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Thread: Gun Talk - News, Laws, etc.

  1. #1681
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Dear youth of the USA (or anywhere, really),

    DO NOT STEAL YOUR PARENTS' GUNS AND TRY TO TURN THEM IN TO YOUR TEACHERS. Seriously, there's so many things wrong with that.
    I noted the kid in the video isn't black - if he was they'd have to have a caveat beseeching the kid not to let any police see his gun on the way to school without risking certain death

  2. #1682
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_k_f View Post
    comparing guns to anything else except maybe missiles or grenades is ridiculous.... Cars, pools, and pretty much everything else's main use isn't to kill something.. Even knives.. The main purpose of a firearm is to kill something or do great bodily harm. Even if your using it as a deterrent, the thing that is effective in the equation of deterrence is the fear of death or great bodily harm.
    for every gun packing granny successfully defending her tv (and props to granny) how many idiots accidently shoot themselves or someone and how many assholes intentionally shoot someone? Perhaps even comparing the two (accidental & intentional) doesn't really get you anywhere... Anywho, with all issues of gun violence and accidents I feel that stupidity, carelessness and the ease of access to obtain one are the 3 main factors... Sensible gun laws are the only answer, doing nothing only continues the current trend.. Pew pew...
    What's a sensible gun law?

  3. #1683
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  4. #1684
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    Quote Originally Posted by green View Post
    What's a sensible gun law?
    The U.S. Supreme Court has lots of them, as does the Feds and pretty much every state in the Union.

    The inability to own machine guns? That's a sensible gun law (that already exists). People with Orders of Protection against them not being able to buy ammo or a gun? Great idea (that already exists in most states). There are a lot more, really. Not that people don't break these laws, but that's not the point.

    See the US Supreme Court Heller Opinion:

    Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-30-2014 at 11:27 PM.

  5. #1685
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    This one actually made the news here in Quebec both on tv and prints.

  6. #1686
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The U.S. Supreme Court has lots of them, as does the Feds and pretty much every state in the Union.

    The inability to own machine guns? That's a sensible gun law (that already exists). People with Orders of Protection against them not being able to buy ammo or a gun? Great idea (that already exists in most states). There are a lot more, really. Not that people don't break these laws, but that's not the point.

    See the US Supreme Court Heller Opinion:
    I was being coy.

  7. #1687
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    Quote Originally Posted by green View Post
    I was being coy.
    I don't think that's the word you meant to use.

  8. #1688
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think that's the word you meant to use.
    It was, and still is.

  9. #1689
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    do you mean you were being facetious? I still don't really get it.

  10. #1690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    do you mean you were being facetious? I still don't really get it.
    No, I was being coy. A playful shyness, borderline intentionally ignorant. Almost rhetorical but not really, because the op is a little hostile in that post, and I wanted to gauge the reaction. Is that not coy? If it's not coy, I know it's not facetious. Facetious is pretty close to trolling, right? That wasn't the intent.

  11. #1691
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    gonna guess sarcastic would be the best description.

    Whether it was asked because you don't believe sensible gun laws exist or because you think they do exist and others don't... is the question people are probably asking.

    "sensible gun law" means something different to a lot of people. Some would define it as zero restrictions on guns. Some would define it as absolute prohibition. Some/most would define it somewhere in between. Everyone likes to call THEIR proposed law sensible.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 01-01-2015 at 11:02 AM.

  12. #1692
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    1 year after the IL concealed cary law, 90k residents have permits. Police say there has been no noticeable negative impact.

  13. #1693
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  14. #1694
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    I understand that owning guns is so embedded into America's culture and history that there is no changing that, as freaky as it sounds to a European, but there's a huge problem when people are so nonchalant about having a loaded gun handy.
    I mean, how come these things don't happen with knives ? You never hear about a kid accidentally stabbing a brother or a parent... Is a gun the thing you have around but never talk about ? And I know there are plenty of people who are capable of being responsible about that, but hell, that kind of tragedy is so alien to me...

  15. #1695
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I mean, how come these things don't happen with knives ? You never hear about a kid accidentally stabbing a brother or a parent...
    It does happen, it's stranger and freakier and harder to believe, but it happens.

  16. #1696
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    But that's an entirely different kind of accident, isn't it ? It has little to do with proper education on how to behave around potential weapons. She was doing the dishes, her brother startled her while she was holding a knife. She didn't stab him just to see how it went... It's tragic, but as you said, it's a freak accident...
    That 5 years old kid grabbed his parents' gun, pointed it at his brother, and pulled the trigger. It's something else entirely. I've been in the army, I know different handguns handle differently, but usually pulling the trigger ain't so easy a 5 year old can squeeze it by accident...
    There's a whole chain of events here I can't fathom, really...

  17. #1697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    But that's an entirely different kind of accident, isn't it ? It has little to do with proper education on how to behave around potential weapons.
    ... wuh? That's exactly what the majority of gun accidents are. The article even says the gun situation was entirely on the parents not storing their guns properly. I'd bet anything the parents never bothered to teach that 5 year old how to behave around guns either.

