Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

WHY is it so hard for me to just get a Wii arcade fighting stick off eBay?
The first one I ordered was broken out of the box, and so (for the first time ever) I'm returning something on eBay, and then I order another one for another 100 bucks...

This one, I open the box, and then the controller is in another box, and I pull it out and tilt it... and the controller spills out of the box and shatters on the ground.
I am so fucking pissed right now. WHAT THE FUCK is the point of the "box" if one side of it is missing?!?!?!
...have you considered the possibility that there was something wrong with the stick and they sent it to you in such a way that it would break immediately and then say "well it worked when we shipped it"?

I am a very cynical person, you see, that's why I thought of that.