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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #5581
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    "mumford and sons".

    just the name pisses me off. also this insomnia. my doc gave me trazadone, but it doesn't work. i'm up at 6 am watching rupaul reruns.

  2. #5582
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    bubble gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe....

  3. #5583
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    "mumford and sons".

    just the name pisses me off. also this insomnia. my doc gave me trazadone, but it doesn't work. i'm up at 6 am watching rupaul reruns.
    hey have you tried Mirtazapine/Remeron. in a small dose it should make you sleepy. I'm on 45mg but sadly get no sleepiness

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  4. #5584
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    right now star craft2 after the update progress lost keeps going into a loop when loading

  5. #5585
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsecureSpike View Post
    hey have you tried Mirtazapine/Remeron. in a small dose it should make you sleepy. I'm on 45mg but sadly get no sleepiness

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    i sleepwalk. i'm super leary of the shit i take to sleep. i'm scared i'm going to drink bleach or something.

  6. #5586
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    i used to take ambien for insomnia and it seemed to work.
    just another med to add to your list-

  7. #5587
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    okay part of the reason i'm posting this is to see if anyone else has experienced it or knows someone who has.

    i get something akin to deja vu. But this isn't run of the mill deja vu. It's fucking crippling, debilitating, utterly fucking horrifying.

    Here's what happens: something will kindle a memory that seems to come from a dream i've had recently. one bit leads to another which leads to several more, but they are almost impossible to hold onto. but there is SO MUCH TO IT that it suddenly feels like i'm seeing into an alternate dimension: an alternate version of myself that has experienced all of these things. Sometimes it seems that these "memories" run right up to the moment the incident started.
    And in this alternate deja vu dimension, something is horribly, horribly wrong (although i can't put my finger on what it is.) It makes my fucking blood run cold. It LITERALLY does the thing where it makes my insides feel cold. It renders me utterly terrified and the fear is worse than anything i've ever experienced.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-25-2017 at 01:05 PM.

  8. #5588
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    also this insomnia. my doc gave me trazadone, but it doesn't work. i'm up at 6 am watching rupaul reruns.
    Sorry for double post, but i wanted to lay this on you.

    Man, trazadone never worked that well for me either, but another med called Doxepin has worked WONDERS for me for YEARS.

  9. #5589
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    I've notice the experience of deja vu happening more in my older age as opposed to when i was in my 20/30's
    for me the occurrence is usually tied into something triggering a memory from a more recent dream. the sensation at such deja vu moments is followed by experiencing/reliving a feeling or sensation for (what would be a false memory-because it was just) a sequence of a dream being recalled.
    though (unpleasant sounding-) if my blood ran cold or i started feeling like i was having a bad trip, and it was often enough, id have a neurologist check me noggin..

  10. #5590
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    Jury Duty summons. I got the call and everyone before me during screening made up excuse and lie after another to make them seem unfair to get themselves thrown off. My fucking brain isn’t hard wired to make up shit, lie or be an asshole to get thrown off. It landed me a spot as a juror unfortunately. Day 3 now. This case can take up to next Monday if need sucks.

  11. #5591
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    family drama is such bullshit. In May I asked my sister if she wanted to spend Christmas together: in September I find out she is going on vacation with my cousin instead. She booked a trip to a holiday resort at exactly the same time I am travelling to Europe. She's been avoiding me for years now, and abruptly cancelled a visit to us she'd arranged in April with no proper explanation. I have confronted her about it asking what the deal is, but I get no proper response, just insincere bullshit she obviously can not believe. Now also my wife is saying she doesn't want to go visit our cousins for Thanksgiving: she always privileges time with her family, and always makes drama when it's anything to do with my family. My daughter barely knows my side of the family; there always seems to be drama from them, and drama from my wife about hanging out with them, and stuck in the middle of this my response has tended to be: fuck it, I'm not going to even bother, it's too much aggravation. But now I'm getting frustrated at that, it's bullshit on both sides and I'm tired of it.

  12. #5592
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    Trigger warning: McDonalds.

    Holy hell... You know, I've put some terrible substances in my body over the years, but I think the fucking French fries I got last night at McDonald's were the closest thing I've come to just ingesting pure poison. I feel like I ate something that was like the fake food play-dough. Twenty minutes or so after eating that stuff, I found myself violently vomiting in the back yard.

    What I puked up did not look like regurgitated fries. It looked like pink slime. After throwing up, I literally felt like the air I was breathing was coated in some starchy fog, and that no matter how much I tried to stay calm and just breathe, I wasn't getting enough oxygen. My heart started racing, and my mouth swelled up like I had just eaten a giant spoonful of salt and then chugged it down with a pint of soy sauce. It got so bad I actually considered rushing myself down to the emergency room.

    This morning I feel like I'm getting better, but I could barely sleep because of how badly my stomach lurched all through the night. I feel like I should grab a poster board and stand outside the local McDonalds and protest.

