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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #7621
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    Prager is a laughingstock but also? they're winning hearts and minds faster and better than any on the left. can't fight indoctrination with memes.

    I just want the world to last another two years at least so I can get my retirement and skedaddle. I know I'm not even at minimum age but I'm almost to 20. I can start over somewhere and get that retirement when I'm old enough.

  2. #7622
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    I’d never even HEARD about Prager until @Swykk told (warned) us about it.

    That kooky Candace Owens is a Prager (cough) instructer.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-08-2022 at 02:30 PM.

  3. #7623
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    The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

    But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

    And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

    Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.

  4. #7624
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

    But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

    And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

    Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.
    I wonder if they will prorate the billing for the time no service was being provided. hahahahahahahaha

  5. #7625
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

    But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

    And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

    Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.
    Jesus, this is insane!!

    BUT, this reminds me of the Northeast Blackout of 2003. Which G and I experienced because we were home in the Detroit at the time, for a Stooges reunion. (Which was, of course, canceled.)

    ALL cellular stopped working because everyone was frantically trying to USE cellular. Gas stations stopped working because, unbeknownst to pretty much everybody, gas stations need electricity to run.

    Also, the toilets stopped flushing, water stopped flowing (we found out you need electric for all of that, too), of course lights were out, NO debit cards worked because all banks were down.

    Which showed us the vulnerability of our grid.

    We don't need bombs hitting us to take us out. They can just hit us via hacking and bring us to our knees.

    My Mom had the only phone that worked, because she had an old-fashioned land line which requires NO electricity. I still have a cable phone, but that has a battery system that's only up for a few HOURS. And, then I can only call all the people who only have cell phones. It'd be pretty easy to take us all out. Some people were selling bottles of water up on Nine Mile for like $5 each. But hardly anyone had CASH.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-08-2022 at 05:28 PM.

  6. #7626
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    @allegro Yeah, it's what's happening here too. The majority of people I know who have cell phones have let go of their land lines, and no one (except my mother!) carries cash anymore. Personally, I don't have a cell phone because I'm a die hard luddite when they are concerned. A phone is used to make phone calls imo. My land line is enough for that.

    It's estimate that about a quarter of Canadians are affected by this outage. And what's pissing everyone off is that Rogers still haven't said what they believe it is that caused this outage.

    And it does show how dependent of technology we have become. All of us but it was especially hard for young people who have grown up knowing only that. They are running around like headless chicken because they don't know what to do.

  7. #7627
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

    But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

    And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

    Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.
    Saw this shared on a friend's Facebook page. The response made me laugh.

  8. #7628
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    @allegro Yeah, it's what's happening here too. The majority of people I know who have cell phones have let go of their land lines, and no one (except my mother!) carries cash anymore. Personally, I don't have a cell phone because I'm a die hard luddite when they are concerned. A phone is used to make phone calls imo. My land line is enough for that.

    It's estimate that about a quarter of Canadians are affected by this outage. And what's pissing everyone off is that Rogers still haven't said what they believe it is that caused this outage.

    And it does show how dependent of technology we have become. All of us but it was especially hard for young people who have grown up knowing only that. They are running around like headless chicken because they don't know what to do.
    I always like to keep $100 in cash around. You never know when it could come in handy. I did get rid of my land line though. It was just too much to maintain that along with the cellular service.

  9. #7629
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    I always like to keep $100 in cash around.
    I do, too, typically more in a secret hiding place and my alarm system works with a really long battery system, and we're looking into a natural gas backup for the house.

    We have gas in the garage, too. (For the snow blower and lawn more but ... still.) The basement has a storage room with a pantry full of stuff. Not too long ago, I looked at my husband and said, "Holy shit, we're friggin' preppers." LOL.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-09-2022 at 09:38 AM.

  10. #7630
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    I wasn't affected by the 2003 blackout but I do vividly remember the January 1998 Ice storm

    That one was something else because, hey, no electricity meant for a lot of people no heating which, in January, is... problematic. It also meant no fridge, and no way to prepare food. But afterwards, it came out that some people could not even open canned food... because they only had an electric can opener.

    I will put a bit of money in a safe place too, just in case. I already have plenty of canned food and water bottles and I've been looking into buying an emergency radio, one that not only works with batteries but can be hand cranked and can be recharge using solar power. Of course, my can opener is manual.

    I'm going full prepper too!

