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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #6601
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    When i post my sketches on social and get nothing but people begging for me to check out their youtube channels/if they can use it in their videos, please STOP!

    I just got a large comment that was 6 words about my drawing and then 30+ more about their channel and how much they need me to help support them...NO! Please don't go around begging for views, it makes me not want to check your stuff out, let that shit grow organically! Also please give me some constructive criticism, i'm not going to grow and learn with just "hey that's awesome please check out my channel"

  2. #6602
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    The god damned sucking fucking stupid ass god damned Jehovahs Witness convention that's happening at the Americas center next door to my work in saint louis making me mother fucking late again for no god damned reason when these motherfuckers were just here plaguing our streets and my mental health 2 weeks ago.

    How many fucking conventions do these people need? There's no islam conventions downtown, no catholic conventions, no Baptist conventions, no atheist conventions, no church of satan conventions.


  3. #6603
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    That's because all those other religions are lightweights. Jay Dubs are fucking hardcore. They have state conventions every year, and smaller regional conventions twice a year.

    Tony, have you ever considered that this is a sign from above? That maybe you are meant to join ranks with these fine, upstanding people? THINK ABOUT IT.

  4. #6604
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    Bought myself a touch screen tablet/drawing tablet to get back into drawing and cheer myself up. Had it for all of 2 weeks and the WiFi has died (it won't find or connect to any network) followed the instructions from the place i got it from by rebooting it and nope, nothing...only now i don't have the drawing apps as i rebooted so it's effectively useless. Will probably have to send it back for repair/replacement...and i was really getting back into drawing with it

    At least i still have my drawing book and pencil.

  5. #6605
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    The god damned sucking fucking stupid ass god damned Jehovahs Witness convention that's happening at the Americas center next door to my work in saint louis making me mother fucking late again for no god damned reason when these motherfuckers were just here plaguing our streets and my mental health 2 weeks ago.

    How many fucking conventions do these people need? There's no islam conventions downtown, no catholic conventions, no Baptist conventions, no atheist conventions, no church of satan conventions.

    In all seriousness, at least since 2005-2009 at the earliest, I have always wondered and still wonder why they don't just take advantage of the Internet and make official forums and wikis. You'd think with some of those lucrative churches, they'd have more an enough money to invest on the Interent, especially with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. That would seem to be much more effective and anything but disturbing and intrusive, as opposed to going to people's faces in real life they have no business of approaching. I just don't see how any of that could surpass the Internet in terms of spreading a message successfully without getting into people's faces IRL.

    @Swykk - This post also reminded me about you, and I still have it burned in my memory, because if my memory is correct, I recall mentioning that some of them even resorted to intentionally leaving tracts in restrooms? And I'd still agree, of all places, like really?

    I have no problem with people believing what they believe, but street preaching just makes me uncomfortable even when I'm not always necessarily irritated. I also dislike it when they also do it on trains.

    But really, especially with 2020 just around the corner, they really should just resort to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube while investing on official .org and .com forums and wikis because forums/wikis and the Internet in general is the still the best way to spread/promote/adverstise messages.

    That's what also bothered me too. The Internet is a thing damn it. Use it.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-01-2019 at 10:48 AM.

  6. #6606
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    i was having a good weekend. i got a new bike. but i woke up today and i felt off. and i just kept feeling worse. and everything i tried to do backfired. even the bike ride i took today ended up making me feel so sweaty and uncomfortable for hours after (despite only riding for about 25 minutes). i spent the whole rest of the day with my wife and it didn't help. i had dinner with my parents and it didn't help. when i got back to where i'm cat-sitting and staying with the cat, i realized i had left all my meds at my apartment, so i had to drive back home and then back here. everything has just felt so insurmountable today. but i'm still trying.

  7. #6607
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    After 6 years my gaming laptop's motherboard fried itself.

    Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk

  8. #6608
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    Counterfeit book sellers on ebay. Currently multiple listings for a new release that are all just shitheads selling ripped versions of the ebook for 20% of the price and claiming to be "authorized resellers". Unfortunately, ebay's own policies don't seem to actually have a specific ban on this. Counterfeit physical books seem to be banned, but there's no reporting option to cover selling a ripped PDF / epub / mobi of a book.

  9. #6609
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    Waking up and doing the morning poo, then trying to enjoy a coffee afterwards (in my case, a large Mocha from McDonald’s) and getting the urge to drop a noodle again after already taking the garbage out of the system.

