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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #6571
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    I wasted a bunch of time yelling at idiots on Twitter.... doing this sort of thing always makes me feel embarrassed, drained, and stupid... like I just pissed myself publicly or something. It's such a waste of time to talk to people who love Trump. They are fucking insane, or fake people altogether, and something about it is so pointless and lame and frankly terrifying. If these people are real, what in the fuck is wrong with them?

  2. #6572
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I wasted a bunch of time yelling at idiots on Twitter.... doing this sort of thing always makes me feel embarrassed, drained, and stupid... like I just pissed myself publicly or something. It's such a waste of time to talk to people who love Trump. They are fucking insane, or fake people altogether, and something about it is so pointless and lame and frankly terrifying. If these people are real, what in the fuck is wrong with them?
    You DO really have to watch out for bots on Twitter. They're everywhere, it's nuts. Look at the profile, and look at the account creation date; if it's, like, 2010 and it's mostly retweets with some recent comments, it's probably a bot. Report it, then Twitter looks into it (and actually DOES SOMETHING). I report shit all the time, I recently helped get a pro-life asshole chick's account banned for harassment. I report for harassment, fake accounts, etc.

    I find that blocking works better than arguing. Sometimes you can have an "intelligent" discussion, and sometimes you and a group of your Twitter friends can kind of "gang argue" with them (for fun), but actual conversation or debate? It's like arguing with a tree.

    I don't know what happened to these people that made them this stupid, but it's truly baffling. They believe that "liberals" (they don't seem to even know what this means other than "it's not me") are "stupid" and "evil" and "ruining the world" and are "socialist" (they don't know what this means, either) and "have no morals."

    If you try to talk with them, logically, unemotionally, even as an independent, they're riled-up and full of some kind of conservative caffeine juice, like they've been mainlining Mountain Dew all day and are out looking for a fight. Their profiles all say "Jesus" and "God" and "America" and have flags or red shoes and #MAGA. It's a fucking cult. Trump is their Jesus.

    Block block block block block
    Last edited by allegro; 06-04-2019 at 04:52 PM.

  3. #6573
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    I know, I've blocked so many people on Twitter... it's just that every now and again, I just have to.

    It's funny to click on a Trump tweet and look at the responses, 50% of them are "unavailable because the poster is someone you blocked."

  4. #6574
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I know, I've blocked so many people on Twitter... it's just that every now and again, I just have to.

    It's funny to click on a Trump tweet and look at the responses, 50% of them are "unavailable because the poster is someone you blocked."
    There also has been this HUGE influx, lately, of "This Tweet is unavailable."

    And nobody seems to know WHY. It's not because the poster is on our blocked list (that's shows up). Nobody seems to know. Not sure we WANT to know, either.

  5. #6575
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    There also has been this HUGE influx, lately, of "This Tweet is unavailable."

    And nobody seems to know WHY. It's not because the poster is on our blocked list (that's shows up). Nobody seems to know. Not sure we WANT to know, either.
    I've seen this, along with people responding to these unavailable tweets... glitch in the matrix

  6. #6576
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    I wonder if you guys have dealt with this sort of thing: when an old friend "gets Jesus," and all they will talk about is Jesus, and it's like, they're GONE. The person that you knew is GONE. These sort of people- I have a good friend who is a freaking minister, who brings up Jesus like 1/10th as much as these people do.

    In my experience, these are usually people who had serious drug problems, and "found jesus" in jail.

    This girl I used to chill with keeps coming at me like this, currently, and I swear to god, I don't really know what to say to her. And, keep in mind, I'm a Christian myself.
    Also, when I bring up anything having to do with the past, she's like, "oh, yeah, that wasn't really me, because the DEVIL was controlling me, then." I wanna say like, " no, I'm fairly certain that was you. THIS isn't you. You're just regurgitating things you've recently been told, and are no longer thinking independently, like, AT ALL."

    I'm not certain, but I THINK that these people have gotten involved in, like, cultish religious groups.

  7. #6577
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I wonder if you guys have dealt with this sort of thing: when an old friend "gets Jesus," and all they will talk about is Jesus, and it's like, they're GONE. The person that you knew is GONE. These sort of people- I have a good friend who is a freaking minister, who brings up Jesus like 1/10th as much as these people do.

    In my experience, these are usually people who had serious drug problems, and "found jesus" in jail.