  11. #7631
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    JoJo Rabbit is trending and apparently it's because there's a brigade saying it was pro-fascism. Wow. talk about willful misreading.

  12. #7632
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  13. #7633
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  14. #7634
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    well that's not cool.


    I cannot even bring myself to post the tweet it pisses me of so much but Fox is currently doxing the doctor who provided an abortion to the 10-year-old child. that's so fucking diabolical that it beggars belief.
    Last edited by allegate; 07-14-2022 at 02:13 PM.

  15. #7635
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    I'm getting a little tired of this Facebook "memories" thing. It's always a great way to start your day... "hey, remember this memory from five years ago when you were so fucking happy that you just had to post about it on Facebook? Well, not so happy now eh motherfucker?" My general ennui is just spiked with these sorts of things, along with social media birthday reminders for friends of mine that have died.

  16. #7636
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    every year Google says "hey, remember this? the last photo of your beloved cat, sitting on your lap and in great pain, mere hours before the veterinarian came to put her down? wasn't that great?"

    fucking AI man, it knows what it did.

  17. #7637
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    I was looking for an album that was never officially released today and found a copy on soulseek. One of the people who had it available had the files tagged thusly:

    song title___11
    song title___01
    song title___04

    who goes out of their way to number something so that the numbers are completely useless? wtf is wrong with this person?

    And yes, I checked.
    Island Records decided not to commercially release the album. However, a limited number of promotional copies had been sent to radio stations and music critics.

  18. #7638
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    Here, I got something to really speak my mind about. This only came up because I saw an IG post about Randy Blythe of Lamb of God who mentioned in a story he was taking a break from Instagram and was saying stuff like "You guys should put down your phone and go outside!" And shit like that. Can we serious stop doing this? Like first of all, as I am sure a lot of you guys know from my posts in the mental health thread, I suffer from both PTSD and Agoraphobia (The fear of going outside). I have extremely bad trust issues and I hate being around people I don't know. I legit extremely nervous when I am outside and more often or not, when I am outside, I made it habit to do whatever I need to do as fast as possible and then just hurry my ass back inside. And while I am working on fixing the problem one step at a time, it's not just as simple as me "Putting my phone down and walking outside." I cant stand it. I actually learned how to be social a bunch by watching how people talk online.

    Second of all, this just come off as a really bad stereotype for people who are online a bunch. Like for real, we aren't on the computer 24 hours a day. I hate it when people are judging others social life by how much they post online. Like dude we still are socially active, even before the pandemic. I watch a Twitch streamer who stream for about 4-6 hours and he talks about his drives and actives he does around New York City plenty of times. So can we please just fucking stop this preachy ass attitude already? Let us live the lives we want without some boomer talking us down about how much we need to go outside

  19. #7639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I actually learned how to be social a bunch by watching how people talk online.
    Unfortunately, a lot of mainstream society tends to cheapen and diminish individual online experiences usually thinking that it is "not real" and/or only for "nerds".

    If there's one thing COVID-time has taught me is just how much "the majority" devalue my disabled life and basically just want me to die or stay shut in forever (which is distinctly different than preferring to be or like yourself, taking steps to deal with it with being forced* to stay inside)

    I strongly disagree.

    (* - sorry if that's the wrong word to use)

  20. #7640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    So can we please just fucking stop this preachy ass attitude already? Let us live the lives we want without some boomer talking us down about how much we need to go outside
    I’m a boomer (well, Generation Jones) and I’m caregiver to my 84-yr-old mom who has dementia and is now exhibiting signs of Parkinson’s. And my PRIMARY source of advice and information is from other caregivers and counselors on Instagram and TikTok. Because our healthcare system SUCKS. IG and TT are invaluable tools for me.

    Also, I’m an INTJ introvert and “online” is just where I prefer existing socially. For 37 years.

    Sure, I still like nature and the outdoors. A lot. I have balance.

    But I think these judge-y people are just projecting. They’re talking to themselves. Misery loves company.

    Don’t you worry yourself about them one bit. You live your own life. [electronic fist bump]

    Since this is kinda the complaint thread, though:

    JESUS, I wish I could filter TikTok more like IG. No, I don’t wanna see the dying breath of your dad, or your son’s autopsy report, or endless exhumed remains, or thankfully I have not accidentally run into the Ukrainian POW castration. Just gimme the ones I subscribe to and maybe a few related to my “interests” and then STOP!!!!