    “I can think of things more noble and aesthetic than the human gastrointestinal system. What’s so divine about having to eat and then dump, will you tell me?”

    - Captain Cutshaw arguing about god’s existence in The Ninth Configuration
    Last edited by Erneuert; 09-16-2019 at 10:53 PM.

  10. #6610
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    My nieces shit head dog is here while she's out of town. I just want to stomp the life out of that thing sometimes. My already complete shit disposition today isn't helping matters.

    ^Also I hate shitting as well for many reasons.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 09-16-2019 at 08:22 PM.

  11. #6611
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    I’ve been working until 11 pm (as opposed to 5) every night this week, and I haven’t stopped working overtime since July 31st. Today, we had a two-story flood happen that was such a problem that it was literally the only thing I was able to get done, on the last day before I take my vacation. But I handled the flood, finished the day, and get home - and I think to myself, “know what? First night off all week? I think I’ll go see a movie, haven’t done that for a while. I know, I’ll finally go see It: Chapter 2. Don’t usually see movies on Friday nights, but how bad could it really be?”

    And I walked out. 45 minutes in. Because both people on either side of me were talking to their dates the ENTIRE movie, and one was on her phone half the time. So I calmly got up, stood in front of her to block her view, looked her in the eye, and called her out on it in front of her boyfriend, before I walked out. Luckily, the staff understood and gave me a refund, but Christ. All I wanted to do was enjoy my first night off all week, the first night of a week-long vacation, after nearly being pushed to the point of tears by this job - and this is what happens.

    Stay off your phones in movies. Please. PLEASE. If you can’t handle not touching your phone for three whole hours, you have a serious problem.

  12. #6612
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    Being paranoid over ear damage as I listen to music on headphones.
    Nostalgia Critic's review of The Wall, lol.

  13. #6613
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    + Reading my old posts on this website. I'm sorry everyone, I cringe going back through it.

  14. #6614
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    I've posted before about people commenting when i post drawings just to get me to check out their stuff...and now i have a new one...PEOPLE THAT ASK FOR ME TO DRAW THEM. No critic, no like, just "DRAW ME!"...FUCK OFF. I don't do customs, but i can bet if i did and asked for payment they'd get pissy.

  15. #6615
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    My son is in cross country this year and today, due to an early release, the team was in the circuit training room while waiting for the coaches to finish their teacher meeting. Five minutes after they start working out, one of the coaches came in and took the kids out of the room and they all go outside. Everyone warms up together and then the coach sends the girls out for a run. He then proceeds to punish the boys by making them do a cumulative total of 100 pushups interspersed with sit-ups, planks, crunches, and leg lifts.

    While leading these drills, he yells at them for some transgression that took place earlier, leaving off a specific time frame (i.e. earlier today, last week, etc.) for it. To quote, "you little dicks, going in there and messing with $1000 machines and goofing off." And there was a "you little shits" thrown in but I'm not sure on the placement in the conversation.

    It was not apparent to my son what precipitated this outburst other than a machine was messed up. If one of the cross country kids actually messed up a machine? OK then, have a conversation with that student and discuss the situation. But this? And what if it wasn't even one of the cross country team who messed it up? To accuse the group of students without knowing for sure is not fair to any of them. Never mind the fact that if this was truly a team punishment, where did the girls go for punishment? For a run?

    One of the first things that the students bring home - and are expected to follow - is a code of conduct. To wit:

    3. Does not use profanity, vulgarity, harassment, or intimidation.

    I would assume that if it's good enough for the students to sign and follow, it's good enough for the coaches. So I emailed the principal and the sports director to schedule a meeting.

  16. #6616
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    This hasn't happened in a while as I'm an only child, but it always stuck with me.

    Tying my shoelaces doesn't always mean, "Talk to me."

    An open bedroom door or any open door for that matter also doesn't always mean "Talk to me." either.

    Having shoelaces tied and doors closed usually seems to eliminate this problem. As a result, I try not to use somebody tying their shoes, or seeing them through an open door as the only means to speak to them, especially when they might be busy or even in a hurry.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-14-2019 at 07:23 AM.

  17. #6617
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    Air Canada is the shittiest airline to ever exist. Period.

    I'd be more okay with their fuck ups if they were some budget airliner and you were getting what you paid for, but they aren't one of those since they are Canada's "Premiere" airliner and charge prices like one as well. I have lost my luggage three times thanks to them over the past few years. I have never lost my luggage to anyone else ever.

