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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #631
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    When people think that you're uncool just because you're not interested in going out and staying out late at night every weekend to a few times a month, or traveling at least every single summer. In some ways, I'm thankful that my 20s are almost over. I don't think I'd be expected to be that way in my 30s and 40s.

  2. #632
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    People who post spoilers openly on Facebook. Fuck you.

  3. #633
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    I just want to make it very clear that I'm aware that there are adults and geriatrics that are and can be inconsiderate in just the same way. I even accept it, but I'm sure most of them know better even with their carelessness, arrogance, and overall reckless behavior. I'd also like to stress that when I say teenager, I'm referring to teens that are 17 and younger. And when I say child, I'm referring to children that are at least 8 to 12, and perhaps 7 at the youngest.

    I just couldn't help but notice how loud and obnoxious they are, and how inconsiderate they are when it comes to taking up space and saying TMI in public. Lots of them seem like they're doing it to be edgy, cool, and funny. It's as if they're treating sidewalks as a personal nightclub or bar. They even do that in buses, trains, and restaurants. I also noticed that a lot of them use excessive profanity and slang, and while I'm not against profanity... something seems off in hearing words like fuck, shit, and bitch in every single sentence in public settings where you'd normally not curse.

    I also used the word obnoxious to describe them because they also seem to get into little pissing matches with each other sometimes. Another thing I noticed is that some of them are very prone to trespassing, loitering, and littering, and then wonder why they get in trouble with the cops or owners of the said property. (Not to mention the physical altercations.) I also couldn't help but notice that teens and kids are very prone to push and shove and not give people any space to get in and out of buses and trains. And since they loiter, they tend to block spaces in sidewalks and entrances and exists. I also noticed that a lot of them seem to like getting home late regularly on the week days too.

    And well, I guess it just goes with living in New York City, despite how much I dislike such things. And yes, of course not all kids and teens are like this. I'm just talking about the ones that are that way. And yes, I was one once, and yes, I have my share of screw ups too, but I was never absolutely convinced that I was right about the way I was going.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-02-2013 at 03:22 PM.

  4. #634
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    About 2 years ago I made a note to check out a company I thought had earning potential.

    I never checked them out because I can be lazy and forgetful.

    Someone mentioned them in passing to day, i looked them up and learned they were bought out by Apple a few months ago.

    Good going idiot.

  5. #635
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    Pissed off? I'm pretty mad at myself. It has been an exhausting week, and I didn't have a weekend last weekend due to traveling for my work. Today is NIN in Montreal and I simply couldn't muster up the energy to get myself there - all the hassles of getting there, were just overwhelming for some reason today. Border crossing, the long drive, the time, the wait once you're there, just everything, after sleeping horribly all week. Plus school. I WANTED to want to go, but I didn't. I know everyone will think this is crazy - I've seen NIN somewhere near 20 times but today I just couldn't. Probably didn't help that I didn't have one of my kids to go with me. At least @Ash512 is there so maybe there will be some good footage....

  6. #636
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    Last edited by aggroculture; 10-04-2013 at 11:16 AM. Reason: problem apparently resolved

  7. #637
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    In March a friend of mine got hit by a car and broke almost every bone in his body. He's only just out of hospital and currently in a wheelchair. One of his friends, who has small children, is having a go at him for "disabled people taking up space on the bus that baby buggies need".

    Why humans, why.

  8. #638
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    The thing I love about this thread is that it puts whatever little thing is pissing me off in perspective.

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    The thing I love about this thread is that it puts whatever little thing is pissing me off in perspective.
    Indeed. I was about to come in here to bitch about losing a possible relationship before it even started because they can't communicate and Facebook made it seem like I was being ignored for days while they went on with their lives, only to find out that they were uber-sick. But I'd already unfriended them thinking I was being given a clear "I don't care", and now that really is the case. Whoops.

    I WAS going to bitch about that, and then I read something like icklekitty's post and think "damn, I feel like a weenie".