    Although, admittedly, I did become addicted to 911 calls. And footage of scuba divers finding cars in lakes and rivers with unsolved missing people in them. I’ve discovered I’m a fairly morbid. :/
    Last edited by allegro; 08-04-2022 at 01:42 PM.

  21. #7641
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Also, I’m an INTJ introvert
    Hey, me too! Rare to spot another in the wild, we're an endangered species haha.

    But to the main point. Yeah, people are going to have their ridiculous opinions about almost everything and the older I get the more I learn to just ignore it and move on. I've also concluded that people who are always harping on about how important it is to be social are people who can't stand to be alone with themselves, they need the distraction. Plenty of folks just genuinely enjoy being social but don't feel the need to tell others to. So the ones that do always come off like they're repressing some internal fear of being alone.

    Silence and solitude are golden. I like people but I'm also very selective in who I give attention to. Life is too short and I find my own thoughts more interesting than the type of people being described here. Which is a very INTJ thing to say, I know.

  22. #7642
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Hey, me too! Rare to spot another in the wild, we're an endangered species haha.
    We're everywhere online, though, LOL. Because ... it's the perfect place for us to BE!

    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    I've also concluded that people who are always harping on about how important it is to be social are people who can't stand to be alone with themselves
    Ain't THAT the truth!!
    Last edited by allegro; 08-04-2022 at 03:40 PM.

  23. #7643
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    Not a little thing so much but getting rear ended on the highway because there was a wheel barrow in the middle of the lane was a shitty way to end the weekend. Now I'm 20K poorer and waiting until the 29th to have a car.

  24. #7644
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    Ugh that sucks @sick among the pure !

  25. #7645
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    Not really a little thing but I'm furious over the transphobic trolls that caused keffals to be doxxed and SWATTED.

  26. #7646
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    Riley Williams, accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop, released from house arrest to attend Pa. Renaissance Faire

    PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A judge agreed to allow the woman accused of stealing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's laptop to attend the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in Manheim this weekend.

    Riley Williams, who is on house arrest, is accused of stealing Pelosi's laptop during the Jan. 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol before later getting rid of it.
    I am just about done, how fucking stupid is this shit. why bother having the trial if you're going to be this lenient?

  27. #7647
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Riley Williams, accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop, released from house arrest to attend Pa. Renaissance Faire

    I am just about done, how fucking stupid is this shit. why bother having the trial if you're going to be this lenient?
    Doesn't going to a Renaissance Faire constitute cruel & unusual punishment?

  28. #7648
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Doesn't going to a Renaissance Faire constitute cruel & unusual punishment?
    I can’t hear the words “Renaissance Faire” without thinking of Ritchie Blackmore.

    Totally Spinal Tap moment.

  29. #7649
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I can’t hear the words “Renaissance Faire” without thinking of Ritchie Blackmore.

    Totally Spinal Tap moment.
    I almost went & saw this in Vegas once. Then good sense prevailed. Ritchie looks like a Monty Python character now. I went to a faire once outside of Eugene OR so it turned into a Hateful Fred/Faire. Lotta smelly hippies with not enough clothes on. There are some things that just can't be unseen..... BTW: Hateful Fred is Robert Pollard's (GBV) name for the GD. I can't even bring myself to type the name.

  30. #7650
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    I almost went & saw this in Vegas once. Then good sense prevailed. Ritchie looks like a Monty Python character now. I went to a faire once outside of Eugene OR so it turned into a Hateful Fred/Faire. Lotta smelly hippies with not enough clothes on. There are some things that just can't be unseen..... BTW: Hateful Fred is Robert Pollard's (GBV) name for the GD. I can't even bring myself to type the name.
    I used to know a lot of Sci Fi Convention fanatics.

    Until I knew these people, I had no idea about how freaky Sci Fi fans can be at these cons. Drunken hot tub parties, I just didn’t know nerds were so horny.

    Then I learned a lot of these nerds are also into Ren Faire. Spent months making chain mail costumes.

    (I’m like, is that when you mail the costume to 7 people and if one of them doesn’t pass it on, they DIE?)

    The women dress like wenches. The whole 9 yards. It was much-anticipated. As much as WindyCon.

    There’s this whole cross-pollination of computer nerds, Sci Fi and Ren Faire.

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