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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #5131
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    Hearing an obscure song on internet radio and not knowing either the artist or title. I heard one last night, can't remember the name of the band but the title of the song is exactly that. "The Song". Driving me nuts.

  2. #5132
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    He's busy playing with his new tablet, he's obsessed with it and loves it.
    ah, sweet. thanks, lady

  3. #5133
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    I want to buy the broken/fragile/TDS definitive editions SO BAD. I have the money, I can press purchase right now but I'm terrified of giving firebrand any of my business because I'm confident they're going to fuck it up. I'm so mad because there's no way I can get these releases right now without going through them.

  4. #5134
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    I want to buy the broken/fragile/TDS definitive editions SO BAD. I have the money, I can press purchase right now but I'm terrified of giving firebrand any of my business because I'm confident they're going to fuck it up. I'm so mad because there's no way I can get these releases right now without going through them.
    i think with everything that has happened, trent is going to MAKE SURE that nothing goes wrong with the vinyl.

  5. #5135
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i think with everything that has happened, trent is going to MAKE SURE that nothing goes wrong with the vinyl.
    I don't feel like playing a customer service lottery with my $200.

  6. #5136
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    At least you'll eventually have them. I'm thankful to have my favorite album of all time, TDS, on deluxe CD edition.

    I'd buy deluxe, collector, whatever remastered NIN albums on CD in a heartbeat.

    I'm not doing the vinyl thing. It isn't better. They take up more space. I'm not home enough to exclusively listen to music at home and I'm not paying that price for a giant coaster just to have it digitally.

  7. #5137
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    The first uncircumcised penis I saw had bees coming out of it, or some sort of bug, because Population Paste was still a thing, so not a great intro.

    That said, people getting weird and body shame-y over it is awful and depressing. Do these people also have weird shitty standards around labia size? Bleh.

  8. #5138
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    The first uncircumcised penis I saw had bees coming out of it, or some sort of bug, because Population Paste was still a thing, so not a great intro.

    That said, people getting weird and body shame-y over it is awful and depressing. Do these people also have weird shitty standards around labia size? Bleh.
    wtf is population paste? wait, you know what? don't tell me. i don't want to know. that sounds terrifying.

    i feel so terrible for women who feel the need to get labiaplasty because of how pornstar labia look. i mean, doing your pubes pornstar style is one thing (though still a shame that people feel the pressure to do that), but labiaplasty seems so extreme.

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    Last edited by playwithfire; 05-04-2020 at 07:23 AM.

  10. #5140
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    Probably Hustler since Playboy doesn't publish nude photos, anymore.

    I've seen stuff about this on TV and I guess some women get especially self-conscious about or even have physically detrimental stuff happen to their labia after several vaginal childbirths and, to them, it's no different than a boob lift or a tummy tuck.

    I have a gf who had the two latter procedures last year and I spent the night on her couch because they send you home and she had drain tubes that needed to be emptied and she was on a catheter and that had to be emptied and she wasn't supposed to be left alone for 24 hours. And the TUMMY TUCK part was the worst recovery thing, ugh, and I'm a pretty live-and-let-live person but I kept thinking there was no fucking way I'd ever do this shit; money but mostly that awful recovery. But whatever, if people really hate their parts then it's a good thing for them.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 11:51 AM.

  11. #5141
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    Something's wrong with my hearing, or "otorinolaryngology" in general, e.g. after listening to music (not loud), I have some unpleasant "hum" in my right ear for a while, like 50 Hz or something... also my back hurts for 2 weeks so unbelievably I went to see the doctor finally, took some X-Rays, will be back on Wednesday for results or whatever. I can lay down for 10 hours without problem :-), then go for a swim, but once I sit down at work it gets worse. Also, it has been three weeks living in a new house without water. :-) Fuck off already, winter.

  12. #5142
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    E string on my bass won't stay in tune but only in E Standard, Drop D or even just half a step down is totally fine. Took all the control I had to stop myself from just tossing it to the ground in frustration. Would have turned a fixable problem into a broken guitar neck or something. Saying that though it is a $150 piece of shit thats always given me problems.
    Last edited by Disassociative; 02-05-2017 at 11:37 AM.

