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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #4771
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    So, I'm just commenting on the Facebook thing and not the preceding shitty behavior:

    But, I use Facebook like this (and you've seen me use Facebook like this, though I didn't give folks detailed requests for support). If I'm upset about something/feeling really shitty, engaging one on one can be pretty draining and not helpful for me. Particularly when it means I need to go into the specifics of my situation to them/spend time there. It's why, 90% of the time if people message me and go "Do you want to talk." I really, truly won't want to. Also, I tend to be happiest with some isolation in my life. But small amounts of reassurance from a lot of people can be helpful, and giving a lot of people a controlled quantity of information about my situation in one go is also helpful.

    But like, in the context of her being avoidant lately of y'all and all the other stuff, totally get how that could be frustrating and not trying to say it's not.
    yeah, i have no problem with using it as a platform to reach out to people in the way that you do, but it really just wholly comes across as an attention-seeking behavior on her part. without more context, it's harder to see, but understand that it's a long history of things painting it that way.

  2. #4772
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    That could all be chalked up to her having undiagnosed bipolar diaorser, as well.

  3. #4773
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    That could all be chalked up to her having undiagnosed bipolar diaorser, as well.
    That's what I was thinking @eversonpoe . Cut her some slack until she finds an even keel?

  4. #4774
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    So I found an apartment that I and my potential roommate both like. The landlord seems chill and is willing to work with us - negotiated rent, and is willing to take extra security since my credit sucks. We checked out the space Sunday and like it. When I emailed him later, he said someone else had offered him even more than he was initially asking. Then this morning he emails me and tells me the other applicant got rejected, and wants to know if we are still interested. I repeat to him that my credit is shit, and I tell him what the negative marks on it are. He thanks me for being honest and says he is willing to work with it, just needs to do the credit/background check on us, which is $100 each. I email roommate giving her all of this information, excited as shit, and now she is being resistant on doing the background check. I told her he just needs to verify what I am telling him and needs to make sure we have no evictions, etc. But now all of a sudden she thinks it feels "shady".

    Aaaaaargh. She doesn't have a time crunch like I do. She doesn't have to leave her place, she just wants to. But the clock is ticking for me. This is an awful lot of work and effort on his part of he's only trying to scam us out of $200.

  5. #4775
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    so, earlier this month, we had to get our front left tire patched because we somehow ran over a screw on the road, on the way to ikea. no big deal.

    yesterday, a low tire pressure warning comes on for the rear right tire, so i fill it back up, it's fine, and then i get the warning again in the evening.

    this morning, i make an appointment to bring in the car (my wife works in downtown evanston, where i'm also cat-sitting, and the dealership is just a few blocks away).

    on the way driving her to work this morning, on this crazy narrow street (ridge, for any of you who live around here), i run up on to the curb a little bit and completely pop the front right tire.

    thank goodness i had my bike in the back of the car and i don't have regular work today, but fuck, what a way to start the week. at least i'm good at changing a tire and i was only three blocks from the dealership.
    so because of this whole debacle on monday, i ended up riding my bike over 12 miles. it was the first time i had ridden in, like...two months? and to de-stress after a long day, we had a couple drinks with dinner that night.

    well, i woke up tuesday with terrible congestion that has gotten progressively worse, on top of it, my stomach started hurting yesterday, and today my body decided to add a near-migraine-level headache. as the day has worn on, i have gotten weaker and weaker, to the point that i couldn't even open the door of the car when we got home (i was so messed up when leaving my parents' house that my mom drove me to pick up my wife from work and then my wife drove home; my mom got a ride back home from my dad).

    i almost dropped my computer getting it out of my bag because my grip strength is almost completely gone. it's taking me forever to type this because my finger dexterity is depleted. i have no idea what the fuck is going on.

    oh, and we don't have insurance until next week when september starts because my wife has only been at her new job since the end of june.

  6. #4776
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    @eversonpoe that sounds like you are REALLY dehydrated.

  7. #4777
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @eversonpoe that sounds like you are REALLY dehydrated.
    yeah, i think i downed probably...18 glasses of water yesterday in total? i'm feeling a little better today (my strength seems to be back, my head isn't pounding), but i'm still really congested and my stomach is still being wonky. just really need to be ok for tomorrow when we're attending a gala for sarah's work.

  8. #4778
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    yeah, i think i downed probably...18 glasses of water yesterday in total? i'm feeling a little better today (my strength seems to be back, my head isn't pounding), but i'm still really congested and my stomach is still being wonky. just really need to be ok for tomorrow when we're attending a gala for sarah's work.
    Keep drinking lots of water, maybe get some Gatoraid or something with electrolytes ...

  9. #4779
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Keep drinking lots of water, maybe get some Gatoraid or something with electrolytes ...
    every time i hear the word electrolytes, i think of this:

  10. #4780
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    every time i hear the word electrolytes, i think of this
    Heh, that reminds me of my husband and his friends who used to drink Red Bull and Vodka. So you're, like, WIDE AWAKE DRUNK.