    This girl I used to chill with keeps coming at me like this, currently, and I swear to god, I don't really know what to say to her. And, keep in mind, I'm a Christian myself.
    Also, when I bring up anything having to do with the past, she's like, "oh, yeah, that wasn't really me, because the DEVIL was controlling me, then." I wanna say like, " no, I'm fairly certain that was you. THIS isn't you. You're just regurgitating things you've recently been told, and are no longer thinking independently, like, AT ALL."

    I'm not certain, but I THINK that these people have gotten involved in, like, cultish religious groups.
    one of my co-workers plays drums in his church's band, and his dad is a minister. he has brought up religion to me exactly 1 time, on my first day, when he told me his dad is a minister.

    one of my other co-workers constantly talks about god, jesus, etc. and gets angry at those of us who aren't catholic (?) (he's from puerto rico, almost 60, and has some serious napoleon complex issues among other things). he thinks gay people are "pure evil" and that if you're sick, you should just pray (the mom of the president of the company, who still works there, had breast cancer a couple years ago, and he told her she didn't need a doctor, she just needed to pray). this guy says things about people needing to respect each other in one breath, and in the next brags about threatening to bash someone's head in with a hammer.

  8. #6578
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    the S key on my laptop is fucking up... meaning that I'm discovering this by having to re-read what I'm pretty certain I typed correctly, only to find the S missing, and then having to go through posts and shit (like this one, just now, fixed), and add all the fucking S's.

    S's. Fuck.
    There's either a spate of s's not working or I follow you on twitter.

  9. #6579
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    at this very moment, I'm "arguing" with "someone" who loves Trump on Twitter... she's trying to claim that when she typed "Southern boarder" it was autocorrect that screwed it up.

    On display: idiots claiming they didn't fuck up because they can't admit they were ever wrong, and they see the idiot they voted for get away with that strategy on a daily basis.

    this post is intended to be read in the voice of Rod Serling

  10. #6580
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    About a week ago I posted this in the little things that cheer you up thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I had been in some financial trouble recently, and I've managed to turn things around.

    This month my car decided to break down and it's costing me $1,000. But somehow I've worked myself to a position where a $1,000 unexpected car repair isn't going to make my debts worse. Or even slow down my repayment of my debts. I have money in savings for car repairs that I add to every month, and there's enough there to cover my car repair.

    It seems strange to celebrate a car failure, but it feels unreal that it's not going to cause me to go further into debt, and my mind is just spinning here.

    It seems absolutely unbelievable somehow. My entire adult life has been spent getting by just barely and hoping that I didn't have a disaster strike to throw me into further debt, and I'm now at a point where I can weather this without it being a huge blow. This feels amazing.
    And it didn't work out as planned. The repair cost more than expected ($1400) and I picked my car up on Thursday night. I drove it to work Friday morning and stopped for gas near work, when I got back into the car it wouldn't drive anymore.

    So, my old car (2008 Chevy Aveo) is back at my mechanics again and he hasn't given me an estimate on what it's going to cost yet. But, on the bright side, I'm getting a new car (2018 Toyota Yaris). I pick it up tomorrow.

    It's more debt, but I can afford the payments as long as things keep going well as they have been the last little while. Once my car is fixed I'll try to sell it and hopefully get enough to cover what I just put into repairs.

  11. #6581
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    I found myself taunting and mocking a fox-watching Trump supporter online who wasn’t even talking about politics... what the fuck is wrong with me. So what if someone loves Laura Ingaham and Tucker Carlson and their avatar is an American flag... I’m letting the news I’m reading affect me too much

    I honestly think it's ALL affecting me too much. Suddenly, it fills me with a rage, like "fuck you I wanna FIGHT" when I talk to Trump supporters... it wasn't like this with Bush Jr. This isn't just relegated to online discourse, I've almost gotten into literal fist fights with people. It's too much. I'm really not a violent person. I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't live in some place that's 99% liberal. I'm sure I'd be dead at this point.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-22-2019 at 10:28 AM.

  12. #6582
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    Mitch McConnell. Fucking Mitch McConnell. Holy shit... fucking Mitch McConnell.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-23-2019 at 08:43 AM.

  13. #6583
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    Week of ups and downs, but the big one is my health.

    6 or so weeks ago i went into hostial to get some ECG's and blood tests as i was having chest pains and dizzy spells. Thankfully i'm not having a stroke or heart attack (apprently my heart is in tip top condistion) but the pains are still there.

