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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #931
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    Dare I say, I also have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. However, I can see how it helps people practice succinctness, which can also be annoying when what I'm trying to type isn't all that simple.

    -And yes, I understand that tweets are supposed to be small, but still... it's hard to do that in an actual conversation, especially once it really gets going.-
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-21-2014 at 11:03 PM.

  2. #932
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    I like my new apartment. The only downside is that the people in the unit directly below me produce hip hop, and they have the sub cranked all the time... so every day, I'm hearing the same hip hop beat all day, but I'm only hearing the kick drum... So it's this slow, steady "thunk thunk... thunk thunkedy thunk" all day long.

    I've gone down once already and asked them to turn the subs down, and the guy said he would. But, I'm still hearing it all the time.

  3. #933
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I like my new apartment. The only downside is that the people in the unit directly below me produce hip hop, and they have the sub cranked all the time... so every day, I'm hearing the same hip hop beat all day, but I'm only hearing the kick drum... So it's this slow, steady "thunk thunk... thunk thunkedy thunk" all day long.

    I've gone down once already and asked them to turn the subs down, and the guy said he would. But, I'm still hearing it all the time.
    there are few things i dislike more than over-cranked subs. whether it's a guy with two in the trunk of his car not caring that it's making the entire frame rattle, or the way the over-pump bass out of the PAs at most concerts, it's always incredibly irritating. i like to be able to hear full range sounds at approximately equal volume, not have all of the mid-range enveloped by the soul-sucking low-end.

  4. #934
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    In most cases, questions and suggestions that contain the words "Why don't you", "You should", and "Is that all you know?", especially when it's based on a motive to change me. Isn't it bad enough that I have to worry about what I should do in academic, occupational, and public environments and situations? Why would I want to be around people like that on my spare time, especially when I'm not doing anything illegal or damaging to myself and other people? Just let me be who and what I am. I don't have to be like you. I should be able to be just fine with being myself, and not have to impress, entertain, or excite you. If you also find me boring, then so be it, and move on, and leave me alone. In that case, I'd definitely rather do things my own way, on my own terms.

    And besides, if I'm so boring, why bother? You're doing yourself and I a favor by leaving me alone. Don't waste my time, and I won't waste your time, and if it was already wasted, it'll hopefully make you sure that I'm not the actual person for you to spend time with the next time you want to socialize.

    It's actually just that simple to me. The same thing also goes if you were to find me negative and depressing. Why bother? Don't talk to me. Go away.

    I also still hate teasing and nagging, as it also seems to go hand in hand with unsolicited advice. Only when it happens to me am I reminded as to why I should most likely never offer advice or suggestions to others, especially when they didn't ask me for it no matter how nice and supportive I'd intend to be, as I'd come across as trying to make the other person be something they're not, or come across as if I'm undermining and pressuring them. Being around people that always wanted to change me is also one of those greater instances where I'd prefer to be alone. I'm not saying that all change is bad either, but when it comes down to imposing, manipulating, or just being condescending, that's my limit, and my overall cue to leave, and allow myself to be alone.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-24-2014 at 02:40 PM.

  5. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post
    i actually really like freshly falling snow, when it comes down it's really beautiful to look at (currently enjoying this now). that said, the aftermath is horrible. salt stains on boots are a particular pet peeve of mine,
    And don't dare brush up against your car. I've just given up on salt stains on everything until spring. Just no way to fight it right now. (upstate)

  6. #936
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    I was at the hair salon today and asked, "what that on the [nice hardwood] floor?"

    Salt. Duh.

    It's all over my black purse, too.

    Vinegar and water works great in safely removing road salt from just about anything, btw.

  7. #937
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    My roommate has a really, REALLY annoying habit of singing, all the time, playing music, particularly the same 2 or 3 songs, all the time, and making plans about having people over without asking if it's cool with us, all the time.

    Well, he's gone for a couple months, and we were pretty stoked about that. What's he do? He goes ahead and, without asking any of us or even just giving us a heads up via text, tells his brother that HE can come to our apartment and use his bedroom, and HE sings, and HE plays loud obnoxious music, before it's even 9 am. He's been doing it for half an hour.