  13. #5593
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    We have a weekly conference call here every Thursday with our central office. It's been going on for years and this is not a surprise to anyone. That's not the part that pisses me off, it just sets the mood.

    I send out the agenda today to everyone in the office and I get a response back that the phone number for the call is wrong, and can I provide the correct number. My first impulse is "I have been provided the same information you have. Why do you think I'm hiding the real number?" but instead I just ask why it isn't working. "It just isn't, can you give me the right number." Well the only number I have is the one I sent you. "That number is wrong, here, look." I look at what is typed and compare it to the actual calendar invite and yup, they match. So I send that back and say it's the same number and I get a "well it's still wrong."

    OK then.

  14. #5594
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    i finally get my AV purchsed digital download burned onto a cd and my car cd player reads the darn thing as an 'error' and won't play it...
    oh bother..
    i guess id better stick to the actual CD release of everything music, o/w I'm just pissing my money away and my ears will be without hearing the music i purchased.

  15. #5595
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eichalvindore View Post
    i finally get my AV purchsed digital download burned onto a cd and my car cd player reads the darn thing as an 'error' and won't play it...
    oh bother..
    i guess id better stick to the actual CD release of everything music, o/w I'm just pissing my money away and my ears will be without hearing the music i purchased.

    what format of the files did you download and burn to the CD?

  16. #5596
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    I sell something on Amazon and it puts my shipping price at $3.99. Ok, I mean you ship a lot of stuff so I trust you.

    Someone buys my items and so I go to buy shipping and it starts out at $5.95. WTF? I automatically have to take a bath on shipping and can't do anything to fix it other than price the item up accordingly? That seems unfair to the consumer. Maybe that's why I never took that job in sales.

  17. #5597
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    "thoughts and prayers"

  18. #5598
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    guns. fuck guns. NO ONE NEEDS TO OWN AN INSTRUMENT OF DEATH. guns are the ONLY thing that a citizen can purchase that has no other purpose than to maim/kill. knives have purposes other than causing harm, guns don't. no one needs a gun unless they want to hurt other people. fuck that shit.

  19. #5599
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    I've never killed anyone nor do I intend to, but I have done target practice for years. Women are actually pretty good at it. Anyway, guns are so ingrained in American society and culture, they'll never go away; they're a part of our foundation, revolution, civil war, etc. Not to mention hunting. I just wish we had a better way to control them. But I've actually considered getting a concealed carry license lately.

    Discussion happening here:
    Last edited by allegro; 10-02-2017 at 07:32 PM.

  20. #5600
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I've never killed anyone nor do I intend to, but I have done target practice for years. Women are actually pretty good at it. Anyway, guns are so ingrained in American society and culture, they'll never go away; they're a part of our foundation, revolution, civil war, etc. Not to mention hunting. I just wish we had a better way to control them. But I've actually considered getting a concealed carry license lately.
    well said.
    i also love target practice, been doing this since i was a kid and stepdad would take us out 'plinking' at cans and milk jugs.
    i own firearms. nobody has access to these firearms, they are kept in a standing safe.
    i am a responsible firearm owner and a responsible firearm owner parent whom has taught her children from very young ages the NRA do's and don'ts of firearm safety rules.

    in our society a majority of individual firearm training and knowledge comes only after joining the armed forces.
    it is at this point in training the etiquette of this tool changes to a mentality of it being necessary to point at living breathing individuals as part of duty to protect this country. the very definition of this tool has at this point become a tool of death/maim/destruction; it is unfortunate that thusly a majority of gun users are taught as a first lesson to be ready to point and shoot at human targets.

    a firearm is a tool. tools have a purpose. unfortunately the misuse of some tools can inflict great harm. a large part of this misuse (imo) stems from how we are trained in using this tool, and/or a reflection of our first experience(s) with these tools.
    it isn't the tool, or the maker (that includes practical and proper instructions for the use of the tool)... it is the person who chooses to misuse the tool.
    take away the tool being misused, they will find another tool to misuse-
    a person's intentions are a person's intentions.
    i don't have answers for how to keep these kinds of incidences from happening, i wish i did.
    and yes, i have been effected by gun violence in more than one way on more than just a cpl of occasions, to include fatal tragedies (of loved ones, and the medical end of mass casualty incident) with persons choosing to misuse this tool.
    Last edited by muse-lyre candy; 10-02-2017 at 07:25 PM.

  21. #5601
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    NRA we need more guns. would have made the latest situation so much worse we know you've bought half the republican party, only gun bill in congress is to legalize silencers, becuase that will help, because I guess not hearing you being shot at is better?

  22. #5602
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    NRA we need more guns. would have made the latest situation so much worse we know you've bought half the republican party, only gun bill in congress is to legalize silencers, becuase that will help, because I guess not hearing you being shot at is better?
    I don't understand why we need "assault" type weapons (we don't, and the SCOTUS agrees), and I especially don't understand why those weapons need silencers (they don't, duh). The NRA thinks every fucking thing is a slippery slope; it's a possible slippery slope for the existence of the NRA but that's about it. They're only trying to maintain their own relevance at this point. $$$$$$$. The SCOTUS isn't going to make any more decisions re gun control, that NRA party is over. Forever.

