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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #4081
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    The caber tossing contest in the apartment above mine.

  2. #4082
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    HOLY shit, tornadoes in the dallas suburb where i went to HS last night, and 11 people dead so far.
    it looks like a lot of the area where i lived as a teenager is fucking leveled.
    i'm trying to make sure all my friends are ok.

  3. #4083
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    my lower right eyelid is totally swollen. it hurts when i blink, look around, or even think about it. my eye itself is fine so i don't think it's pink eye (though i've never had it), but i'm not sure what to do.

  4. #4084
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    Sounds like a stye. Try compresses? Otherwise hit up a doc.

  5. #4085
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Sounds like a stye. Try compresses? Otherwise hit up a doc.
    yeah, when i get back home later i'm going to try a compress. thanks!

  6. #4086
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    yeah, when i get back home later i'm going to try a compress. thanks!
    Try and use some mild soap with tea tree oil in it to wash the eye area. I had a stye about 18 months ago and it was hellish for a few days, but that helped clear it up.

  7. #4087
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    @Jinsai It's crazy how little willpower you have when trying to quit. Been trying really hard too recently but it's been rough. Had three weeks under my belt until I got a ride home from a coworker and had a situation where I was offered free cigs. Have your tried gum or other substitutes?

    Guy upstairs does his laundry at midnight and fucks around his house making lots of noise. Tonight the house started to shake and I thought it was him moving some furniture. Turns out there was a minor earthquake near by. But seriously I thought a minor earthquake was you fucking around, guy upstairs. Fuck you.

    And he doesn't even know how to take out the garbage. Puts a full bag on an empty trash can. Hey fuckdick, open the receptacle and put the bag in it. Of course animals got to it and spread it around the property.
    Last edited by icecream; 12-30-2015 at 04:13 AM.

  8. #4088
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    this Oprah weight watchers commercial i keep seeing over and over and over again makes me wanna kick her in her fat ass.

    with her money she could hire a fucking team to monitor every calorie she eats and here she is trying to play up the "woe as me it's hard for everyone to lose weight" card. fuck off Oprah.

  9. #4089
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    this Oprah weight watchers commercial i keep seeing over and over and over again makes me wanna kick her in her fat ass.

    with her money she could hire a fucking team to monitor every calorie she eats and here she is trying to play up the "woe as me it's hard for everyone to lose weight" card. fuck off Oprah.
    It doesn't cost money to lose weight, fuck weight watchers.

    On a side note there's a weight watchers literally next door to a honey baked ham store on the way to my gym so that's pretty funny.
    Last edited by tony.parente; 12-30-2015 at 11:03 AM.

  10. #4090
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    another thing that pisses me off are people on this site who sit in the peanut gallery since 2012, never post anything, and like/hate everything without contributing that 'facepalm' button brings out the inner troll in a lot of people apparantly.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-30-2015 at 01:01 PM.

  11. #4091
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    another thing that pisses me off are people on this site like [edited] who sit in the peanut gallery since 2012, never post anything, and like/hate everything without contributing that 'facepalm' button brings out the inner troll in a lot of people apparantly
    Actually, she's been here since the old board, at least since 2007, and was pretty active when NIN was active but some people get less active when NIN isn't doing anything.

    While I hate the facepalm button (it wasn't on the old board), and think it's incendiary and too Facebook-y, at least we don't have a Shit List, anymore, ugh, those were brutal. We aren't supposed to call out users who piss us off, anymore, on this board; the management has asked users not to do that.

    Don't take the facepalms personally; think of it more like "I disagree" and ignore them. Also, look in your settings and you can disable notices of likes and facepalms.

    Re Weight Watchers or any other program for people with weight loss problems: Oprah has admitted that she has hired personal chefs to cook meals for her, but it didn't last. Oprah has a food addiction problem, just like millions of other people in this country. It is a medically-documented psychological disorder that can't be waived off by simple diet techniques. Just like any other addiction, for these people food stimulates pleasure chemicals in the brain. These programs combined with exercise and therapy can be successful but they have to be a lifelong commitment. Weight Watchers is good for bringing food awareness, nutrient awareness and group socialization. People go on-and-off of it a lot, but they keep the info and skills they learn. It's way better than the "buy all your meals" programs like Jenny Craig.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 02:14 PM.

