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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #4321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Friends who move abroad to mainland Europe and who become insufferable and spiteful on Facebook everyday constantly trash their former country, (the UK here) insult its general population, condescend, label generalize and play down the intelligence of its people in a bigoted way.
    And seem to want their former country to collapse and seem to almost support forces which they KNOW would be bad for the country Then talk about how their new land is a utopia....ooohh because Austria is so RADICALLY different to the UK!...Dumbass

    Im sure people in the U.S can relate to this.

    Yes, I have to remind my friend in Germany that I still live here!

  2. #4322
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    I got the job!

  3. #4323
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    I cooked my chicken breasts this morning in olive oil on accident.

    That fuckin sucked.
    ...what do you normally cook them in? unless i'm making it for stir fry (in which case i use sesame oil) or using bbq sauce (in which case i use no oil), i always use olive oil as the base for cooking chicken.

  4. #4324
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    ...what do you normally cook them in? unless i'm making it for stir fry (in which case i use sesame oil) or using bbq sauce (in which case i use no oil), i always use olive oil as the base for cooking chicken.

    Veggy oil. Olive oil fucking blows, is disgusting and makes me want to die.

  5. #4325
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Veggy oil. Olive oil fucking blows, is disgusting and makes me want to die.

    the only thing i use vegetable oil for is when a recipe calls for it (like for cakes and other baked goods). i tried cooking meat in it once and it tasted gross to me.

    guess we'll have to have separate pans of chicken when i make pasta for us

  6. #4326
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post

    the only thing i use vegetable oil for is when a recipe calls for it (like for cakes and other baked goods). i tried cooking meat in it once and it tasted gross to me.

    guess we'll have to have separate pans of chicken when i make pasta for us
    Ill eat what you make and I'll love it because you put your heart into everything you do and the fuck if I'm going to consume something not made the way you normally do.

  7. #4327
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    I'm already done with having to hear "A F" after just about every adjective.

  8. #4328
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Veggy oil. Olive oil fucking blows, is disgusting and makes me want to die.
    But olive oil (and I mean GOOD olive oil, not cheap shit olive oil) is really good for you! Monounsaturated fat! HDL! the "good" cholesterol!

  9. #4329
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    when you turn to a trusted friend for some sympathy and encouragement, and you instead get passive-aggressively kicked in the teeth
    there's a difference between some tough love - which I don't mind - and being a gratuitous asshole - which I do.

  10. #4330
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But olive oil (and I mean GOOD olive oil, not cheap shit olive oil) is really good for you! Monounsaturated fat! HDL! the "good" cholesterol!
    Seriously, is there anything you don't know?

    When I picture you I think of a female version of Gandalf sitting on a throne on top of a mountain with a gigantic bookcase behind you. Oh, and holding a sophisticated cane of some sort of course.

  11. #4331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Seriously, is there anything you don't know?

    When I picture you I think of a female version of Gandalf sitting on a throne on top of a mountain with a gigantic bookcase behind you. Oh, and holding a sophisticated cane of some sort of course.
    @allegro - Actual Wizard

  12. #4332
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    when you turn to a trusted friend for some sympathy and encouragement, and you instead get passive-aggressively kicked in the teeth
    there's a difference between some tough love - which I don't mind - and being a gratuitous asshole - which I do.
    I've been there and that guy is no longer my friend. It sucks but sometimes a friendship breaks down. I don't think I'm 100% over it but you have to do what is best for you. Your friends should be a support system...if one is not, something went wrong somewhere.

  13. #4333
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    Casual homophobia in the workplace. Dickheads.

  14. #4334
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But olive oil (and I mean GOOD olive oil, not cheap shit olive oil) is really good for you! Monounsaturated fat! HDL! the "good" cholesterol!
    A good friend of mine works with his dad running an olive tree farm and they make the most bad ass olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. At first I balked at the idea of just doing a straight shot of the olive oil, but that was amazing. It had distance evolving aftertastes and almost gave me a momentary buzz.