    Anyway, there are now TWO WHOLE THREADS dedicated to this discussion, do we really need a third thread?
    Last edited by allegro; 10-02-2017 at 10:30 PM.

  23. #5603
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    NRA we need more guns. would have made the latest situation so much worse we know you've bought half the republican party, only gun bill in congress is to legalize silencers, becuase that will help, because I guess not hearing you being shot at is better?
    a lot of our ground pounder enlisted and veteran service men and women develop varying degrees of hearing damage/loss due to the nature of their job. suppressors are another protective measure against permanent hearing damage/loss.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't understand why we need "assault" type weapons (we don't, and the SCOTUS agrees), and I especially don't understand why those weapons need silencers (they don't, duh). The NRA thinks every fucking thing is a slippery slope; it's a possible slippery slope for the existence of the NRA but that's about it. They're only trying to maintain their own relevance at this point. $$$$$$$. The SCOTUS isn't going to make any more decisions re gun control, that NRA party is over. Forever.

    Anyway, there are now TWO WHOLE THREADS dedicated to this discussion, do we really need a third thread?
    our American Constitution 'safe guards' uprising against tyranny.
    having these types of tools available to the public (cause these same tools and worse will always be readily available to the private sector) help to keep the playing field level so-to-speak; the people vs state/gov't
    Last edited by muse-lyre candy; 10-03-2017 at 08:45 AM.

  24. #5604
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    i had to commit my brother last night.
    better his commitment than him hurting others or him being hurt.
    it still sucks though.

  25. #5605
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eichalvindore View Post
    well said.
    i also love target practice, been doing this since i was a kid and stepdad would take us out 'plinking' at cans and milk jugs.
    i own firearms. nobody has access to these firearms, they are kept in a standing safe.
    i am a responsible firearm owner and a responsible firearm owner parent whom has taught her children from very young ages the NRA do's and don'ts of firearm safety rules.

    in our society a majority of individual firearm training and knowledge comes only after joining the armed forces.
    it is at this point in training the etiquette of this tool changes to a mentality of it being necessary to point at living breathing individuals as part of duty to protect this country. the very definition of this tool has at this point become a tool of death/maim/destruction; it is unfortunate that thusly a majority of gun users are taught as a first lesson to be ready to point and shoot at human targets.

    a firearm is a tool. tools have a purpose. unfortunately the misuse of some tools can inflict great harm. a large part of this misuse (imo) stems from how we are trained in using this tool, and/or a reflection of our first experience(s) with these tools.
    it isn't the tool, or the maker (that includes practical and proper instructions for the use of the tool)... it is the person who chooses to misuse the tool.
    take away the tool being misused, they will find another tool to misuse-
    a person's intentions are a person's intentions.
    i don't have answers for how to keep these kinds of incidences from happening, i wish i did.
    and yes, i have been effected by gun violence in more than one way on more than just a cpl of occasions, to include fatal tragedies (of loved ones, and the medical end of mass casualty incident) with persons choosing to misuse this tool.
    i'm sorry, but a firearm is not a tool, it is a weapon, and that is its only purpose. the ONLY thing firearms are made to do is hurt or kill other living things (whether they be people or animals).

  26. #5606
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i'm sorry, but a firearm is not a tool, it is a weapon, and that is its only purpose. the ONLY thing firearms are made to do is hurt or kill other living things (whether they be people or animals).
    shooting also has its place alongside archery as an Olympic Sport

  27. #5607
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    One of my liberal Facebook pages attacked of the country singers who said he changed his mind about gun control after Sunday night. What pisses me off about that is that while we have the right to be angry, I don't think we should take this self-entitled attitude to those who have a change of heart about these things. As far as the people who do not waver from such horrible positions go, that's exactly what they expect of us.
    Last edited by onthewall2983; 10-03-2017 at 12:26 PM.

  28. #5608
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eichalvindore View Post
    a lot of our ground pounder enlisted and veteran service men and women develop varying degrees of hearing damage/loss due to the nature of their job. suppressors are another protective measure against permanent hearing damage/loss.
    AGAIN, why the fuck is this being discussed in this thread other than maybe people are afraid of the Headlines forum? There are TWO THREADS (one devoted SOLELY to this subject) going strong re guns in the Headlines forum. If somebody started talking about NIN in the SYM forum, people would jump hurdles attempting to move the thread or correct the situation; but here we are, with the bullshit "pisses me off" stance, hiding out in the wrong thread.

    Accordingly, I'm responding in the right thread.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-03-2017 at 10:57 AM.

  29. #5609
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eichalvindore View Post
    i had to commit my brother last night.
    better his commitment than him hurting others or him being hurt.
    it still sucks though.

    Sorry to hear that, very very sad and difficult position to be in.

  30. #5610
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Sorry to hear that, very very sad and difficult position to be in.
    thank you.

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