    After getting my blood tests back i found my Vitaim D was about 30 (should be between 70-100) so i went back to my GP for advice. During this time my dizzy spells got really bad, and i was almost throwing up at my desk at work. My GP, having looked at everything, immediately said he "didn't care" about my chest pains as he didn't think they were "important enough" to worry about, and he doesn't know why i'm dizzy so just refereed me to a specialist.

    I just got the date of the appointment with the specialist, 22nd...of October

    First i don't think i can live with this til fucking October, second i dunno why my GP just flat out just ignored my blood tests (could my super low D levels be contributing to the dizzy spells) Third why the fuck didn't he prescribe me something for the low D levels, instead just saying "go to a supermarket and get something" I ALREADY DID. It felt like i was wasting his time and he just wanted me out of his office

  14. #6584
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    @Haysey I would see a different doctor.

  15. #6585
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    @Haysey I would see a different doctor.
    Yeah...unfortunately this is the 3rd one i've seen (the one i saw before who actually made an effort left) but you are right, i might just move surgery's, i can't live with feeling like i'm going to be sick/faint for 17 weeks.

  16. #6586
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    Youtube blocking the ability to rip/download HD versions of videos. Tried several plugins that were working before as well as Jdownloader... to no avail. I guess it's just a matter of time before JD dev team crack this one again, but dammit it's annoying.

  17. #6587
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    Not serious enough for "fucked day" but...

    I've practically moved to Cincinnati for my girlfriend's residency at Cincy Children's last week but have to wrap things up with my current job. I'm starting a new job on July 22nd so I was planning on putting in my two week notice today so that I could wrap up on July 17th, thus giving me time to drive the 2% of my things left here in Memphis up to Cincy and then head home to St. Louis to be with friends and family for my birthday. I got back from vacation Monday and saw an email invite for a 1:1 coaching session with my exec leader at 3pm and thought "Great, I'll give it to him then."

    He calls at 3 and I already have my notice typed up and signed with emails ready to go to him and HR when after exchanging pleasantries... he asks if we can reschedule because the previous manager he had a session with before mine went over their time and then had him working on something for them that "couldn't wait."

    So, I now have to wait over 40 hours (because we're closed tomorrow) to give this notice at 9am on Friday. UGH. I'm still asking for the 17th since he delayed this. Super annoying.

  18. #6588
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    When your condo tower strata decides that hell, it's been 10yrs...time for a complete building repair and paint job. So now the $4000 I had set aside for Hawaii and a full back piece tattoo is now sitting at about $350! Awesome!

  19. #6589
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    I pointed out - politely - that the people in the big city most likely lived in small apartments and walk / take public transit everywhere, while people in that rural area have entire houses for just a couple people and will drive their gas-guzzling pickup around by themselves to go 15 miles to the store, meaning the city dwellers quite possibly have a much lower carbon footprint. And that I've never seen anyone in a big city with a brush pile burning for days on end.

    He unfriended me.

    Oh well.

  20. #6590
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    I was supposed to be leaving Denver at 4:30 to LAX this afternoon with my buddy for the potentially-last-ever show by The Ghost Inside tomorrow night and got a text from SWA that our flight was canceled. I confirmed online and was able to get onto the 7:45pm flight but couldn't get hold of him and of course the flight filled up. He did the AirBNB reservation and has the info so he's kind of critical to this trip. I called Southwest and they confirmed the 4:30 flight which is currently en route from DEN to Milwaukee and then was supposed to fly back from MKE to DEN before heading to LAX is in fact canceled and she said it was due to "weather issues."

    Milwaukee: 78 F currently, high of 85 F with 0% chance of rain
    Denver: 89 F currently, high of 94 F, 20% chance of rain
    LA: 75 F currently, high of 84 F, 0% chance of rain

    Yeah, I guess all this perfect weather is just too much for the pilots to handle. What the FUCK?

  21. #6591
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    Bought a new TV last night. Woke up to a cancellation notice. Thanks, Best Buy.

    I know sites aren't legally obligated to honor a price if they fuck it up on their site, but they should anyway when they've got that much money. Oh well. Guess customer service is lost on some people.

  22. #6592
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    Having worked in the electronics area of a big box store, not Best Buy but a competitor, my advice is to NEVER trust the online stock if it says Pick Me Up Today! Call the store, make the kid walk back to where they keep the shit, visually verify that it is there for you. Electronics, especially tvs, are perpetually short stocked from the manufacturers. You'll get two, maybe three shipments of general stock tvs from spring into early summer, and that's it. Everything else will be held in reserve until the holiday months which is pure shit and a stock nightmare.