  12. #4092
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    I absolutely hate shoveling snow and decided that I am never making a trip back to visit my dad in the winter. Shoveling heavy crusty icy snow from the driveway together with PMS has ended up in me sobbing my eyes out in anger and frustration. I've been stuck in this house for 48 hours and cabin fever kicked in and I just hate it all. I want to park my ass in a pub downtown and forget about having to spend the another two weeks in this goddamn mountain house. Don't get me wrong, I love how beautiful it is here, I just can't do it at my dad's house. It's a terribly claustrophobic house considering his hoarding tendencies.

    Edit. The weather is so shitty and it's dangerous to take the car out on these rural mountain roads. I hate all of this. Time for another beer.
    Last edited by halloween; 12-30-2015 at 01:32 PM.

  13. #4093
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    We aren't supposed to call out users who piss us off, anymore, on this board; the management has asked users not to do that.
    edited, thanks for the heads up. looks like they called themselves out for me lol.

    and anyone who checks the board multiple times a day to up or down vote posts without contributing is being active - an active troll. ive been here since 2005 and go in and out of writing posts. but clicking 10+ likes or dislikes a day isn't a very productive way to participate imo. case and point below.

    back to the topic - i have no problem with weight watchers, i think it's great. my problem lies with oprah. her profiting off of her persona that's 'relatable to all women' has always pissed me off. i've always seen her products as a means to prey upon people who think she's just their next door neighbor, aunt, or best friend, etc. etc.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-30-2015 at 05:05 PM.

  14. #4094
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    back to the topic - i have no problem with weight watchers, i think it's great. my problem lies with oprah. her profiting off of her persona that's 'relatable to all women' has always pissed me off. i've always seen her products as a means to prey upon people who think she's just their next door neighbor, aunt, or best friend, etc. etc.
    I disagree that this is what Oprah's doing. I think that it's a sexist premise that a successful woman is automatically "preying upon women" when she wants to share her success with other women. It's a load of shit. Oprah's actually ON Weight Watcher's, she's had some success with WW, and she did what she usually does: she bought some shares in the company. SOME SHARES. She didn't freakin' buy WW. Oprah no longer has such a command of women that they are going to go flying to WW to sign up because Oprah did. Hell, Oprah's pretty behind in this regard, actually. Millions of women have boarded the WW train for the last 50 years, and Oprah is only now figuring out that she has to learn, herself, the good and bad values of food instead of just cutting out all of certain foods (Atkins) or having a chef hand her certain foods (and then she pigs out on macaroni and cheese or potatoes when her chef isn't around, which lead to diet failure). Oprah's weight has yo-yo'd for most of her life, to dangerously-high levels, and she HAS been "relatable to all women" in this regard. The only people who seem to have a problem with Oprah are people who have a stick up their asses because of Oprah's success. But, I swear, if Oprah was a dude, we would not be having this conversation. Michael Jordan sells his shoes, opens restaurants, buys stock in all kinds of companies, buys sports teams, nobody says shit. But Oprah? She's PREYING ON PEOPLE. I'm a female, and I root for Oprah and her success. The woman still signs ALL HER CHECKS, doesn't trust ANYBODY to totally run her business except her. She doesn't have any "products" of her own except her magazine and her TV channel, and she only delivers what she personally stands behind. But because she's a successful female (like Martha Stewart), people give her shit. She struggles with her weight, she discovers WW, she says "wow, this shit might actually work!" and she is SO down with it, she buys stock and Oprah hardly ever endorses ANYTHING except books. This commercial shit is RARE for her. Oprah sure as shit don't NEED any more money.

    I worked with a woman, in her 60s, who hated Oprah, would go on and on about how Oprah only had that orphanage in Africa to get attention for herself, that it was an ego thing, said the most hateful shit. REALLY? Why the fuck would Oprah spend millions of her own dollars to open a school for children in a poor country so that they could be fed and clothed and get an education just so she could get PUBLICITY and feed her ego? That's just catty female bullshit right there. If Oprah was Michael Jordan doing that shit, they'd be shitting themselves calling him St. Michael.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 05:25 PM.