    I know that when I had to do that awful PREP for a certain required MEDICAL PROCEDURE that I will not name but everyone eventually has to have it and the PREP is AWFUL, the docs told me to drink clear Gatorade (you have to fast and have nothing but CLEAR stuff for 24 hours which gave me a fucking MIGRAINE for 48 hours). They define "clear" as "you can read a newspaper through it" which means "you are gonna be FUCKING HUNGRY AND WISH YOU WERE DEAD." Ugh, awful; but the risks of not having the procedure is worse.

    Anyway, hope you get rehydrated.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-26-2016 at 04:00 PM.

  11. #4781
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    they're not too casual as long as the wedding isn't black tie. i like dressing up, personally, but i also get hot and sweaty very quickly, so i have gone to weddings wearing just nice pants, a nice button-up, and a tie, and it hasn't been a problem.
    I followed your advice and I'm glad I did. It was 30°C and the wedding was outside on direct sunlight so I would probably melted in any kind of suit. Thank you

  12. #4782
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    I went along to the first day of the FYF Festival (aka the Fuck Yeah Festival Festival) in LA today, because a good friend had an extra ticket, and I felt saying no would be a shitty thing to do. I just... I think I hate that festival. Every year, no matter how good the lineup is, I walk away feeling pissed off.

    But this? I'm sitting there, watching Tame Impala play, and glad that at least one of the rock bands is sounding good... but by that point my back is torture, and my feet hurt, and I'm tired... I'm getting too old for this sort of shit.... and all of the kids are wearing ironic t-shirts and doing way too many drugs and acting like dumbasses... Some silly fucker ran into me at full speed and almost knocked me on my ass... I almost reflexively punched him in the stomach and barely restrained myself...

    But the music? Most of the stages sounded terrible. I like Air, but they were so quiet you could barely hear them over the stoney chatter from the audience... I really keep trying to give Grimes a chance and see what people like about her but it just doesn't work for me... the first rapper on the main stage, I forgot his name, but all it sounded like to me was huge 808 bass drum hits with long decay... Oneohtrix Point Never was really good, but by the time I was catching their set I was feeling pretty miserable. To my surprise, Shellac was unlistenable. DIIV sounded cool, but they were playing while I was stuck in the clusterfuck stampede to get into the venue... it took about an hour to actually get in there through the disneyland-line winding bullshit... I left before Kendrick Lamar played, because I just couldn't handle it anymore.

    What a drag it is getting old... And now I've got to do this again tomorrow... I've never in my life dreaded going to a concert. I think the only band playing tomorrow that I want to see is Beach House, and I'm not even that big of a fan.

  13. #4783
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    Wait ... SHELLAC sucked???

  14. #4784
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    so i have a potential problem brewing.
    one of the biggest reasons i left Dallas 4 years ago or so was to get away from the ubiquitous liquor stores.
    Then they started selling beer here a couple of years ago, but i like generally throw beer up before i can get enough of it in to do much damage.

    Well, i just saw a sign like 1.5 miles from our house that says "Liquor Store. Coming Soon!"
    It's actually like a metal fucking BARN, but inside they will sell liquor.

    If i start drinking the way i did before, i'll be dead in like two years. And i swear to god i walk into liquor stores like on autopilot, not wanting to buy it, not wanting to drink it, knowing the consequences and doing it all the same.

    This is going to be a motherfucking test. And this is likely going to push me back into 12 stepping (which i fucking hate, but it kinda works)

  15. #4785
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    second time I've had a drunk (or somehow impaired) Uber driver. He kept trying exaggerated appearances that he was being very pro and alert (hands at ten and two... trying to always not speed, but then fucking up and speeding, and when he catches himself he slowwwwwwwws down... at one point to 15 miles below the speed limit), slowing down whenever a car approached until (seemingly) he could tell it wasn't a cop... constantly running into the lane dividers... he's constantly oversteering turns... at one point I tell him to turn right and he turns left...

    And I can't even report this guy because I'm not the one who called the Uber. I was the designated driver, so my friend called the Uber. He has to be the one to report him, and I know he won't.

  16. #4786
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    Second hand embarrassment is the worst!
    Last edited by Volband; 09-01-2016 at 01:37 PM.

  17. #4787
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    And I can't even report this guy because I'm not the one who called the Uber. I was the designated driver, so my friend called the Uber. He has to be the one to report him, and I know he won't.
    Please report him/get your friend to. Scum like that need their license taken away.
    I had a drunk cab driver in Dublin one night, he drove down a one way street, lucky it was like 3 in the morning and there was no one there. Would have thought of reporting him if I hadn't been returning from ER after a night of excruciating pain.

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  19. #4789
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Please report him/get your friend to. Scum like that need their license taken away.
    I had a drunk cab driver in Dublin one night, he drove down a one way street, lucky it was like 3 in the morning and there was no one there. Would have thought of reporting him if I hadn't been returning from ER after a night of excruciating pain.
    There's no way this guy is going to do it... even if I asked him to, he's the kind of guy who will say "oh, yeah yeah yeah, I sent an email, all good... no worries..."

    in fact, when I told him about it tonight, he laughed.