    If I have to deal with this every weekend while he's gone, I'm gonna snap. Seriously, this guy has really turned into a bad roommate. He never cleans, he's always loud, super cocky, a manwhore, he's a cock-blocker scumbag TO HIS OWN ROOMMATES, and he's a shitty dog owner (He'll just push her off the couch and say "Look at you, you look so pathetic right now. Why? Whatever. Go to your kennel. DID YOU HEAR ME? I SAID GO TO YOUR FUCKING KENNEL."), but apparently it's okay because he's a flirt and works out - so, ya know, the ladies just love the guy.

  8. #938
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    Sharing a hotel room.

    For work.

    When your client is a monopolistic billion-dollar industry.


  9. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    If I have to deal with this every weekend while he's gone, I'm gonna snap. Seriously, this guy has really turned into a bad roommate. He never cleans, he's always loud, super cocky, a manwhore, he's a cock-blocker scumbag TO HIS OWN ROOMMATES, and he's a shitty dog owner (He'll just push her off the couch and say "Look at you, you look so pathetic right now. Why? Whatever. Go to your kennel. DID YOU HEAR ME? I SAID GO TO YOUR FUCKING KENNEL."), but apparently it's okay because he's a flirt and works out - so, ya know, the ladies just love the guy.
    I was about to question his lack of shame until I saw that. It doesn't make it any less inexcusable and shameful, but I have seen people like that become very arrogant and inconsiderate. This also helped me realize why I sometimes saw people that had nice, decent, or even great jobs, yet still complained about their life at home. I kept forgetting about just how blatantly and downright shitty roommates can be sometimes.

  10. #940
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Sharing a hotel room.

    For work.

    When your client is a monopolistic billion-dollar industry.

    That's insane. I worked for a company that did that and thankfully the woman I often shared with was pleasant. These two guys had to share where one of the dudes snored really really loud. So bad, the other guy took his mattress and stuffed it in the bathroom to get away from the noise.

  11. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Sharing a hotel room.

    For work.

    When your client is a monopolistic billion-dollar industry.

    I would rather stay in the cheapest hotel possible, with the tiniest room, to have the room to myself, rather than share a plush accommodation with anyone other than a family member.

    Alrea, sounds like that should be negotiated - while I understand roommates have friends over for a few days at a time, and everyone accommodates, for your roommate to think it is okay to replace himself with his brother for months at a time seems a little unreasonable when it sounds like he didn't consult the rest of you.

  12. #942
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    In most cases, questions and suggestions that contain the words "Why don't you", "You should", and "Is that all you know?", especially when it's based on a motive to change me. Isn't it bad enough that I have to worry about what I should do in academic, occupational, and public environments and situations? Why would I want to be around people like that on my spare time, especially when I'm not doing anything illegal or damaging to myself and other people? Just let me be who and what I am. I don't have to be like you. I should be able to be just fine with being myself, and not have to impress, entertain, or excite you. If you also find me boring, then so be it, and move on, and leave me alone. In that case, I'd definitely rather do things my own way, on my own terms.

    And besides, if I'm so boring, why bother? You're doing yourself and I a favor by leaving me alone. Don't waste my time, and I won't waste your time, and if it was already wasted, it'll hopefully make you sure that I'm not the actual person for you to spend time with the next time you want to socialize.

    It's actually just that simple to me. The same thing also goes if you were to find me negative and depressing. Why bother? Don't talk to me. Go away.

    I also still hate teasing and nagging, as it also seems to go hand in hand with unsolicited advice. Only when it happens to me am I reminded as to why I should most likely never offer advice or suggestions to others, especially when they didn't ask me for it no matter how nice and supportive I'd intend to be, as I'd come across as trying to make the other person be something they're not, or come across as if I'm undermining and pressuring them. Being around people that always wanted to change me is also one of those greater instances where I'd prefer to be alone. I'm not saying that all change is bad either, but when it comes down to imposing, manipulating, or just being condescending, that's my limit, and my overall cue to leave, and allow myself to be alone.

    I have a friend that likes to give 'advice' and it totally annoys me! . I have actually stopped telling her stuff now as her 'advice' annoys me.

  13. #943
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    Friend: Has anyone read page 19 on the Georgia Straight [local free newspaper] this week????
    Let's talk about bias propaganda!!
    Couldn't believe my eyes!! O.O

    I and someone else ask what the context is.

    Her: You guys have to check it out.

    Me: Well I have no intention of leaving my house to find a copy at this hour. Can you at least summarize it so I can see if they have the article on their website?

