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Thread: Resident Evil Series

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Fuck those G-Adult variants in the sewers. I've wasted a good deal of ammo on them stupidly trying to get room. Hard to dodge for me.
    Agreed! And yes, those fucking things are ridiculous. I wasted almost a half hour trying to not waste ammo and get lucky dodging them. What I do is once they go into that position where it spits out those little face hugger things, I try to run by. If there is no room, lure it out into a more open space if possible. I cannot wait to beat this and get the ranking for infinite ammo on the rocket launcher; gonna kill every fucking one of them.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Finally beat Leon A. Good shit. Started Claire B, but I'm not diving all the way in. Gonna finish kingdom hearts first. Depending on whatever else comes out this year, this is a very strong candidate for GOTY .
    this is drifty, but... kingdom hearts 3 is the most obnoxiously inept video game storytelling EVER. At least the earlier games seemed to understand that they were weird fanservice.... this is just an annoying mess. At least the gameplay doesn’t suck this time

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Agreed! And yes, those fucking things are ridiculous. I wasted almost a half hour trying to not waste ammo and get lucky dodging them. What I do is once they go into that position where it spits out those little face hugger things, I try to run by. If there is no room, lure it out into a more open space if possible. I cannot wait to beat this and get the ranking for infinite ammo on the rocket launcher; gonna kill every fucking one of them.
    I killed most of them except for the ones after the bottom waterway on route to the plugs. The area with the mounds of trash and shit that branches off. I managed to dodge 2 using the method you said through trial and error. Still took damage and wasted about 170 flame fuel on a few. Ugh.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 02-08-2019 at 10:29 PM.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    this is drifty, but... kingdom hearts 3 is the most obnoxiously inept video game storytelling EVER. At least the earlier games seemed to understand that they were weird fanservice.... this is just an annoying mess. At least the gameplay doesn’t suck this time
    Yeah, I'm getting pretty burned out from it already... It's fun, in a braindead kind of way. Still a little salty they released these games so close together though.

  5. #245
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    Angry Video Game Nerd does a fantastic timeline video for Kingdom Hearts... Highly recommended and hilarious.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Angry Video Game Nerd does a fantastic timeline video for Kingdom Hearts... Highly recommended and hilarious.
    Least he's better at that than Resident Evil 2. His skill level was abysmal when I watched his Mike Monday Show earlier this week when he gave the remaster a spin.

  7. #247
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    Love the updated controls in this remake I wish they would redo RE4 like this.

    I love this game so far, it's so intense. I tried to turn on HDR on but it made the picture look washed out so I turned it off and the game looks dark, as it suppose to, and great again.
    Last edited by Rdm; 02-09-2019 at 01:46 AM.

  8. #248
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    I could kick myself for doing something stupid, I’ve been through Leon a and Claire B on assisted difficulty so I started Claire A on standard difficulty, got all the way to the Lab and after being killed for the nth time it asks me if I want to transfer to assisted and stupid me accidentally says yes, what a waste! I was hoping to get some special ammo or something for completing on standard

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Love the updated controls in this remake I wish they would redo RE4 like this.

    I love this game so far, it's so intense. I tried to turn on HDR on but it made the picture look washed out so I turned it off and the game looks dark, as it suppose to, and great again.
    you have to have HDR setup right... have you played other games with HDR enabled?

  10. #250
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    I have a HDR TV,Sony X900F, it makes the games I've tried look washed out. I have researched it bit and most people have just turned off HDR. The picture is really nice looking regardless but it would be nice to implement the HDR.

    Ever since the first time I saw the Tyrant come through wall and kill that prisoner I've been so worried about running into him again. And I just met him and got away and than ran face to face with him in the lobby, my heart just blew up i need a break.
    Last edited by Rdm; 02-09-2019 at 03:49 PM.

  11. #251
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    Finished Leon Scenario A tonight (finally). Managed a B Rank but mainly due to time (5 hrs 50 minutes and some odd seconds) but I took my time to explore and familiarize. I also got every secret item and Mr. Raccoon possible. I got 11/15 and 3 are Claire only and the last one is right by RPD front doors in the bushes. So I'll get all 15.

