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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #2971
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    Holy shit. Someone stole money from my savings account! PayPal has me giving a decent amount of money to someone I have never heard of before in my life. I immediately called my bank, they froze my account, I'm going into a branch tomorrow to close out my account and they are going to investigate and get me my money back. In the meantime, is there any way to file a police report on this? I guess there must be. Would it do any good? I've never had this happen before. I'm very freaked out and very, VERY angry right now.
    Last edited by theruiner; 02-15-2015 at 07:38 PM.

  2. #2972
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Not little but having a father that flirts with alcoholism isn't fun. It's downright atrocious and hard to deal with. So over this bullshit.
    How does one flirt with alcoholism? Is it just like, he doesn't think it's a problem when it could be though it isn't really yet or...?

  3. #2973
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    How does one flirt with alcoholism? Is it just like, he doesn't think it's a problem when it could be though it isn't really yet or...?
    Some days he's a full blown drunk and other days he's completely proper and doesn't touch a drop. He drinks more than he doesn't so I'd be inclined to say he's an alcoholic as he truly does abuse alcohol to the maximum limit 5/7 days a week usually. I said he flirts with it as he could do without it if he truly tried. It's hard to classify honestly.

  4. #2974
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    Ok, I understand now. I only ask because the topic of alcoholism is in a book I'm reading and is something I grew up kind of fearing. I used to think that the one drink my dad would have a night was him being an alcoholic. I feel guilty myself when I want a beer or two at night because of how habitual it is. I feel guilty a little too just wanting coffee in the morning (this morning I didn't need the caffeine so I ended up putting in two thirds of decaf). My perspective is so skewed....

  5. #2975
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    Hearing the wind blowing like that in midwinter is disturbing. I'll be seriously tempted to stay in bed on Monday.

  6. #2976
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Some days he's a full blown drunk and other days he's completely proper and doesn't touch a drop. He drinks more than he doesn't so I'd be inclined to say he's an alcoholic as he truly does abuse alcohol to the maximum limit 5/7 days a week usually. I said he flirts with it as he could do without it if he truly tried. It's hard to classify honestly.
    He's an alcoholic. The dry days are just to prove to himself that he doesn't need it. Denial.

    Call me cynical with just enough experience with walking alcoholics.

  7. #2977
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    Fucking snow. For a child, snow means freedom. No school, building snowmen, snowball fights, making snow angels. For me, snow means imprisonment. We currently have about seven or eight inches on the ground right now, and it's not supposed to stop for the next few hours. I live out on back roads that don't get plowed and take a lot longer to melt because they don't get direct sunlight... I'll be lucky to make it out of the house by Thursday or Friday.
    I have a gig on Friday night that I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to because of the fucking snow.

  8. #2978
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    My stepfather's mother is dying of pancreatic cancer, which we found out she had in September after she had lost a bunch of weight while on vacation. It really sucks seeing one of the most driven and eccentric people in my life wither away with really not a thing anyone can do about it.

  9. #2979
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    This dude I know had a child yesterday, and named it "Zephyr Diesel".

    Fuckin' hippies, man.

  10. #2980
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    My job, which I loved for many reasons, is undergoing changes under a new boss that makes it much less lovable. I should mention I am adverse to change but am trying to make the best of it. Despite my efforts, it's been stressful, overwhelming and disheartening.

  11. #2981
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    Wait. What?

    Quote Originally Posted by
    As of 2013, 41% of Americans believed themselves to be living in the End Times as described by Bible, with a full third of Americans believing that the current civil war in Syria is a sign of the coming Apocalypse.
    41% … the fuck? Who are these people?


  12. #2982
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    Ya ever been to the south or the midwest?

  13. #2983
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    Snow, snow and more snow.

  14. #2984
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Ya ever been to the south or the midwest?


    … But if these freaks promise to stay there, I'm good.

  15. #2985
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post


    … But if these freaks promise to stay there, I'm good.
    Please allow me to remind people that "The Midwest" includes CHICAGO and DETROIT and we most assuredly are educated and ain't buying that shit. Thank you.

    Pisses me off: Polls and people who don't question them.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-17-2015 at 10:16 PM.

  16. #2986
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    BOTH of my bands are playing a show together tonight (it's a 4-band show that starts at 9pm, my two bands are playing third and fourth), i have to drive my wife to a 9:30am job interview tomorrow morning, and i woke up today sick with some kind of sinus/chest thing that's making it impossible to breathe and making my limbs feel like noodles.

  17. #2987
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    I've had swollen tonsils and a sore throat and generally feel like shit for 2 days, but my boss' daughter and little granddaughters are in town AND he's had a migraine for 3 days so he's getting nothing done and I have to run the office. But I am barred from making a shitload of decisions due to ethical limitations so everything is on hold and people are pissed and he's just out to lunch. And I want to go to bed and say fuck all of it.

  18. #2988
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I've had swollen tonsils and a sore throat and generally feel like shit for 2 days, but my boss' daughter and little granddaughters are in town AND he's had a migraine for 3 days so he's getting nothing done and I have to run the office. But I am barred from making a shitload of decisions due to ethical limitations so everything is on hold and people are pissed and he's just out to lunch. And I want to go to bed and say fuck all of it.
    sicklings unite!

    hope you feel better.