  23. #6593
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    It was like 103 degrees today, gonna be about the same tomorrow, and people just want to STAND OUTSIDE IN THE SUN AND SHOOT THE SHIT LIKE WE AIN’T UNDER HEAT ADVISORY. Nah, I’m cool sweating bullets while I listen to you tell me what you think about the new Top Gun trailer. Riveting. That’s totally what I came here for, thank you.

    Fuckin’...if we have to stand and make small talk and banter can we please at least not do it with the afternoon sun over our heads? Go under some shade? Anything?? Why are we doing this?

  24. #6594
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Having worked in the electronics area of a big box store, not Best Buy but a competitor, my advice is to NEVER trust the online stock if it says Pick Me Up Today! Call the store, make the kid walk back to where they keep the shit, visually verify that it is there for you. Electronics, especially tvs, are perpetually short stocked from the manufacturers. You'll get two, maybe three shipments of general stock tvs from spring into early summer, and that's it. Everything else will be held in reserve until the holiday months which is pure shit and a stock nightmare.
    I didn't do pickup though; I did delivery. Because I knew pickup would be bad for EXACTLY that reason. But even then, people who ordered these for pickup were being turned away even though the set was in stock. Had nothing to do with availability. They wholesale canceled EVERY order for that SKU.

    Whatever, joke's on them. Gonna have a lot of purchases coming up for home theater gear and appliances, and now they are 100% off the list for all of it.

  25. #6595
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    Well what started as a little leak in my ceiling on Monday resulted in coming home Thursday to a massive crack in my ceiling and my floor/rug soaked...luckily i had let the tenant agency know as soon as i saw it Monday so my landlord was actually there when it happened and fixed the leak/tried to save my rug. Now i just have to wait for him to repair the ceiling (who knows when that might be), but i'm just happy it just landed on my rug, 3 months ago that area was my desk

  26. #6596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Well what started as a little leak in my ceiling on Monday resulted in coming home Thursday to a massive crack in my ceiling and my floor/rug soaked...luckily i had let the tenant agency know as soon as i saw it Monday so my landlord was actually there when it happened and fixed the leak/tried to save my rug. Now i just have to wait for him to repair the ceiling (who knows when that might be), but i'm just happy it just landed on my rug, 3 months ago that area was my desk
    Also luckily you're renting. Don't want to think about what that would cost if it was your responsibility! Hope the weather isn't too bad while you're waiting.

  27. #6597
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Also luckily you're renting. Don't want to think about what that would cost if it was your responsibility! Hope the weather isn't too bad while you're waiting.
    Yeah i am super lucky. No idea when it'll be fixed so i have had to just use duct tape to stop it getting worse for now. Also the leak was from a pipe in the flat above which has been fixed, so no need to worry about the weather...though it is VERY WARM!

  28. #6598
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I found myself taunting and mocking a fox-watching Trump supporter online who wasn’t even talking about politics... what the fuck is wrong with me. So what if someone loves Laura Ingaham and Tucker Carlson and their avatar is an American flag... I’m letting the news I’m reading affect me too much

    I honestly think it's ALL affecting me too much. Suddenly, it fills me with a rage, like "fuck you I wanna FIGHT" when I talk to Trump supporters... it wasn't like this with Bush Jr. This isn't just relegated to online discourse, I've almost gotten into literal fist fights with people. It's too much. I'm really not a violent person. I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't live in some place that's 99% liberal. I'm sure I'd be dead at this point.
    dude. ha. What you do is, you pretty much don't leave the house. I went to the pharmacy the other day. This guy had on, like, an NRA vest, and a gun on his waist. But he was walking with a cane. So me, ever the altruist, with my long hair and piercings and such, I tried to hold the door open for him. He looked at me like, just fucking FURIOUS, and growled some hateful shit at me in response.
    From there, I went to the post office, where I encountered ANOTHER dude with a gun on his belt. This second guy is an old family friend, but, goddamn.
    This is in a town of 2000. Two people, in ten minutes, exercising their open carry rights, in a town of 2000, where there is like, absolutely NO need to pack heat.
    And remember, a few years ago, that guy wanted to fight me for wearing a black and white American flag shirt.
    So, yeah, you mostly chill at the house.

  29. #6599
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    When racist people try to publicly chastise you in the most passive aggressive way possible.

  30. #6600
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    Just about everything today. I'm thinking I need to stop drinking coffee again. Like I literally just want to hulk smash at this point. Hopefully work goes well.

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