    No response yet. Fuck you in your face, I hate that shit. "HEY, can you believe this crazy thing that happened?!"
    "What kind of crazy thing was it?? I want to know!"
    "It was in the newspaper, and me describing how I know about it probably took about as much time and energy as finding and posting a link to a site that describes it! But I'm not going into detail."

  14. #944
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    Feeling full. I like to eat to the point that I'm satisfied. Screw being full. I don't even like hearing the word full, because that can usually involve a stomachache for me. It's obviously not just an irritating feeling, but a very disgusting feeling as well. XP

  15. #945
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    Everything about it.

  16. #946
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    That "dial up modem back in the day and Skrillex meme". Even as somebody that's not that big of a music buff, and definitely no expert on music could've thought of these names... although I also understand that those names aren't so spread around... but uh... well. Yeah. And yes, talk about a little thing. That's for sure.

    Aphex Twin
    Venetian Snares

    There's different pictures of it, but here's one of them.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-28-2014 at 02:03 AM.

  17. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    Everything about it.
    THIS! Yes. I was about to get to this. Now, I realized I don't hate everything about travel, especially if I'm comfortable, and have what I want and need. But shit. Long flights suck so hard. I hate traveling long distances in general, but flying really does take the cake for me.

  18. #948
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    i think.

  19. #949
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's the endless amount of shit talking about artists which people don't like (Skrillex, Bieber, Swift, etc etc) that basically everyone takes part in. I get it, you don't like Bieber, wow. That doesn't mean he's a "talentless hack" because he's obviously got some talent as a performer & a musician.
    I never understood that either, even though there are ways to have legitimate and well reasoned complaints and criticisms, but to repetitively talk about how much a musician you hate sucks can get old really fast. Sure, it doesn't mean that you hate them any less, but at the same time, it also seems like that time would still be far better of spent listening to and talking about musicians you actually like or even love. Then again, I could still sympathize with people that cringe at the idea of them being successful though, as it would mean they'd have to put up with them being exposed and discussed, but I still don't think it's worth getting angry over, or losing sleep over.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-29-2014 at 04:02 AM.

  20. #950
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    Buying some items on eBay and getting an inflated shipping charge that's so blatantly obvious to recoup the loss you got for buying it so low due to their low starting bid price. So fuck you for charging me more than what it'll ship for.

  21. #951
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    I think I've finally narrowed this down. I dislike traveling long distances and socializing in very large groups. I also don't hate everything about traveling, but I mostly like to be no longer than 1 hour away from the house, and usually prefer to surf the Internet, listen to music, play video games, or watch DVDs on my spare time. Besides, there are places that I'd like to go which are obviously better than New York City, it's just that I'd rather not have traveling as a regular thing in my life. As for socializing in a large groups, a few close friends would seem just fine by me. Besides, it's already bad news when I'm even with just one person I don't get along with, or if it's somebody I don't have anything in common with. If it's not fights I'd have to worry about, it's the possibility of boring each other while being awkward.

    And to finally top it off, I also dislike it when other people seem to expect me to have the same level of interest and excitement they have for traveling and socializing in large groups as much as them, should I also begin to look like a killjoy and/or weird person to them.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-29-2014 at 08:23 PM.

  22. #952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I think I've finally narrowed this down. I dislike traveling long distances and socializing in very large groups. I also don't hate everything about traveling, but I mostly like to be no longer than 1 hour away from the house, and usually prefer to surf the Internet, listen to music, play video games, or watch DVDs on my spare time. Besides, there are places that I'd like to go which are obviously better than New York City, it's just that I'd rather not have traveling as a regular thing in my life. As for socializing in a large groups, a few close friends would seem just fine by me. Besides, it's already bad news when I'm even with just one person I don't get along with, or if it's somebody I don't have anything in common with. If it's not fights I'd have to worry about, it's the possibility of boring each other while being awkward.

    And to finally top it off, I also dislike it when other people seem to expect me to have the same level of interest and excitement they have for traveling and socializing in large groups as much as them, should I also begin to look like a killjoy and/or weird person to them.
    Dude, you're an introvert. Like more than a few of us here! If others don't like it, tough. I structure my life so I don't spend extended periods of time with large groups. Just live life the way you enjoy. Traveling on your own terms can be fun though.

