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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #1171
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    I can handle douchy for short periods of time. I cannot handle racist, gun loving, THEY TAKIN MAH JOBS bros.

    I had met this guy in passing during football season, and my friend had been trying to set us up since then, and I had been continually declining. It was a dumb thing to do.

  2. #1172
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    You were way nicer than I would have been. I would have walked out the second I saw what he did. "Coming from a good place" or not you don't force people to do something they don't want to do by surprising them and trying to pressure them into it. Not cool, not something a friend does. I can't stand pushy people who won't take no for an answer.

  3. #1173
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    I don't know I'm always fascinated to find those kind of people exist and have a little fun with it. Eventually they realize I'm laughing at them on the inside and they get the hint and leave me alone. Or in the rare they case find my radical ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to my newsletter. Either way, they're the stupid ones. Let them leave angry and frustrated, not you. No need to subject yourself to that kind of unnecessary misery, rage towards your friends, etc.

  4. #1174
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    Yeah no offense ruiner but you are the type of person who has posted in this thread having a tantrum about hot dog packaging so I wouldn't put too much stock in trying to appease your comfort level.

  5. #1175
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    I'm from the Midwest. Everyone is like that back home.

    Not wanting to be subjected to this is kinda the whole point. Hah.

  6. #1176
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    Yeah no offense ruiner but you are the type of person who has posted in this thread having a tantrum about hot dog packaging so I wouldn't put too much stock in trying to appease your comfort level.
    You do realize it's the little things that piss you off thread, right? No offense, but you're kind of a tool.

  7. #1177
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    No the whole point is that even though you have extensive experience dealing with these kinds of people, you let them become capable of ruining not only your evening in 20 minutes, but also potentially a friendship, who despite the misguided attempt was just trying to get you laid.

    It's pretty awful of you to think you can live in a big city and be so above spending another minute with a certain type of person just because you've written off every single mid westerner as a complete douche. Taking 20 minutes to confirm your suspicion shouldn't be this agonizing. You can't go through life not expecting to subjected to having to deal with people you don't like.

  8. #1178
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    I was expecting a nice, quiet dinner with my friend. I have been super stressed, and I was looking forward to an evening to take my mind off of things. If a friendship is ruined over something like this, then it probably wasn't worth having, anyway.

    You're right. I can't expect to never encounter dumbasses. However, I CAN choose who I would like to spend my free time with.

  9. #1179
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    Also, I have a vagina. If I wanna get laid, I'm plenty capable.

  10. #1180
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    Well ruiner you know what's a little thing that pisses me off? When people have episodes over pointless shit like little princesses and instead of being bitch slapped back to reality, they are tolerated and encouraged to continue said behavior by their drama queen cohorts.

    I'd rather be a tool as you suggest than someone who cries and has a meltdown when something doesn't go exactly the way they planned in their heads and have to dab a pinky toe outside their comfort zone. You don't have to like it, but guess what life is about doing tons of stuff you don't like to do and you can choose to accept that or be a diva.

  11. #1181
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    Are you being serious? This is the "little things that piss you off" thread, no? I don't believe that I "had an episode". I shared a story of a little thing that pissed me off. Just like every other person in this discussion.

    Also, I'm fairly certain that I haven't cried or haf a meltdown.

    Really, who is the fucking drama queen, here?

  12. #1182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I was expecting a nice, quiet dinner with my friend. I have been super stressed, and I was looking forward to an evening to take my mind off of things. If a friendship is ruined over something like this, then it probably wasn't worth having, anyway.
    I would argue this is more about controlling your friend and putting them into the little box you've designated for them than it is about the unpleasantness about your experience tonight. If you look at it from his perspective, he probably knew you were super stressed and was trying to help. Regardless of the fact you can get laid when you want, this was still someone he perceived some kind of repore with for whatever reason so it wasn't a completely aimless attempt. If the friendship is ruined, it will most certainly be on your end and you are responsible for that. You could have tried talking to your friend like a reasonable person when you had a minute to explain to them you weren't feeling it, or wanted just some one on one time with them, or whatever else. But instead you storm out. So good for you. I'm sure it felt awesome. Which is why you came on here to bitch, right?

  13. #1183
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    And just for the record, you mentioned that meltdown line, I was responding to ruiner's post and wasn't referring to this situation specifically. More so many of the general posts in the thread over time, some of his antics, and the fact that I see way too much coddling overall of silly behavior by a ton of people etc.

    But yeah I would say hiding, shutting down, storming off and rushing to your phone to vent a little essay about your emotional distress is a bit of an episode, yeah.
    Last edited by AgentofChaos; 04-19-2014 at 12:37 AM.

  14. #1184
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    Controlling people is basically the last thing that interests me.

    I have literally been declining going on a date with this guy since November. We have had numerous discussions about it, and I have very clearly stated on multiple occasions that I was not interested.

    Literally the only thing that he sees us having in common is that we are from the Midwest. That is it. Like we are magically gonna bond and bro out because we are from ayates that touch.