    And to answer the question of why you never hear about it with other weapons/lethal items: it's not viewed as news worthy. Accidents from both guns and knives are, statistically, pretty damn small to begin with. We are talking well under 1% of all fatal accidents. I'm not going to spend much time producing statistics because of how much the scope of "the problem" will quickly shift from "accidents" to "killings" to whatever other perceived situation seems to make sense in these situations, but here is one example that plots fatal accidents: If the problem is scoped to "fatal accidents", it makes no sense why anyone would focus on guns as the target.

  18. #1698
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    how come these things don't happen with knives ? You never hear about a kid accidentally stabbing a brother or a parent...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It does happen, it's stranger and freakier and harder to believe, but it happens.
    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    But that's an entirely different kind of accident, isn't it ? It has little to do with proper education on how to behave around potential weapons. She was doing the dishes, her brother startled her while she was holding a knife. She didn't stab him just to see how it went...
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    ... wuh? That's exactly what the majority of gun accidents are.
    Clearly, he was referring to the article that @Jinsai linked about a specific KNIFE accident.

    And he posed something I often can't fathom, either: how such a small child manages to pull a double-action trigger.

    And, yeah, parents backing over kids with their cars is by far the most common form of fatal accident, but that's going to decrease a lot with backup safety cameras.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-20-2015 at 08:55 PM.

  19. #1699
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    Yeah, I'm an idiot. I thought he was saying that the knife incident was a lack of proper education, as opposed to the gun issues.
    reading comprehension fail.

  20. #1700
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    And he posed something I often can't fathom, either: how such a small child manages to pull a double-action trigger.
    it was a .22, so it may have been one of those tiny ones. Still, most children's hands are too small to grip a gun and get their finger to operate the trigger. That's why they almost always try to operate the trigger with their thumbs... which means they end up pointing the gun directly at their own head to do it

    I have issues with the video too.

    1 - Their "gun safety expert" (or whatever) says "kids don't know that a gun will kill someone, they just think it's a toy." No god damn it. No! My kid knew at 2yo that guns kill and that if he ever saw one that he was supposed to immediately go tell an adult. This is a mandatory thing to teach kids, especially if you have a gun in the house.

    2 - He shows off a trigger lock as a safe way of securing a gun. These things are ridiculously unsafe. It's very easy to wiggle them around and pull the trigger. Hell, it's easy to accidentally pull the trigger of the gun when you are simply removing them. In some instances, it makes the gun even more dangerous than if it was completely unlocked. If you ever see one of these, don't trust it.

  21. #1701
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    Not sure if you guys have seen this, but it has been making the rounds on the internet. It is absolutely INSANE.

    Dude with a machete breaks through this guy's door like a fucking horror movie. Cops were on their way, but "when seconds matter, cops are minutes away" applies again. The home owner uses his gun. The dude with the machete is stopped, but does not die. He actually admits, on video, that he was going to kill the owner.

    note: The audio is kinda low.

    News article about wtf happened.
    Terrifying footage shows man kicking down apartment door wielding a MACHETE just moments before he is shot by the homeowner

    It happened 2 years ago, but the machete guy was just convicted.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 01-20-2015 at 09:31 PM.

  22. #1702
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    Scared white man follows black man into a Walmart, then puts him in a chokehold and tackles him. Why? Because he had a holstered gun on him. The gun was a completely legal and permitted concealed carry. Scared white man is charged with battery.

    Gun control rhetoric is growing the fear quite nicely, right alongside the sharia law fear. fear Fear FEAR!

  23. #1703
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Terrifying footage shows man kicking down apartment door wielding a MACHETE just moments before he is shot by the homeowner
    What the hell was that door made out of, cardboard?

  24. #1704
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    What the hell was that door made out of, cardboard?
    This seems to be a universal observation of this video, and I'm glad. I'm guessing the landlord thought it was ok to use shitty "interior doors" there because it was a shared hallway and protected by the main building door. Shit was absolutely insane.

  25. #1705
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    A Texas paramilitary style group is organized in response to police brutality


    pro-gun-control groups are going to be pretty confused here... as are the anti-gun-control GOP types. My bet is both groups are going to be very silent on this because it doesn't fit their rhetoric. But, how long until we see GOP sponsored gun control to "deal" with this just like Ronald "GOP Jesus" Reagan did back in California?

  26. #1706
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  27. #1707
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    Instead of my usual "11yo shot and killed" posting, I decided to go in a different direction here.

    Law-abiding citizen gets tackled by Walmart customers for having a gun. This supports my theory that most everyone is armed and sooner or later, citizens are gonna start shooting each other not knowing whether they're dealing with a criminal or just some random dude with a CC permit. It just takes one trigger happy person who's gonna fear for his life.

  28. #1708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Instead of my usual "11yo shot and killed" posting, I decided to go in a different direction here.

    Law-abiding citizen gets tackled by Walmart customers for having a gun. This supports my theory that most everyone is armed and sooner or later, citizens are gonna start shooting each other not knowing whether they're dealing with a criminal or just some random dude with a CC permit. It just takes one trigger happy person who's gonna fear for his life.
    but yeah, im happy that idiot is being charged with battery.

  29. #1709
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    This thread deserves some much needed comedy.

  30. #1710
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