  13. #5143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disassociative View Post
    E string on my bass won't stay in tune but only in E Standard, Drop D or even just half a step down is totally fine. Took all the control I had to stop myself from just tossing it to the ground in frustration. Would have turned a fixable problem into a broken guitar neck or something. Saying that though it is a $150 piece of shit thats always given me problems.
    Brand/model? I've gotten guitars under 200 and they are very hit or miss. Some are fine but some, same brand/model just don't hold their tuning as well. Get a new bass, solidbody or other. A lot more money but worth it imo. My SG can sit for months or be played everyday and it holds its tune. Sucks when you spend as much time fucking with tuning as playing.

    I've got that epiphone firebird copy bass, pretty cheap under 200 and it is perfect for how I use it. Definitely holds its tune but again, hit or miss.

  14. #5144
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    Slightly on topic to what was being discussed above: I've spoken about this a lot, but now that I was reminded about it again, I'll throw out my usual rant on the subject. I really think there are some things that can't be said enough.

    Circumcision. Circumcision is totally the worrrst. It's disgusting and horrifying. But the most absurd part to me is how completely okay it apparently is, according to everybody in at least this country*. Sure, there's a small contingency of people like me who take a stand on the subject, mostly online, but generally it's a totally normal and accepted thing that nobody thinks twice about, let alone openly discusses.

    * - (In Europe and the rest of the world, being uncircumcised is the default. Because that's how things are supposed to be. Circumcision is a religious ritual, usually during which the Jewish mohel sucks the infant's penis with his mouth to stop the bleeding. But that itself is a topic for another discussion...)

    Back on topic - nobody realizes like how friggin ridiculous circumcision is. Why the hell is it still okay to just chop off a part of a newborn child's body?

    Some people like to retroactively justify it by saying it makes things 'cleaner' or safer. But that's a pretty... silly argument. They're saying that it's totally cool to carve off pieces of a kid's genitals because that's apparently easier than just taking 3 seconds to pull the skin back and clean it? Can you imagine if that line of thinking was used about other things? Just remove everybody's ears at birth, we won't have to clean them in the shower any longer! Give me a break.

    But the absolute worst are the people who argue that it's justifiable purely because of aesthetic reasons, because they think it looks better. What?? If any of these lines of thinking were used in the context of any other subject, they'd be laughed out of the room.

    I've had a disturbing number of chicks tell me that if they had a son, they would circumcise him because "uncircumcised dicks are gross looking." Whuuuut?

    Imagine their reaction if I told them that, if they have a daughter, they should have their her labia trimmed up because 'sloppy, dangling vaginas are gross looking.' I'm sure that conversation would go well. No, if I said that to somebody, they would think I was a fucking insane person. Hm.

    Nobody can just admit that sometimes we do things as a culture that USED TO have a reason or explanation, but no longer does. Especially if they're a parent who had their child circumcised. Nobody would ever admit that they made such a drastic mistake with their child. People take things so goddamn personally to the point that they're unable to step back and view things in any lens other than one that pertains DIRECTLY to them.

    There are a lot of cultural leftovers we have as a society, things we do for no reason other than the fact that we've always done them. But I think circumcision is the absolute worst example of those vestigial rituals. Insane.

  15. #5145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    There are a lot of cultural leftovers we have as a society, things we do for no reason other than the fact that we've always done them. But I think circumcision is the absolute worst example of those vestigial rituals. Insane.
    The Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics have a lot of influence on parents' decision.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 04:13 PM.

  16. #5146
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics have a lot of influence on parents' decision.
    Again, this is retroactive justification of an archaic practice. There are a lot of mutilations we could do to infants at birth that could possibly have a chance of having positive effects on cleanliness or health later in life, but it would be reeeeally fucking weird and unnecessary when there are other ways to achieve the same end result without the mutilation.

  17. #5147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Again, this is retroactive justification of an archaic practice. There are a lot of mutilations we could do to infants at birth that could possibly have a chance of having positive effects on cleanliness or health later in life, but it would be reeeeally fucking weird and unnecessary when there are other ways to achieve the same end result without the mutilation.
    I don't know that it's only about cleanliness, I'm not a physician. But if it were ONLY about simple cleanliness or culture, the medical community (and the CDC) wouldn't endorse it and, most importantly, insurance companies wouldn't pay for it.