    I didn't care for him when I met him in November. Forcing him upon me sure as shit isn't going to change that.

    And again, if a friendship is ruined over something ailly like this, then it probably wasn't worth having.

  15. #1185
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    So maybe he's been bothering your friend to put him in a room with you because there was interest on his end and he was being a good friend to him and gave him that one shot? Who knows. Does it really matter? If you actually stayed and had a conversation about it, you could have finally put and end to everything and settled once and for all that this simply wasn't going to happen. You didn't help your cause at all, you just hulked out and I find it hard to accept bitching when you are the cause of your own problems. You had every opportunity to put that guy in check, tell your friend to respect your boundaries, and continue on enjoying your night like the powerful, strong woman I'm sure you are. Not this passive aggressive bullshit ruiner is trying to give you a pass for because he's guilty of the same damn thing.

  16. #1186
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    I'm sure that the bro has been asking, or it wouldn't have been a topic of conversation for going on 6 months now. But that still doesn't make forcing the situation on me any more acceptable, in my eyes. I did give it a chance. I sat down and engaged in a conversation for a while.

    Then, he went off into fucking laa laa land. When I tried to give examples of how horribly misinformed he was, he would just speak louder and wave his hands around.

    No means no. I've said no 20 times. That is enough of a reason for it to have never happened. I'm almost 30. I know who I want to spens time with, and who I don't. I have no interest in spending time with people who still think that it is 1950. I mean, we were peobably like 4 minutes away from him talking about the evils of the gay or something.

    It is one thing to be a misinformed dickbag. It is something else entirely to start off converaations with those topics.

  17. #1187
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    I dont think you will find anyone who will disagree with you here about any of that. I'm certainly not. I'm not sticking up for the douche. I'm just saying by getting angry about it, walking out, venting, etc is going to give him the excuse to find the problem with you, instead of within. And sure you shouldn't care what he thinks anyway, but you have a social responsibility to need to be better than that. And if your friend isn't going to back you up on calling him out on his bullshit, then that to me is the bigger issue than him bringing a surprise guest to some casual drinks.

  18. #1188
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    The little things that piss you off

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I'm from the Midwest. Everyone is like that back home .
    I'm from the Midwest. Still am. No we aren't.

    This guy doesn't sound like a "friend;" he sounds like an asshole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    And again, if a friendship is ruined over something ailly like this, then it probably wasn't worth having.
    Yup, exactly!!

    It pisses me off that racist people are still fucking everywhere in this country ugh.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2014 at 10:24 AM.

  19. #1189
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    No. This is actually really simple.

    Friends respect when a friend says no. Decent people respect when someone says no.

    Sarah was declining this, making it really clear it wasn't something she had an interest it, and her "friend" decided that either his other friend's feelings took precedence or that he knew what was better for her.

    The way people in our life treat our consent and interests on the smallest scale says a huge amount about them. When someone dismisses my feelings and opinions, that is a red flag.

    People are allowed to complain. This is a THREAD for people to complain. And her friend thinking he knew what was better for her than she did was absolutely not friend behavior. Sarah was polite about it. She is NOT obligated to do any more than she did. She wasn't supposed to. She didn't even have to sit down for that dinner in the first place. Politeness doesn't trump your ability to say no.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 04-19-2014 at 09:03 AM. Reason: @allegro - this isn't directed at your post, for the record.

  20. #1190
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    And can we please stop acting like people aren't allowed to complain about their problems unless they're terrible? That shit isn't healthy.

  21. #1191
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    Buying TV season sets off eBay to receive them and find out they are fucking counterfeit. Money in the hole. Fuckers don't return my money, I will go onto eBay support and shut them down.

  22. #1192
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    And can we please stop acting like people aren't allowed to complain about their problems unless they're terrible? That shit isn't healthy.
    I agree. This thread is here for bitching.

  23. #1193
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    @AgentofChaos why are you so hard-pressed to make @theruiner feel so shitty? what was done to you that makes you feel the need to repeatedly go into attack mode? this is the little things that piss you off thread, not the shit on other (from my experience, totally awesome) board members.

  24. #1194
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    @AgentofChaos why are you so hard-pressed to make @theruiner feel so shitty? what was done to you that makes you feel the need to repeatedly go into attack mode? this is the little things that piss you off thread, not the shit on other (from my experience, totally awesome) board members.
    That's the kind of shit that was on the old board all the time. Except all those people left and nobody thinks that shitlist-y attack stuff is funny, anymore.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2014 at 05:36 PM.