  10. #640
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    I just can't believe that I read people actually hating/disliking shy/quiet people. I see how it could happen in this life and world, but wow. Hating people because they're afraid to say the wrong thing, and afraid of others... or because you know... you can never really trust anybody out there sometimes... yeah that's REALLY nice.

    This just burns me as somebody that's constantly afraid of making enemies. Gee, why in the fuck would I be afraid of getting people's bad sides? Just as how it could be dangerous to be alone, it's also just as safe. Oh yes, and people that act entitled to trust and get pissed off at you for not being all buddy-buddy and/or social.

    I wish it didn't drive me up the wall sometimes. I still can't believe that silence drives some people mad EVEN when they're not being ignored. I still hate that, but I'm still trying to get better at brushing it off... yet I obviously still need to work on that... so I thought of just tossing it into this thread for now. It's as if minding your own business is a bad thing to those types of people.

    And to think that quiet people and shy people are deemed to be selfish by them? Isn't it also selfish for them to expect all quiet and shy people to be outgoing and talkative? I don't mind being around quiet people, and sometimes prefer to be around them, but I never expected talkative and outgoing people to just be like me "just because".
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-07-2013 at 07:42 AM.

  11. #641
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    Dreams of people you're trying to forget. Led to an entire day of horrible remembrance.

  12. #642
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    When I see friends post computer questions on Facebook, like if they're having some trouble with software or things are randomly closing or what have you, I hate when douchebags have to hop on and say "DITCH YOUR COMPUTER AND GET A MAC BRO LOL" "WINDOWS 7 IS BETTER THAN WINDOWS 8" "MY COMPUTER NEVER HAS PROBLEMS" for no reason at all other than to masturbate about their computer's functionality.

    I'm sure they really appreciate the tech support, there, guys. You've taken their request for help and turned it into a big circle jerk.

    Reason number 4350 why I hate Facebook. Closer and closer to getting rid of it.

  13. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Dreams of people you're trying to forget. Led to an entire day of horrible remembrance.
    This just happened to me as recent as last night. I dreamed of a woman that turned me down in real life, and she even rejected me in my dreams. Yeah, not even in my dreams. It's not the first time I've lived that particular quip.

    Thank goodness for Sanctified, Something I Can Never Have, Ringfinger, and Every Day Is Exactly The Same.

    As for dreaming about people that have pissed me off and hurt my feelings... holy shit that sucks so much. It's bad enough I have a hard time forgetting about people like that while I'm awake.

  14. #644
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    Man, I really hope I get paid today at my internship. My boss (who is cool) told me that she'd pay me if I took over the twitter account, and it's been over a month now. So, I want and need that money. I just don't know how to bring it up without feeling like I'm being rude. :/

  15. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Man, I really hope I get paid today at my internship. My boss (who is cool) told me that she'd pay me if I took over the twitter account, and it's been over a month now. So, I want and need that money. I just don't know how to bring it up without feeling like I'm being rude. :/
    it's hard in situations like that, because you don't want to step on her toes, but you also deserve what you were promised. maybe a friendly "hey, just making sure that our agreement still stands regarding being paid for taking over the twitter account." something that's simple and eloquent without being demanding.

  16. #646
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    Ordering items on faith that the used condition listed is what is specified but isn't. I got my DVD set in a tattered, worn, torn, scratched, scuffed slip case and an adequate book. The discs are fine but the case is more than 'a little worn.' To sell an item in this condition and list it wrong on top of it is embarrassing. Now I have to mail it back because I don't want this piece of garbage to taint every other season of the show in my collection. Damnit.

    Bought the shit new just now. Guess that's what I get for trying to save money.

  17. #647
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    @eversonpoe - I noticed how you avoided using the word when. I had a feeling it would have to be avoided. When could sound like you're being demanding and hasty. It just makes me wish that tact actually increased with directness, but I've learned more and more that it's usually the complete opposite, and that even one little word can make things go wrong. It's such a minefield of diction/semantics.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-09-2013 at 12:44 PM.

