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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #1801
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    Tell that to the growing number of people either unjustly killed or harmed by cops. It's cool your grandfather was one of the good ones, and I mean that but you're still kidding yourself.
    Telling me to "get over it" when I already am seems like a waste as well. I just recognize it for what it is--a mess that isn't being cleaned up and in a lot of cases, covered up.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-13-2014 at 08:16 AM.

  2. #1802
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    There are also people killed by doctors every single day.

    Obviously, there are a lot more good than bad (cops and doctors) or you'd see a whole lot more dead people. The legal system has checks and balances wherein the judicial branch stems the power of the law enforcement branch. Honestly, the cop friends I know have to do stuff on their daily jobs that has nothing to do with power but is no job I would ever do (I've heard sad and disturbing stories about severely decomposing bodies they've had to discover and then inform and comfort the family, one man who fell onto train tracks and was nearly severed by the train and when they moved him or the train they knew he''d die so they summoned his family for the man to say his goodbyes, etc.)

    The situation in St. Louis right now reminds me a great deal of when I was a child in Detroit during the riots. Segregation is a terrible thing and it eventually leads to things like this.

  3. #1803
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    There's a valid comparison here with doctors. They also are a growing group of irresponsible uncaring people who are hurting the people they are supposed to help. They key here is proof and the stats that come with it.
    People have the ability to choose doctors and lawyers, though. With cops, you never know what you're getting but you can make a very educated guess.
    I think we see voting wise that the South is kind of fucked up, Indiana included. I agree there are lots of good people stuck in shitty states.
    Of course there are bad parents though this one is harder to measure.
    You've made the most valid argument thus far but this doesn't change my perspective really, it just reinforces it. Everything is kind of going to shit.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-13-2014 at 08:53 AM.

  4. #1804
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    A lot of cops in that St Louis situation are simply doing their jobs, reporting for duty, "maintaining control of the crowd." The National Guard probably should have been brought in days ago.

    As in every other example, the bad apples get all the attention and the good ones (the vast majority, who keep the peace, quell petty disturbances, comfort you when they find your dead grandma, go with you to court when you have an order of protection against your crazy spouse, help you find your lost son, etc.) get zero attention.

    I question these alleged "growing stats." We have seen the complete opposite here in Chicago. Jon Burge and his gang of Chicago Police thugs are no longer in power, brought to justice and stopped, sending a clear message that it will not be tolerated. Burge is rotting in prison. The Jim Crow police era isnt 100% over but it's improving. The ACLU has devoted itself to this cause.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-13-2014 at 08:49 AM.

  5. #1805
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    @tony.parente , not to change the subject, but there sure are a LOT of REALLY fishy things about 9/11.

  6. #1806
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @tony.parente , not to change the subject, but there sure are a LOT of REALLY fishy things about 9/11.
    For fucks sake

  7. #1807
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    I would challenge either one of you two, @tony.parente and @Sarah K , to watch the loose change films.

    I felt the same way..."for fuck's sake" was my response to anyone who questioned what happened that day.

    But when you start to look at the anomalies, it's pretty wild.

    I'm not saying "it was an inside job." I am CERTAINLY not someone who just buys in to any off the wall theory. I think independently. But for that same reason, i questioned the official report. There are SO MANY statistical anomalies that it blows my mind.

    The thing that got me to wondering about these things were the reports of building 7 collapsing well before it collapsed. That had me wondering what the fuck was going on ON 9/11.
    And when i learned that many of the folks raising questions were, for instance, firemen who were there that day, it makes you wonder even more.

    My grandfather died under VERY suspicious circumstances. Shortly before his death, he had George W. Bush as a trainee. His business partner was another Skull and Bonesman named Robert Gow. Upon my grandfather's death, this massive corporation, Stratford of Texas, changed became Gow's company. This Gow character has been implicated in everything from the cuban missile crisis to the kennedy assassinations.
    Supposedly, my grandfather accidentally crashed his car into a house, where it blew up, burning him to death.
    I went to the place where he died and discovered that it would have been impossible to accidentally drive the path that he drove. There were several trees in the way, and i learned that those trees WERE there on the day that he died.
    Now, not only did he die, he was more or less can't find anything out about him online, while there is a SHITLOAD of information about his contemporaries. Grandfather Neil Jackson built one of the very first high capacity feed yards for cattle. He was president of the bank here. He was a self made multi-millionaire. He is the reason that my family is still fairly well off. And yet all that i can find about him online are records of a few small time cattle purchases.
    And get this...several of the old timers in this area told me that my granddad's death was a mob hit, end of story, and that trying to investigate it would get me killed.