    There are things that bother me a lot more about things done to newborns, including major surgery with no anesthetic, than this. I don't like the idea of circumcision, either. But I think outrage should be directed at how the medical community treats all newborns, as if there are zero pain receptors, etc.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 04:42 PM.

  18. #5148
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    if it were ONLY about simple cleanliness or culture, the medical community (and the CDC) wouldn't endorse it and, most importantly, insurance companies wouldn't pay for it.
    I don't know if that's true. I think that's part of the fact that it's just so completely ingrained in our culture as just like, something we do. People just don't even think about it, it's almost as if it's not even a decision for some people. It's just something that happens, without any thought at all.

    Imagine if circumcision didn't exist at all and, out of nowhere, doctors were like, "If we cut some of the skin off of infants' dicks after they're born, they will be like x% less likely to catch HIV from an HIV positive partner later in life." people would most assuredly not be open and accepting to that idea.

    More than likely, the overwhelming response would be somewhere in the ballpark of: "What the fuck are you talking about, that's completely goddamn insane, they can just not have sex with a person with HIV or use a fuckin condom or take one of the several medications that very effectively cut HIV transmission rates!"

    The point being that there are numerous, effective methods of achieving the same results. I'm not aware of any health effect that is only achievable by way of circumcision.

    There are things that bother me a lot more about things done to newborns, including major surgery with no anesthetic, than this.
    I mean, major surgery without anesthetic is really objectively worse than circumcision, but that happens to (as a complete guess) probably fewer than 1% of the babies born in the US. It's not exactly a common, normal thing. Versus circumcision which happens to the overwhelming majority of newborn males.

  19. #5149
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    Read the above linked article.

    And read the HIV stats relating to circumcision, which are based on extensive medical studies. HIV should be prevented, rather than a lifetime of HIV drugs (that are very expensive and filled with side effects). Drugs like the one you linked aren't covered by insurance.

    The latter is based on fairly recent studies.

    The former is due to old science and antiquated medical practices (and far more common than you are surmising).

    I've dealt with health insurance companies more than the average person due to my profession and insurance companies DO NOT cover procedures or drugs based on any reason except medical. Culture isn't covered, no matter how prevalent. If the AAP and the CDC said "this is awful and unnecessary," insurance companies would stop paying for but, more importantly, hospitals would stop doing it due to fear of lawsuits. We are a very very litigious society.

    In a Jewish bris, the Mohel performs the male circumcision among a crowd and they all have a party.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 05:28 PM.

  20. #5150
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Read the above linked article.

    And read the HIV stats relating to circumcision, which are based on extensive medical studies. HIV should be prevented, rather than a lifetime of HIV drugs (that are very expensive and filled with side effects). Drugs like the one you linked aren't covered by insurance.

    The latter is based on fairly recent studies.

    The former is due to old science and antiquated medical practices (and far more common than you are surmising).
    Aren't all those studies from Africa? Amazing that the US thinks it's more comparable to Africa than, say Europe where we don't circumcise and aren't contracting HIV comparably more. Could it be the CDC decision makers are circumcised themselves and looking to justify that shit?

    The UK was going down this circumcising route in the 1940s and this article in the British Medical Journal stopped it
    Last edited by WorzelG; 02-05-2017 at 04:56 PM.

  21. #5151
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    Aren't all those studies from Africa? Amazing that the US thinks it's more comparable to Africa than, say Europe where we don't circumcise and aren't contracting HIV comparably more. Could it be the CDC decision makers are circumcised themselves and looking to justify that shit?

    The UK was going down this circumcising route in the 1940s and this article in the British Medical Journal stopped it
    The studies were clinical trials conducted in the United States.

    The practice is endorsed by OB/GYNs as well as Pediatricians, so it isn't likely to be a CDC male conspiracy; HOWEVER, hospitals no longer automatically perform male circumcision; they now counsel parents about the pros and cons and let the parents decide.

    And that combined with whether or not Dad is circumcised is likely to influence the final decision.

    Except if you're a female same-sex couple with a male newborn.

    Or this guy.

    There are arguments against the AAP's position.

    This is interesting.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 05:23 PM.

  22. #5152
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The studies were clinical trials conducted in the United States.

    The practice is endorsed by OB/GYNs as well as Pediatricians, so it isn't likely to be a CDC male conspiracy; HOWEVER, hospitals no longer automatically perform male circumcision; they now counsel parents about the pros and cons and let the parents decide.