  19. #2989
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    sicklings unite!

    hope you feel better.
    Thanks, you too! Tea with lemon, sugar and good locally-distilled bourbon may not be technically or medically helping but it sure makes my throat feel better.

    I have to go grocery-shopping today and it's, like, FIVE DEGREES outside. Ugh.

  20. #2990
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Thanks, you too! Tea with lemon, sugar and good locally-distilled bourbon may not be technically or medically helping but it sure makes my throat feel better.

    I have to go grocery-shopping today and it's, like, FIVE DEGREES outside. Ugh.
    i have to go to trump tower to fix a customer's universal remote / apple tv because after texting with him for over an hour last night, he still couldn't get it to do what it's supposed to do. and i have to take the train >.<

  21. #2991
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    Wait. What?

    As of 2013, 41% of Americans believed themselves to be living in the End Times as described by Bible.

    41% … the fuck? Who are these people?


    Uh that's not exactly an inaccurate perspective, all things considered. Which is kind of ironic, since many of the god fearing people who seemingly voted in said poll are the ones who refuse to acknowledge or believe in global warming.

  22. #2992
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i have to go to trump tower to fix a customer's universal remote / apple tv because after texting with him for over an hour last night, he still couldn't get it to do what it's supposed to do. and i have to take the train >.<
    I hope the Metra, at least that's warm. Charge the idiot double and wipe your germs on him for such a stupid simple problem.

  23. #2993
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    Yeah what an asshole he is for making you do your job, fuck him

  24. #2994
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    Yeah, fuck him in his million dollar condo in the Trump Tower and he can't figure out his universal remote.

  25. #2995
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    so when you've unfriended someone on Facebook, and they start sending you obnoxious text messages, is there anything you can do? I'm not super savvy on Facebook, but this is irritating. Is there just a way to block someone?

  26. #2996
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    @Jinsai - As of now, you'd have to click the three dots next to their message buttons on the right of them when you visit the front page of their profiles. The words report and block should drop down once you've clicked it. After that, just select block, and the rest should be history.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 02-18-2015 at 12:28 PM.

  27. #2997
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Please allow me to remind people that "The Midwest" includes CHICAGO and DETROIT and we most assuredly are educated and ain't buying that shit.
    I've started reading a book that thinks you're wrong — but in a good way. Its premise is that the way we traditionally subdivide the US is largely inaccurate, even at the state level.

    I haven't read far enough yet, but it's going to argue that Chicago, Detroit and points north have been culturally and politically aligned with New York and New England since birth, not the "Midwest" as we think of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by valiantsteed View Post
    Uh that's not exactly an inaccurate perspective, all things considered. Which is kind of ironic, since many of the god fearing people who seemingly voted in said poll are the ones who refuse to acknowledge or believe in global warming.
    I don't necessarily disagree that we're on the verge of wiping ourselves out, and I imagine I'm just one of many atheists preparing to kiss our collective ass goodbye. I just have an issue with people who think this can be explained by religious zealots who died 2,000 years ago — and oh by the way, they're not going to be the ones on the losing end.

    Doesn't help that certain religious zealots are doing their best right now to usher in an apocalypse. I think they give themselves too much credit, but let's not be giving the Bible thumpers any ideas…

    (I think I've used up my lifetime allotment of soapbox time in this one post, so back to complaining about the snow.)

  28. #2998
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    I've started reading a book that thinks you're wrong — but in a good way. Its premise is that the way we traditionally subdivide the US is largely inaccurate, even at the state level.

    I haven't read far enough yet, but it's going to argue that Chicago, Detroit and points north have been culturally and politically aligned with New York and New England since birth, not the "Midwest" as we think of it.
    Interesting theory, except Chicago and Detroit are surrounded by farmland but are also supported by blue collar middle class. You ask any lifetime Detroit or Chicago resident like myself and they will identify themselves as Midwest residents, mostly due to weather, seasons, good old-fashioned working class values, etc., but I doubt many if any of them will consider themselves East Coast. There are lots of northern Midwest areas that are farming Republicans: Northern WI, the Upper Peninsula of MI, lots of Michigan (despite the Union presence), lots of northern Minnesota, etc., are heavy Republican, right next to the Union Democrats.

    Chicago and Detroit have politically aligned themselves with labor unions for many many years, still do. (Not necessarily true with southern Illinois or northern Michigan or the U.P.) Yet, we've always been proud to be the center of the Midwest.

    We're divided into two regions: The Great Lakes States and the Great Plains States. Anybody who's ever traveled through the great plains or read "Little House on the Prairie" can see how we're different, lol. Yet, we're definitely not coastal Atlantic old money (Edith Wharton), or the South. Although, southern Illinois is geographically damned close to the South (as are the residents); ditto for Cincinatti or St. Louis. But, so are some people in D.C. and Maryland.

    We should be called "North Central U.S."
    Last edited by allegro; 02-19-2015 at 01:28 PM.

  29. #2999
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    Not having an "off" switch for my brain.

  30. #3000
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Not having an "off" switch for my brain.
    That's totally a thing.

    Me: The last couple hours of work ...

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