    On the things that piss me off tip... I'm noticing an uptick in posts from friends digging up the most outlandish conspiracy theorists. One of my friends seems like he's almost joined a cult. Not only does he believe 9/11 was an "inside job" concocted by a zionist/west plot, but that ISIS is actually a US operation, that the attacks on Paris were staged by the US, Sandy Hook is suspicious... so I say that the expert engineering explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings seems legit, and his friends join in mocking me as a fool who refuses to see the truth, that jet fuel cannot burn hot enough to melt steel, I need to take the blinders off and realize that I'm a foolish sheep, hahaha, and what a fool I am to believe the official story since "they didn't even find any plane wreckage!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Baaaaaah Baaaaaaaaaaah"

    And I start by saying "ok, there are a number of differences between the sort of free fall you see with a controlled demolition, and they're immediately obvious. First off, the explosions that trigger a controlled demolition are incredibly loud and they run in immediate succession... they are loud from miles away. Second, look at the footage. The debris that has fallen away from the structure is falling at a faster speed than the building - not true free fall. The steel supports didn't need to melt, they needed to be heated to the point that they became structurally unstable... which they were. The windows are seen blowing out because... wait a second... wait, did you just say that there was no found wreckage of the planes that crashed? What are you implying? That there were no planes!?!?! WTF?!"

    And instead, you get this collective online eye-roll rather than a response to anything you just said, along with some quip about how "some people just refuse to see the obvious." The OBVIOUS? It's "obvious" that the US government thought it was a good plan, and worth the risk to reward, to stage an elaborate attack on the center of our financial backbone AND our military at the same time, and then also just blow up another plane... killing thousands of citizens... for what exactly? And then they contract out a team of experts to research and study it, basically bringing in another 17 or so more previously uninvolved people (and by extension their husbands and wives) into the conspiracy with the gamble that not one of them will blow the whistle... for what?! As a justification to invade another country? We do that all the time without blowing ourselves up!!!!

    The part that's really creepy and fascinating to me though is the new anti-semitic spin attached to the recent outpouring of conspiracies. That part seems new. This is being parroted by friends of mine that I never would have expected to hear it from. Suddenly, a bunch of people that I thought were rational are suddenly blaming an insidious Jewish cabal for running and ruling the world.

    It does seem there's a conspiracy here actually, just not the one they're thinking it is... But you can't debate with this! These beliefs are newly adopted, but people uniformly get really defensive and take any debate or critical analysis personally. It's almost impossible to question what they're saying without risking losing a friend.

  15. #4335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    A good friend of mine works with his dad running an olive tree farm and they make the most bad ass olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. At first I balked at the idea of just doing a straight shot of the olive oil, but that was amazing. It had distance evolving aftertastes and almost gave me a momentary buzz.
    OMG, I get extra virgin organic olive oil from California and it is fucking AWESOME!

    Another monounsaturated fat that causes the good cholesterol (HDL): Avocados!
    Last edited by allegro; 02-24-2016 at 11:23 PM.

  16. #4336
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    OMG, I get extra virgin organic olive oil from California and it is fucking AWESOME!
    Well, if you're interested, I definitely suggest giving it a shot because it's pretty fucking amazing

  17. #4337
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    I've been living in this apartment that's in a house. It happens to be next to the garage and also the living room is above. The thing is that there is minimal sound-proofing. I can hear the family that lives here and some men that come to visit every now and then. I hear their voices booming through the walls. It's driving me crazy. I gotta move out I think.

  18. #4338
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    OMG, I get extra virgin organic olive oil from California and it is fucking AWESOME!

    Another monounsaturated fat that causes the good cholesterol (HDL): Avocados!
    Wizard level bar rising. Ever rising.

  19. #4339
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Well, if you're interested, I definitely suggest giving it a shot because it's pretty fucking amazing
    Thank you, I definitely will do that!!

  20. #4340
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    A few months ago, I had a disagreement with this... guy. It ended with him attempting to physically intimidate me. I was sitting on a stoop, and he was screaming at me from some stairs at the next building. He then RAN down these stairs, approached me in a super aggressive manner, and started putting his hands in my face. I imagine that he thought this was going to scare me, but I stood up and got right back in his face. He then went into some like, free association thoughts or something, and at this point, I was just trolling him. I just figure that if I'm going to get hit, I'm gonna make it worth it. He didn't end up hitting me.

    A few months later, he decides that he is going to start teaching classes on how women can protect themselves. I call out this fuckery instantly, as he is someone who we should be avoiding. One of his partners defends him like, a crazy amount. We handle the discussion maturely, even though she, at the time, I thought she was engaging in some serious, serious historical revisionism.

    Now it comes out that he has been abusing her for months. She had a broken leg a while ago... him. A broken arm... Him. Broken nose and busted up face... Him.

    And because she used to defend him to the death - LIKE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE TEND TO DO... now people are of course blaming her.

    I don't even fucking like her, but people in her position deserve support REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL FEELINGS.

    This is all just really fucking horrible.

  21. #4341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Now it comes out that he has been abusing her for months. She had a broken leg a while ago... him. A broken arm... Him. Broken nose and busted up face... Him.