  15. #4095
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I disagree that this is what Oprah's doing. I think that it's a sexist premise that a successful woman is automatically "preying upon women" when she wants to share her success with other women. It's a load of shit.
    i said Oprah preys on people, not preys on women. you did but obviously women are her target zone. i do honestly believe men see her as relating to their wives and would buy into what she says just as easily at this point.

    generally tho i look at her preying upon people in lower economic brackets, not based on gender. similarly to the lotto imo.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-30-2015 at 05:44 PM.

  16. #4096
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    i said Oprah preys on people, not preys on women. you did

    generally i look at her preying upon people in lower economic brackets, not based on gender. similarly to the lotto imo.
    You said "relatable to all women."

    I've been following Oprah since she was just starting out as nobody in Chicago. I don't see her preying on anybody; and having been in law for over 26 years (and in Advertising for nearly 10 years before that), I'm pretty good at spotting predators.

    She isn't ever really "selling" anything except perhaps authors she likes with her book club, and that's geared toward people who like to read as much as she does so she tries to get people to read (clearly a predatory behavior, snort), and she went through that whole New Age Enlightenment "Be Your Best Self" phase trying to get people to keep Gratitude Journals and Live For Now which doesn't cost anything, but she isn't Martha Stewart with lines of cookware and linens at Macy's and paint and Christmas decor at Home Depot, and pet clothing at PetSmart. Not that I'm against that, Martha Stewart is an entrepreneurial Goddess.

    Look, the bottom line is that lots and lots of African American women have diabetes in this country. Oprah probably has it, too, but hasn't gone public. If Oprah does WW and can inspire other black women to do WW with her and they can use WW's weekly group meetings and weigh-ins to have a support system that often does not exist at home (the weekly meetings are kind of like AA for food addicts), and the WW point system works better for some people than calorie counting, and the food and nutrition awareness helps them know how many calories they are putting into their bodies each day without mindless shoveling, and WW is pretty damned cheap, too, then maybe what Oprah is doing is inspiring some real good, and there is something way beyond just profit, there. This is not predatory. If she is doing the program, too, and needs to lose a lot of weight, herself, and has been on diets and struggling with her weight IN PUBLIC for nearly 30 years, this is not predatory.

    Now, Paula Deen making all that Southern fat cooking all those years and then promoting a medicine for diabetes? Still not technically predatory, but probably a stupid career move.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 05:55 PM.

  17. #4097
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Look, the bottom line is that lots and lots of African American women have diabetes in this country. Oprah probably has it, too, but hasn't gone public. If Oprah does WW and can inspire other black women to do WW with her and they can use WW's weekly group meetings and weigh-ins to have a support system that often does not exist at home (the weekly meetings are kind of like AA for food addicts), and the WW point system works better for some people than calorie counting, and the food and nutrition awareness helps them know how many calories they are putting into their bodies each day without mindless shoveling, and WW is pretty damned cheap, too, then maybe what Oprah is doing is inspiring some real good, and there is something way beyond just profit, there.
    I'm all for that. And deep down I hope that positive things like what you mentioned come out of it. I just can't help be see cash grab when I see her I guess.

  18. #4098
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But, I swear, if Oprah was a dude, we would not be having this conversation. .

    It's so true about Oprah not being one of those celebs who attaches her name to any ol product. I give her lots of credit. Now, if she could just stop yelling.

  19. #4099
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    I just can't help be see cash grab when I see her I guess.
    It's because you have formed a preconceived notion about Oprah; you have decided to dislike her. But, really, Oprah does ZERO advertising for anything. Except her own TV network or magazine. This is something of a monumental occasion. In that ad, she is stating words that are real to her about weight loss; those of us who follow her know how many times she has publicly lost weight and then gained back MORE weight. SEE THIS.

    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 06:11 PM.