  18. #648
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Ordering items on faith that the used condition listed is what is specified but isn't. I got my DVD set in a tattered, worn, torn, scratched, scuffed slip case and an adequate book. The discs are fine but the case is more than 'a little worn.' To sell an item in this condition and list it wrong on top of it being embarrassing. Now I have to mail it back because I don't want this piece of garbage to taint every other season of the show in my colelction. Damnit.

    Bought the shit new just now. Guess that's what I get for trying to save money.
    That's often my biggest fear whenever purchasing anything used. I've figured I'd do the same as long as it's in stock and brand new. I've been lucky recently, but I don't want to risk it any longer. Most of the used stuff I get would be rarities/discontinued items.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-09-2013 at 12:46 PM.

  19. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    That's often my biggest fear whenever purchasing anything used. I've figured I'd do the same as long as it's stock and brand new. I've been lucky recently, but I don't want to risk it any longer. Most of the used stuff I get would be rarities/discontinued items.
    I prefer to buy new always but sometimes money dictates it otherwise.

    I've had pretty great success off Amazon and I even contacted the guy that was selling it and he said "a little worn." He also said he had two copies - one like new and this worn one. I told him I wanted the like new one but I got this piece of crap instead. I did everything in my power to get the best version possible. Lucky me a new copy was just listed only $5.00 more than what I paid for the used junk. I lucked out this time. I still have to waste my time to mail it back though.

  20. #650
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    It didn't sound that bad, right up until the hassle of having to mail it back. Lucking out is always a perk to me though.

  21. #651
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    "Hey, can I get a ride in a couple hours?" Yeah, sure.

    "Hey, I'll be ready in about 30-40 minutes." Alright.

    "Hey, I'll be good in about 15 minutes." Okay.

    "Okay, I'll be at your car in 5!" FUCK. OKAY.

  22. #652
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    I'm getting completely sick by the hyperbole perpetuated on the internet through links that say things like:

    "You'll NEVER BELIEVE what blah blah blah!"
    "If you xxx you MUST READ THIS"

    I know the internet survives on page views. But being commanded, like my life depends on it, to read some banal bullshit article on Newsmax or Cracked or every-fucking-where is annoying as fuck. It's like someone gave the internet more brain damage than usual.

  23. #653
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    Re: The little things that piss you off

    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    I'm getting completely sick by the hyperbole perpetuated on the internet through links that say things like:

    "You'll NEVER BELIEVE what blah blah blah!"
    "If you xxx you MUST READ THIS"

    I know the internet survives on page views. But being commanded, like my life depends on it, to read some banal bullshit article on Newsmax or Cracked or every-fucking-where is annoying as fuck. It's like someone gave the internet more brain damage than usual.
    I dig it man. I have a couple friends on fb that troll infowars etc all the time. That is why I'm kinda glad I haven't had Internet for a while now. Any more I don't really know what to do when I get online it seems. Guess I'm not missing out on much.

  24. #654
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    It doesn't necessarily make me as angry as it used to, but I still dislike leaving doors in the house open, even if what I'm doing or the what other person doing isn't supposed to be an absolutely private matter. It just seems to bother me, and it doesn't make me feel comfortable at all. I always closed the doors of every room I left and used growing up, and I don't see why I'd want other people being able to see that I'm in my room, or any other room no matter what I was doing or not doing.

    I know there are people out there that are comfortable with that, but I never understood why. I think this is why I was also never really a fan of the open door policy. There's just something annoying about it, as it's also a bit of an eyesore to me.

    I also don't like how people aren't just honest and direct about how unfeasible or burdensome the commutes to each others' houses are. That would be more than enough information to let me know not to invite people. Do people actually get offended at being told their homes are a bit out of the way, or completely out of the way? I also include this because I hate playing the guessing game when it comes to inviting people to hang out at my place. Just tell me no, and why, and I'm good. It doesn't seem to make sense to get offended or pissed at very valid reasons such as those.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-11-2013 at 01:18 PM.