  18. #6618
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    stuff like flu shots that are supposed to prevent you from getting sick but make you sick to do it. think that makes sense in my delerium....

  19. #6619
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    The postman keeps delivering our mail next door and vice versa. They keep confusing 8 and 8C, which has resulted in me missing a hospital referral appointment for a 24 ECG (still getting the chest pains).

    Both buildings have a number of flats so when mail goes to the wrong building it just gets lost if it's not for anyone there, i've tried speaking to the postman directly but they honestly don't care...this is infuriating!

  20. #6620
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    I don't know what I clicked on for Google to switch me to their "Fast Track to Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorist" but holy crap at the ads I've been getting.

  21. #6621
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    Not being able to beat my devil daggers score. ��

  22. #6622
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    I'm so tired of dealing with bigots. Just so, so tired.

  23. #6623
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I'm so tired of dealing with bigots. Just so, so tired.
    I didn't want to end up ranting... but this also gets to me. As I'm sure it should, but the prouder they are, while absolutely believing they're not only awesome, but genuinely good/virtuous, decent or even excellent human beings just for being heterosexual, cisgender males and at times "American" (While I've seen racism in New York City, I don't see it as much as homophobia, transphobia, sexism and misogyny, but it's also out there as it would be anywhere else.) makes it drive me up the wall even more.

    And unsurprisingly, they're just as insufferable in every other facet of life.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-17-2019 at 09:52 AM.

  24. #6624
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    bigotry is making a huge comeback in the status quo, and it really really really sucks.

  25. #6625
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    Yesterday while walking my dogs on their double leash, I had a borderline heart attack. I was picking up one of the dogs shits, while I could feel them trying to play on the leash behind me. Then the leash was much lighter. I look back and my dog Greg Poochiato (yes, after Greg from Dillinger Escape Plan) is hauling ass with his stubby legs away from me. I threw the shit bag towards the trash can and tried to run him near our little dog park at our apartments. He then decided to just take off sprinting across the busy street. I went after him and eventually wrangled him and got him home. During this whole time, my wife was doing the dishes and her phone was on silent with no vibrate. I was so furious. It's wild because my sister in laws dog took off and went missing literally two days ago, and was found the next day. I honestly can't imagine the anxiety I would feel if either of my dogs went missing.

  26. #6626
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    Yesterday while walking my dogs on their double leash, I had a borderline heart attack. I was picking up one of the dogs shits, while I could feel them trying to play on the leash behind me. Then the leash was much lighter. I look back and my dog Greg Poochiato (yes, after Greg from Dillinger Escape Plan) is hauling ass with his stubby legs away from me. I threw the shit bag towards the trash can and tried to run him near our little dog park at our apartments. He then decided to just take off sprinting across the busy street. I went after him and eventually wrangled him and got him home. During this whole time, my wife was doing the dishes and her phone was on silent with no vibrate. I was so furious. It's wild because my sister in laws dog took off and went missing literally two days ago, and was found the next day. I honestly can't imagine the anxiety I would feel if either of my dogs went missing.
    daaaaang i'm so glad you got him!

    also, that is the best dog name ​i have ever heard.

  27. #6627
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    we go for months of no good shows & then all the sudden everything is the same week. 2 of my favorite bands in the world (non NIN) are playing in seattle back to back nights. wilco & drive-by truckers. DBT is playing a club on 3/18 & Wilco is playing same night at a theater. fortunately Wilco are doing 2 nights. pure dumb luck i got night 2 on a presale before i knew about the DBT show. whew!

  28. #6628
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    daaaaang i'm so glad you got him!

    also, that is the best dog name ​i have ever heard.
    Thank you! Rob Sheridan actually texted Greg about my dog. When I brought it up to Greg after a TBQ show last year, he agrees they should meet. Hopefully TBQ or Killer Be Killed swings by Denver sometime soon!

  29. #6629
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    listening to the score for a video game i love on vinyl and was looking up stuff about the composer...who killed himself in august amidst sexual assault allegations... why are people such fucking garbage???

  30. #6630
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    Got to stand in the cold outside Lowe's this morning. Luckily the doors opened up about 5 minutes after the lady behind me said "You know the only reason they're open on the holidays is because of those foreigners, they just don't have the same values as us."

    No, it couldn't have anything to do with corporate overlords or the idiotic Americans who think that "well as long as it isn't my family who works on Thanksgiving".

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