  20. #4100
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's because you have formed a preconceived notion about Oprah; you have decided to dislike her. But, really, Oprah does ZERO advertising for anything. Except her own TV network or magazine.
    i don't dislike her, i see her to be roughly the same as almost every other huge business out there that has way too much money and influence as such. it's really not about her being a woman to me other than that's her marketplace. maybe others, but i dont think i've alluded to the sexism side of the argument once in any of my comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This is something of a monumental occasion. In that ad, she is stating words that are real to her about weight loss; those of us who follow her know how many times she has publicly lost weight and then gained back MORE weight.
    this is the only gripe beyond it being a cash grab imo. she comes off as a hypocrite because of how much we've heard about her weight over the years. and most people are tired of hearing about it.

    I think to show results would have been more powerful, but I think she finally has to put her money where her mouth is and we'll see if she does what she said she will.

    and a fun personal fact - my wife was in the Daily Show audience she sent to the Rally to Restore Sanity. I think she does do things that are good. weight loss and her track record with it begins to cross a line imo.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-30-2015 at 06:13 PM.

  21. #4101
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    I think to show results would have been more powerful, but I think she finally has to put her money where her mouth is and we'll see if she does what she said she will.
    That's like telling Scott Weiland to lay off the dope. You don't really understand this subject. Money and power don't mean shit when it comes to struggling with weight, which is a lifelong struggle. People who also struggle with their weight, like Oprah, are NOT "sick of hearing about it." They can relate to it. They understand the struggle. There is an obesity epidemic in this country. It's an addiction, it's a very real struggle. It's like trying to quit smoking, except worse: We NEED food to survive; we don't need to smoke. I think you are being very unfair, here, and not even a tad bit empathetic. There are lots of people on this board with weight struggles, even a few who have gone through gastric bypass surgery. People who struggle with weight aren't hypocrites just because they struggle with weight, even publicly. I am not sure you understand the meaning of hypocrite.

    If Oprah loses a bunch of weight and then fails, yet again, and gains all and more weight, that's public humiliation and failure. How is she being a "hypocrite" for publicly humiliating herself and failing? <--- Rhetorical questions, since that makes zero sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    has way too much money
    Ahhhh ... there we have it.

    I don't suppose you read Forbes and such, but Oprah's network has been pretty much failing, she sold her studio facilities and all of her residences here in Chicago, her magazine ain't doing too great, so I think you've been reading a pile of magazines from 1995 as far as her "influence."
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 06:25 PM.

  22. #4102
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    People who struggle with weight aren't hypocrites just because they struggle with weight, even publicly. I am not sure you understand the meaning of hypocrite.
    i think she and the media have turned her out to be a poster child for the issue when i dont think she's a good role model for financial reasons and for reasons of her own weight struggle.

    she's spoke on and support different dieting programs over probably 20 years now and then to physically go back on that success is hypocritical. especially when that same person is selling you whatever program she used as part of the story.

    i understand a lot of people struggle from weight issues but those people can never be compared to oprah on any level other than the basics of age/sex/race. money makes the world go round and this highlights my issue with this topic in the first place. shes influencing people based on the fact that you've known her since she's done her show in chicago, etc etc. but she can never really relate to anyone in your situation because she lives a life not many humans will ever experience.

    shes essentially selling hope and that's something that shouldn't come at a price from someone with her kind of finances.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't suppose you read Forbes and such, but Oprah's network has been pretty much failing, she sold her studio facilities and all of her residences here in Chicago, her magazine ain't doing too great, so I think you've been reading a pile of magazines from 1995 as far as her "influence."
    you're exactly right, im far under educated compared to you when it comes to oprah lol. i havent had the time or energy to keep up with her over the years and frankly have been happy not to see her face around since she moved to her own channel. but i can see i've stumbled upon a pretty big fan of her's lol.

    and wouldn't her doing poorly financially support my idea that this is a cash grab??? trust me, i thought the same thing when jason alexander showed up on these commercials years back and i'm a big fan of his. he looked like a clown too.

    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-30-2015 at 06:53 PM.