  20. #4790
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    There's no way this guy is going to do it... even if I asked him to, he's the kind of guy who will say "oh, yeah yeah yeah, I sent an email, all good... no worries..."

    in fact, when I told him about it tonight, he laughed.
    ask to borrow his phone and just use it to report the guy

  21. #4791
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    I know i mentioned this before but HOLY FUCK this ServiceOntario shit is driving me crazy.

    You could have a driver's license in another Canadian province for 50 years but hey that's not good enough, it has to be an ONTARIO license in order to get a Health Card, that's like for my Mother who was BORN in Ontario and had been a resident there for decades...only to have moved and lived in Alberta for 15 years and decided to come back to Ontario... in order for her to get a health card she has to get a new driver's license but oh wait no no no you can't just get a new license just like that nooooooo you have to get the fancy new marriage certificate because apparently her original one is not good enough so she has to get a NEW marriage certificate to get a NEW driver's license to get a Health Card. UNFUCKINGREAL!

    You know if It's not enough to prove who you are with a birth certificate that has your name, date of birth, place of birth, registration number, if it's not enough if you have a driver's license or ID card from another province that has your photo and fucking signature on it, if it's not enough to have a health card from another province then they might as well ask for a lock of hair, a vial of blood and a god damn fucking stool sample because at this point i don't know what the hell else is going to satisfy this people.

  22. #4792
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    This guy tried to start a fist fight with me, in a store, no less, because i had on a black and white flag t shirt. He was actually SPITTING in my face as he talked.
    And i couldn't do anything about it, because i am at the point where if i get in another fight of any kind, i WILL go to prison for at least 2 years (and quite possibly more, up to 10. it could piss the judge off that i lawyered my way out of the first two.) So i just had to take it.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-02-2016 at 09:28 PM. Reason: Brevity

  23. #4793
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    What's the problem with black and white flag shirt?

  24. #4794
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This guy tried to start a fist fight with me, in a store, no less, because i had on a black and white flag t shirt. He was actually SPITTING in my face as he talked.
    And i couldn't do anything about it, because i am at the point where if i get in another fight of any kind, i WILL go to prison for at least 2 years (and quite possibly more, up to 10. it could piss the judge off that i lawyered my way out of the first two.) So i just had to take it.
    I mean, the most important thing in this story for me is what the f did you do, that you are on the razor's edge? Especially if you live in Texas - I always thought people in Texas just shoot each other if there's a problem, hah!

  25. #4795
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    What's the problem with black and white flag shirt?
    i have no clue!

  26. #4796
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i have no clue!
    If you Google "black and white American flag", you end up in a yahoo answers thread that manages to both confuse you further yet enlighten you to the fact that it is indeed a controversial image. The problem being that nobody seems to agree on the reason why.

  27. #4797
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    I just assumed it was a dumb patriotism thing. Certain folks are incredibly sensitive and uptight about the flag. They don't like anyone messing with the shape or colors or whatever. You're not supposed to let it touch the ground, and don't ever turn it upside down. I remember reading some right wing forum years ago where they were talking about some concert where Kid Rock wore a flag by cutting a hole in the middle and draping it over himself, and a bunch of people thought that was horribly disrespectful.

    There's just a lot of idiots out there where the flag is almost like some sacred religious thing.

  28. #4798
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    I assume it's also due to the whole "America, FUCK YEAH!" shit that Trump is stirring up right now, plus the whole Kaepernick thing has talking heads going apeshit and stirring up the Angry White People with shit like this stupid ass:

    So any little tiny thing makes drunk hillbillies go nuts. It's not worth elevating your blood pressure, @elevenism , you took the high road.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-03-2016 at 11:20 AM.

  29. #4799
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    The little things that piss you off

    picked up another 3 points on my licence today, seems like i've been driving the works van at the wrong speed limit, now i'm worried if i've passed any police camera vans lately doing what i thought was the speed limit

  30. #4800
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I assume it's also due to the whole "America, FUCK YEAH!" shit that Trump is stirring up right now, plus the whole Kaepernick thing has talking heads going apeshit and stirring up the Angry White People with shit like this stupid ass:
    So any little tiny thing makes drunk hillbillies go nuts. It's not worth elevating your blood pressure, @elevenism, you took the high road.
    But strangely, this guy was a mexican in Cactus, Texas, a town known from here to south america as a haven for illegal immigrants.
    I just don't know what in the fuck to think as to why he wanted to fight me.

    For me, well, the fucking main thing is that the flag was on the cover of Stankonia by Outkast.
    It's also been used as a BLM logo, so there's that.
    And finally i think it's a good representation of the dichotomy between our 2 gridlocked "political parties" in this country.

    That is what the shirt means to me.

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