    So i guess what i am saying is that conspiracy and cover up have touched and impacted my life in a VERY powerful way.
    And for that reason, i DO ask the hard questions. Why did NORAD stand down that day? Why were there training exercises being carried out that day including hijacked planes being used as missiles, so that the pilots were confused as to the legitimacy of the call for help?
    How did buildings designed to handle the impact of MULTIPLE jumbo jets simply fall with no resistance? Why does Larry Silverstein casually ADMIT that building seven was "pulled," demolition style, while the official explanation was that the building fell due to damage sustained in the attack?
    Where did the planes over Pennsylvania and the pentagon go? How did these planes, and their contents, simply vaporize, while one of the hijacker's passports was found intact?

    ONE of these anomalies and discrepancies would be understandable, but there are hundreds!

    Now i'm not saying that i have the answers. But SOMETHING fucked up happened other than Arabs with boxcutters...that i believe in my heart of hearts.

    i DO have one theory about the two planes that disappeared. Facepalm away, but the only thing i think that could have possibly happened was that those two planes were shot down with a weapon powerful enough to LITERALLY vaporize an airplane...perhaps a small, tactical nuclear device.

  8. #1808
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    I think we need a tinfoil hat thread now.

  9. #1809
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    Say, what's happening in Ferguson right now? I'll give you a hint--it's NOT positive. This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about...and yes, it pisses me off.

    Who is protecting these people and their property? Where are those militia dorks that came to the rescue of Cliven Bundy?

    Complete media blackout. It's a police riot.

    You don't have to go far to find this information.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-13-2014 at 11:22 PM. Reason: Because it's pointless to multiple post and better to just add

  10. #1810
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I think we need a tinfoil hat thread now.


    But there are so many things that make me not trust what we are told.

    For instance, look at the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident. Supposedly, US ships were torpedoed by Viet Cong forces. We now know that this didn't really happen and that, furthermore, both Johnson and McNamara KNEW that no attack had happened.
    But we went ahead and started a war with Vietnam anyway.

    Also, in the eighties, a US drug company continued to distribute a product for hemophilia with FULL KNOWLEDGE that the drug was tainted with Hepatitis and HIV.

    I watched documentaries about both of these things, and they both scared the shit out of me.

    When money is involved, human life takes a back seat.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-13-2014 at 11:49 PM.

  11. #1811
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post

    Say, what's happening in Ferguson right now? I'll give you a hint--it's NOT positive. This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about...and yes, it pisses me off.

    Who is protecting these people and their property? Where are those militia dorks that came to the rescue of Cliven Bundy?

    Complete media blackout. It's a police riot.

    You don't have to go far to find this information.
    It's hilarious that these idiot rookie cops don't realize the DEEP shit they are in. This is resembling some dumb shit from the 60s.

  12. #1812
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    This doesn't so much piss me's more that it's driving me crazy.
    When i was here back in the old days (arg era,) i made one REALLY good friend here. I can't remember her login name and it's driving me nuts.

    I recognize a LOT of people here from those days...please help me remember. I'm still friends with her and we still talk, but she couldn't remember her login name either. She said it was probably "dedevoces," but i feel like i would have remembered that when i saw it.

    Her real name is Mica. She is a college professor.
    She was into the paranormal, and had a keen interest in subliminal messages in music. If i'm not mistaken, she lived near New Orleans at the time.

    Does anyone remember?

  13. #1813
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    I'm laughing about the ARG era being the "old days." I thought waiting for "Bleedthrough" was the old days.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-14-2014 at 02:22 AM.

  14. #1814
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  15. #1815
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm laughing about the ARG era being the "old days." I thought waiting for "Bleedthrough" was the old days.
    yeah, a LOT has happened to me in the last seven years. It seems like a long time to me!

    I wasn't around here for the REAL old days, @allegro .
    I found out about ETS when the ARG happened and not a day sooner, i don't think. And on top of that, i have only been around when i have lived in the panhandle...never when i live in dallas. The past year and a half has been my most active time here by far, lurkwise and postwise both.

    So do you remember Mica?
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-14-2014 at 04:27 AM.

  16. #1816
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    No, i stayed as far from the ARG area and people as possible

    The people here from the actual Old Days (2002, late-2003, early-2004) know who was here and who wasn't (most are now gone) and lots of us stayed away from the ARG so lots of us don't remember hardly anyone from that because the ARG people stayed almost entirely in the ARG area. I don't remember you, either. Have you tried using the Wayback Machine?
    Last edited by allegro; 08-14-2014 at 08:28 AM.