  25. #1195
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    Not trying to make anyone feel shitty and certainly wasn't in attack mode, although if the truth does that to you then your problem isn't really with me as far as I see it. If you read my posts I thought I was pretty respectful for the most part although I disagreed with her actions and they way she handled the situation. Whatever, I said my piece. I just think there is a big double standard here. What people condone on this board by board members they like, and what they'd condone from others in society is vastly different in my eyes. I also find myself easily annoyed by the small comfort zones a lot of people tend to have here. It's like there is this delicate and fragile equilibrium they've built for themselves that cannot be disrupted in any way and if it is, well then it suddenly becomes ok to spazz out, throw a temper tantrum, have an emotional episode, whatever. But hey if you enjoy letting people get you so riled up that you have to rush to the internet to spend 20 minutes writing a post and reliving the situation, then by all means go ahead and have your sanctuary. I'd just much prefer it across the board if people dealt with their problems head on at the time instead of complaining on the internet after, but I'm smart enough to know life doesnt work like that. I challenged Sarah in that instance was because I honestly thought when she calmed down she was level headed enough to see it my way (that's a compliment). The way I always saw this thread was it's about venting about the things you cannot control (i.e bad day double parking ticket, etc), not the things you can (i.e directly dealing with the situation and talking with your friend instead of storming out). But apparently I'm wrong. Won't be the last time. Please go ahead and shit list me if that will make you feel better!
    Last edited by AgentofChaos; 04-19-2014 at 08:14 PM.

  26. #1196
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    And for the record some of that old shit list stuff was fuckin classic hilarity I don't care what anyone says. But it's cool keep taking yourself real serious.

  27. #1197
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    Not trying to make anyone feel shitty and certainly wasn't in attack mode
    I beg to differ.
    Oh no! You're friend set you up on a bad blind date! Meh cry me a river.

    If I got upset about every douche I had to spend 20 minutes with, I'd be fuckin miserable my whole life. Believe it not it still came from a good place. It's not something to have a temper tantrum about ya little drama queen
    Yeah no offense ruiner but you are the type of person who has posted in this thread having a tantrum about hot dog packaging so I wouldn't put too much stock in trying to appease your comfort level.
    Well ruiner you know what's a little thing that pisses me off? When people have episodes over pointless shit like little princesses and instead of being bitch slapped back to reality, they are tolerated and encouraged to continue said behavior by their drama queen cohorts.

    I'd rather be a tool as you suggest than someone who cries and has a meltdown when something doesn't go exactly the way they planned in their heads and have to dab a pinky toe outside their comfort zone. You don't have to like it, but guess what life is about doing tons of stuff you don't like to do and you can choose to accept that or be a diva.
    If this is you not trying to make people feel shitty, you have no fucking idea what "shitty" means.

  28. #1198
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    Also, you're ignoring the fact that my friend has been asking about this for SIX MONTHS. And every time, I have said no.

    Are you a secret closet racist dude bro or something? Did someone set you up on a date, and she didn't like you? Like, what are you actually upset about here? Because you're the only one throwing a tantrum.

  29. #1199
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    Ok so while this has been a ton of fun, I'm going to go get stoned and leave you and the rest of your cronies with one sentence, and maybe that will be a bit simpler to digest since the rest isn't really getting through. This applies to ruiner, you, and anyone of any age, race, sex, etc around the whole wide world as a universal truth; don't be a bitch.

    It's real simple see just hear me out. Just... don't be a bitch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Also, you're ignoring the fact that my friend has been asking about this for SIX MONTHS. And every time, I have said no.
    No no no. What you're conveniently ignoring every time I post it, is that this does not matter. One bit. You are suggesting that because someone was a bitch to you, it's ok to be a bitch to them. I'm suggesting there is never, ever, an excuse to be a bitch. Unless you want to be a bitch, in which case fine, but don't be upset when you get called one.

    A bitch is someone who think their problems trumps everyone elses. Thinking about turning every little thing into something serious about yourself? Don't be a bitch.
    A bitch is someone who likes to yell and scream and create high levels of tense situations instead of communicating like a normal human being. Feel like storming out of a casual dinner? Don't be a bitch.
    A bitch is someone who lets their day get ruined because its raining outside, or because their ice cream cone fell on the floor. Feel like crying because your package of hot dogs won't open, or came with 6 dogs instead of 8? DON"T BE A BITCH.

    It's a very simple philosophy guys. And it has absolutely nothing to do with how people around you treat you, or what you deserve, or any of that shit. It's one of those simple don't take yourself too seriously or you'll never get out alive kinda rules to life.

    And fixer, if calling ruiner a drama queen princess (which is really the only thing I see in your posted quotes) is being in attack mode, then yeah, ruiner might have to call the suicide hotline if I actually let loose on him since this board is full of tasty nuggets to use to assault him. But I don't have any interest in doing that. The guy is going through a lot. I don't want to send him reeling nor do I enjoy shooting fish in a barrell. However I would politely suggest that if a person online calling him basically just another version of a highly emotional and volatile person, his skin is way, way too thin and he needs to harden the fuck up in life if he's ever going to make it to the end a.k.a don't be a bitch! See it all comes full circle.

    And now cue a slew of arguments that make this post somehow sexist against women. Or racist. Or fascist. Or whatever. Life's too short guys. You guys think it's cool as an adult to get up and storm out of somewhere because a friend didn't obey your every wish and command. I disagree. Either way just remember:

  30. #1200
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    AHAHAHAHAH!! You, Agent, are a complete fucking joke of a human. I'm putting you on my "ignore" list, because that's the worst thing I could do to you.

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