  23. #4103
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    i think she and the media have turned her out to be a poster child for the issue when i dont think she's a good role model for financial reasons and for reasons of her own weight struggle.
    I don't think anybody, even Oprah, has made Oprah the "poster child" of anything. Oprah's weight has been really fucking obvious so instead of ignoring it, back when she had a show she opted to talk about it. She didn't sell any "hope" to anybody, she just had panel experts on her show and went through her "process" publicly and her audience could join along with her on her journey if they wanted. That was always Oprah's schtick. She never held herself up as the Queen of Diets or anything, and she never said any one diet was better than another. In fact, Oprah has ALWAYS been publicly straight up, especially on her former daily show, about how good she was at failure. Her personal trainer, Bob Greene (with whom she "wrote a book" -- although he did most of the writing and she did a lot of complaining about how she hated exercise) always publicly says that Oprah -- just like she says -- hates exercise and it's hard to get her to do any. But she does it anyway, begrudgingly. And she's never proclaimed herself to be a poster child of diet, exercise or anything other than somebody who falls off the diet wagon every time she succeeds. She's publicly been the Poster Child of Failure.

    Oprah has admitted that even having a famous chef like Art Smith doesn't mean shit when you're at home alone at night making yourself a two-pound mound of mac and cheese for comfort food. Oprah is a billionaire and still fat. Fatter than most of us. Which highlights how success doesn't really bring you happiness or make you skinny. She can live a life of luxury, but it doesn't make her skinny or truly happy. Why do you think she's doing all that eating, anyway?

    I always was a big Oprah fan because I applaud her success, but I do admit that she has gotten pretty far away from reality. I laughed at the show where she and Gayle went to Costco and it was like Oprah was on another PLANET. But, I see a Martha Stewart commercial on TV every 30 minutes, and nobody ever gives her any shit. Martha has three homes, one is a working farm, and she has such excesses that nobody can even possibly imagine. But, nobody bats an eyelash when Martha is on TV hawking her latest paint colors at Home Depot or teaching us how to make the perfect NY Eve appetizers with Ina Garten. I listen to Martha's show on XM sometimes, and the woman knows fucking EVERYTHING. Somebody called in and wanted to know how to make vinegar and Martha spent 20 minutes talking about the "mother" and blah blah blah, I was, like, omg, I can't believe it, I bet Martha knows how to launch a rocket. Then I found out that Martha loves DRONES and she has several at her farm. But, see, Martha would never gain weight because Martha is perfect.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 06:55 PM.

  24. #4104
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But, I see a Martha Stewart commercial on TV every 30 minutes, and nobody ever gives her any shit.
    i can definitely see that being aggravating although i would say that in her defense Oprah holds a lot more weight in terms of respect than Martha ever has/will. again, i'm no expert but i'm pretty sure the public thinks of Martha Stewart as largely a money grabbing robot at this point lol.

  25. #4105
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    i thought the same thing when jason alexander showed up on these commercials years back and i'm a big fan of his. he looked like a clown too.

    You mean like Sharon Osbourne and Atkins?
    Marie Osmond and Nutrisystem?
    Valerie Bertinelli and Jenny Craig?

    I don't see how celeb endorsements (celebs who have legitimately been successful with the product) make the celebs look like "clowns" but whatever. We live in a highly Capitalist society. I see these celeb diet ads as a lot less reprehensible than all the craptastic ads for foods that are making people obese.

    Anyway, meh, First World Problems.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2015 at 09:51 PM.

  26. #4106
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But, I swear, if Oprah was a dude, we would not be having this conversation.
    Pretty much.

    I just watched Amy Schumer's HBO standup special, and while my opinion on a whole is mixed, the bit where she blasts the hilarious double standard in the way Americans accept male obesity vs. female obesity was amazing. Wish I could post a video link, but it seems HBO has this on a pretty strict lock-down.