  25. #655
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    I had to be "bus dad" just now on the way home from work.
    - One girl and two guys, 20's
    - One girl and one guy, early 20's or late teens (on crack)

    Apparently they'd been loading a pipe, with the intention of smoking crack when they got off the bus, she'd just relapsed after getting out of prison and her mom had just died (she told me this afterward) and the trio had made some under-the-breath remarks, so she was threatening to taser/bear spray them.

    Then everybody was simmering as she continued to mutter about how they were spoiled bitches until the one girl in the trio started to cry and the two guys were shouting at the crack-chick.

    Cue me: "Everybody shut up! You three, go to the front of the bus [angry interruptions], I don't care, separate yourselves and there won't be a problem! And you [to other girl], cool out! I just got off work, you people, I don't need this shit!"

    Bam, problem solved. I hate having to be the adult.

  26. #656
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    An example of how I liked to see thread titles of bands/musicians in a music section of just about any forum.

    Nine Inch Nails

    Any example of what I don't like to see when it comes to thread titles of band/musicians in a music section of just about any forum.


    Nine Inch Nails - NIN

    Nine Inch Nails - Trent Reznor

    Nine Inch Nails - NIN - Trent Reznor

    Nine Inch Nails - Hestitation Marks

    Nine Inch Nails - Tension

    Nine Inch Nails - Came Back Haunted

    Nine Inch Nails - *Insert Random Headlines/Opinions Here*

    It was always a little bit of an eyesore to me, and I'm only using Nine Inch Nails as an example, should Nine Inch Nails be discussed in other forums. I never really saw the point in posting acronyms, alternate titles/names, album titles, headlines, opinions, song, titles, and tour names as thread titles, when the full band name alone should suffice. All of those things mentioned could be discussed inside the thread anyway. It's only okay/different if such threads are post in an entire section dedicated to the said band/musician.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-13-2013 at 01:51 PM.

  27. #657
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    Fucking kid I guess isn't coming in, and I can't get a hold of boss man. Not happy.

  28. #658
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    The idea of regularly arriving home late on weekends and vacations. I really don't understand the appeal. I kind of wish concerts were in the afternoons on weekends too. (Even though I don't regularly attend concerts, but that would be rather sweet.)

  29. #659
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    The realization that I haven't applied for the jobs I'm really interested in since my graduation. I've worked and had awesome jobs and projects along the year, don't get me wrong. My portfolio is looking better than ever, but I just realized that I haven't even tried to check what other jobs I'm actually qualified to apply for. Have I wasted a year? No. Do I feel self destructive anyway? Yes.

    Am I doing something about it now. Yes!

  30. #660
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    With the exception of seeing a favorite band of mine, like Nine Inch Nails, I don't think I ever really was a fan of going out late and/or staying out late. It really does feel like a chore, and a more risky one at that. And even on the weekends, I'd just rather have things done and go out and finish up around 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the latest.

    I'm positive I get this from my parents because when they make really good time on weekends, they finish everything no later than 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, and if they REALLY make good time, they finish everything no later than 12:00 PM, or even 11:00 AM if they're very lucky.

    And now that I'll only have two more years of my 20s left, I won't have to deal with the "expectations" of having/wanting to go out at night almost every weekend or vacation. (Although, I hear that normally dwindles down around the mid to late 20s anyway.) I never heard the end of it in my early 20s though.

    It still pisses me off sometimes, as it was very annoying to be looked at as weird just because I wasn't interested in being outside at very late hours. I'm sure people will cut me more slack in my 30s, and will most likely not even expect that from me by the time I hit 40 too. So at least that's not so bad. But yes, being in your early 20s and not being into the going out/staying out late thing blows.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-15-2013 at 02:18 AM.

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