in Evanston, IL, where everyone is much more friendly, and it's a hip college town vibe. I've lived in the North Shore for the last 24 years, where people are mostly rich entitled assholes. Although, at least where I live (Highland Park) is pretty "woke" and REALLY liberal. The police HQ is up the street and there are Gay Pride flags surrounding it right now. We're having a Vegan Fest.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-30-2022 at 06:42 PM.

  20. #7610
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    @allegro I guess it's just cultural vibes from state to state.

    Louisiana people are friendly. OK and NM folks are friendly.

    People in Tennessee are friendly... I spent about a month there, and that's the furthest I've ever been from DFW or the panhandle, by like, at least 800 miles?

    I was talking to an old friend about this, and he said that Denver is more like California (as in, not friendly/talkative).

    I thought people were COOLER in Cali, and Denver, and would therefore, be friendlier.

    How is it in Michigan?

    Also: pisses me off- I've not seen NY, LA, CHI.
    I've never been to a beach that wasn't Port Aransas or Galveston area.

    I wanna go to fucking BOSTON, and NEW YORK, and the old, OG US.
    I wanna see the Capitol. I want to see where the country was the place where they all drank the special tea, and decided to choose Jeffersonian or Dickensian democracy...the Austin Tea Party?

    But, sadly, time and money are short. SERIOUSLY though, I REALLY wanna see the northeast, SO bad.

    Hey! At least I've been to every state or country that BORDERS Texas, and made that one rogue trip to Tennessee, where I found my wife.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-30-2022 at 03:29 PM.

  21. #7611
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    In Los Angeles people can be friendly, or not... really depends on where you're going. In general though, you're not likely to get a very enthusiastic response if you act like a wide-eyed tourist and you're really excited about Hollywood.

    Hollywood is one of the most curmudgeonly, angriest places I've ever lived. Everyone there is pissed off or miserable. Or they're a tourist... so the interaction there tends to be less than great, because if someone is willing to talk to a tourist in Hollywood, they're probably trying to figure out how to rip them off. Then there's a lot of really cool places in LA, but you're going to find that they're not REALLY that different from anything you know from back home, so people visiting are generally unimpressed by places that have a lot more going on than you see on the surface. That's where the "people in LA are full of shit and pissed off" impression comes from more or less.

  22. #7612
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    Northern California - like, Tahoe - is great! People are really nice!

  23. #7613
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    Skip to 2:48 regarding annoying people. When you see random people say stuff like that in public don’t you just have to bite your tongue? Especially annoying since this YouTuber is such a genuinely nice dude.

  24. #7614
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    fireworks. it's not the 4th, it's a Thursday, fucking stop it.

    the cops put out a notice though: if you hear fireworks don't bother calling because we don't care.

    Thanks for the heads-up assholes.

  25. #7615
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    fireworks. it's not the 4th, it's a Thursday, fucking stop it.

    the cops put out a notice though: if you hear fireworks don't bother calling because we don't care.

    Thanks for the heads-up assholes.
    At least you aren't here.

    These fuckers start shooting GUNS in the air on the first.

    It scared the shit out of my dear departed best friend, Spike Poppy Lee, the American bulldog, and he wasn't afraid of SHIT.

    Sigh. First 4th without my Poppy. Maybe he can read ets now, and will know how much I love and miss him.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-01-2022 at 04:50 PM.

  26. #7616
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Sorry for double post, but DENVER.

    I'm sorry. I know some of you live there. Hell, my brother, sis in law, and their three kids moved there.

    So here's the thing: in Texas, we might be divided politically, but we're fucking FRIENDLY.

    Where I live, I might hold the door for a literal, actual cowboy, with my ridiculously long hair, giant piercings, and Ice Cube shirt. (Here, I'm talking about a dude who is literally wearing a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots with spurs and shit, who just got off of his shift that involved riding a horse).
    Next time, he holds the door for me.
    And in line, at the store, we strike up a conversation.

    I've never lived anywhere but Texas. In Texas, you smile, and say "howyoudoin'," and TALK a little.

    Two weeks in Denver, going to the store everyday, taught me that shit is just TOTALLY different up there. People are NOT friendly.

    And it's like "oh, yeah, these people have MORE piercings and and tattoos and freeky hairstyles, and they smoke more drugs," so you'd THINK they'd be friendly... but they just AREN'T.

    I was just getting used to it when i left. It's utterly ingrained in me to smile and say hi to people: gang members, millionaires, whatever. I was learning to NOT do that. Then I came home.

    I don't think I could live in a place like that. I can't fucking IMAGINE NYC.
    You really don't want to visit Seattle. Icy Scandinavian rules the day.

  27. #7617
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    At least you aren't here.

    These fuckers start shooting GUNS in the air on the first.

    It scared the shit out of my dear departed best friend, Spike Poppy Lee, the American bulldog, and he wasn't afraid of SHIT.

    Sigh. First 4th without my Poppy. Maybe he can read ets now, and will know how much I love and miss him.
    I hear guns where I live in rural Vermont most days of the week. Of course around here it's for target practice more often than not to practice for hunting season.

  28. #7618
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    They shoot guns on the 4th in Chicago.

    On New Year’s Eve, too.

    We were on the roof of our friends’ condo in West Humbolt Park on NYE when we started hearing all the gunfire. Realizing “what goes up must come down,” we said HOLY SHIT and ran for the stairs.

    Fireworks are legal in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. We’re talking HUGE shit that comes damned close to professional stuff.

    So the home fireworks start in early-June and continue until damned near the end of July.

    G is a huge pyro fireworks fan, as is one of my best girlfriends. Not gonna lie, we’ve been known to drive down to Indiana and spend hundreds of dollars at Phantom Fireworks.

    Or Shelton:
    Last edited by allegro; 07-01-2022 at 07:08 PM.

  29. #7619
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    I’m pissed that more people didn’t see meathead came back and posted in the New Introduction thread. Go worship him!

  30. #7620
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    just watched Youtube without signing in, so I'm assuming this ad was chosen at random...

    Anyway, I'm pissed that I don't remember what the website was called. It had a dumb name. The ad showed a white family sitting around a dinner table, and then it cuts to the son who is staring at a tablet, who says "did you know America is racist?" The family is shocked, but worry not, George Washington walks in the door, and they snatch the kid's iPad away and load up the website that's free from all that sort of talk. I shit you not.

    Please tell me someone else has seen this ad and knows what the site was? At first I thought it was satire.

    EDIT: I found it, so now I guess I'm not pissed off anymore. The site is called PragerU. This is unintentionally hilarious.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-07-2022 at 09:27 PM.

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