    And that combined with whether or not Dad is circumcised is likely to influence the final decision.

    Except if you're a female same-sex couple with a male newborn.

    Or this guy.

    There are arguments against the AAP's position.

    This is interesting.
    That one about the same sex couple about urinary tract infections and cleanliness is so fucking annoying. You know why this might happen in America? So many men are circumcised they don't actually understand how the foreskin works, it's PROTECTIVE particularly in young children and it's not supposed to retract until they are a few years old. So what do Americans do with their cleanliness obsession, tell parents to retract it from birth to clean it which actually causes a wound and allows infection. The protective qualities of foreskin is explained in the article I linked above.

    Anyway this subject makes me really irrationally angry, it isn't even a decision I've had to make, hardly anyone is circumcised where I live.

    That link about babies not being given anaesthetic for surgery really upset me and it was about the UK as well as US. I've no idea why people think babies can't feel pain, it's just weird.
    In fact I think mostly it's just that newborns dont effectively REMEMBER pain that is the prevailing thing, although I'm sure something that hideous is in their psyche somewhere
    Last edited by WorzelG; 02-05-2017 at 05:54 PM.

  23. #5153
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Probably Hustler since Playboy doesn't publish nude photos, anymore.
    Nope, afaik Hustler doesn't do it and Playboy moving away from nudity is a drop in the bucket of their time as a magazine.

    Anyway, it's not mainstream porn that's promoting the small-to-non-existent inner labia thing.

    Also, yeah, no, circumcision in the vast majority of cases is barbaric and unnecessary. You prevent HIV by knowing the status of your partners and if you don't, assuming they're positive. You contract HIV by being exposed to HIV. Also, non-receptive partners are already at drastically lower risk for HIV than receptive partners.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 02-05-2017 at 05:54 PM.

  24. #5154
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Nope, afaik Hustler doesn't do it and Playboy moving away from nudity is a drop in the bucket of their time as a magazine.
    Yeah, Hustler has always seemed to prefer "natural" without Photoshopping, but I used to look at my ex-husband's Playboy subscription all the time and there weren't a whole lot of close-up open-labia shots (we used to call them "Gynie Pics"), it was mostly very tame almost G-Rated nudity compared to everything else. This guy talks about revisions they made.

    Women have this surgery likely because they want to for their own reasons, like breast implants, a breast lift, a tummy tuck, a face lift, etc. And, in my opinion, people have that right -- free of being unduly judged.

    If the AAP and various OB/GYN organizations came out and said that circumcision doesn't in fact reduce HPV transmission, or HIV transmission, or penile cancer (which is avoided via good hygiene), etc., the practice would likely fall out of favor a lot more than it already has (except with religious Jews). Maybe. There's still that pressure for parents to want their son(s) to "not be different."
    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 06:27 PM.

  25. #5155
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    That link about babies not being given anaesthetic for surgery really upset me and it was about the UK as well as US. I've no idea why people think babies can't feel pain, it's just weird.
    In fact I think mostly it's just that newborns dont effectively REMEMBER pain that is the prevailing thing, although I'm sure something that hideous is in their psyche somewhere
    Yup, I agree. They do all kinds of awful shit to these newborns without pain killer or anesthesia, even though many organizations have changed their minds about the dangers of same vs. the danger of stress from NOT considering pain consequences. If I had a baby that needed surgery, I'd be threatening to sue the shit out of them if they DIDN'T use pain killers and sedation.

    You are also correct in that the U.S. is OBSESSED with cleanliness (we sell more hygiene products, BY FAR, than any other country in the world) which affects us in LOTS of ways.

    I take a less passionate, less angry approach to this circumcision topic because it's very likely that people on this very board had their male son(s) circumcised and I don't feel comfortable attacking them or making them feel terrible about such a personal decision.

    It's very common in the U.S. to have lived your entire life without once seeing an uncircumcised penis. The cultural influence of Jews in this country may have originally had something to do with it being common practice, not sure. But, cultural shifts are happening.

    From the above link:

    In the United States, based on hospital discharge data, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) says 60 percent of boys were circumcised in 2002, the most recent year for which figures are available. But this rate, based on data from about 10 percent of United States hospitals, varies significantly by region. In 2002, 81 percent of boys in the Midwest were circumcised; 69 percent in the Northeast; 64 percent in the South; but only 33 percent in the West.