    What pisses me off? the district manager who oversees our area (of the business I own). She sent me this wall of text email about how I need to increase the size of my business. Um yeah, and just increase my overhead, without making any more $. She thinks every area of the country is the same. I've learned the hard way to not check my email at night.

  23. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by redshoewearer View Post
    Dude, you're an introvert. Like more than a few of us here! If others don't like it, tough. I structure my life so I don't spend extended periods of time with large groups. Just live life the way you enjoy. Traveling on your own terms can be fun though.
    That seems to be just about right. I just didn't have the right words to vent it out at the time, and have finally come to terms with it. I also thought I've pretty much said as much as I could in The Introvert Thread, so I just chose to use this thread instead. Yes, I could see that with traveling on my own terms. I've only traveled mostly because of family gatherings, weddings, and funerals for most of my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by redshoewearer View Post
    What pisses me off? the district manager who oversees our area (of the business I own). She sent me this wall of text email about how I need to increase the size of my business. Um yeah, and just increase my overhead, without making any more $. She thinks every area of the country is the same. I've learned the hard way to not check my email at night.
    This is also me with checking the Internet at night in some ways, especially when it came to Facebook, but for different reasons. (It wasn't always peachy there.)

  24. #954
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    I'm having one of those nights where I don't want to go to bed, because I have this nagging anxiety that I'm going to dream something horrible. For no real reason. Ungh.

  25. #955
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's the endless amount of shit talking about artists which people don't like (Skrillex, Bieber, Swift, etc etc) that basically everyone takes part in. I get it, you don't like Bieber, wow. That doesn't mean he's a "talentless hack" because he's obviously got some talent as a performer & a musician.
    Biebs has someone directing him on stage during his entire show. He's a puppet. Talent is getting up there and doing it yourself.

    But in general, I agree. Disliking someone doesn't mean that they're actually crap. I don't like Miley Cyrus for a great many reasons, but during rehearsals I realized that years and years of the best voice lessons money can buy have paid off, and she's actually got a pretty good voice when she uses it for songs that don't make me cringe.

  26. #956
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    I'm having one of those nights where I don't want to go to bed, because I have this nagging anxiety that I'm going to dream something horrible. For no real reason. Ungh.
    i wish i'd had that foresight saturday night. i had one of those dreams that continues even when interrupted by waking up, and it lasted all night long.
    it involved my evil ex living in a giant house. i don't know why i was there, but i think i was trying to fix her network issues or something. when i was on her computer, i found a bunch of bookmarks for webcam sites and found out she had been camming to make extra money (mirroring the THREE separate times i caught her selling her panties online in real life). she then attempted to seduce me and get me to cam with her.
    at some point, my dad called me and told me that i needed to fix a customer's phone system, and they happened to live next door. there was also something about them needing to borrow my ex's vacuum. there was like a family reunion over there so there were a ton of kids running around, some had gone swimming and then didn't towel off before coming in so the floors were all slippery. while i was fixing the phone system, a girl came in to the room to talk to me. at one point i picked up the phone and literally said "line three sounds like nine inch nails" because there was some weird static/drone noise. then she tried to kill me with a small knife. i don't know how i managed to get her tied to a chair without sustaining any injuries, but i did.
    then i went back over to my ex's, and found her upstairs, boning some other guy, and i threw up in the corner, and then promptly woke up.

    i felt pretty shitty for the entire first half of the day yesterday, thanks to that dream.

  27. #957
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  28. #958
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i wish i'd had that foresight saturday night. i had one of those dreams that continues even when interrupted by waking up, and it lasted all night long.
    :::hugs::: I've had those, too.

  29. #959
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    ^^^ When I have similar nightmares, I can't sleep for at least a day. Luckily it doesn't happen too often.

  30. #960
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    Wow, had the first bad day in a long time - from the moment I woke up to just after dinner. It felt like something had been "off" all day, I ended up getting in to a fight with a friend because she said a "not-so-appropriate" comment when we were just chatting. It took a while to realize that I was feeling a little lonely and sad, so I apologized to my friend. I also got a birthday card from my mother telling me how proud she is of me and that made me feel like crying. I decided against skipping class today because I have an two exams this week so I soldiered through. I guess it was just one of those days… I guess it could be the fact that I'd like to have a relationship or stress from school or any number of things. But today just seemed really different. Could have been the rain this morning, i don't know. I just know today was a pretty rough day.

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