    I had to retry the last two boss fights a bit. G third form was mostly easy but I'd fuck up due to my aim being off for the eyes. Super Tyrant on the other hand was an asshole but once I stopped focusing on using the shotgun and started using Matilda and the flamethrower he was a piece of cake. Felt satisfying to use the rocket launcher to shoot him in the face point blank and watch the upper torso disappear haha.

    I managed all boss specific achievements, time based achievements, all the files and got all attachments for every weapon in the Leon play through. Since I'm familiarized with RPD and other areas of the game, my Claire Scenario B run should be faster and much more smooth! I'll start her's tomorrow.

    Love this remake! That's how you do it. This is the Capcom I know and love.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    I have a HDR TV,Sony X900F, it makes the games I've tried look washed out. I have researched it bit and most people have just turned off HDR. The picture is really nice looking regardless but it would be nice to implement the HDR.
    HDR will only work using HDMI port 2 or 3 on that particular TV; you will also need an HDMI 2.0 cable to take advantage of 4K @ 60Hz, HDR, HDCP, etc.

    From the External Input menu, select HDMI Signal Format, and then select Enhanced Format. Also, verify that X-tended Dynamic range is set to High.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    HDR will only work using HDMI port 2 or 3 on that particular TV; you will also need an HDMI 2.0 cable to take advantage of 4K @ 60Hz, HDR, HDCP, etc.

    From the External Input menu, select HDMI Signal Format, and then select Enhanced Format. Also, verify that X-tended Dynamic range is set to High.

    I’ve done that and it looks great it’s just the HDR on video games just looks too bright. I been through 3 expensive 2.0 HDMI cables and decided to keep the Audioquest one. I didn’t think different HDMI cables would make a diifernce but the Audioquest definitely runs smoother. The PS4 pro is running 4K at 60 FPS, it’s just the HDR mode that I’m having problems with. I been on reddit trying to figure it out and for the most part people are just turning off the HDR option on the PS4. Thanks for the response, if you hear anything different please share.

    While playong Resident Evil 2 the difference between HDR being on or off is literally night and day for me.

    Also the footsteps by Mr X in this game is freaking me out, reminds me of the Xenomorph from alien Isolation.
    Last edited by Rdm; 02-10-2019 at 06:44 PM.

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Love this remake! That's how you do it. This is the Capcom I know and love.
    I never played the original REs (my parents wouldn't let me get any other system besides an NES, but they let me get a PC...bigger mistake for them). This game was a pleasant surprise, and it sounds like they're going to do Nemesis if this does well, and it is.

  15. #255
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    the part after you open the jewel box ☠️��☠️��. Done for the day

  16. #256
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    I haven't finished Claire Scenario B yet. Been busy and lacking motivation and concentration to try. I made it to Irons Office for the first go.

    I booted up Revelations on my Xbox One and wanna beat it. Might start up REmake and RE0 (managed to get off the train but haven't played since).

    I downloaded some of the OSTs since the new RE2 made me rekindle my love for this series. Vendetta has a kickass theme.

    Very tempted to buy this bitch:

  17. #257
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    It's here.

  18. #258
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    It is so beautiful. Loving the remodeling of the characters, and attaching Resistance is a pretty genius idea with how they revealed it. Between this, Cyberpunk, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and fucking Doom? I'm done for.

  19. #259
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    The way they revealed it was amazing. Looks awesome. Not sure how i feel about the nemesis redesign. Wonder how stressful this one will be. RE3 is one of the few RE games ive never finished.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    The way they revealed it was amazing. Looks awesome. Not sure how i feel about the nemesis redesign. Wonder how stressful this one will be. RE3 is one of the few RE games ive never finished.
    I hate the grey skin tone and new nose. Absolutely despise it.

    I never played the game myself but I know it’s intense due to the asshole following you the entire time. Partially why I stayed away from ever playing it along with the tank controls. This remake should make it more manageable.

  21. #261
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    His face is weird. Looks like he's dressed in trash bags. Maybe I'll change my mind when i see him in action.

  22. #262
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  23. #263
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    He didn't follow you nearly as much as Mr. X does in the remake; I really hope they don't follow that same formula, as it became quite tiresome after awhile in RE:2. Getting different perspectives of the city in the original was cool to see, along with a dodge feature that felt groundbreaking back then.