    "The regional differences may be due to varying rates among ethnic groups," says Mary Jones, an NCHS spokeswoman. "Low circumcision rates in the West may be caused, in part, by increased births among Hispanics. Studies have shown that Hispanics are less likely to opt for circumcision than other whites or blacks."

    Between 1999 -- when the AAP came out against routine circumcision -- and 2002, the percentage of boys being circumcised in United States hospitals decreased by more than 5 percentage points, based on NCHS data. But the biggest drop, 4 points, was in the West; Northeast numbers actually increased by 3 points.
    Note that the AAP reversed its decision in 2012 and has caught a lot of shit for it, since.

    Both my ex-husband and my current husband are cut. And my husband says he wishes he WASN'T because the penis is born the way it's supposed to function, and revising it just goes against nature. And he's right. These medical organizations can twist stats in whatever way they want to not look at the stats accurately, that's true of any data; but until the medical and government organizations DENY that there is any benefits, then the practice is likely to continue in this country because parents are faced with a "better now than when he's 35" decision.

    Again, I personally do not feel comfortable with judgments, due to respect for people on this board who decided to circumcise their son(s).
    Last edited by allegro; 02-06-2017 at 11:32 AM.

  26. #5156
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    Quote Originally Posted by nick999 View Post
    Brand/model? I've gotten guitars under 200 and they are very hit or miss. Some are fine but some, same brand/model just don't hold their tuning as well. Get a new bass, solidbody or other. A lot more money but worth it imo. My SG can sit for months or be played everyday and it holds its tune. Sucks when you spend as much time fucking with tuning as playing.

    I've got that epiphone firebird copy bass, pretty cheap under 200 and it is perfect for how I use it. Definitely holds its tune but again, hit or miss.
    Oh it's just some cheap thing made by a company called Artist Guitars in Sydney or somewhere on that side of Australia. It really probably is just better off to buy a new one. It was ok at the time when I was a complete beginner and wasn't sure if I would like it or could even learn how to play. This one has always had a little trouble getting in tune but before once I got it right it would stay that way until now. And the fact other timings are fine is confusing

  27. #5157
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Women have this surgery likely because they want to for their own reasons, like breast implants, a breast lift, a tummy tuck, a face lift, etc. And, in my opinion, people have that right -- free of being unduly judged.
    you're right, and that's totally fine. i was more discussing it in the context of societal pressure. again, i'm not judging anyone's decision, but wondering how and why they arrived at the decision. it's a small difference, but i just want you and @playwithfire to know i'm not being a preachy a-hole. any time i had personally heard about labiaplasty, it had been inspired by what the woman "thought a vagina* was supposed to look like" *word that was used, i know the vagina is internal

  28. #5158
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    you're right, and that's totally fine. i was more discussing it in the context of societal pressure. again, i'm not judging anyone's decision, but wondering how and why they arrived at the decision. it's a small difference, but i just want you and @playwithfire to know i'm not being a preachy a-hole. any time i had personally heard about labiaplasty, it had been inspired by what the woman "thought a vagina* was supposed to look like" *word that was used, i know the vagina is internal
    This article calls it "The Barbie Look." It appears that the same perfection motive behind other plastic surgeries is behind this one. This article indicates a bit more. And this article indicates true emotional issues behind wanting the surgery.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-06-2017 at 01:50 AM.

  29. #5159
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    I find it sad. It's people doing plastic surgery instead of psychotherapy. Small boobs, visible inner labia or penile foreskin aren't disfigurements. It's dishonest to say you're doing it "for yourself". No, you are not. Internalizing ridiculous societal expectations isn't the same thing as doing for yourself. Staying "non-judgey" and neutral and high-fiving women who get parts of their vulva cut off means that plastic surgery gets normalized, it means false beliefs of what a body is "supposed to look like" get normalized. Instead of saying "this attitude is a problem of our society that needs to be addressed" we say "this is your problem and you can address it by surgery". It isn't healthy.

  30. #5160
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    Living in pain because you feel "wrong" in a society that won't change during your lifetime isn't healthy either. Idealism is beautiful, but not at this cost.

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