    If you've got HBO, the moment comes in at 6:30 minute point, but if you don't have it, here's an attempt to preserve the awesomeness of the joke in transcribed form.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amy Schumer
    "It's fucked up! And that's not how it is for the dudes, at all! OK? I just happened to see the movie Zookeeper. Did you ever see that movie? Ok, if you didn't, don't. Don't. See that. But... so Zookeeper is about talking animals... and the male romantic lead... is... Kevin... James...
    Gnnn... ohmygod... Yeah, I know ladies. Is it wet in here, or is it just us? Ummmm... The real King James.

    and Kevin James is dating a beautiful blonde skeleton, and... and he's sad, because sometimes she's mean to him.

    And then, the girl who's in love with him... who he doesn't notice, who's been there all along... waiting in the wings... is Rosario Dawson.

    Arguably the most fuckable actress ever. Rosario Dawson is just like working at the zoo, just like sweeping up koala shit. Like "please fuck me Kevin James. Uhhh, why won't Kevin James give me his diiiiiiiiiick. MWaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

    And he's like "ew, you're wearing khakis, never!"

    That movie's about talking animals. There's a beaver and a penguin that are friends talking about opening a bed and breakfast... but that's not the most unrealistic part of that movie. It's Rosario pretending...

    She should get an Oscar for that fucking movie. Let's see Meryl do that. I dare you Meryl! Pretend like you're dying to have Kevin James deep-dick you.

    It's fucked up in Hollywood."

  27. #4107
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But, I swear, if Oprah was a dude, we would not be having this conversation.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Pretty much.

    I get that there's a sexist angle to this argument that you guys keep pointing out but I promise you I wasn't coming at it from that view point in this case.

    I look at weight watchers commercials, not the program - the ads, as almost a skid row for celebrities looking for a cash grab. when kirsty alley, charles barkley, jason alexander, and jessica simpson pop onto those commercials I think, "washed up celebrity looking for a cash grab."

    For that reason I was very surprised and offended that Oprah popped up as the face of this year's, jump on the weight watcher's ad campaign. I think she's more than the other celebrities that have come before based alone on her influence of minority groups that I've professionally worked with.

    Oftentimes these people cant afford to get caught up in weight watchers and other diet programs that cost money. There are many government subsidized programs out there that people in these situations need to be taking advantage of - not signing up for the new weight watchers deal because of Oprah. Then they end up sending their kids across the street to get honey buns from the bodega cause they're tight on money and the unhealthy cycle continues. I work in the South Bronx with families and this area has one of the worst rates of obesity amongst minorities in the nation and shit like this doesn't help, period. There are NYC wide programs where these families can get free fresh produce, discounted meats, and free family nutrition seminars but instead they're busy watching Oprah and her weight watchers commercials on TV not knowing any better. The groups I work with fight tirelessly to get this information out to people who are otherwise completely unaware. Like I said before, she's selling false hope in a gimmicky situation to some, not all, people who are actually dying from weight issues by the time they're in their 40's and 50's. If Oprah wants help them she should take action instead of offering memberships and calorie counting.

    That's my angle. I get there are many to this argument, but I'm not bringing this up for any reason regarding gender, body image, etc, etc.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-31-2015 at 01:07 AM.

  28. #4108
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    I'm not accusing you of having a sexist angle. I was just commenting on the "Oprah wouldn't get this shit if she was a dude" comment. I honestly didn't see your original comment.

  29. #4109
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    Oprah is a multi-BILLIONAIRE.

    Fucking el-oh-el at anyone thinking her doing a commercial is a "cash grab".

  30. #4110
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    i got yah. but that statement implies that 'Oprah gets shit for being a woman' tho right? (if not I must be confused)

    the reason i harp on it is that in our increasingly PC society it's easy to write off conflicting ideas by quickly labeling them as sexist, racist, ageist, etc etc. When in fact that might not be the case and shuts down conversation of problems that people might not even be aware of or worst are deflecting because they're offended by them for personal reasons.

    and in this case im giving her shit for completely different reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Oprah is a multi-BILLIONAIRE.

    Fucking el-oh-el at anyone thinking her doing a commercial is a "cash grab".
    read the conversation, that hasn't been the argument. i dont give a shit why she does it. I just think she's endangering certain people for having done so.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 12-31-2015 at 01:36 AM.

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