  17. #1817
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    I was way more of a lurker in those days. Similar anybody? Fragile email!

  18. #1818
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    They're filming outside my apartment again. I was greeted by a member of the police when I left at 6am. Now I get to dodge the trailers to cross the street.

  19. #1819
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    You're not really from the old days unless you remember my old ETS username *flicks hair*

  20. #1820
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I question these alleged "growing stats." We have seen the complete opposite here in Chicago. Jon Burge and his gang of Chicago Police thugs are no longer in power, brought to justice and stopped, sending a clear message that it will not be tolerated. Burge is rotting in prison. The Jim Crow police era isnt 100% over but it's improving. The ACLU has devoted itself to this cause.
    and now we have new problems (link)

    given what's happening in ferguson right now, this seems like pretty shitty timing.
    Last edited by eversonpoe; 08-14-2014 at 11:02 AM.

  21. #1821
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm laughing about the ARG era being the "old days." I thought waiting for "Bleedthrough" was the old days.
    those were the dark days, that's for sure

    I totally checked out of the ARG era

  22. #1822
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    You're not really from the old days unless you remember my old ETS username *flicks hair*
    Silk Twisted Dagger LOL

    I thought BLFO was crazy until those ARG people showed up and then she actually seemed pretty normal
    Last edited by allegro; 08-14-2014 at 11:34 AM.

  23. #1823
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    and now we have new problems (link)

    given what's happening in ferguson right now, this seems like pretty shitty timing.
    I think this was LONG overdue, actually. These gangs are controlling those streets and the residents have been begging for more help for years; the Chicago mayors focus the police on the rich areas, not THOSE areas.

    The FBI is also sending in 60 agents, which isn't nearly enough.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-14-2014 at 11:39 AM.

  24. #1824
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    Oh no... we're talking about Loose Change again?

  25. #1825
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    sorry @Jinsai .

    I am gonna loose my mind trying to remember mica's login name.
    how in the fuck do you not remember your internet name for some shit you logged into every day for years

    and i most probably would have been here in the REAL old days except for the part where i was too grimey and drunk of a kid to have internet access or cell phones or any of that cool shit...a television for that matter... until i was about 27.
    lol. for real. i think it's awesome that i actually stayed alive.

    edit:i was just thinking about this.. @Jinsai , @tony.parente ... i'm not one of those cats who insists "9-11 was an inside job."
    I just see that there are so many discrepancies between what we were told and what happened, AND what we were told and reality, that it's obvious that SOME misdirection is going on. To what extent, i don't know.
    Actually, i will say this...there is misdirection precisely to the extent that US 93 and 77 were shot down. that's what i think. idk about the towers. i've read both sides of the argument for years.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-15-2014 at 01:36 PM.

  26. #1826
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    Sorry for the double post, but is THAT why everyone here seemed so mean in those days, @icklekitty , @allegro , @screwdriver ?
    Was it like "where are all these fucking posers coming from?" (meaning people who showed up for the arg?)

    I didn't come FOR the arg, but it happened pretty damn quickly after i got here.

  27. #1827
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Sorry for the double post, but is THAT why everyone here seemed so mean in those days, @icklekitty , @allegro , @screwdriver ?
    Was it like "where are all these fucking posers coming from?" (meaning people who showed up for the arg?)

    I didn't come FOR the arg, but it happened pretty damn quickly after i got here.
    There were a shitload (like, a LOT) of conspiracy theorists who were trying to tie the ARG to everything; the weather, prices of groceries, dating issues, whatever. They were polluting every thread with that fucking ARG.

  28. #1828
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    I discovered this place when the ARG started and I'm not even mad about it.

  29. #1829
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    There were a shitload (like, a LOT) of conspiracy theorists who were trying to tie the ARG to everything; the weather, prices of groceries, dating issues, whatever. They were polluting every thread with that fucking ARG.
    lol. for real?

    I discovered this place when the ARG started and I'm not even mad about it.
    me too, @tony.parente .

    Last edited by elevenism; 08-15-2014 at 09:58 PM.

  30. #1830
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    Yes, for real, and they swore there were ARG hints in EVERYTHING. And they ate slept shit that whole survivalism art is resistance like it was REAL and not an album.

    A lot of us stayed away from this place for months until it calmed down and got under control and "contained" in the ARG area.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-15-2014 at 10:17 PM.

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