    My main gripe with RE:2 was not being able to smash any zombie skulls on the ground and being forced to either run or let them live. I want this one to feel somewhat different from its predecessor.

  24. #264
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    I wish it could be April already.

    I love when the tyrants hunt us, its the best part of these games, to me at least.
    Last edited by Rdm; 12-12-2019 at 03:47 PM.

  25. #265
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    I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition! I never did for RE2 and people flipped it for 200%+ profit (or tried to). Assholes like that coupled with the LE run at only Gamestop made it so I couldn't get it.


    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    He didn't follow you nearly as much as Mr. X does in the remake; I really hope they don't follow that same formula, as it became quite tiresome after awhile in RE:2. Getting different perspectives of the city in the original was cool to see, along with a dodge feature that felt groundbreaking back then.

    My main gripe with RE:2 was not being able to smash any zombie skulls on the ground and being forced to either run or let them live. I want this one to feel somewhat different from its predecessor.
    That's why I still haven't beaten RE2 like a dumbass. He's a pain in the ass.

    I'm on the Claire (B Scenario) run back to the underground garage and frankly I was exhausted playing the tedious thing and other games came along. I need to beat it.

  26. #266
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    So psyched for the RE3 remake!! This gives me good incentive to finish my Leon "B" campaign.

    Amazing that it's coming out so (relatively) soon. The multiplayer mode is a potentially very cool addition, too.

    I never played the original RE3 – technically, I never played the OG RE2 but felt like I did since I obsessively watched my brother play through it way back – how does it compare in terms of action, location, etc?

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    That's why I still haven't beaten RE2 like a dumbass. He's a pain in the ass.

    I'm on the Claire (B Scenario) run back to the underground garage and frankly I was exhausted playing the tedious thing and other games came along. I need to beat it.
    Nice grab! I noticed you really have to want to beat this game against putting up with the nonsense at the middle to end. I took a long break from it for awhile and that was a HUGE mistake since I was lost on the controls and the overall layout of the dept. I didn't even need the map I was playing this game so fucking much until I stopped. Once you get used to how he moves you can dodge and avoid him pretty easily.

    I almost fucked myself at the end so make sure you have enough friggin' ammo for the last boss. I was moments away from restarting (From a very old save file) but I pressed on and had to literally make EVERY shot count at the weak points and I prevailed. I am also a trophy hunter, so I got about 63% finished and I don't think I'm ever going back lol.

    Do yourself a favor and beat this fucker. It will make you feel pretty dam good about yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool
    how does it compare in terms of action, location, etc?
    The action is definitely amped up from how the camera zooms in when you're getting attacked, along with being able to hear Mr. X's footsteps that I do not believe you could hear in the original. The locations are almost spot on; they did an excellent job with keeping the aesthetic of the original, but keeping that modern feeling. My only gripe like I said above is not being able to step on their heads when they try to bamboozle you into thinking they're dead.

    You also have imagine playing this game with tank controls. Back then we didn't think anything of it. They still sucked but it was more of the norm. I tried to play Resident Evil 1 the other night and I kept getting killed by the infamous first hallway zombie.... 4.... Fucking.... Times and I gave up. Mind you, I played the first 3 Resident Evil games religiously when they came out.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 12-13-2019 at 10:42 PM.

  28. #268
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    New easter egg/RE3 tie-in trophy/achievement in RE2 was released this past week. Spoiler: Letter from Jill at Kendo Gun Shop in Leon A Scenario story

    New photo. I hate the nose but I kinda dig the stretched skin look they gave his face this go around. Adds to the gruesome factor and definitely makes for a more body horror aspect.

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    New easter egg/RE3 tie-in trophy/achievement in RE2 was released this past week. Spoiler: Letter from Jill at Kendo Gun Shop in Leon A Scenario story

    New photo. I hate the nose but I kinda dig the stretched skin look they gave his face this go around. Adds to the gruesome factor and definitely makes for a more body horror aspect.

    I dunno, i'm hearing a lot of negative feedback about the nose, but i think it's adds to the unsettling look of it. Very much into the body horror aspect of it.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I dunno, i'm hearing a lot of negative feedback about the nose, but i think it's adds to the unsettling look of it. Very much into the body horror aspect of it.
    He’s had no nose and iconic look in the franchise for 20 years and in various games and movies.

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