    And because she used to defend him to the death - LIKE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE TEND TO DO... now people are of course blaming her.
    What the Fucking Fuck...

  22. #4342
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    I hate it when I feel the some need to defend myself to someone on the internet who doesn't know who I am, and I regress into an aspie twenty-something twit and end up saying something meaner than I actually feel when I'm really just splitting hairs for no good reason :\

  23. #4343
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    Trolling for sport/fun.

    It's dumb. Making fun of something or someone or joking is different, especially if you know and/or are friendly with said person. If you are in comedy this kind of thing is expected too but even then it only works if your target is the dimmest of bulbs or just fucking evil. Funny--The Daily Show Not funny--Adam Baldwin.

    Being contrarian and obnoxious due to Internet anonymity, social status, etc just makes you the worst. I think these subhumans just wish they had anything genuine going on with themselves. They lack any real passion. They're wrong about things because being right would be way too hard. Too much work.

    I've been reading Twitter too much I think. Needed to get this out.

  24. #4344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Now it comes out that he has been abusing her for months. She had a broken leg a while ago... him. A broken arm... Him. Broken nose and busted up face... Him.

    And because she used to defend him to the death - LIKE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE TEND TO DO... now people are of course blaming her.

    I don't even fucking like her, but people in her position deserve support REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL FEELINGS.
    This IS awful on many levels. What my friends and I refer to as "COPS girls." On just about every episode of that show that deals in domestic violence, you end up hearing the victim saying something like "Officer, he didn't mean to! He's a good man." And you just know no charges are being pressed. Not 100% sure what's behind that tendency. Is it blind love? Lack of esteem? Both?

  25. #4345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Not 100% sure what's behind that tendency. Is it blind love? Lack of esteem? Both?
    You know the other person can be good and nice, you know this side of them, and it may be the reason why you fell in love in the first place. You also know that they usually have "reasons" for acting that way, a history of abuse themselves, for example. You have also deeply accepted that the violence was provoked by your own behavior, by quirks and faults of your own. You believe you see both sides of the story and that the person is fundamentally a victim, either of circumstances or of their own history. You also are deeply convinced that they have the will and capacity to change, and that some day things will be fixed and that you'll be happy together.

    You are also so convinced that that person isn't really guilty that you're scared of the consequences of pressing charges against them. Because it won't protect you from their wrath once you've done that, and there's no going back. You'd rather maintain the statu quo, as shitty as it is.

    TL : DR : yes, both, and more.
    Last edited by Khrz; 02-26-2016 at 01:54 PM.

  26. #4346
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    The riskiest part of an abusive relationship is trying to leave... That's when you're most likely to get killed.

  27. #4347
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    For almost the past month I've been waking up at 5am before I get my full 8 hrs of sleep and rarely can fall asleep afterwards, unless its the weekend and I can sleep midday. Sucks, but I do have time to do stuff like watch tv in the morning.

  28. #4348
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    People who act like their negativity is a badge of honor they should wear and act like embracing their douchebag behavior makes them immune to criticism if someone calls them out on it. "I'm an asshole, get over it" is such a shitty fucking attitude that does not end the conversation. "Yeah, I'm a cunt, so what?" does not take away or justify or validate any of your behavior nor does it invalidate the feelings of whoever you behaved that way towards. People who embrace their lowest selves and reject any attempt at being a better person. Jesus fucking Christ. It's the most childish, frustrating, worthless behavior that's this petty, 13 year old who just read the Wikipedia article on nihilism approach to life that should begin and end with middle school and yet people carry it on well to their deaths. It's just, ugh. Choosing to be a toxic, shitty, hateful and nasty person who does whatever terrible shit they find convenient and wants no accountability. I've known too many people like this. Way too any.

  29. #4349
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    right now i'm pissing me off.
    lately, if i'm not having a smooth day, by the end of it i become this nihilist who wants to cut everyone out of my life. even if they had no part of my shit. a couple people in my life are a true light source, and right now i want to snuff them out and live in a hole for the rest of my life...thankfully i don't act on these specific compulsions. they come in waves and i hate it, but i can't help thinking these things. i wish i thought in a more healthy manner.

    the song 'kiss off' by the violent femmes comes to mind, minus the suicide overtones...

    hell, or even 'l-dopa' by big black.
    Last edited by ldopa; 03-01-2016 at 10:00 PM.

  30. #4350
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    Most people around me in the states viewed me as Brazilian. The Brazilians here view me mostly as American because honestly, I've been there most of my life. It's bizarre how people are more prone to accept me as the "other" rather as being the same as them. Third culture kid all the way...

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